Akim Aliu

Nope me neither but this cunt has decided that if had been born in a white skin he would have been the next chosen one or in ice hockey parlance the next Wayne Gretzky.

But no he was born with a little bit of a darker shade. No problem sport is a meritocracy at the highest level no amount of positive discrimination, nepotism, backhanders or drugs (admittedly they might help the elite) can get you a place in the starting line up. The minute it starts you get found out that you just ain’t good enough. I wanted to play basketball or be a sprinter but I can’t because I is white. I have now written to the high court demanding compensation for the loss of earnings that I would have achieved


Only cunts like the BBC would give this bloke airtime without questioning if he was good enough. I know fuck all about ice hockey but a quick trawl for Akims career highlights on youtube gave me one goal in a compilation of other stuff by other players.

Dear admin if it’s a quiet day then you may just want to put this up….But there are so many cunts out there at the moment that I would not be surprised I that poor old Akim May never get his day in the cunting sun.

Nominated by: Cuntsince1066

67 thoughts on “Akim Aliu

  1. Because of course Cassius Clay never got anywhere, and was universally ignored.

    • Bleks have always been good at beating the shit out of each other.

      • Whats he bringing race into it for?
        Let your skill speak for itself.
        This choc ice is upset because hes lacklustre at his chosen sport.
        Loads of black runners
        Spear chuckers etc
        Hes just crap at what he does.
        Cant blame anyone but himself.
        Take up a sport more suited to your heritage,
        100 metre Shoplifting?

  2. A favourite topic on the BBC website nowadays. I could have been this, done that, been held back, not given a chance cos I is black innit.
    He should try his luck over here like a lot of his fellow enrichers. Our establishment like promoting his type to positions infinitely above their abilities. Mayor of London perhaps? A seat in the House of Lords?
    What a cunt!

  3. Its ridiculous isn’t it-critical race theory has infested every single aspect of life.

    Covid 19-what a fucking disappointment. Those fucking Chinks can’t get anything right-they were paid hundreds of fucking millions to engineer a disease to fuck over the Dark-Keys and Peacefuls and it has barely touched the cunts?

    Delivered the wrong fucking rice too-I ordered special fried and got fucking egg fried.
    Silly yellow fuckers?


  4. @Mis:
    They might be good at running and shooting hoops, they are fucking rubbish at wrestling, particularly white coppers.


    • They’re limited in ability CG.
      Cant swim
      Cant ski
      Cant ice hockey
      Akim is a substitute at best!
      Wet his lips and stick him on the tourbus window as a mascot.

      • Put a wheel on each shoulder (taking care to remove the enormous CHIPS, first). Lift up his legs and use his massive “mambo” lips to smooth the ice, between quarters.*
        Environmentally friendly too?

        See-IsAC’ers do care about the planet??

        *old George of the blessed Chiggun, missed his calling?

  5. Trust the BBC to come up with this pile of shit. Obviously this cunt has seen the arselicking of black actors, politicians and even fucking criminals!! He thinks…..i’ll have some of that and fill my pockets. So he declares himself a victim and the libtard media crawl up his bum. What a pathetic fucking cunt. Fuck off back to Ukraine or Africa and cry your eyes out.
    The Yanks have an expression in sports……JAG……it stands for Just Another Guy, meaning he is nothing special and can be easily replaced. This cunt is a JAG and he fucking knows it.

  6. I could’ve been a Labour MP but I wasn’t black enough. Totally denied. I’m corrupt, lazy, a great dancer, and have a whopper of a schlong.

    Akin sounds like he should be wiping up the vomit outside his Kebab shop after a hard night definitely not selling skewered dog meat. Ice Hockey is for Russians, Canadian moose-fuckers, and other cunts who can’t play football.

    • Never seen a champion blek in curling, biathlon, dog sledding, lacrosse, quidditch or Altai facking goat dragging. all northern sports invented by pale eurasians.

      So what and fack off

  7. Lets be completely honest-the greatest footballers have been white, with few exceptions.

    Lets pick a world X11 White Team & a World X11 Black / mixed race team-from the best current players.
    I know who my money would be on?

    They have Basketball and pigging out on fried food-what more do they want?


  8. Wankers only watch this shit to see the fights. They have razor sharp skates on their feet and great big sticks in their hands but, strangely enough, they never use them. No, they try and punch each other’s helmeted heads with massive padded gloves. The refs stand back until they fall over on the ice. Everyone goes mental and they skate off to the sin bin. You can’t even see the puck. Just a load of shit.

  9. Worth several million and still whingeing. Some people are never happy.

    Ice Hockey….couldn’t give a puck….

  10. He is sounding very much like Colin Kaepernick, the American football player who started the whole taking the knee farce while the national anthem was played before NFL games. A very average player who is more well-known for disrespecting the flag and whining about non-existent racism than doing what he was paid millions of dollars a year for.

    • And don’t forget Kaepernick made millions from an advertising contract with Nike, hoping to flog their shit to woke millennials. He had plenty of opportunities to get back to the NFL but just fucked people about and insulted them. It’s much easier to be a wokie hero than getting the shit battered out of you on a Sunday afternoon.

