The belief in no religion, is a belief. Its the same. The void is filled with new saints, new heresies, and new devils. The end of religion means new devils. These are “the Nazis”. Even though they were utterly defeated in 1945 they are everywhere.
Where are they. I have never met or seen one. The new truth is everywhere. Personally I’m a religious agnostic but a fervent belief in antidisestablishmentarianism (do I get a bonus point) when the motives are directly opposed to the normal English (fuck the Scotch, its a lost cause) people.
So fuck blm, extinction cunts and every other fucker wanting to destroy the only place in the world I call home.
Nominated by: smugcunt
I’m more of a floccinaucinihilipilification man myself.
I like the fact we have an established church. I suppose that makes me an anti-anti disestablishmentarianist.
They are especially boring because they all tend to believe in the Big Bang theory. Which is nothing more than a creation myth itself. They also get upset if you point out the logical absurdities with it, despite doing the exact same thing to christian creationists.
They’ve just substituted one fairy tale for another slightly less, but still absurd one.
Atheism is crap because it’s just a reaction to older human crap. There is no new thinking going on, just circular wisdom. Which is fine, but keep your boring smuggy cunt beliefs to yourself.
Fuck those BLM scum and their Chiggen Floyd George and Markle Snake Gods.
Fuck Extinction Cunts and all. And their Mong God Greta.
More of a “tit” man myself.
As a lad, it was a shapely arse or legs, maybe even a pretty smile and eyes.
Now it’s the tit that tantalises.
I have a vid, which shows my bare breasted sister in law bent over, giving them full dangle.
I find it most stimulating.
Especially as it was taken twenty odd years ago.
But to be fair, she’s still in fine fettle.
Sorry, what’s the subject ?
My sister’s best mate (who was fit as fuck) was always into those animal rights protests back in the old days. One day I was on my way home from work in Manchester and I clocked her doing a protest for some anti vivisection thing. She had fuck all on except two stickers covering her nipples and her holiest of holies covered by a discreet animal rights sign. She never noticed me at the time as I walked past and copped the eyefull I had been after for years.
The wrist activity that night was both exhausting and immense.
You know what YouTube is for, right Jack?
Go on – do the right thing and post the link back here.
Does a mobile phone auto fill that word? Anyway, we all fill the void with something. I do believe in an almighty creator but what boils my piss is atheists seem to want to do just like gays and vegans and tell us aaaaalll about why we’re wrong. Fuck off and live and let live goddammit!
Anybody knocked your door this week to give you that opinion?
Or ever?
Atheism isn’t a belief, its an opinion. It doesn’t require a leap of faith or anything like that.
A fairly big proportion of the German military and political leadership were religious and the Catholic Church helped many escape justice after the war.
Who needs a new evil, when the old one is still in business.
Look up “faith”. Look up Bonhoeffer.
I disagree. I think it actually takes more belief to look at the world as some sort of pointless happy accident than it does to see some inexplicable magic that is then attributed to some god/s.
I can’t not see it. To me it is self evident, objectively and subjectively. I can’t explain it, but I can’t pretend I don’t see it. I don’t need to reach for a crutch of religion to explain it either.. I embrace the mystery and accept it may be beyond my comprehension as a finite being.
Wrong. It’s takes no belief whatsoever. Opinions are based on evidence and experience, faith or belief require neither, in fact, the total opposite, they require you to ignore evidence and experience. Science is theories, religion is absolutes. Science challenges you to prove it wrong, as that is how it progresses, religion condemns you for looking at alternatives.
You’re presenting a parody of religion. Now I’m not religious but I respect people with sincerely held religious beliefs, as long as they are not hypocrites. Yes, religion is based on faith but the major religions have learnt to embrace science as well. The Vatican has an observatory, manned by priests who are also qualified astronomers and Astro-physicists. Science does not necessarily have all the answers and embracing the scientific method does not necessarily preclude faith. I think Dawkins is an immense cunt for saying religion has no role whatsoever. His arguments are the same as those a stroppy teenager would advance.
Islam has embraced science? Only in culturally appropriating white man’s weapons.
