Boris Johnson [16]

Boris Johnson

For saying:
“Of course the vaccination programme has helped, but the bulk of the work in reducing the disease has been done by the lockdown. So, as we unlock, the result will inevitably be that we will see more infection, sadly we will see more hospitalisation and deaths. People have just got to understand that.”

Boris is crediting the lockdown rather than vaccines for “the bulk of the work” in reducing infection rates. Using their own data, I don’t know how he can say this. The lockdown was so effective in the UK that we had 4.37 million infections (PHE) – terrific lockdown mate, top work!

And has our very own PM Worzel Gummidge not noticed that deaths have dropped to two digits a day since the old and vulnerable have had the jaberoo? He must think we were born yesterday.

He needs to go.

Nominated by: Cuntologist

49 thoughts on “Boris Johnson [16]

  1. A most worthy cunting.

    This fucking scarecrow is so clueless, he couldn’t find his own arsehole with a satnav.

    Well past his best before date. New blood is required, but I couldn’t name one individual from his cabinet with the leadership skills and probity required for a good PM.

    And his prissy, gormless missus could crimp pastry with her teeth.

    • For Carrie’s next birthday, we should have a whip round and send her a nose bag full of hay, accompanied by a reasonably priced paper and paint catalogue.

  2. Covering his arse and preparing us for the next lockdown because he knows this vaccine shit is a shot in the dark. Sick of hearing all this green bollocks too. Getting nearly as pussy whipped as the halfwit prince. Cunt.

    • Johnson is a gold plated diamond in crusted cunt. End off.

      He and his Sage communist shrills can go to fuck with their doggy vaccines and lockdowns.

      The utter cretin has just let thousands of pieces of filth fly into Blighty from one of the biggest Covid hotspots on the globe. India. A cesspit of human filth and suffering.

      Get to fuck Boris, you fat piece of lying shit.

  3. I am divided on this – of course Boris is notihng like his hero, Sir Winston (lets face it – who could be?), but he is better than Matt Hancock or Gavin Williamson, and certainly that treacherous slimy heap of shit Dominic Cuntings. He has made mistakes, but again, this fucking Chinky bug is the biggest curve ball in th last hundred plus years.

    Just think of the alternative – Starmer and his bunch of right-on, clueless poofters, social justice warriors, pussy whipped feminists, lesbians and wierdos of all stripes.

    Hancock is terrible, but Ashworth is a hundred times worse. Plus if Dame Keir minced into No 10, there would be a second referendum, and we would be back in the fascist EU. There would also be a shadow cabinet of near communists like Clie Lewis and that Sultana tart.

    In many ways I think, sadly, Boris is right – there WILL be another lockdown – thanks to the wankers here and in Jockland in particular deliberately crowding together, and spreading their germs..

    What’s that expression about nurse and things could be much worse?. Believe me the Woke Party would be even worse than Boris’s bunch.

    • I agree completely – can anyone imagine how that communist bell-end Corbyn would have handled the last year, let alone flabbott!

    • That’s the problem. The quality of politicians today is shite. They have to be to make BloJo appear a towering giant of political intelligence. He’s the best of a bad bunch and the opposition is frankly terrifying. In former days he would not have advanced much beyond a junior minister.

      • In the old days they would have tried to spare us by drowning the cunt in the school bogs. And justifiably so.

    • No. Wrong. He is an utter and total fuckwit cunt so stop defending him and his ubercunt of a missus.

  4. We are already being warned of the third wave. We are told it will be worse than than the first and second wave.

    Of course Boris is a cunt, even Dominic Cummins is open about that.
    Because a number of adults has not been vaccinated? But 95% of over 50s have. The vast majority of the 5% who’ve not been vaccinated over 50% face no danger from Covid.

    If we have mass infections and soaring deaths it will be because the gene therapy doesn’t fucking work.

    Of course there will be another lockdown and more to follow, watch the cunts ramp up climate change fear news at the same time. People will be offering me tin foil hats I’m sure. If those people don’t see something is amiss with the who covid response maybe they have the false perspective?

    • My foil hat has been on for almost a year now. It’s plain obvious to me, and certainly will be to everyone soon when the goalposts move yet again. The DailyShite even dropped in ‘talk of a triple variant’ that is resistant to vaccines and undetectable in their article yesterday. It’s all too easy to see what excuse they’re reaching for..

      The acceleration of the green agenda makes it clear too. Listen to Bòjos UN speech. He’s the real foil hatter!

      • A variant that is totally undetectable, but potentially dangerous, perhaps. Just what the Nazi/Tory/Liebour/Limp Dunb/Green (marxist) doctors ordered!

        Stay at home schweinhunden.

