UnSocial Media

Social Media & Social Networking, has been around for at least 20 odd years. In fact I first got on board with it back in the 90s with something called “Friends Reunited”, which was very basic but served a purpose in letting people get in touch with old schoolmates and work colleagues. I don’t think it was geared towards current affairs, and by and large it was a very friendly place… that is until Fuckbook came along and there ended Friends Reunited.

But even Fuckbook back in the early days was quite a decent experience before the arrival of broadband. And spending hours sitting in front of a computer was no longer seen as belonging to the realm of saddo IT geeks and nerds.

But over the last 5 years or so Fuckbook, Twitter and all other major social media sites have become nothing more than political platforms, mostly dominated by the woke Left. And that if anything remotely controversial comes along it is debated on social media by these myopic cunts. And once that debate gets too heated, or goes in the opposite direction of where the woke moderators/influential members want it to go, then lots of people end up getting banned, or go flouncing to other social media sites moaning how they were bullied and oppressed by the mods from Twitter etc.

For example, I used to be a member of DigitalSpy. Signed up in 2007, and for a good 10-12 years it was a great forum to be on, with fair-minded moderators and users who generally towed the line.

But then come 2018 all that changed. New moderators came in (probably promoted), and the woke agenda arrived. These new mods loved the power to ban, or to warn users over the most slightest of provocative comments.

It was clear the new mods were protecting certain long-standing members and allowing them to get away with saying whatever they wanted. But if any other poster took an opposing view, no matter how slight, they got a warning or were perma-banned (which is what happened to me in December 2020, when I suggested Biden was a mere puppet to Kameltoe!)

And now of course social media seems like an oxymoron – it is no longer “social” at all. Instead it is a place where one set of people will throw shit at other people and vice versa. People who don’t like something will be hammered by those that do. Say something out of turn and you’re slammed and banned!

Anything said by anyone is constantly under scrutiny by people with far too much time on their hands. These cunts devote their lives looking for some juicy gossip or alt-right commentary, and take it completely out of context and post it on their Fuckbook/Twitter page in order to grab attention and cause more uproar, while they sit back looking extremely smug for being a sad toxic cunt!

I guess my point is that over the last 10 years social media/networking has turned us into cynical, embittered and angry cunts. Not helped by a similar attitude with MSM, which seems to be more and more influenced by social media commentary & tin-pot influencers.

And it will only get worse as we become more absorbed into the (cancel) culture and dependency of social media and how it is brainwashing the stupid, the young and the easily confused.

Nominated by: Technocunt

29 thoughts on “UnSocial Media

  1. I am on twitter – not because I like it but because it is useful.
    Jack Dorsey is a communist with way too much power and helped Biden steal the US election, same with Zuckerberg and Facebook.
    They are truly dangerous, evil people and the only platform these two fuckers should be anywhere near is a gallows.

  2. Twatter and Freakbook are full of self regarding nobody’s following the crowd and trying to outdo each other in political correctness and false social piety. The same applies to WhatsCrap. I hold these companies at least partly responsible for the woke crisis we are going through. Like the Scottish Parliament all they do is give a platform to cunts. Time to reign them in.

  3. Social media can fuck off. I was on Friends Reu-united for about a month, then MySpace for a couple of years, before being invited to Twitter and Facebook in the late noughties.

    I fucked off out of it about 3 years ago. Twitter 4-5 years.

    This is the only site I really post on, although I do post the odd comment on Youtube.
    I miss forums geared to specific interests. They were usually well-run and quite friendly, unlike the free-for-all of the Facebook page.

    The internet is not as much fun as it used to be.

    • Yeah I remember the ‘fun’ days – waiting 4 minutes for a webpage to load, only to have a member of your family pick up the phone and cut your dial up connection.
      ‘Connie’ the red headed, striped dress twat wasn’t kidding anybody in those fucking AOL tv ads.