Maybe not Islam. Although in the medieval period they did – but now their just fucking savages.
I remember Vatican scientists being sent out to confirm some of Mother Theresa’s ‘miracles’
I think one of the ‘miracles’ included healing some cunt who had a photo of the wizened old bag put on his stomach that cured his ailments, which might have been cancer.
Sounds legit. Who needs the NHS, just a couple of pictures of a crazy raisin in a habit.
A timely counting for this chocolate festival.
I don’t like labels.
If people get a crumb of comfort or a feeling of brotherhood from membership of their chosen cult, then good look to them.
Organised religion-the biggest racket in the world. As anther cunter put it a while ago, the biggest “ponzi” scheme.
Nature is the only religion we need-we are all part of it. All of us.
The decline in Christian belief and attendance etc. is a definite weak spot for us, when compared to the fanatical adherence of the clientele of Alan’s Snackbar.
We have no sense of purpose.
Unlike Richard the Lionheart and co.
Good afternoon.
I dont know any atheists who knock on doors to spread the word. Nor condemn people to hellfire and damnation. Nor throw homosexuals off tall buildings, enslave non-believers and murder innocents.
Commies do these things but that is because they replace religion with a cult of personality – whichever unpleasant cunt has risen to the top.
I dont see atheists threatening to kill RE teachers. And if you read the WY Elders letter to Boris it explicitly does. (‘We dont want to be like France’ No we want to be like Saudi)
And it isnt atheists who sneer at Christian values. I certainly dont. It’s the fucking woke who do this while defending cultural superstition and misogeny..
I have never come across a proseletysing atheist. Now that’s a long word.
Do you have a mirror, by any chance Cuntfinder?
Speaking as an agnostic and a Humanist, I don’t doubt that Religion exists.
The trouble is there’s just too fucking much of it about!
Organised Religion, that is.
Now we’ve got the new Religion of Woke!
FFS – this is the 21st Century. As a child I thought we’d be rid of all this pernicious nonsense by now.
Thought For The Day: If Eve was an afterthought, how come God made Adam with a penis and testicles?
Afternoon, your Ruffness. Merry Rabbit Eggs Day.
The religious seem to think it was ok to persecute people who didn’t believe the same as them for thousands of years, but now people are answering back to them they play victim proper cunts.
If you believe the Bible, koran, Torah ect you may as well believe what Stephen king writes in his books as it’s all fiction.
Having been an agnostic most of my life, I think I might be able to find a path to God THROUGH my local Bishop pictured here.
Rev Bev! Marvellous stuff.
That has given me a cornucopia.
BBTC, I was SO relieved to see that pic, I thought you were going to confess undying love for Welby.
The Rev Bev reminds me a bit of Emilia Fox.
The rejection of Christianity has led us to where we are today, say many.
Celebrating abortions, the gays being celebrated, trannies in schools, the mocking of the nuclear family, the mocking of the role of the housewife (meaning two jobs are needed to barely pay the rent nowadays and kids are brought up by childminders…great job!). The void is filled by other religions (Islam) and screaming at the moon when we had Trump/Brexit winning.
Religion may be mumbo jumbo to many (yes, in some cases for me too), but the rejection of Christianity is bringing about the very end of our civilization. Coincidence? Not sure, but food for thought.
I could go on, but in simple terms…
…repent foul heathens! Repent!
Religion was purely a way for the rich to control the poor masses, through fear of damnation.
The problem with strong religions is that they can be dangerously close to swivel-eyed fundamentalism…
Have a look at the Ten Commandments, and the supposed punishments for contravention of them. The whole ten mind, not just the two or three that people bang on about.
That’s the thing about the religious, they pick and choose the bits that they like, and fuck the rest of it off. The same cunts moan about modernity, but the truth is they only hate bits of it, and are quite happy to enjoy the rest of it.
Then there are those that believe in a ‘creator’ who want the benefits of religion without any of the sacrifices that adhering to a particular religion would entail.
As for being boring because sane people have no adventure of the spirit, I’d much rather the spirit of adventure. Beats grovelling on your knees begging eternal forgiveness to a made up cunt who gives children cancer.
