Captain Tom’s family are greedy cunts.
It appears what he did was not enough. Now these greedy cunts want another challenge. I am sure his daughter has something to do with the charity where she makes a tidy sum. I could be wrong but either way fuck off with this sanctimonious, virtue signalling bollocks.
Most people have been affected by the pandemic and don’t/can’t give money as they may not have enough just to get by.
Please fuck off and stop making up shite challenges. Your time is over. FUCK OFF.
Nominated by: AsItIs
and seconded by: Spanky Mc Spank
I will second this one.
You might have know the parasites would circle poor old Sir Tom like starved Buzzards round a dying pie gorged Priti Patel.
This is the issue you see and just like the Clap for Cunts women, once they get a taste of fame, they just need more, like a drug really.
I have changed my mind on the whole Sir Tom thing, he was a mighty fine fellow but I got this muddled with all the flesh eating worms and publicity seekers surrounding him.
I hope these tit swingers will soon be forgotten but Tom remembered. I want that Tom action figure of the old cunt circling his veg patch and I want it now.
10, 9 8,7,…This is ground control to Captain Tom, You’ve really make the grade,
Unfortunately for us your family will not stop, and do the decent thing and fade…
Ffs just let him rest in peace you leeches.
Precisely, Utter C.
The ghost of captain Tom, along with Headless Bethan and the deaded Derek Acorah should come and haunt those money grabbing cans of can’t. Hopefully let them see the error of their ways.
We are still waiting for dear old Scally, Derek to give us a message from the ‘other side’. “Eh, our kid ghosty, dey don’t do dat doh do dey doh. La, calm down, calm down”
Oven roast his greedy parasite family
? This is ground control to major Tom you’ve made a load of dosh , now hand it over to your fucking greedy family ?
It is well known that Tom Moore was on Blankety Blank in 1983. That was just before Marcus Plantin and Alan Hart at the BBC booted off Terry Wogan so he could concentrate on his own chat show and handed over that gig to yours truly.
Even 40 years ago Tom was desperate for the limelight and publicity. His daughters are just a chip off the old block and even more cuntish than they seem, if that is possible.
Perhaps P.T Barnum could open a new side-show where a stuffed Prince Philip in a motorised spacca-chariot chases after a robotified Captain Tom pushing his zimmerframe….after a couple of laps of the tent,Philip could mow down Tom before shouting ” Get orf my wife’s highway,you fucking common Oik”.
I know that I’d pay for entry to that particular show…as long as it was all done in the best possible taste,of course.
I wonder if Capt.Tom’s family…or the Royal family,for that matter…would consider franchising a scarecrow business based on the likenesses of their dearly departed ?
I might invest in this Mr Fiddler. I think it’s got legs.
What about wiring it up so it would shake and you could actually hear the ‘death rattle’?
That would certainly add authenticity to it. Mind you the crows wouldn’t notice.
It’s a fine idea….”Celebrity Scarecrows” we could call it…..
” Sick of those pesky rooks on your crops? Allow us to introduce our range of battery-powered corpse-scarecrows guaranteed to deter even the most determined pests….See a stuffed George Michael wave his tadger as the hidden loudspeaker blasts out “Wank me off before you go-go.”.. George Floyd spasming as he blasts out ” I feel like Chiggun tonight”…. Jeffrey Epstiein blaring out ” Thank ‘Eaven for little girls”. etc.
We could be on to something here Miles.
I have changed my mind. A traditional old -fashioned scarecrow has done the job since time immemorial. The technical wizardry you envisage might even attract the crows in an hypnotic sense.
No, Mr Fiddler as they say on Dragon’s Den ‘I’m out’.
I’m in two minds about this. Are his family inspired by the truly courageous Captain Tom to carry on his good work,or are they freeloaders? Fucked if I know so I’ll keep out of it.
OK, Captain Tom raised enough money to keep the incredibly wasteful NHS running for 2 hours 10 minutes, achieved his 15 minutes of fame, bequeathed his family a nice little earner, they may even do some good, the cunts.
Just read that BBC link and it’s truly vimto inducing.
Build 100 sandcastles, jump 100 waves. They can fuck off I’m doing my 100 wanks as soon as I can get enough sponsors.
By sponsors I mean financial and not penises.
Hahaha. Lol.
A fine chap,despite the mawkish bollocks surrounding his charity work.
You can see from the photos of his offspring that they are money grabbing aggrandising cunts.
Fuck off and fade into obscurity.
They appear to be very fortunate and are making the most of it.
Meanwhile, although there is a fine cunting in the queue, dem coloured folks is a jumpin an burnin an lootin an ting. Perhaps Tom’s family could go over to the States and reason with them.
Just like politicians, people who circle “charridees” are very keen on expenses, invoicing for work etc.
Biros end up costing £18 each and an afternoons work “consulting” adds up to several thousand bucks.
I give money the The Parrot Zoo and that’s that…people can help themselves…I have no time for scrounging humans who use food banks but I will happily put some food in for the cats home. If you can’t afford to feed you little cunts then don’t have them you fucking parasites.
Off road a mo…. just turned on the radio to hear O’Shithead say lockdown is being lifted too quickly and that we should remain in lockdown until every adult in the country has been vaccinated……
Switched over to Mike Graham sharpish.
On the way to a job this morning I had the Radio 4 news on…the only thing they were interested in was the forth(!) wave and saying that 10,00 people could die each day etc.
The media, eggheads, corrupt politicians and anyone who has amassed a fortune from all this panic will be very hard pressed to let it all go I’m afraid.
This is the price we are going to pay for letting these cunts make up all these crazy laws and anyone who has been here for more than five mins will know I’ve been against it all from day one.
Fear and social control is pretty basic stuff yet most have been happy to sit and watch the “new normal” happen.
As for the cunts sitting around in pub gardens yesterday freezing their asses off…..hahahahahahahah
Ha-ha indeed.
Funnier still, the Meagain slutbitch has made it known she isn’t coming to Prince Philip’s funeral because she:
“doesn’t want to be the centre of attention.”
Fucking priceless! ?
That’s what I love about O’Shithead. He thinks he knows better than Government medical advisors and other professionals, despite zilch qualifications or expertise in epidemiology. A deluded, arrogant arsehole.
But O’Shithead is ‘always right’ and everyone else with a differing opinion is ‘always wrong’. A blinkered, ignorant fucking idiot. Surely he is due for another cunting, him and his lower face that looks like a hairy coochie?
I wouldn’t be surprised if they ask for him to be dug up and buried next to Philip.
Donated cash bought useless fucking PPE and put the proceeds into the pockets of tory “chums”
Charity only benefits the CEO.
Most of it went to Matt’s landlord 🙂
What happened to the statue they were blabbering about when he snuffed it?
Oh sorry, there’s been umpteen media stories since then. Yesterday’s fish and chip paper as they say. You can imagine the cunts at the Cabinet meeting…… “we gave him a promotion and a knighthood, what more do these bitches want”?