Ben and Jerry’s (2)

A Cunting please for this ridiculous hipster manufacturer of ice cream.

Ben and Jerry’s (B&J) has delusions of grandeur. In case you have forgotten, B&J is simply an ice cream company specialising in disgusting and childish iced concoctions like Double Chocolate Cookie Dough Twist, Caramel Chew-Chew, Truffle Kerfuffle and Peanut Butter Cup. The sort of glop that fat,12 year old glasses wearing American brats like to eat.

But B&J view themselves as being much more important than that. Their mission is to become the Woke company par-excellence and to instruct us mere unenlightened plebs on the burning issues of social and racial justice. Here are some examples of their recent pronouncements –

– After the killing of criminal recidivist Chiggin George last year, Ben & Jerry’s made a solemn pledge to help ‘dismantle white supremacy’. ‘Silence is NOT an option’, they thundered from on high.

– Last year, it castigated Pritti Patel over the Peaceful’s flotilla of Banana Boats illegally crossing the channel. ‘Hey @PritiPatel we think the real crisis is our lack of humanity for people fleeing war, climate change and torture. We pulled together a thread for you,’ it posted on Twitter. The thread consisted of a couple of points nicked from the Guardian, Huffpost and migration activists.

– In 2017, it banned the sale of two scoops of the same flavour in its Australian shops as some sort of symbolic protest against opponents of gay marriage.

– During the Trump presidency it put out a new flavour called Pecan Resist. B&J said ‘this flavour supports groups creating a more just and equitable nation for us all, and who are fighting President Trump’s regressive agenda

– After the recent police killing of Daunte Wright in Minnesota, the wise sages of B&J pronounced that “the murder of Daunte Wright is rooted in white supremacy and results from the intentional criminalisation of Black and Brown communities. This system can’t be reformed. It must be dismantled and a real system of public safety rebuilt from the ground up. #DefundThePolice.’

All this from a company that is part of the Unilever empire which flogs skin whitening cream around the world and has been criticised by migrant workers for exploitative practices in the firm’s supply chain.

What has any of this woke garbage got to do with ice cream? Why is it B&J’s business? Huge, wealthy companies that lecture us on wokeness are doing it to virtue signal and appear trendy. They think it will enhance sales but I think it will put off many consumers. I hope the cunts go bust.

I prefer Haagen Dazs anyway.

Nominated by: Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine

70 thoughts on “Ben and Jerry’s (2)

  1. Stopped eating this the day the twats told us how to handle the peacefuls arriving by boat on the Kent shores.

    Hit the twats in the pocket, Go Woke Go Broke !

  2. They sound like a couple of irons in a civil partnership and their ‘special’ main ingredient probably includes man gravy!

    Disgraceful, fuck off!

  3. Excellent cunting MMCM.

    I have boycotted them since last year when they had a go at Pritti Patel over migration. I use to buy it but switched to Hagen Dazs which is better, although if you are in south Wales try Joe’s or Verde’s.

    For a more realistic point of view about policing in the U.S. this chap is worth listening too.He didn’t quite follow the BBC narrative

    • Well said that man.
      I love it when these race baiting cunts are put in their place.

      George Floyd was a serial criminal cunt.
      Joe Biden is an opportunist, racist, race baiting, dangerous, senile cunt.

  4. White supremacy is the left’s Q Anon ….. I recon they pray every day for some nazis or kkk to materialise so they don’t look like such deluded retards. They can’t find nazis so they invent white supremacy, they can’t find overt racism so they invent systemic racism.
    The government should introduce a woke tax on companies and slebs that support rapefugees to help with the costs. I wonder if they’d still support it then.

    • I would love to know the percentage of their income that Rashford and the other loud mouths pay in tax .A fuck sight less than the average contributor on ISAC.

  5. Saw a younger couple oohing and ahhing over the £4.50 tubs of Ben & Jerry in the Tesco ice cream section recently; I thought what a pair of twats. Fuck Ben & Jerry and their overpriced, political ice cream. I bought a tub of Tesco Finest Vanilla 480ml for £2.50.

    I wonder if a lot of this woke crap from companies is just a marketing ploy to appeal to millennials.

  6. I wish companies would stick to selling things and keep their noses out of politics.

    Ben and Jerry’s icecream is expensive for what it is, and what they’re doing is very silly and will put people off buying their icecream.

    I tend to buy shops own make. If I’m feeling flush I buy some of that Kelly’s Cornish icecream.

  7. Don’t start me off on these absolute cunt rug munchers.

    Years ago, when they were kicking off in the UK their whole marketing strategy was centred around family values, keeping it real and would never, never sell out to a big corporate…

    Guess what folks – they did and are now owned by Unilever:

    Fat Ben and cunt fuck Jerry sold out and I bet most people still think they are buying into an independent label.

    Hope a fat cow steps on and crushes these two cunts.

  8. So all this crap comes from the massive Unilever then presumably. What a ploy. I see they own PG Tips, Helmans, Maille and Colman’s Mustard. Will have to stop buying them!

    • I think Unilever will have to rethink their sales of skin whitening cream. Sounds a bit raaayyycist to me! Should be Dary-key cream instead.

