Demi Lovato (4)

Demi Lovato (yes again)
I’m no astronomer but I have discovered the center point around which the universe revolves. Turns out that it is the person trying to be a contender for Cunt of the Year: Demi Lovato.

The world is not exactly to her liking yet so she feels compelled to make sure we all know where we are going wrong. Some of her life experiences have been traumatic, so any person, business or entity that displays a lack of sensitivity to her trauma needs to be called out. The latest ones to touch a raw nerve with this twat is a frozen yogurt place in California that caters to the healthy and trim clientele. This insults poor Demi who has had eating disorders in her past.

She is getting a lot of blow back from people about this as she should.
Every few days this cunt seems to once again put her cuntitude on full display prompting a swift cunting. For a woman with a man’s chin and supposedly full of “girl power” she sure is a fragile cunt. I can’t wait to see what offends this pathetic woke worrior next.

She will be on my Dead Pool submissions from now on as a wimminz this fragile is due for another tumble off the wagon soon.
Fucking child star snowflake cunt!

Nominated by: Meat Curtains

41 thoughts on “Demi Lovato (4)

  1. Shut up Demi.
    Boo hoo – most of the people who have heard the screeching drivel you allege to be “music” have been traumatised.
    I wonder if she nicked Lady Gaga’s dogs..

  2. Self centred Trollope. I never heard of her before. Now all I hear is her whining victimhood. Who care about this stupid cow?

    • Demi’s become a regular on here, shes like Flabbott or something.
      Anyway whatever shes done now I suggest she ‘pulls the train’ at the ISAC jollyboys party in penance.
      I’ll go first just in case…

      • Yer fucking welcome….I’ve heard of preferring your meat cold but she looks like she’s past the rigor mortis stage and is actually decomposing.

      • Afternoon Jack, ?
        Thats not her above in the pic,
        Thats just some smackrat.
        Demi is pretty horny!
        And as a gentleman Id give her a choice
        “A straight missionary with my beard suffocating you luv?
        Or a dry bumming?”
        Never let it be said I lack romance.
        Fuckin milk tray man I am.

      • Despite the decomposition in the header pic, it won’t stop Ruff or the Cunstable from getting the horn!

        Even in her death throes, this cunt still tries for a bit of attention. “Oh woe is me, I’m about to cark it!”

  3. Isnt this the cunt I cunted after coming across multiple rape allegations to coincide with a (no doubt ground breaking) record release? Hadnt heard of the cunt before then but fuck me she seems to be needy needy needy.

    And MSN is fucking welcome to go first, last or ride fucking shotgun.

  4. Lavato is obviously following the Lilly the musical mong big colouring book of attention seeking whilst climbing the cunt ladder, so what i need now is an axe for the ladder once she is tree quarters of the way up and a big box of Crayola so i can finish the colouring in and then send it to Me-gain Markle so she can compare it with her finished version…..

  5. Mad as chips but free to gob off to the entire planet. 40 years ago, she’d be in a nuthouse, the fucking spastic.

  6. I had a great conversation this morning with a friend I haven’t seen in years. We started talking about the Falklands Conflct in 1982, and how many men died in that war.

    And then we got talking about Simon Weston, who served in that war, and suffered horrendous burn injuries, not least to his face. And ever since then he has had to wear a face mask and cope with PTSD and permanent disfigurement.

    Despite that he is married with 3 children, and does a lot of charity work and copes the best he can without seeking constant media attention about his ailments and mental horrors.

    Compare and contrast a true hero to some shitbag cunt like Lovato.

    Enough said

  7. Lovatoism is Lysenkoism. Bullshit built on mass insanity, shutting up of opposition and entitled lanes for the “woke” Nomenklatura. Fuck off cunts.

  8. Admin, seeing that nomination picture made me spill my cup of tea. I had a coughing fit. Tea and cheese scone everywhere.

    That Demi Tomato sounds like a right dim bulb.

    • Call 0800 111 999-“IsAC Claims 4 Cunts”, Spoons.

      Tell em’ I sent you.
      50/50 split?

  9. Admin – your numbers are mistaken. This is Lovato’s fourth Cunting since March 8th. So many worthy cuntings in such a short space of time. Another ISAC record?

    (Thanks for the heads-up, and you’re quite correct, this is indeed her 4th cunting. Blame it on “technical issues” (In others words NA ogling the header pic) – DA)

  10. I wish this fucker would have a cheeseburger and a side order of cocaine overdose.

  11. Hasn’t this Disney girl train wreck certifiable knickerless cock gobbling cokebag snuffed it yet?

    It’ll be her biggest headline if she does. So let’s hope the demented slag finds the lure of the front page irresisitable.

  12. I think her next trick will be to do a Britney, shave her head ( it couldn’t look worse than her recent haircut, which she publised in some incomprehensible way ) and then check into rehab.

    I don’t know who her agent/ publisist, wrangler is, but she should sack them, have her jaws wired so she can speak, and go into a facility for the fragile.

    • Fuckin ell!!!
      What happened to her?
      She used to be rideable.
      Shes not right in the nut.
      Let herself go there, Deadpool candidate.

      • Evening CG.
        I honestly dont think I would.
        If I had too, id probably see it through while sobbing.
        She looks well butch in that pic.
        Like Ruth Madoc with a weight problem.

      • Don’t think I would either. She looks like a butch Ruth Davidson.

      • ….or Ruth Madoc with a weight problem ????

        You’re right MNC. Describes her down to a tee.

  13. Nothing but a filthy junkie blaming everyone else for her fuck ups .Hope she dies a terrible death soon.

  14. Demi has apologised to the Big Chill Yoghurt store saying ‘ I left that yogurt store and didn’t get the yogurt that I wanted. And then I had a hard time the rest of the weekend, to be totally transparent.”

    So that’s all right then ! Glad that’s all cleared up.

    What a monumentally self centred cunt.

  15. Just to be clear the nom pic is NOT her. If she ODs she may look like that though.

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