Demi Lovato [3]

Demi Potato ? needs another cunting!

It seems some good came out of the ‘Deadpoolgate skulduggery’ where it was brought to my attention rapper DMX is in a coma following an overdose!

A bit short of publicity of late and not wanting to feel left out, Demi Lovato has proclaimed she has been struggling with “survivors guilt” when hearing the news about DMX, after surviving her very own heroin and fentanyl overdose when so many others haven’t.

Well, Demi, I concur! Given the look at me narcissistic nonsense you have constantly deluged the media with in the last month or so, I’m beginning to get survivors guilt myself, namely yours!

Fuck off!

Nominated by: TheBestRevengeIsLivingWell

With an overdose supplied by Jessum Priest:

Recently in news of a rape at 7 years old, that simply didn’t gain any traction, she’s shoved herself in public time & again with one ” weep for me ” tale again & again. Now this!
Dear Dog, bore off.

42 thoughts on “Demi Lovato [3]

  1. Never heard of spud-u-like, but clearly she’s desperate to scrape any old barrel if it means a few likes and a bit of attention.

    The header pic says it all really.

    Anyway, its Friday, and time I ordered a fish & chips and mushy peas for the missus; and a steak & kidney pie, chips and curry sauce for me, while I ogle at a AMD Ryzen 9 3950X!

  2. Attention seeking whore. Sell her own grandmother self promoting mutt and a total cunt.

  3. Self-aggrandising cunt, wallowing in phoney victim hood, complete lack of responsibility for her own stupid past choices, all ”Me, Me, Me”. She intrudes herself into every bit of victim news that comes up.

    I wish this selfish cunt would shut the fuck up.

  4. Survivor guilt used to be something to do with Vietnam or Iwo Jima, Normandy landings, Auschwitz, Verdun etc. I was right outside the McDonald’s in San Ysidro in 1984 and watched it all unfold. No PTSD nothing. I rang my mum up in London to tell her I was ok. She wasnt interested as I wasnt dead. Good for her. Fuck off the most pampered ridiculous generation in Western human history.

  5. Lovato promoting her new album “I dreamt I was r*ped and nobody was looking at me” then?

    • The implication being it’s ok to be raped as long as someone is looking, because then you can wallow in victimhood.

      Victimhood is the new drug for Milleniumcunts.

  6. I think she deserves a three-way gangbang for a few hours! She offers nothing of any interest to humanity other than jumping on as many woke bandwagons as possible.

    Am surprised she hasn’t moaned about not being invited to the Duke’s funeral tomorrow! Even more so if she hadn’t been invited by the Queen herself.

    Nope, I stand by my original statement – fill her up bukkake style, and then tell her to get a fucking life!

  7. This narcissistic fame chaser always finds a way to spin the spotlight back on her own ‘suffering’.

    Remember when pop stars had drug overdoses and just got the fuck on with it? Now it’s like ‘I’ve just endured a drug overdose, please donate to my GoFundMe!. Now look at all my selfies as I’m wired up to a machine in hospital and also watch a 10 part documentary documenting my turmoil. Oh woe is me!’.

    Nobody cares about your self inclicted vices especially when youre a festering scab on the anus of the music scene you autotuned, screeching cunt!

    • From your link: She got a haircut shorter to free herself from “Christian gender expectations”.

      Yeah, that will show ’em! Fucking idiot!

      Also from your link: Demi Lovato says there are things she’ll never share!

      See how wiell your next record does before you go making a bold claim like that `eh, Demi! My fingers are crossed all the same though!

  8. What I loathe about this third division slut is her lying and use of the rape card. An insult to any real women who have been really raped. Lovarsehole is like any other self serving celebrity slag: using the Me Too and abuse cards to cover her own amoral and despicable sluttery and get publicity and sympathy. A fucking disgrace and a complete cunt.

    • She could do a Brian Drysdale…get naked and park her Mazda in front of a virgin express heading to Brighton. Cunt!

