Boris Johnson continues to be a massive and useless cunt.
His latest volte face (one of dozens in the past year as he staggers around in a lockdown nightmare of his own creation) is to suggest that pubs might want to ban people who have not had the vakzine.
This cunt was supposed to be a fucking Tory. He doesn’t even know how market forces work. Some shit scared pubs may insist on vakzinated only, others will not. I wonder which will do best? Boris will soon have have another boffo idea – to move further to the left and legislate that only vakzined people can go to the pub. Oh, wait…no one under 40 will have been vakzinated. ‘Blimey! Lorks! This is tricky shitty stuff. More lockdown is the only way out.’
Fuck off, Boris you utter gibbering wanker.
Nominated by: Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea
Satan will be ice skating to work before I part with my easy earned to line the pockets of a greedy Pub landlord, vaccine or not!
Fuck off!
I have had my first vaccine but this is mental, these fuckers are intent on killing the British way of life, probably be happy to close the lot as the offend the peacefuls.
Vaccination is meant to get us out of this but they are intent on bringing in new rule after new rule when will this end, never it seems.
I was phoned up by a lady chasing me up as to whether I had booked a vaccine jab or not (I had). She then asked me the reason I was having the jab (???). I said that it was the deal – I get the vaccine and life gets back to normal. And that includes junking the fucking mask thing as well. I think she was quite taken aback at my view.
It seems as though we are all being jabbed and, yet, we are still being sold all the bollox about covid deaths.
“Fuck off, Boris you utter gibbering wanker”. You have expressed mine and many millions of peoples thoughts with this one small sentence Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea. Much needed cunting.
Is “vakzine” another one of those dumb Americanisms?
Jesus, I cant wait to get in the pub.
Im vaccined up and ready for a pint.
This is why I got the vaccine in the first place, obvious this was on the cards.
If the unvaccinated arent allowed in?
Well, at least its easier to get served at the bar!
And makes it seem more exclusive, like a gentlemen’s club.
Maybe have government camps the unvaccinated can go and socialise?
It’s a conspiracy to keep dark keys out of the pub. ?
We could name the camps
‘Legally Enforced Penal Environment Recreation ‘
Or LEPER for short.
Once youve had a oral and anal temperature taken been searched for tinfoil , you get your hand stamped and your admitted.
Could one day have guest speaker Piers Corbyn on,
The next a band, Johnny & the Moonmen.
I surprise myself sometimes!
Im a genius,
Should be in government…
“Once youve had a oral and anal temperature taken…”
With the same thermometer? And which end first? ?
The parkis and BAMEs aren’t getting the vaccine. The parkis don’t go into pubs anyway, so who cares if they get it or not.
Afternoon Miserable, the first pint will be an Ice Cold in Alex moment….
Hiya Bob, itll be like a angel has pissed down your throat!
Cant wait,
Making a day of it.
Flash of the passport…
Go go go!!?
Good morning RTC, good morning everyone.
I use the term vakzine to describe something that is not a vaccine ie does not stop you getting the disease, or stop you passing it on (so not actually a vaccine). I notice the terminology is now changing with references to ‘the Jab’ increasing to more accurately reflect what is actually being administered!
Top of the morning to you TTCUtS.
We’ll have to agree to differ.
Apparently he has decided to put these plans on hold until later in the year. Probably hoping that infections will spike in the Autumn and he can get away with it then.
I don’t understand the logic as to why its jobs, pubs and stadiums and doesn’t include hairdressers and supermarkets as well? Not that I advocate a C-19 pass domestic use, ok for foreign travel though.
Pubs and Stadiums, well in stadiums there is usually lots of shouting, Pubs full of fucking larger louts.
Don’t normally ‘give it large’ in a hairdresser or supermarket ?
He is just using this to hopefully persuade the under 50’s to have the vaccine, which will get harder in the weeks ahead if there are any more ‘issues’ with the AZ vaccine.
I take your points but they seemed to think hairdressers were enough of a risk to shut them.
I think it’s more to do with lumping everything in under the banner of non essential. If anyone needs a haircut it’s Boris, and me… I look like DiCaprio in the Revenant
Sick, it could be worse; I am sure that some of us resemble Richard O’Brien in ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show.’
Fear not, he’s now done the predictable volte volte face.
….for now
I’m no expert but I would have thought that a normal immune system would be able to fight this, and any other virus.
This would explain why the vast majority of people that have been tested positive for the virus have absolutely no symptoms.
COVID is dangerous, I am in no doubt about that, but I believe that it is only dangerous for people who have a fucked immune system, which they may not even be aware of.
Instead of pumping an untested medicine into the entire population whether they will benefit from it or not, I think that it would have made more sense to test an individuals immune system. This can be done with a blood test.
