Twatter, A very personal one this. I joined signed up for an account 23 days ago, (bored shitless with the fucking lockdown). I have had my account suspended for the second time just now. How very dare they; the fucking woke lefty cunts. My crime this time? Saying that I will not support the England rugby team again until all the knee bending cunts have gone. Oh and well done to the Taffi’s both before the game and during it.
Fucking fuck fuck fuck free speech is dead. If you can be silenced for not agreeing with your team bending the cunting knee before a game the world is heading for destruction I am so mad that I am struggling to string a sentence together. Have a listen to this instead. Not really relevant but is cathartic at the moment from a personal point of view.
(Not a bad idea to nominate songs you turn to when really pissed off – NA)
Nominated by: Everyonesacunt
Twatter. Facefuck.
Don’t give them oxygen.
Do something more productive like scrub your floors with a toothbrush.
Too true, CG. Social media is a hive for psychos, narcissists, freaks, and tarntruming kidults acting like Viz’s Spoilt Bastard. They are also cowards. All the cunts who wanted Gina ‘Sugartits’ Carano fired. How many would have said it to her face?
This. All day long.?
This is the only blog I visit. I have never joined twitter or facebook, both of these never interested me from the start and looking at what they’ve turned when people post about them here into thank fuck!
Twitter indeed, lol.
I purposely miss the first five minutes of any sports match now just to avoid ‘the knee’ nonsense! I know they only take the need for seconds but I give it five minutes just in case they are running late as catching even a glimpse of this marxist terrorist behaviour would spoil the match for me!
It would spoil the TV for me because I would kick it to fucking pieces
The same reason I’ve never watched that trailer trash cracker MeGain MarkUp!
Twitter isn’t censoring free speech at all. Owen Jones said so therefore it must be true.
Two on the stink. One other annoying thing during my twatter time is that I have several times tried to bait mr Jones so he would bar me. Thus far without success. It’s these little things that keep me going till Boris the blonde cunt allows me out on the golf ??♀️ course once more.
I can’t get Barry McGuire out of my fucking head now.
Yes not a bad singer for a boxer.
Twitter Facebook etc are riddled with woke, best staying away.
You can say whatever you want and are free to express long as you read from the party manifesto.
If not youll get shouted down, cancelled.
But so what?
Keep saying stuff that upsets them,
Point out the bullshit and hypocrisy.
We on ISAC could probably upset them enough that itd have millions of complaints,
Have political crybabies on TV calling for our deplatforming!!
Remember each an everyone of us was put on this earth to upset the woke??
The woke are always upset. I find it amusing when they get on their high horse about shit like Batman.
Personally I don’t engage with them as they too boring to argue with, much like creationists or flat earthers.
Let them troll each other with their own pettiness and psychoses.
Is he telling you over and over again my friend? ?
Nearly a year on, and these cunts are still eulogising that gun toting abusive chiggun eatin druggie scum? Fuck me, even JFK wasn’t mourned that long. All Floyd did in his life was cause harm, commit crimes,and get sat on by a cop. A fuss about nothing. A dead goldfish deserves a better epitaph than that cunt.
To be fair Norm, I thought his Smurf impersonation was top notch.
On Google, Floyd is now shown as an “American Hip Hop Artist”. What the actual fuck?
I could be forgiven for thinking he was a brutal career criminal, convicted of theft, robbery and drug offences.
I blame the MSM for failing to have the cojones to reveal Floyd’s criminal past and being complict in the sanctification of someone with morals no better than a common sewer rat.
Oh aye, hip hop artist. Come to think of it, I remember him covering ‘Take My Breath Away’.
Heh, heh. Didn’t he cover “Breathing” by Kate Bush as well?
Breathing muh KFC
Breathing muh skank-out in
Out in, out in, out in, out in
Out in, out in, out in, out…
Out, out, out, out…errghh…
Got me thinking about Kate now.
One of the most stunning and talented women that ever lived.
Pink floyd’s BREATHE-they should have played that at the cunts funeral.
Dirty fucker: he had 11mg / ml of Fentanyl in his bloodstream. 3mg would kill most people.
He was dying before the cops got hold of him.
On the way home from work, I had my daily blood pressure test via Radio fours PM programme. The main article was about the poor murdered woman who looks like she was done for by some psychotic cop, and it was basically an all men are bastards piece. Some woman said this murder was a ‘George Floyd’ moment, and they’ not going to take it anymore. Poor woman, not only is she murdered, now she gets compared to a convicted criminal, and is being used as a stick by any man hating harpie to beat men again.