      • Where do we go with this one then…

        What about Dove soap (whitey brand)
        Persil (makes your whites more white)
        Tony & Guy (Woke and BAME)
        BRUT (put enough on and the dark keys may stay away)
        Marmite (there’s a bleck brand for you) – and Bovril
        Brylcreem (put enough on your cock and it’s luxury wank time)

  9. Disgusting sickly shite.
    Never understood why anybody would even bother with the stuff.

  10. Over-priced icey butt muck. You can buy a litre of plain Cornish for the price of one of their wanky little tubs.

  11. They’ve done their market research and found the overwhelming bulk of purchases are made by a particular age demographic. They then target that demographic by associating the product with certain social attitudes. In other words they are going after young cunts who have been brainwashed into wokiness. The media and the education system have done their advertising for them, they are taking a free ride on their backs. Same reason that Nike signed up arch wokie, Colin Capaenick, or whatever his cunting name is. Don’t kid yourself……it’s all about money and profit margins…..these cunts don’t give a fuck about anything else.

  12. Eating ice cream is an early indicator of The Gayness.

    One minute you are buying a tub of Wall’s Neapolitan and the next you are listening to Fat Reg songs, perusing the local pet shop for the most attractive hamster to shove up your arse and accepting an invitation to Michael Barrymore’s latest pool party.

    • Fidler has finally got to you. And for what? A hand shandy off Fanny and tinned pie.

  13. Ben is a cunt. Jerry is a cunt. Their product is unpleasant filth. They are currently promoting world peace, it seems, what wet twats. They can fuck off. Great nom, MMCM.

  14. Just another giant corporation hiding its capitalist ethics by chucking out a few “Give a fuck” breadcrumbs to the public. The kids might swallow this shit but anybody who has the mental age of toilet trained and above will see through this flimsy veneer.
    I know you should no speak ill of the dead but I look forward to calling them a pair of cunts when they fuck off and die.
    I am a patient man but I wish they would fucking hurry up about it.

  15. I always saw Ben and Jerry’s as a scam I thought only hipsters bought this over priced crap. 8 bucks for a 400ml baby small tub of sweeted ice cream flavors

    No thanks I’ll just stick to plain vanilla or chocolate ice cream Caramel chocolate vanilla fudge swirl is a bit too much for my taste buds They are a bunch of communist woke shits and can fuck right off

  16. When these retards say dismantle white supremacy they mean destroy the western world that WE,not chicken George,made. What they’ll replace it with fuck only knows but if it’s run by poc I can’t see B&Js bring in business very long as there will be no economy or civilisation. How would a world run by the effnicjs look? Africa. Take a long look at Africa you fucking twats at B&Js.

  17. Oh yes , when you look at states and cities in the USA run by bleks and Democrats they’re ALL fucked. That’s why folk are leaving California and NY and heading to Florida and Texas.

  18. I hope both Ben and Jerry overindulge in their concoctions and end up with uncontrolled diabetes.
    Leading to lots of amputation.
    Woke puffs.
    & mega cunts.

  19. On the very rare occasions I get myself ice cream I tend to get one of the high protein brands. Less calories and sugar in addition to the protein content.

  20. Their shit has killed far more people through diabetes than the American police force. than

  21. The guy in the nom photograph looks like he’s handing out one of his fresh turds in that paper cup.

  22. It`s `quadruple choccy-chocablock` for me every time!It can be a bit of a challenge do slurp it though.

    • Ive tried this yank hippy ice cream.
      Its fuckin rubbish.
      Its like Woodstock, probably better on drugs.
      British ice cream is the best ????
      Now Bin &khazi have started preaching I eat PANZER ice cream made by neo nazis in eSSex,
      Or WHITE PRIDE ice-cream made by Skinheads in Doncaster.
      Vanilla only.

      • I don’t condone neo-Nazism, not even in jest.

        On a brighter note, making your own ice cream is well worth it. Add whatever you like to the base, be it Vanilla pod innards, Baileys, chocolate, nuts. I’m the one turning into a hippy; I’m making candles at the moment and next on the list is soap!

  23. My wife bought some of this shite once as “a special treat”. I told her, next time, to freeze a cow pat as it would be more appealing and taste better. I didn’t know they were woke central at the time or I’d have made her leave it at the store.

    A most worthy nomination.

    • I could only ever eat vanilla. And I can’t even have that now because it gives me constipation.

  24. Fair play to Priti Patel – when these hippy cunts lambasted her, the response was that she wouldn’t be lectured to by a company that sells junk food.

    I don’t buy Ben & Jerry’s, primarily beacuse it is overpriced and full of shit.

    Give me Mackie’s, Rossi, Kelly’s or god oold fashioned Walls Cornish any time over Bender and Jissum’s efforts.

    • Agree, Mackies is really good.
      Loads of small independent makers of ice cream in this country.
      I buy masterfield farm ‘scoops’ ice-cream for dogs too.
      Dog gives it 10/10.?

  25. Fuck them and their giant corporate owners. If you want to spread the lovewoke magic globally make a start in telling the Chinese to reduce their co2 output so I can keep my old unwoke cars. Or just fuck off and take your virtue signalling marketing ploy with you and shove it up your corporate arses. Just remembered you also made a big mistake when you deemed that the trials and tribulations of our flexi ferry incomers was a cause you should meddle in. Here’s a word for you if you continue to talk bollocks BOYCOTT.

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