  11. Another whining Dark Chappie of colour, or what ever the fuck you are supposed to call him/them fucking moaning pathetic cunt of a human being. Bored now fucking cunts and well Al beeb. Please unsubscribe to the tax.

  12. What a cunt. Just think how well Jesse Owen’s had done at the Berlin Olympics if he had been white…

    • Who’s Jesse Owens? Obviously, as he was a dark key, his exploits were never mentioned.

    • Now there’s a racist organization if ever there was one. How many white singers recorded for them? Not many. They should be made to pay compensation to hordes of tuneless white wannabes.

      • Good spot. The first white female singer to sign with Motown.

        But, not my point, which was
        A) can’t sing, or play hockey &
        B) still white, unlike this whinger, who seems to think his fucking skin colour entitles him to a special pass.

  13. Sport is one of the few things in life where the best rise to the top.
    Not through whining, not through diversity, inclusivity, positive discrimination or quotas but sheer graft, guts, practice and bloody mindedness.
    Wonder if this twat has been taking lessons in victimhood from Colin Kaepernick?

  14. “I feel like the game has given me a lot, but it has also blackballed me,”

    Blackballed? You can’t bees sayin dat sheet Akim! Dat bees raciss n sheet. Nomesayin?

    • Black people are all professional victims.
      Jews had it harder than them.
      Slavery this, slavery that..blah blah.
      Well lets be honest youve not worked since!
      And you were fuckin useless as slaves!
      Take their God, chicken George.
      Never worked a day in his fuckin life!
      Hes more employable dead than alive,
      Draught excluder, paper weight,
      His career prospects have tripled!

  15. Pele
    Mike Tyson
    Usain Bolt
    Tiger Woods
    Serena Williams
    Magic Johnson

    Never heard of the cunts.

    • Isn’t there some effnik called Barry Obama or something? I heard he had a bright future ahead of him but he was blocked by raaaaaaay-shall discrimination.

      David Lammy (who you’ve never heard of) told me that. He had a friend who died in Grenfell you know?

    • True, but some of those six fellas you’ve mentioned moaned and a bit too, especially that violent, muscley animal with the weird face and classic boxer physique, Williams

  16. Pele overated-played in jungle league
    Mike Tyson convicted rapist
    Usain Bolt has shot his bolt
    Tiger Woods failed racing driver
    Serena Williams planet of the apes bat & baller
    Magic Johnson had AIDS. Then didn’t. That’s magic?

    • Tyson was convicted and imprisoned after a sceming floozy he’d met at a beauty contest agreed to go to his hotel room, after a night out, at 2 in the morning! What did she expect they’d be doing? Playing Cheth and looking at pictureth of pigeonth?

      Gold-digging harlot.

      • Tyson had the misfortune to be accused of rape at the same time as a Kennedy.
        They couldn’t let both of them go free.

  17. And if only George Floyd was white, the media wouldn’t have ignored his death.

    Fuck off.

    • I didn’t say they weren’t cunts. Although Pele seems harmless enough.

      But it’s not like we’ve never heard of the cunts. As others point out, if you’re fucking brilliant at a sport you’ll make it if you’re green with blue spots.

      I don’t think any manager would turn down a player if he could score a hat trick in every game, even if he was fucking bright purple and stank of shit.

  18. Another moaning Blek cunt.
    Nowt new,another crybaby with a chip on his shoulder.
    Probably replace Gary LineKunt on MOTD.
    Fuck them all to Hell.

  19. Clearly Hockey is racist. Bunch of whiteys chasing a black object and hitting it with sticks. Then they try to incarcerate it in a prison (net).
    Fuck off!

  20. Black north American athletes, baseball, American “football” and netball players have black privilege because they were bred like race horses for 200 years. Your welcome to your millions, just doff your cap.

  21. I saw Wayne Gretzky play once when I was in NY. Didn’t understand the game at all but I was very impressed with the amount of violence involved – 10% whacking the puck and 90% whacking the shit out of each other.

    They should put a rink in parliament and have a free-for-all after every election. The last 200 standing can sit in parliament and a ritual bayonetting for the losers.

  22. Where the fuck has anyone seen ice in Africa? Spooks aren’t used to snow..oh..fuck snow..that’s racist..is it because its white?

  23. ICE Hockey does not strike me as being a sport colored people excel in, they notoriously hate the cold, neither do they do to well in other sports involving water due to their bones having the density of solid concrete and usually sink quicker than a ship’s Anchor.!

  24. I don’t follow ice hockey but I know a cunt that does, big foam hand the lot, just add a coupled of beers and he, s an instant black American, wanker.
    The black crap is really starting to piss me off now, I suspect this stick welding cock womble cries about the colour of the ice, of wait you can get black ice, however it’s not popular and causes shit loads of greif, do you see a pattern forming here….

  25. A traditionally very white sport.
    A very soft target for race baiting “minority”
    The NHL has long been the victim of racist “woke task forces” who try to get to the bottom of why the sport is just so white.

    Stupid bastards.

  26. Just another race baiter. Not good enough so blames the fact that he is not white. People like this should be fucking locked up for being a shithouse. Cunt.

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