God moves in mysterious ways. I wouldn’t have thought of bestowing cancer on children if I’d been creating the universe. No, I’d have left that out. In fact I would have left out cancer altogether. God of love, get fucked.
It’s the same with Jesus, the top half being all good and holy, and the bottom half wanking himself stupid!
I still listen to Derek and Clive, and it is still funny as fuck.
The NSDAP was explicitly anti religious. Hitler himself was steeped in occultism and a mythology of dubious authenticity: but he was irrelevant to my contention.
From early on, the NSDAP and Hitler was a vehicle for a regime any victory for which would have been based on the new “religion” of science. The grand vision (which of course was simply a mirage in Hitler’s own mind) was for a Germany so powerful, wealthy and omnipotent it could do as it wished.
In my opinion, religion would have been permitted, but in an increasingly regulated way (very similar to modern China). Like China, the longer term goal would be to phase it out altogether.
These anti-religious elements to dominant powers can also be seen in the actions of USSR, USA after WW2. Religion is not a threat to the US, but instead exploited as a tool by the US. The USSR felt threatened by it and pushed religion underground.
My point is that non of the killing jambororees from WW1 to Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya had nothing to do with religion. They were in effect atheist/agnostic wars,whose cynical actions were merely a pursuit of wealth, control and influence. I admit the motivations of many organised religions and those of the above countries overlap. I could certainly agree on that.
… all of the killing jamborees…
The paradox about Nazi Germany was that the European Jewish scientists who were hounded out during the 30s via Princeton to Hiroshima would have won the war for Germany.
A paradox because the anti-Jewish sentiment which was used as a necessary tool to catalyse the growth of popularity of Nazism among “ordinary” Germans would otherwise have worked rather effectively for the Vaterland.
My contention is that any lasting success by the NSDAP would have been followed by a rapid elimination of organised religion in favour of a cult of personality (as persisted elsewhere in the world, and obviously still does in many places).
Atheists are cunts.
Some of these extremists are as bad if not worse than the other religious extremists.
Indeed, look at the daily massacres committed in the name of atheism. The death toll is truly staggering.
I wouldn’t imagine the Myanmar Generals have much to do with religion. They’ve been busy.
They’re Buddhists.
Communists are atheist aren’t they.
They have the blood of millions on their hands.
Don’t they?
The cunts.
Then there’s the splitters ….
The Commubudd’s.
They’re cunts too.
Didn’t they do that catchy pop song?
“Don’t leave me this way?”
Communists kill in the name of communism, not atheism.
Hitler and Nazi Germany was, technically, predicated explicitly on atheism. (It was only pragmatism that tolerated organised religion for pragmatic reasons. After any TotalSieg Catholicism – at Least -bwould have surely been “phased out” pretty urgently).
Now the Germans certainly did kill a few million through WW2, six of whose deaths represented a pretty “anti-religious” action, wouldn’t you agree, Gutstick? Not that recent admittedly.
If the Chinese ever get a taste for mass extermination, which they might, they’ll certainly not hesitate to “waste” a few hundred million in the name of
Christianity/Islam/Buddhism/Confucisnism/Taoismno religious belief in any god whatever¹ but rather the quest for capitalist advancement with “Chinese characteristics² and the Demi God of financial, military, and resource superiority. They’re currently working on it.¹ the definition of atheism is precisely that:
²” with abc/xyz characteristics” is a direct translation from Mandarin whose implications will only be clear to a speaker of Mandarin. Here it is used pejoratively
No I would not agree. It was carried out by an army that hat ‘Gott mit uns’ on its belt buckles. Over a quarter of the SS were practicing Catholic or Christian, the figure is far higher in the regular army. In fact in relied on Christianity’s fundamental hatred of Judaism to help perpetrate the holocaust.
Religion was never under threat from the Nazis, even Islam had a place, just not the front wheel skids.
Communism is just another form of religious ideology.
Some people follow it with an almost blind allegiance despite the obvious flaws.
Some people turn their backs on it having once been member of the flock.
Some people hate it or think it’s total nonsense.
Some people kill in the name of it.