  5. I see he has invited Uncle Joe over for a visit. That’s all we need……two bungling idiots in the same room with green wankers whispering in their ear’oles. No doubt the tree huggers and soy boys will welcome the old cunt with open arms. Pass the sick bucket please. ?

    • If the Greens were really serious about saving the planet, the pantysniffer should stay at home and use video conferencing, just like most other people!

      But of course Joe and his merry band of cohorts are all special, and will therefore be classed as exempt from a) Covid restricitons/documentation at airports, and b) exempt from saving the planet by flying 3000 odd miles just to tell Boris he’s a complete and utter cunt!

  6. Johnson is,like so many politicians,a self-entitled fool. They believe that it is their right to act like playground-Napoleons when they get the merest sniff of power…dodgy payments and appointments to friends,virtue-signalling ” Green initiatives”, endless laws designed to interfere with and curtail people’s lives etc. The worst of it is that all of their bullshit is financed by the “little people”….the taxpayers who can’t wave the “Old School Tie” and get awarded a billion Pound contract,can’t weasel their way out of paying to support whatever ridiculous vanity-project their “betters” have dreamed up.

    Johnson may well be a very intelligent man but he has apparently,since childhood,believed that it was his destiny to be P.M….and it shows. He shares a lack of appreciation of the actual wishes of the “ordinary man” do so many of the “ruling class”…they know better and are also quite prepared to “bend the rules” in order to help their own kind…to Fuck with The Plebs.

    I think Johnson has probably done his best and as well,if not better,than many of the current political class could have managed in such difficult times…but really that’s a bit like saying a sprinkling of sugar helps you swallow a shovel-full of shite.

    Cunts,the whole rotten bunch of them.

    • Whilst agreeing with the esteemed Mr Fidddler, I don’t think that Boris is intelligent, he is academically able in the rather narrow field of Classics, but he is unable to use his privileged and expensive education to apply his “skills” to other important areas. He is also lacking in basic life skills and self-awareness. A good comedy political leader along with, Biden, Trump, Kim Jong Il, Idi Amin, Vlad, Winnie the Pooh, Steptoe, Starmer etc, but now is not time for levity in Government.

      • True enough…there is indeed a difference between intelligence and academic ability.

        Morning,Sir C.

      • Dick@
        I went a rough school and have no academic qualifications,
        It just wasn’t a thing to go into higher education then.
        But thats not to say I lack intelligence!
        Im easily as smart as a pigeon,
        Maybe even a guinea pig!

      • I’m not so sure he is a fool, in the truest sense of the word. I think the fat usless gold plated turd knows and fully understands what he is doing.

        How in the name of all that is right could the cunt allow thousands of potentially disease ridden fuckers into the country from India this week?

        When he starts bleating about a rise in cases and the need for more lockdowns there needs to be riots and his head on a spike outside of traitors gate.

      • @MNC…..I haven’t got a single academic qualification…imagine just how more unspeakable I could be if armed with an O’ level.

    • For centuries it was felt that to run Britain and its empire a degree in ‘Greats’ ( Latin and Greek) was sufficient. Boris is proof that this theory is bollocks.

      • And at the same time we have academics from the world of science and medicine showing how devious and dishonest they are too. A degree or PhD doesn’t imply ability to govern. Academic achievement must be tempered with self restraint, modesty and self awareness. Those in power lack these qualities. Give me a good old fashioned dose of common sense any day.

    • Wholly agree. Whilst Gove and Co. can go on their jollies by using their GOOJF card and the rest of us can’t afford the testing/quarantine nonsense , they can all suck my dick. It’s been a century since a government behaved in such a self- interested way. Utter cunts the lot of them.

  7. Dialling down the count number on PCR tests is the real reason the so-called infection rate has reduced. Boris the Clown Cunt and his merry totalitarian twats must think we are as fucking doolally as they are.

    I repeat, ff vakzines are not keeping numbers down what is the fucking point of the fucking vakzine passports/certificates?

    The number of old people dying had dropped because they are fucking dead. Great cunting, Boris the Clown Cunt is a gigantic fuckwitted, dribbling cunt

  8. Be careful what you wish for. I’m in agreement but who can come to the fore and grab this leadership by the scruff of the bollocks. Sunak or Patel ? I was hoping to have left the room by the time the Empire’s roles were reversed.

    • Raab has been making popular noises about cutting overseas aid, and keeping all quiet on the Covid front. A visit to the bookies might be in order…

      • Popular noises are all it is, there’s never any follow though into actual action.

  9. Full of bullshit and bluster. Cant string a fucking sentence together. Cuntstruck by his woke missus. Totally unreliable and even Cummings says he’s a cunt, and he should know.
    But he is much the lesser of 2 incompetent evils. The USA has it’s version of Corbyn in charge so things could be worse here. Perhaps.

