Abbie Kirkby – Friends, Families and Travellers

Who is she? She is the advice and policy manager at Friends, Families and Travellers, a charity based in Brighton (it just had to be in Pîñkötown-on-Sea) that champions the rights of the Gïppö, Rômâ and Travęller communities (GRT).

She is up in arms because Pritti Patel and the Home Office are currently putting legislation through the House of Commons which criminalises trespassers with vehicles who intend to reside on private or public property without permission. This law, if passed, gives the Police the right to seize vehicles/caravans and issue fines to those who will not or cannot comply with instructions to move on.

According to Kirkby, their research shows that just 21.7% of Police bodies support the proposed legislation. If those figures are true, and I doubt they are, it would come as no surprise because Plod has been sh!t scared of the GRT mob for ages and probably fear having to properly earn their keep. However, I’ll bet Kirkby hasn’t bothered to ask Joe Public, who have to suffer the uninvited GRT parasîtës turning up, if they back the proposals or not for obvious reasons i.e. it’s likely there is overwhelming support in favour of a crackdown.

Another GRT advocate, bleats that councils don’t provide enough sites for them. Actually they do but the GRT would have to pay for the privilege and they don’t like having to pay for anything. They much prefer free pitches on someone elses property and then trashing it by dumping their sh!t and rubbish there when moving on leaving the poor landowner / council taxpayers to meet the cleanup costs.

As for infringing the Human Rights Act, that’s böllöcks. Article 1, HRA 1998 already states that every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions and that the State has the right to enforce such laws as it deems necessary to control the use of property in accordance with the general interest.

Therefore, I’m assuming this new proposal is simply intended to speed up the eviction .if the proposed legislation pbecomes law,and if (and it’s a big if with the wokey Police Chiefs, Police Commissioners and mard @rse councils) it’s properly enforced, then hopefully it may discourage the supposed 12% minority (and the rest) of the lawbreaking GRT taking the p!ss out of everyone else. If it adversely affects the claimed 88% of the GRT abiding by the rules then it’s just tough tîtty, they can blame their own kind for their misfortunes and sort it out amongst themselves the Ğýpsý way.

Nominated by: Dickie Dribbler

38 thoughts on “Abbie Kirkby – Friends, Families and Travellers

  1. Does this new law mean if someone parks on my driveway that I can have the car removed? There’s nothing you can do about it now apparently.

    • Do what a vague acquaintance of mine did once. He lived a very short walk from the football ground and came home from shopping to find a car parked on his driveway. He reckoned, correctly as it happens, that the owner had fucked off to the match and, being a mechanic, he used the next hour to open the bonnet and dismantle as much of the cleaner parts of the engine as he could, laying the bits on the ground next to the car. The driver was furious when he came back but could prove fuck all because the drive was open to anybody as he himself knew. Funny as fuck.

    • If it’s blocking you in plod have to act. If you can’t get in plod will do sod all. If I were you I would purcase some nails / screws job done.

  2. These cunts would be fucked in a cashless society. Pay zero tax, get medical issues free…… why do some deliberately fuck up the countryside.

    • IIRC, Viz were taken to court for that strip by some fucking gypo organisation & got their wrists slapped as a result. Then the papers ran a story that the pikey (described as a ‘Roma’, obviously) involved in driving the case was being done for receiving stolen goods. No doubt the irony of that was wasted on the thieving cunt.

      • They had to do an apology, but in typical Viz fashion it was a sardonic one. The double irony is they’d already covered themselves with ‘The Nice Honest Gypsies’ (woman buys some pegs and gypsy knocks again to tell her she forgot her change) a few pages after the thieving bastards in the same issue.

  3. Exactly Harry. Most of them are dirty, feckless, theiving cunts who ruin the countryside.

    One group took over a lovely playing field near us and trashed it. The local council spent weeks and £1000s clearing it up and making it safe for decent folk again.

    They contribute nothing and bite the hands that feed them.

  4. Pie keys do not give two shits about law or civil society. To pretend otherwise is an insult to normal peoples intelligence. Go back to fucking Oirland. They run drug and human trafficking along with the Roma and Albanians. Cunts to a man. Deport and remove the free movement from the eu “independent republic” of southern Ireland.

  5. I’ve been waiting decades for someone to get tough on these filthy criminals.
    Use whatever force necessary to make the inbred bastards comply. A riot baton applied firmly to the gob should work. Up the voltage on all tasers, and a couple of blasts of swan shot to the knees should put them out of our misery.

  6. Was it the cinematographic epic ‘Snatch’ that contained the classic line “I fucking hate Pikeys’? Classic, probably banned by now.

    • I hate Pikeys fucking even more, or at least the consequences thereof.

  7. Moi teef ‘ave all fallen out, moi horse ‘as got de lurgy, me caravan stinks o’shite, me dotter ‘as jus’ bin married at 12 years, somebody shat in me hair when oi woz sleepin’, an’ weze are bein’ turfed off our land coz of tax dodgin’ and scalpin’ peepul.

    Wanna boi some lucky heather?

    • Not quite… I wouldn’t have wasted money on the fumigant crystals, I’d have shoved the scum straight in the oven.

      • Also, the last time I saw a “historic” pie key caravan, it was in Midsomer Murders (which, of course, is the height of realism…).

  8. If you report them for a crime you are more likely to get arrested yourself for hate crime, which is the only crime in 2021.