      I still remember some of the early ‘on-line’ shopping websites.
      “click here to place an order” they exclaimed…. only to be redirected to a ‘order form’ that you could print off, fill in with a biro, and put in the postbox – fuck all difference to those coupons you’d see in magazines 🙂

  4. Im looking forward to the Dons effort. Even with all their bullshit and lies and unlimited power its still 50/50 in every election. Fuck the cunts. If the buckets get passed for a less than polite attack on the cunts il be digging deep.

  5. Total and utter cunts use social media. Sick of knobs whining about being trolled. Answer to that, DON’T FUCKING USE IT.

  6. Tried Facebook a few years ago and lasted 2 weeks. I found it to be an angry, opinionated sack of shit. People from my past started getting in touch which was nostalgic at first, but eventually you remember why they’re confined to your past. Sounds like it’s spiralled out of control now. I steer clear of Facebook now as I’m neither gay nor a 12 year old girl and don’t piss my pants over Love Island.

    Good afternoon all, been a while

    • Good afternoon, YCD. Good to see you back.

      I love your site name. In the film when the girl (Regan) utters that immortal line, I always thought she sounded just like Peter Cook in Derek and Clive.

      • Thanks PM. Good to see you’re still here. I used to have all the Derek and Clive on tape but no idea what I did with it. Can’t find it anywhere and there’s only a limited amount on YouTube. Probably banned if I remember the content correctly.

  7. All bollocks. I just saw a headline where some no mark actor says he couldnt keep quiet about JK Rowling’s transphobia. She is branded by these cunts because she has reasonable mainstream views. Just name calling – so racist, trans whatever, Islamo whatever and even anyone doubting BLM as a philosophy is of course racist. All Lives Matter is racist?
    Stick it up your arse.

  8. No disrespect to my fellow cunters who are on social media, but the thing that gets me about these platforms is they are completely unnecessary.

    If they all disappeared tomorrow, would humanity take a giant step backwards? I don’t think so. Unlike email, for example, which has become an essential communications tool which itself practically killed off the fax machine.

    I don’t participate in these platforms for a variety of reasons, but mainly I have no use for them. The only exception is LinkedIn, but that’s supposed to be a business networking site, not a social media platform. Thanks to the plethora of cunts on there though, they’ve turned it into FecesBook part 2. Thanks a lot. Cunts.

    I stopped using WhatsApp because Fecesbook owns it and spy on you. I switched to Signal. I suggest you do the same unless you enjoy sucking at the teet of cunts like Zuckerturd and Dorsey.

    • Linked in has become frightfully woke with the snippets they publish.

      It severely tempts me to mock the woke news items so breezily splashed up by some virtue signalling wannabe high flier; or to call out certification schemes as no more than protection rackets.

      However that will get my currency very quickly devalued in today’s woke, OHS and certification-obsessed industries

    • linked in itself says “just arks people who actually know you” to connect.

      I constantly get requests from hopefuls in Bangladesh or Calcutta based solely on us sharing similarish professions.

      If you log into linked in your boss immediately knows you’re looking for another job

  9. I have a fuckbook account but just for a couple of friends who use it, I don’t use it much but when St George (I can’t breathe) was trending and Black Lives Matter was the only show in town if anyone who dared to question the political motives of the movement and that All Lives Matter it was like a river of Piranhas.

  10. I don’t use any of them because I’m not a narcissistic cunt.
    I do however agree with everything you have said Technocunt, they have all been hijacked and should all be permanently shut down.

  11. Twatter.
    A poisonous mixture of high capitalism and left wing dogma.
    It will not end well.

  12. Some cunt espouses woke gobbledegook on Twatter. Because cunts follow a primitive herd instinct other cunts come in and “like” the gobbledegook. This is seen by other cunts and, because cunts follow a primitive herd instinct, the gobbledegook is accepted as gospel truth. This gobbledegook is then picked up by cunts in the Labour Party, the Democratic Party, the BBC, the New Woke Times etc and is taken for the accepted mainstream opinion when, in reality, it’s the opinion a few cunts and not the majority. Cunts see the opinion on the BBC, the New Woke Times, etc and, because cunts follow a primitive herd instinct, it’s repeated or linked on Twatter. Other counts “like” the post on Twatter, etc, etc. You get the picture. And that’s how we ended up in the present situation where media and politicians think woke is the majority view. Bunch of circle jerkers.