What I hate is the total disrespect and disregard for C of E and even Catholics in Britain itself by British councils, politicians, police, and companies.
Some Airport employee is not allowed to put up a crucifix in the staff restroom in case it ‘offends’ the peaceful cunts that work there. Old lady is ordered by council to take down a ‘Happy Christmas’ flag in case it ‘excludes’ and ‘upsets’ the ragheads and camelfuckers. Council cunts want Christmas to be renamed to make it more ‘inclusive’ to the kebab shop rapists.
But Abdul Abulbul is allowed to have ten wives, isn’t he? P@k! tarts can break the rules by wearing pillar boxes in swimming baths. Police turn a blind eye and sell out victims of muslam rape gangs, the BBC also do the same as the police. And people can’t show a satirical cartoon for fear of decapitation.
Christians in the UK can’t fart without major scrutiny or being questioned. While those smelly peaceful filth do what they want and get what they want. A fucking disgrace.
I really thought the police were heavy handed with that Polish church.
The police usually treat Eastern Europeans with kid gloves.
There are trains and boats and planes, go back to the homeland where the chinky flu is flying high.
Police never get near heavy handed in this country, no water cannon, no tear gas, no rubber bullets.
FUCKEM FUCKEM ALL !!Mother earth will deal with the shower of shit human race of any religion.
I like Rolo Easter Eggs.
I have to admit to being partial to Cadbury Creme Eggs, despite not being a gay. ?
They seem to have got fucking small,RTC…I got one recently and it was hardly bigger than a fucking quail’s egg.
I believe they do miniature versions now as well. The ones I get are the same size they’ve always been, about the size of a regular chicken egg.
Make that a medium /small chicken egg.
But you do realise consuming Cadbury’s creme eggs activates The Gayness in you?
Arf’noon RTC.
Lindt Easter Bunnies for me.
You don’t have to be gay to shove one up your arse and let the gooey ooze run out.
Cheers for the eggs-up Clown Man. ?
Evening I.Y.
I like kit kats.
What’s the difference between a kit kat and Katie Price? You can only get 4 Fingers in a Kit Kat.
The old un’s are still the old un’s….
(Before the arrival of Price, that old gag revolved around Joan Collins. She could probably get a family pack of Chunky Kit Kats up there! – DA)
And before her, it was the Pantomime Princess Margaret.
I’d rather have an Atheist as a neighbour than a raving Catholic or a dress-wearing terrorîst. Not too many people butchered by Atheist cunts.
Talking of slaughter, my favourite part in the bible was the genocide bit where God murdered everybody and every animal by drowning them because he was “unhappy” (surely a incorrectly translated word). Talking of which, I heartily recommend the documentary We Believe In Dinosaurs about the businessman Ken Ham whom I cunted on here a few years ago. Truly boggling stuff.
Anyone seen that bird who they are blaming for the blockage of the Suez Canal?
They’ll never learn. eh? It reminds me of that old classic:
‘What were the last words from the Challenger Space Shuttle?’
‘Ere! Shall we let the bird have a go on the controls?’
Still, as for Captain Elselehdar of Suez fame? I wouldn’t mind blocking her canal myself with my torpedo.
To be fair to her, she is claiming the story to be incorrect as she was hundreds of miles away. Says it’s a smear campaign because she is a successful woman in Egypt.
Silly moo. In the 24th century they didn’t learn not to let a woman drive either…
What happened? A spider in the control room??
I concur: permission to come aboard, captain?
Kissing the gunner’s daughter springs to mind!
I agree. Atheists are boring because they have no adventure of the spirit.
I disagree: spirituality and belief in a supreme being CAN be mutually exclusive.
Evening, Miles.
I reckon of only atheists just sat down and read the collected works of Karl Barth, Hans Kung and Eddie Schillebeeckx, they would almost certainly change their minds.
Happy Easter to all!
@Twenty thousand
C.S. Lewis — ‘A young man who wishes to remain a sound atheist cannot be too careful of his reading.’
Each to their own – but I don’t recall Jesus banging on my door, telling me I’m a cunt and demanding a donation.