If someone’s immune system is found to be deficient then it should be them that need to wear masks in public, constantly wash their hands and to cower at home in isolation.
Let the overwhelming majority of people who are able to deal with the virus get on with their lives.
Add to that a weight test, this can be done with scales or eyeballing for rolls of flab 🙂
Good post,I totally agree.l
Whilst I acknowledge that we found ourselves in strange (but not unprecedented times), the last year will be seen as an example of how not to deal with such a situation in a cost effective manner.
Heard a lot of people over the last couple of years (including some posters on here) state what a slimy, untrustworthy, dodgy cunt Boris is.
Yet when he asks them to run down to the vaccination centre to get jabbed and take part in clinical trials of a new drug they can’t get there quick enough. Sad.
And as the jab is neither effective in preventing catching the virus or transmission I suggest the correct term should be Quackzine….
No vaks, no mask, no trrick and trace for me, JR. Fuck ’em. If pubs have to ask for details, make them up. If you need a printed passport, someone will sell you one.
I’m not interested in anything Boris has to say on the matter, or any other matter for that matter.
I take advice from the health professionals I know personally and have learned to trust over the years. Plus medical experts in general.
Happy Easter! Your presence has been missed, JR. Glad to see you have rolled away the stone.
Surely he is the son of Gard…
I’m getting my NHS Vaccine Passport off Aliexpress for $3.
So Boris can Fuck Off.
It’s good AliExpress.
A friend of mine said he just took a picture of the QR code, showed that to the pub people and got in – this was last year.
That slippery cunt, Gove, was let out onto the internet last night with a column in the Telegraph suggesting we need to have a conversation about Covid certification! The massive twat asked for comments and got it, both barrels, from a pissed off public. Good, the ivory towered cunt needs to hear it straight, and not from a fucking dodgy poll.
If you have not seen already…
Here is my view on the subject – stick your certification schemes right up your shitter you fucking septic, four-eyed cunt.
This totally out of date. Total waste of time posting it. Get a fucking grip lads. Happy easter fellow cunts, don’t eat to much chocolate.
Slightly off topic – read today that 30,000 kids will leave primary school this summer unable to read due to interrupted education. Fucked for life. Our cunting government did this.
The parents have to take some responsibility for this.
If your sprog is falling behind with the most basic of skills then it’s time to intervene. Not to point a finger at the teachers or the government, even though they are massive cunts.
Your own kid’s future is too important to simply hand their education to others.
Broadly agree Artful, self-help is important. However, it is because parents can’t (due to work or lack of own eduction) or won’t play their part in educating their kids (lazy cunts) that the state provides for it. It is a government responsibility.
Oh, and a lot of teachers are lazy cunts, enjoying the current mess and looking forward to long-covid.
Blimey, Twenty. That is shocking. I believe, reading, writing and maths as well are essential.
Being able to tell the time also.
I reckon they’ll just be lazy and ask one of those computer things at home.
For example…
30,000 kids leaving primary school unable to read? If the little bleeders can’t read or write after 5 or 6 years at school I don’t think you can blame just the last 12 months for that.
If the little scrotes aren’t learning at school the problems are likely down to the home environment. Blame the parents not the government or teachers.
Boo fucking hoo! 30,000 primary school kids will be a bit late before learning how to text each other. Fucked for life indeed!
As long as the LGBTQ qualifications are up to date.
If kids leave primary school unable to read I would suggest they are the same ones who wouldn’t have been able to read even without Covid.
Stop their benefits…sponging little sods.
I mean all of them….not just the ones who can’t read…apprentice them to cruel chimney-sweeps.
I think you should adopt.
Your a pillar of the community and let’s face it no spring chicken.
Plenty of urchins need a good home (clear a spot in the stables) and you need youthful labour about the place, win-win.
Maybe a sootie kid?
No one can call you a racist then!
Dress it in velvet Knickerbocker and itll double as a servant boy.
Welcome to the wonderful world of parenthood!!??
Here’s something for you Dick:
Good morning. ?
If I remember rightly RTC wasn’t there a whine from some actors , that only actual gays should get gay roles. Surely by the same woke principles they shouldn’t play straight roles?
I too think the 30,000 kids that can’t read would be the same ones whether or not there had been a COVID outbreak. They should be able to read at 7, if they can’t at 11, there’s a problem with home life and the school.
I just assumed that all actors were bumbashers…why else would you decide to play “dress-up”?…I expect they all started out by wearing their Mother’s underwear while watching Philip Scofield fist that unfortunate Gopher on kiddies t.v.
The Gays are everywhere.