  13. Not strictly about social media, but similar.

    About six months ago I remonstrated with a shopkeeper who was being very rude to a young lady who wanted some Anadin Extra. He was quizzing her like he was in the Gestapo and he made outrageous suppositions about his girl’s personal habits. I waded in and told the cunt he was well out order and the rudest shopkeeper I had ever seen. Naturally, he didn’t like it and he spat the dummy out further. I told him where to go and that was that.

    Six months later: today I went back in there, and the cunt went berserk and told me I was barred from his shop. He started ranting about me slagging him off on Google. Only thing is, I honestly never did and I told him that. Needless to say, he wasn’t having it and he started to threaten me and started swearing. I warned him that was a very stupid thing to do and that I wouldn’t stand for that sort of shit. I only went in there out of convenience anyway and to test if he was as big a cunt as I thought he was, and he is. Cracks on it’s a chemists, when it’s just a rip off pak! shop with pills. I have now boycotted this fleapit, and I am going to make sure others do the same thing. To hell with the cunt.

    • He was quizzing her like he was in the Gestapo and he made outrageous suppositions about this girl’s personal habits.

      A colossal Joe Daki cunt. And if I see him again, he’s toast.

  14. I only use it for trolling now. I’ll put up things I know will annoy the lefty fuckwards and it usually gets a bite from the Karen’s from my Motherland, a fist pump from my right wing mates and then they’ll scrap all over my feed and I’ll consider it a job well done if someone calls someone else a cunt and I just turn the other cheek. I put photos up of me looking like I’m twenty years younger when I’m really fagging up out the backyard hiding from my horrid brats and that my friends is how I manage my Facecunt feed.

  15. Never used facebook and never will.
    I created a twitter account ages ago, but only so that I could barrack that cunt George Galloway. He blocked me after my first attempt, spineless wanker.
    Never bothered with it since.

  16. This website is the only thing close to social media I do. Cuntbook, Shitter, Cuntstagram, etc can all go fuck themselves the cunts.

  17. I actually believe that someone will come along with a new wankbook , Twitter or instacunt that will not be regulated by the big tech cunts. It could be called something like Parler.

    This will allow ordinary non woke people the chance to express their views

    Oh shit this has already been tried. Don’t believe these cunts have too much power think again


    What a surprise it was labelled ‘far right’ rather than free speech

    I would rather give up my phone than bow to these cunts.

  18. What’s frightening about social media is that it seems to wield so much power. Big companies like Disney, Marvel, and Coca Cola start shitting themselves if these Twatter nutters start wibbling and getting offended. Gina Carano was fired because of constant pressure from a bloodthirsty Twatter mob, and Lucasfilm capitulated. Other people have also lost their jobs due to social media lynch mobs and the grassing culture that is endemic on Twatter and Facefook. Everyone is under threat. Say or write the ‘wrong’ thing: be it a joke, or questioning the Markle Snake, or criticising BLM, or even not using the ‘right pronouns’ then you are fucked. Carano was right: social media mainly has a Nazi mentality.

  19. Great nom, Techno.

    As I understand it, Fecalface is just a facility for socialist cunts to wank off over each other. Whereas, Twatbatter is similar to Fecalface but for socialist cunts with an even shorter attention span.

  20. Never did get involved, in any way, with ‘social meeja’

    I’ve always been a skeptical cunt and shied away from online data collection, which is what FB etc. is, obviously, really about.

    Same reason I have refused to have a ‘smart’ phone.

  21. The keyboard is now the Psycologist listening to peoples darkest thoughs but unfortunatly there is no person to keep those darkest thoughts for the next session so they go out to the masses of simmilar mental sickness to feed off.
    What we are seeing is mass menal illness until the paitent (Social media) has a complete breakdown.
    Don’t be angry but pitty these bottom feeding cunts, every keystroke they make devalues any value they thought they had with society. With understanding you will understand why they deserve pitty rather than anger, Stay strong fellow cunters!

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