  9. I worked with a posh stupid cunt who used to do ‘charidee’ work for the pikeys.

    He was white, went to a private school and had dreadlocks.

    A complete cunt in other words.

    Last time I saw him he had lost the dreads, as he’s nearly 50 and balding, but he still thinks he’s 20 and is an arrogant,’right on’ liberal cunt. His family all hate him and ignore him, but the cunt knows his mum and dad own a 2 million quid house that he’ll inherit and share the proceeds (it’s the dad, sister and uncles/aunts who can’t stand the cunt, but he’s not being written out of the will according to the cunt himself) with with his perfectly and normal sister.

    It’s easy to be a liberal idiot when you know you’ll get 1,000,000 quid as a retirement payout, right? I hope his dad lives to be 110, the cunt. I’m sure he’ll be trying.

  10. Oirish, eyebrows meet in the middle, sister looks like “Oddjob” from carry on screaming, tax avoiding, little old lady intimidating, hunt in packs, the brave fuckers, badly pruned trees, even fucking worse driveway laying, village green destroying, cousin marrying, thieving, smelly, ugly, in-bred CUNTS!

    That’s just some of their good points.

    Put them all on a cross sea ferry from Fishguard, sink the ferry half way across the Oirish sea.
    Job done??

    • lipsmackinthirstquenchin acetastinmotivatingcooltalkinhighwalkinfastlivingevergivingcoolfizzing¹… Gypsy

      ¹ when connected indirectly across the 11 kilovolt supply using brine-soaked pads, as they attempt to steal the copper from your local electricity substation

      • Yes, thankfully that’s happened on more than one occasion. Just proves their total stupidity.

      • Pie-keys in my county, stole a Land Rover Defender and managed to drag hundreds of metres of cable from the local railway line, stopping services for over a week.

        So at least they are environmentalist’s.

        (Unlike Mongberg who is a mentalenviron-est)

        How dare you!

  11. When I get out of my car every morning to walk into work, the same Roma family walk past, six kids in tow, not one of them over 10 years old. Not one word of English being spoken. Living in a detached house. Never mind though, Diversity is our Strength.

  12. These cunts are nearly as bad as the goat fuckers. Theiving, violent, victim playing cunts. Should deport the lot of them and the goat fuckers whilst we’re at it

  13. The bastards turned near us last week and already cars sheds and bikes have gone missing they cant be trusted scruffy cunts

  14. I got mobbed by a gang of these “Roma” kids outside Milan railway station once. The oldest was about nine. I could do nothing as they were so fast. It was like having ants crawling all over me. Damn it if the same didn´t happen about a year later in Paris. This time I tried to intimidate them with my command of French, “Arretez ou je vais appeler le police. Monsieur Clouseau, m´aidez s´il vous plait mon brave!” Didn´t make much difference as they didn´t speak a word of French anyway.

  15. Every one of those cunts who stick up for fucking gypsies, be it by working (yeah, working assumes work is done) for the apologist charities, or just liberal cunts who think they are oppressed, should be made to go to a recently vacated site and clean up after the filthy cunts. They should also be made responsible for paying for the damage they cause, and liable for any criminal acts the vermin commit.
    They should be forced to meet the elderly these maggots have swindled for poor or nonexistent work they have done.
    Perhaps they might have a fucking reality check, and end up wanting to deport the cunts like most law abiding people do.

  16. Send the Irish ones back to Ireland and rest transport them to hell. Bunch of nasty cousin fuckers. Travellers are prize Cunts..

  17. I fklucking h??e pikeys, Joberg necklace for the cunts, it amazes me how fast bacteria multiplies, if only a bottle of clit bang could sort these germs out.. M

  18. The local pikey camp by us can only be raided by the police on certain days agreed with the pikeys solicitor, I know solicitors are cunts but this fucker takes the cake and the fucking box it came in.
    What a joke these peaces of dog shit only just qualify as human, animal abusing, thieving scum, Hitler wouldn’t have put up with these cunts…

  19. I can’t be arsed to read this shit. I’ve had to deal with getting this type of scum off council owned land. They are all scum, law breaking, peices of shit that deserved to be burned alive in their caravans for all the law breaking , tax Avoiding, stealing shite they take part in. I hope they all burn in hell for all eternity with a full tank of petrol and a full box of matches. As you can tell, I don’t like the cunts.

  20. There is not a single thing to like about these G1pp0 pieces of excrement.
    Even their slutty daughters who spend ages working on their hair and makeup and prance around in ultra-short skirts are a let down.
    When they drop their chavvy thongs you are faced with unkempt pubic hair and their anal whiskers are matted with foul smelling clingons because they’ve been necking Oirish Guinness and don’t have access to adequate washing facilities.
    Everyone knows that whenever these cunts arrive in your neighbourhood (and this also applies to fairground workers) the crime rate triples. Not to mention the number of vulnerable pensioners who have been conned out of their life savings to have a non-existent loose roof tile replaced or to have their previously immaculate paved drives covered in a flimsy layer of (stolen) tarmac. I really really hate them….and I’m a vicar.
    They should be made to fuck off back to their filthy sink estates in the Emerald Oile.

  21. PS my daughter used to stay at some Scouse girl’s house overnight after visiting the bars of Liverpoowill.
    The filthy slut couldn’t be arsed to use a laundry basket and just chucked her thong on the floor.
    My daughter told me that the stringy bit that goes up between your arse cheeks looked like a fucking Twiglet.

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