  9. Fucking Bitch makes me want to puke my Ginsters pasty on the floor after reading her pile of self-centred, drug-fuelled drivel.
    Where’s her guilt over Biggy Smalls getting his lard arse wasted before going to The Great Dog Food Factory in the sky?.
    What about Tu-Pac for fucks sake and that other rapper cunt who got smoked the other month.
    Just more selective compassion, tailor-made to suit the situation from someone whose only contribution to life is a sack of sad stories that no cunt wants to listen to.
    If you feel guilty about living then do us all a favour.
    I look forward to reading your obituary.
    Now fuck off.

  10. Cunt turns everything into a virtue signalling publicity stunt.

    In tonight’s episode of Demi is a cunt, Demi gets a haircut.

    “Demi told Drew that she felt compelled to cut her hair in a bid to rid herself of the gender and sexuality norms that were placed on her.

    “I cut my hair because I just wanted to free myself of all of the gender and sexuality norms that were placed on me as a Christian in the South.”

    You look like a bigger cunt now!

    I cut my hair because I need a haircut you cunt of cunts.

  11. This one is so desperate for publicity she really will say anything to get some. She is a silly little cunt who needs a big slap or huge cock in her arse.

  12. Clearly she’s a basket case. I’m fed up of hearing about celebrities and their issues. There’s too many of them coming out with tales of woe. Tone deaf the lot of them. “Look at me and my suffering; I am a millionaire having a really bad time, waahh”.

  13. How the fuck do you come up with a thought process that can include “survivors guilt” ?
    You’re a drug addled woke airhead.

    Fuck Off.

    • Shes been raped by everyone but me☹️
      Come on Denim or whatever the fuck your called,
      I’ll spring for a bag of chips afterwards!
      I practice safe sex!
      I wear a balaclava.

  14. Gone off her now she’s become a fully fledged member of the Social Justice League.
    I did the same with Olivia Wilde?

    Oh well, there’s still Charlotte Hope, Natalie Dormer and Emma Stone to have sordid ideas about.

    • Like Scarlett Johansscunt. In the early 2000s I’d have been in there like a rat up a drainpipe. But she became an insufferable SJW and a despicable Clintonite and now a Biden acolyte.

      • I felt like that about Alicia Silverstone too.
        In the 90s when she was in Aerosmith videos and a few films she was a regular fantasy in my teenage mind.

        Now she’s all new age, vegan and is into some pseudoscientific quackery.
        A shame.

  15. Did she get raped by the big Purple Dinosaur? (Barney) her and Selena Gomez were on that show together. BTW she had a man’s chin. She’s a fucked up mess psychologically and seems to want all of us to feel sorry for her. I think I will submit her on my dead pool submissions from now on. Hoping for another OD.

  16. All Disney girls end up as demented coked up pure mental cock hungry cunts. Miley Cyrus, Lindsey Lohan, Demi Lovarsehole, Britney Spears. Every sing one a charlie filled clap riddled basket case.

  17. This showbiz spastic is always banging on about her “struggles in the past”. That’s all she has to talk about. Keith Richards was a junkie back in the 70s then he just quit cold turkey. Then he wrote “Start Me Up” when sober-ish.

    The old “I used to be on drugs, it was rough, maaan” schtick is so fucking old in 2021. Robert Downey Jnr was the last interesting drugs scandal/come-back and that was over 25 years ago. Dennis Hopper has some hilarious stories of his 30 grams of cocaine and bottle of 75% rum insanity every day, but Demi Lovoato’s stories suck and I get the feeling she’ll be back on the junk at some point.

    Being famous used to be awesome (or was it?) but these days it’s definitely awful. You can’t even hide on your private island now.

    • I loved George Best to bits as a player. But even I got tired of the Miss World and that ‘Where did it all go wrong?’ story that was told and re-told a million times.

  18. Demi – If you really feel THAT bad, and have a REAL guilt – may I suggest a good long walk along the ‘Bridge at Grimsby’. Several people have found a very long solace after doing so! (See recent blog!)

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