  10. You want BoJo to go – to be replaced with whom?If BloJo went it would be a disaster. I don’t think he is nearly as bad as some of those other politicians who would seek to replace him. If Jeremy Cunt had won we would have had a Remainer again – Teresa the Appeaser the second. I can’t see anyone else with the ability of BloJo in the Conservative party. And as for the opposition – you got to be kidding me!

    BloJo has his limitations for sure. But he’s largely stayed the course on Brexit and took us out on the best terms possible considering his patch had been monumentally fucked up by the utterly useless Maybot. There are signs that he’s trying to, or soon will be, pushing back on some of the crappier parts of the exit deal. He got rid of the traitors in the Long Remain Parliament and played a pretty deft hand. He’s a vote winner. He’s positive. He played a blinder on the vaccine. I think he’s doing ok, considering that naturally he is a bit of a twat, and he’ll be around for a few years yet.

    (Edited to remove an innocent word filtered out).

    • Charles Walker, IDS and Desmond Swayne all seem to be people with a can do attitude.

      • I agree Cuntologist. Or maybe Raab or Sunak? Not sure if they would have the popularity with the public though. Although he’s undoubtedly a cunt, BloJo seems able to win votes.

      • I do agree with much in your nom, Cuntologist. I just don’t see a viable alternative ?……for the time being, anyway.

  11. Choosing between one pile of shit or another holds no interest for me.

    If this clown puts us in another lock down because of a triple mutated Indian Bat virus then for all the fancy scientists and data and propaganda then vaccination was a fool’s errand and we’d have been better off preparing for herd immunity with mass graves.
    Being soft and molly coddling an entire nation whilst bankrupting it seems to be the only response these cunts are capable of.
    Time will tell.
    I’m off hiking followed by copious refreshments.

  12. Is he too large to fit into your oven Unkle Terry?Or will you slide him into an industrial sized one?He is utterly incompetent.Our “government” are a shambles.

  13. So this is what the Honey Monster went on to do after leaving Sugar Puffs…

  14. A man who cheats on his wife
    Compulsive liar
    Stutters and waffles
    Has not a ounce of loyalty in his bones.
    Hes got no redeeming qualities that I can see?
    But who else can you vote for?
    Its like choosing between puke and dogshit or AIDS and plague!

    Im not voting for any of the scum.
    Always get some liberal type anyway.

    • Suns up our system perfectly. We are given a very narrow choice to begin with. The major policies are uniform across all parties.

      Now we see build back better and the great reset all being chanted by left and right across the world. There are videos of news outlets parroting the same bullshit word for word in all the western nations.

      A vote isn’t for them it’s strictly to fool us we had a choice.

  15. Incompetent cunt is all I can say and I see Dominic Cuntings has just bought out the Samurai sword so let’s see how the cunt writhes out of this one…

    I see fireworks on the horizon. Dirty cunt also has about 6 kids so imagine what his spawn is going to turn out to be like when they get older.

    • Boris’s great grandfather Ali Kemal was killed by a angry mob on his way to face charges of treason, true fact!
      Treachery is a family trait along with albinoism and love of foreigners.

  16. Never fear: at the end of this shitshow (whenever that will be of course), Boris will award all the fuckwits with knighthood recommendations, while he himself will probably step down or move up to the House of Crusty Cunts because he knows he will be a liaiblity come the next general election.

    I suppose in way I do have some small sympathy for BlowJob – he took the PM job during the Brexit countdown, and then gets hammered with the Dink Flu for 15+ months; is resistant to closing our borders to the Dinghy Express; is having to push hard to make the country cabon-neutral thanks to his carrot-chewing missus, and has faced 24/7 scrutiny from the media, social media, the public, the opposition, and the general public at large. And all for a relatively measily £150k a year!

    He is certainly not the best PM this country has ever had, but is far from the worst (Maybot, Blair, Brown, Major … all immediately spring to mind!)

    But at the of the day we can expect the following two well-worn tropes:-

    “Lessons must be learnt”
    “Something should be done”

    …and then watch the tumbleweed scuttle past!

    • Jesus id forgotten about Treason May.
      Absolutely useless.
      Never trust a hunchback.

      • I wonder what that scabby old cunt is doing now? I presume she’s on the Backbenches silently farting while trying to tell people leaving the EU was a betrayal and that they should all feel ashamed at letting her premiership fall apart!

        I wish Unkle Terry could design a special oven just for absolute wank former prime ministers that are unfortunately still alive and barely breathing!

  17. I always thought that Boris did his idiot act on purpose and underneath was a canny intelligent man…. Well i’ve been proved wrong about that assumption. He has convinced me now that he’s a complete burke .

  18. Me too Fenton.
    I assumed under the thatched headed, bumbling, bollock talking, nincompoop persona would lurk a savvy, shrewd, ruthless politico,
    Always one step ahead!
    But no.
    Get what you see.

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