@ MNC I know a couple who adopted 4 siblings….I was absolutely gobsmacked when I heard how much they were getting paid…I made enquiries about opening some kind of “kiddy-farm” in the old byres…I’d have made a fucking fortune…even more than my current subsidy cheque and it’s fucking massive.
@ Dick. Quite so. From what I’ve observed, from the 1990s onwards actors have been falling over themselves to “come out”.
@ Fish Mitten – yes, that gay actors only playing gay parts shit was utter nonsense. The whole point of acting is you play someone you’re not. By that criteria only a gay serial killer should have played Dennis Nilsen. Not a fan of David Tennent, but he did a pretty good job of it and he’s straight, unless he comes out tomorrow.
I would imagine that schools in most towns/cities with a large “peaceful” community, churn out pupils with a limited grasp of the basics.
Urdu you do….
Google “Pimlico Academy” and see what is going on there. The thick cunts don’t deserve to be schooled. Next thing will be the silly cunts claiming they can’t get a job because of waycism – not the fact that they are an ignorant, uneducated waste of oxygen. Boil them down for welly boots.
What’s needed there is a strong Head.
The present one was too shit scared to face the crowd outside.
Lock downs and vaccination passports are just a new and convenient tool for government to control us. Legislators, the police, elf and safety commisars and medical advisors are having the time of their life. Cunts.
The new normal is a jobs worths wettest dream.They are like Rolf Harris coaching a
young girls gymnastics team.
If paper passports won’t suffice the next step will be barcodes or QRs to the forehead. That way you can be scanned by all and sundry including pub landlords and plod.
There’s always the quantum dot digital tattoo technology
Brilliant cunting – my sentiment entirely
This fucker – who thinks with his willy – does more somersaults daily than a troupe of acrobats at a circus in a month
Oily cunt
Happy Easter everyone – including our Polish friends who are not allowed to worship courtesy of the Stasi
It’s all bluster, by June, pubs will be open and no passports in sight, individual pubs will decide how to operate depending on their business.
Hurry Up Harry!!
Thing is, MPs etc probably don’t go to pubs so don’t care or maybe because:
(1) They don’t want to rub shoulders with the riff raff and may get a kicking if recognised.
(2) Why bother when you have a subsidised bar at “work” and can drink with your fellow shitbags.z
(3) Only go to Cotswolds pubs for a photo session and leave one of your sprogs there when leaving.
Good point. Will they be swiping into their subsidised House of Commons bar? Goose, gander.
FFS! The old and otherwise vulnerable have now been vaccinated, so there is no longer any excuse for not opening up the economy fully again. Cunts who have chosen not to be vaccinated can take their chances, it’s not fucking rocket science.
Totally agree but the new tune in town is ‘we must reduce infection’, hence the prospect of vaccinating children and these ridiculous C-19 passes.
Haven’t they noticed the infection rates and death rates have jumped off a cliff, unlike in France, where it is still very much on the cliff?
No, but Macron is just about to jump off a cliff!
All I can say is that Boris might well fuck the pubs (I haven’t entered into one for years I prefer to drink at home), but the alternative -as there seems to be no other Tory leader on the horizon – would be Starmer and he would fuck everything.
I like Pubs…I enjoy becoming loud,boorish and argumentative…I also enjoy spoiling hikers’ and pushbikers’ “vegetarian-option” meals…and telling real-ale buffs that they don’t know what they’re on about…and moaning about children in the bar….oh yes, I can’t wait to be back in Cuntish action.
Agree, people who take children into bars are cunts. Kids are okay outside as long as they keep quiet and sit still.
I came across one such boorish farmer type when I took my kids into a pub in Northumberland when they were little.
When he went for a wank in the loo, I got our Wayne to run over to where he’d been sitting and gob in his Ploughmans.
He was that pissed he didn’t even notice when he finished off his lunch.
@ Bertie…such behaviour is why you will never be invited to one of my exclusive dinner-parties…you are common.
Afternoon Dick. I have to add that this gentleman did not resemble you. He was portly and had a gammon like complexion that resembled a heavy drinker.
Mind you we still had to make a quick getaway as Chardonnay knocked over another drinkers pint when playing with her whip and top!
Yes let’s open the pubs up again. I live opposite a small pub and I stand by the window staring at it longingly waiting for it to open.
No reason to carry on fucking up the pubs now every bloody beach and park is crammed full and when they open you can be sure the Primarks will be full with a mile queue outside.
Everyone elderly and deemed vulnerable has had the chance to be vaccinated, so it’s time to open everything up and let us discard the bloody face nappies.
This is coercion of a medical procedure. It is illegal under International law and the Nuremberg code.
You KNOW domestic vaccine passports make absolutely no sense.. come on fellow cunters, I beseech you! If the vulnerable have all been offered a vaxx, then we should be open NOW. That’s what we were promised too. The statistics show the average age of mortality is 80+ for god sake.