All men should feel collective guilt they say. Fuck you.
All I could think of was…..
Rose West, Myra Hindley, Beverly Allitt, Mairead Phillpot, Karen Matthews, Aileen Wournos, Tracy Andrews, add your own to the list, I know there’s more….
Is it just me or is this murder, no matter how awful, being completely and probably deliberately overblown by the media?
They aren`t mentioning the vast majority of murder victims are men.Not to detract from this awful case.As you pointed out though this narrative is insane. When they say all men do they mean men who aare transitioning from female to male or only people with a dick?
The place is completely pointless now. A recent purge has got rid of pretty much everyone to the right of Lenin.
Never understood the appeal if it. Short posts only and it’s all over the place and hard to follow.
Just a woke echo chamber now so fuck it anyway.
Never been near it.
Rather have boils.
Filthy bastards.
I too joined Twitter through boredom. Lasted about 2 weeks before being suspended, which I consider an honour. All I did was infiltrate Alastair Campbell’s tweets on ‘Tree of the day’ and suggest he find a nice oak, sling a noose over it, and do the world a favour.
Twitter attracts Twats like flies are attracted to fresh dogshit.
I have never used the fucking thing – far too many kidults and bleedings hearts on there for my liking.
On gab now full of “Trump patriots “ can say lots of shit on there. And do. Get them fucking courses open Boris you fucking tousled hair blond twat.
It was brought home to me how warped these “social media” sites are when I tried to set up a Facebook account and I was refused because they did not like my surname. I am NOT joking! You’re far better off on ISAC mate; it’s on a vastly higher intellectual level.
what’s your surname? W.ogfucker???
No real praise their Arf’; the local adult SEND daycare my mum used to assist with are the fucking Princeton Institute of Advanced Study compared to Twitter and Facebook.
I am quite surprised we haven`t been taken down yet I am sure that day will come. I seem to remember several years ago when I first got admin rights there was a contingency plan to set another one up in that event.
I hope there is a contingency plan in action for the said ‘take down’ scenario, admins? All contributors contacted by email and advised of the new site?
A behind closed doors version where the Internet public page gives a hint of what the site is about but you can only see the real cuntishness and contribute if you join, so no Joe public can randomly come across it so to speak.
You do get the occasional good thing on Twatter though:
Yeah seen it on there. Funny ?
About 1.5 million people constantly spouting on twatter have the entire establishment in the palm of their hands. whats the point of elections. Cunts.
No they think they do. If they really did they wouldn’t be so wrong about every one of the election results
2010: tories are running scared!
2015: tories are running scared!
2017: tories are running scared!
2019: tories are running scared!
You forgot Brexit, Mr Prime.
Yes, i’m not sure it was as lopsided on that issue. I noticed a lot of the remainer activity would occur during the late morning and afternoons, while the leave activity picked up when people started getting back from work.
An interesting pattern.
Don’t have anything to do with social media- Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.
Far too many ignorant it’s all about me fuckwits with nothing worthwhile to say.
Have no problems expressing my opinions without fear of censorship.
Some disagreements, sure, but nought wrong with healthy debate.
Its a good job Ruffers is such a advocate of free speech and an understanding employer Willie when butlering for the Creampuffs.
In all seriousness I have always found it very Orwellian how some companies will trawl prospective employees social media accounts under the premise of ‘fitting in with our values’ crap.
Suspended for not supporting the English rugby team . Fucking twitter . A bunch of woke ,lefty,anti free speech marxists cunts . The only place you can speak freely is here or Parlar,I believe, now it’s back courtesy of a Russian website browser thingy or whatever you call them. Talk about irony. The Russians allowing free speech and we stop it.
Communism ended in the East of Europe just as it was taking root in the west.
Last time I looked someone was offering 2 million dollars for ownership of Jack Dorsey’s first twat on the platform. Saddens me that twatter has an influence way beyond any reason and I’m fucking depressed that someone is willing to pay now over 2 million dollars for a pointless sentence uttered in cyber space.
As I wrote this I hear some cunt has just spent 63 million on a piece of non existent art. The fall of western civilisation is well underway.
Milan are making Harry Maguire look a proper cunt, when almost every ball is in behind him because he can’t turn. I’ve seen oil tankers turn quicker than that Easter Island headed cunt.
Recently watched some Big Match reruns of matches that took place in 1976. With the brilliant Brian Moore
Top teams of the era including the very top players of the day.
