This is the slimy, self-important nobody that caused Piers Morgan to walk out from ITV’s Good Morning. Beresford apparently has some kind of unhealthy fixation with Mad Meg and, despite being nothing more than an occasional stand-in weather man, fancies himself as a social warrior on the subject of race.
Not content with hounding Morgan off the show on live tv due to his views on Mad Meg, he apparently texted him saying he “ needed to better understand Meghan Markle’s racism claims from the perspective of mixed-race people like himself.”
Mad Meg is no more than a megalomaniac claiming that “her truth” takes priority over real objective truth. Morgan was right to call her out and Beresford comes over as no more than an empty headed vacuous woke warrior making the absurd claim that perceived “truth” is more important than objective truth – the hollow and self-contradictory cry of all so called all woke warriors.
What a colossal cunt.
Nominated by: Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine
And this from AsItIs
Alex Beresford is a top cunt. This man has ceased the opportunity to play the ‘Black’ card on the back of the Harry (Ginger Cunt) and Meghan (Silly Cunt) bandwagon.
This fucking weatherman now thinks he is some fucking BLM hero. This man is a pussy. I am sure he sucks cock. Now he is crying over the racist abuse he allegedly receives on a daily basis.
Grow a set of balls and stop being a prick. Just goes to prove that some people will do and say anything just to further their career. The UK is going down the pan unless this BLM shit stops ruining everything.
Into Terry’s Oven sharpish ??
Stick to the weather you cunt, mind you you can’t even get that right. Fuckin wanker.
Still salty after storming out of GMB because he couldn’t take a little light hearted banter from Piers.
A racist liar (there’s no racial hatred on the Twitter page he did’nt actually take down even though he said that he had), now officially exposed as a defender of liars even when evidence against the bullshit is starkly obvious.
And no Alex, you don,t look like Thierry Henry you silly inconsequential little man.