So why the fuck are they attempting to push a system that belongs in 1930s Germany? Come on. Do I have to spell it out?
“Freedom passports for a return to normal life”. If you can’t see what is wrong with that statement then you are fucking blind!!!
I agree, no domestic vaccine passport, anyway aren’t the nanobots in the vaccine detectable.
People can agree with lockdown or not, masks and all the rest of it but fucking vaccine passports are the 4th Reich
They can shove them up their Westminster arses!
I decided to find out what Guardian readers were saying about these C-19 passes. They actually think they’re no different to a driving licence. There’s no accounting for thick.
The vaccine seems to be working – just look at the situation here vs France. Seems to me the C-19 pass is complete horse has bolted/gate territory and the State is over legislating, over spending and over reaching its role.
They are following a script and I don’t think they anticipated that we’d so readily accept the vaccine. We got ahead of their schedule, but they couldn’t roll the passport idea out without waiting for other nations to catch up.
Why? Because if the idea is defeated here then it will fail everywhere else too, and they NEED it for their bastard Great Reset agenda.
Absolutely .The average age of deaths from Covid is 83 nearly two years over life expectancy.Average male death is 85 average male death was 81 ( Source ONS).Everyone over 55 has been offered the vaccine as have most over 50 and those with underlying conditions such as asthma learning disabilities and diabetes over 18.The risk in no way warrants domestic vaccine passports.All the vulnerable have been offered a vaccine and most have taken it.Testing has soared since Christmas PPE supplies are good.Hospital rates of Covid patients are falling rapidly as are cases and deaths.By the time everyone has been offered the vaccine the rate will be so low that it begs the question why vaccine passports?
Average female death is 85.
It’ll all be irrelevant when we get the next lockdown at the end of April.
And we are not going through it again. If we get stupid named variants, we know it’s complete crap and just a unjust of powers.
Apparently you need to wear a mask when walking around in a bear garden.I draw the line at wearing a mask outdoors in the fresh air.Pubs have been turned into places of bureaucracy and petty authoritarianism.I don’t go to the pub to feel like I am back at school.I want to go there to escape government propaganda not be immersed in it with retarded petty miserly rules which anyone with a brain knows won’t stop the King Flu.I have had both sides of a vaccine now and have pretty much obeyed all their shitty rules for over a year.That is my bit done as far as I am concerned.I am less likely to get it spread it and even less at risk than I was before ( which given my age was vanishingly small anyway).A 90% plus effective vaccine against a virus 99% of people survive given to half the population.Irony is that the vaccine passports can only be brought in when everyone has been offered a vaccine so given the fact take up is so high we will have herd immunity almost certainly.This makes no sense and shows this is becoming less about a virus and more about control and surveillance.Boris is an abysmal cunt.
Both does not sides#
#Beer garden.Really need to sort out this predictive text bollocks.
I’ve got an idea. Let’s open up big, sweaty close proximity nightclubs and fill them with thousands of unvaccinated under 40s and get the whole fucking thing started off again.
Oh sorry looks like the bozo the fat wankered honey monster has already come up with that plan.
Your papers are not in order!!!
I am not spending my hard earned anywhere I have to show ID of any sort, wear a mask, engage in social distancing, track and trace etc – none of it.
I am not so bothered about a pint I will accept this.
Couldn’t give a shit about any of the places on the list! If I were purely selfish I’d say, “Bring it on! Not my problem!”.
But, I’m not. And I see the very real danger here, for all of us. Anyone with a functioning brain should!
The fact they announced it on April Fools and the official message from Bojo is going to be on Easter Monday. How obvious does it need to be that the ruling class have nothing but contempt for us??
These people are compulsive liars and sick. They are reading from a fucking script – it makes no logical sense but they’re attempting it anyway.
Everyone needs to ask WHY.
Won’t happen. Pub chiefs have objected to it.
Open the pubs, you dithering buffoon.
I wonder what princess Nut Nut has promised him in return for doing those things. It seems like she’s the real one in control.
Wearing a giant strap on for him?
Worst PM ever.Fire him out of a cannon
Yet more inconsistencies from the inept rotund albino.
Johnson must have a rectum the size of the channel tunnel the amount of hands that are up it.
Open the pubs you cunts!
Let the children go to school you cruel child abusing evil bastards!
If you’ve had your snake oil/freedom pass, then those 2 simple suggestions shouldn’t be a problem for you so lets try and get little bit of normality back please.
Unless of course the government and media have done such a first rate job of terrifying what life you have left out of you that something as absurd and draconian as “vaccine passports” seem acceptable that is.
Then you’re just a cunt.