Sorry to say Norman that compared to the football played in todays Premier League, the matches back then were pretty shite and tedious to watch.
This comment is not particularly related to Twitter as such but as it is a nest of wokeness, I think it´s relevant. I find it a depressing sign of how brainwashed the western world has become that NY state governor Andrew Cuomo is being called to resign by fellow Democrats over allegations that he groped a number of females rather than for his deliberate cover up of thousands of deaths in nursing homes. Although over 15,000 people in these homes have died since the start of the pandemic, Cuomo was forced to admit that his health team had registered only 8,500. Fondling a staffer is obviously more important than killing helpless old people in wokedom.
Agreed Mr P, that well known sex pest , Pepe Le Pew is also in the sights of the left and you would think he was a Jeffrey Epstein or Harvey Weinstein in cartoon skunk form from the vitriol of the wokeflakes.
Le Pew is getting all he deserves.
Hes french.
He stinks,hes a sex pest,
Dont get anymore french than Pepe lePew.
Yeah Cuomo is responsible for more New Yorker deaths than Bin Laden by a long shot.
I am told twitter is ‘old hat’ now for everyone other than stupid cunt Labour types who think social meedja is the way to influence people. Ha, ha, ha. Influence cunts more like. Who the fuck wants to spend their time ‘following’ political maggots, soapy journos, and celeb turds? Leave them wallowing in their own smegma.
These media platforms are laughable.
I had my YouTube account closed for the crime of arguing in the comments with the pro knee benders brigade.
So at least we know who’s side these companies are on.
What passes for news and the entire media which supports the false narrative are boils on the same arse cheek.
Google is deleted in its entirety from my phone.
Fuck them.
Twitter is for swivel-eyed Corbynites and tranny-worshippers
Facebook is for the local Karens and conspiracy nuts.
Both vast petri dishes full of basic, drooling cunts. If any of them had anything better to say than, ‘haha, say that to your x followers’ and ‘give your head a wobble’ or ‘bigot/-ist!’, i might just be arsed to engage, but since 2007 they never have.
Once there was a little black lad on an advert. In said advert, the kid had a jumper on with the words ‘Coolest Monkey In The Jungle’ printed on it. Cue psychotic and frenzied race obsessed meltdown by social media nutjobs. Little lad’s mother (also black) said she had no problem with the advert and that it meant her boy was simply a cheeky kid and that it was nothing to do with racism.
The response? The lady then got death threats for daring to disagree with them and having view on her own child. The Twitter brigade in a nutshell. Fascist bloodthirsty psychos that would put Himmler to shame. Utter cunts.
Norm: did he look “chimp like”?
Funny how they “chimped out” on the mother. Ironic, one might say!
I remember that advert. The little lad wore a cap and used to push his bike up a big hill full of terraced housing with a haunting symphony as background music, something about bread.
Only total and utter cunts use twatter. Sick and fed up with people moaning about it.
Twitter is absolutely well named.” The twitter of the deluded ibeciles, as they crash the walls of the Asylum” (Bedlam. A Visitorial Observation : Unknown. 1806 )
Twitter is a juvenile cesspit of people throwing stones.You don`t get enough characters to express yourself and constantly have to dumb yourself down to even post.Judging on the occasions I do look at that site that is why it solely inhabited by utter imbeciles of either the woke or the trolling varity.Even the good people on Twitter have to supply links to blogs or articles they have written as Twatter is so dumbed down.The censorship is clearly biased against conservatives which is why a lot of conservatives don`t use it.Then the twatterers think everyone is voting Labour every election as everyone on Twatter appears to be.Completely out of touch.
Don’t use it, don’t read it and certainly don’t consume it.
As far as I’m concerned, all social media can suck a dick.
I got perma-banned from twatter last September 11. That day, the hashtag #allbuildingsmatter was trending, millions of the cunts thought that was a hilarious refutation of #alllivesmatter. It is depressing to spend any time on there and see the sheer number of complete and utter cunts there are on this planet. It is a breeding ground for the most idiotic ideas known to man, and because anyone who disagrees with woke ideology gets banned it has become just one big echo-chamber where woke cunts agree with woke cunts all day so they end up believing that their ill thought-out cunty ideas are actually stone cold undeniable facts.
Twatter needs to go, its is producing a whole generation of total cunts.
Don’t even give them the time of day, they are just the same as the media.
I even have arguments with myself sometimes that when I brush my teeth hard I sound like steeevvvvyyy g. Honestly try it. Clean your teeth and speak at the same time.