No horse in the race, im neither religious or a atheist.
But they Are fuckin boring.
“What about the dinosaurs eh?
What about the dinosaurs?!!
Explain that then?”
Look you cunt if you dont shut up youll go the same why as the dinosaurs.
I don’t like being preached too off any cunt, religious or not.
Anyway think they had dinosaurs in the bible?
Maybe im thinking of the Flintstones?
Same difference….
I’m sure Noah had a couple on his ark Miserable, small ones, peaceful plant eating types.
Peaceful dinosaurs?
MNC@ – “And so it came to pass that Fred and Wilma went to Bethlehem for the birth of baby Pebbles – but some other fkers had nicked the manger! Verily, there was a brawl, tempers wereth running high as it was Christmas and space was limited, but a dealeth was done when Dino agreed to play the little donkey”..
I have of late become jaded and wracked with doubt,
Im questioning my faith and if im honest I dont believe in dinosaurs.
I pay lipservice to Jurassic park
But its just going through the motions.
I dont accept Barney as the messiah….
Godzilla was in that bible book. He fought with King Kong then ate that giant fish but spat out Jonah when Voldemort said, “Wengardium Lukeyskywalker.”
Kangaroos weren’t in that bible book however. Bit rude.
Grumpy bugger-did you get any Easter eggs?
The question is, what will happen to god when the human race is extinct, if he does exist I reckon he fucked off years ago.
Exactly Sickie & that is why the religious lot don’t like the scientist’s version, because if what that cunt Brian Cox says about the science of it is true, the universe has a finite life & it’ll end in a massive ball of fuck-all. Which means the all-seeing, all-knowing God either didn’t think it through properly or He’s pulled one Holy Mother of a con trick on the dozy cunts.
The cosmic boffins say life and light will fizzle our relatively soon and then the universe will drift apart cold and lifeless as a dried out empty husk on a truly mind boggling time scale.
when they start talking google cubed number of endless aeons makes eternity seem like a second on a watch
a fucking long time to sit on a cloud with a harp.
Or if you’re a Mormon, with the missus
All religion is bollocks and of interest only to the inadequate and feeble-minded.
The religious don’t have belief, they only have hope. They’re desperately hoping there is life after death when their common sense tells them there isn’t.
Religion is fine as long as you believe in the meaning of looking after your own life, you will find a lot of them are selfish, they just go round calling people names with no meaning. Prove to people what they have done wrong. That will shut them up!
It’s there “safe space” because they don’t want to go anywhere they except people to keep doing the same thing.
My kids are atheists the wee cunts. They sidled up and informed the Presbyterian Minister that married my Brother In Law in Perth. So Kudos to them for the balls to do so after a long boring service. I got stuck with him at reception and almost lost me faith myself.
Christ has risen and so has the toilet seats as I do my early morning rounds.
Peace, fellow believers over there in Cuntswold.
Let’s face it people are cunts. I mean in general most you would avoid like a turd sandwich and a flask of piss ( see Still Game).
I don’t believe in a sky fairy, it’s total bollocks in my opinion so I am an atheist but I’m a let and let live person so if someone wants to believe in God as long as they don’t hurt anyone or be preachy twats I don’t care to be honest.
Im bored of being a white agnostic guy who likes to listen to them peoples which improve their lives and call me a racist. I love it. Enjoy, once people are dead they are dead.
Most are statheist’s
This is why we need a strong military, because they won’t give a fuck about parliament. That’s the only thing I care about is the protection of the country and people. Chat as much crap as your want it won’t change a thing.
Parliament is a building, the rest in your mind. As for the military, Kissinger was right (as much as I hate the man) when he said, ”Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.”
Now religion is gone (for many people) they have to turn to something else to fill the void, like woke wankery. This is the new religion and you’ll be burnt at the stake if you question its holy shibboleths. I’d rather have religion back.
What do you expect with all the fucking daily bummings and pandering of queers, it’s lost all its meaning.
Too true. The church is it own worst enemy. Who wants to listen to a woke shirt-lifter like the Archbishop of Cunterbury.
It’s all religions and educational establishments don’t you get it.