A nomination for ‘Three dads and their babies’
I saw this puke fest whilst channel hopping this morning and landed on the truly abysmal Good Morning Britain on ITV.
Three gay blokes, who describe themselves as a ‘polyamorous throuple’ have won a court case in San Diego so that they can legally be the fathers of two children. One of the cunts looked like Lineker with big jug ears. There was also a sickly photo of the three of them holding one of the unfortunate babies.
The two dippy blonde wimmin presenters on ITV were almost falling over themselves to fawn over these three cunts and after the interview, they both sat there with simpering stupid smiles. ITV seems to be trying to outwoke the BBC now.
Nominated by: mystic maven
Let’s hope and pray the babies are not boys.
What a lost country America is. The poor children will be denied a mother and raised by three dysfunctional needy wackos.
Theyl be fucking other poof up the arse within three years, and the kids will be the only losers.
Degeneracy seems to be the province of the woke. This is utterly sickening.
“What is obscene today will be normal in 50 years time”
Said in 1969 and is scarily accurate
Sick cunts!!!!
Which one is Tom Selleck?
Only in California. Well no, not really these days. Could be anywhere…….let’s not forget our very own Reg Dwight and his “family”. This sort of shit makes my flesh crawl and my stomach churn. Almost as bad are the brainwashed wokie cokies who think this is acceptable. It stinks to high heaven. I would happily execute these degenerates and the cunts who allow it to happen.
I couldn’t be bothered to read the entire article. Was the baby conceived at a bükkake party?
????? That made me laugh RTC!!
A reimagined 3 stooges with added sodomy for current tastes.
I’ll look forward to the documentary about the killing spree the kid Pubert goes on.
Pubert!!!!! ?????
This is just wrong.
Everything in nature, nurture, parenting, common sense and common decency is being p^rverted.
This is just wrong.
If this level of deviancy can be classed as normal by the wokeists just how low are these revolting cunts gonna gi to reach new depths.
Truly blood chilling. That kid is going to be a frequent guest on a therapists couch one day.
Polyamorous throuple? In the name of dog what does this mean?
They deserved cunting for coming up with that!
To me it sounds like another way of saying gang bang.
Piano wire
And gibbet them as a warning.
Fucking deviants and freaks.
And the authorities let these fucks have a kid in their care?!
Makes you wish Hitler had won…
The fact that this is legal and official shows that Great Britain is now totally destroyed. It exists in name only.
Tom Daly and that Yank pederastic predator he’s shacked up with…….they had a kid but you don’t hear about them these days. They mixed their spunk together and shoved it up some slag with a turkey baster. A public flogging followed by a hanging would be too good for them. I’m beginning to sound like a peaceful…….minus the goat shagging, rape of under age girls and scrounging off the British taxpayer.
I bet those three cunts are Michael Jackson fans and all.
Hung,drawn and quartered please
Thats their names.
Mr hung,
Mr Drawn
Mr Quartered.
& Baby Pubert.
Coming soon to a street near you.
The Wimpsons… ???
Those three weasels together don’t add up to a normal man.
Shouldn’t be allowed a pet, let alone a child.
‘Daddies, what are you all doing?’
‘A threeway reacharound son, the most normal thing in the world’
I’m just trying to ignore shite that makes me want to yell at the skies. Back in the day we had proper journalism and what people got up to in their own homes was their own business and if they want to dress up like sheep and suck off alligators in their spare time then that’s their own business as long as kids are fed and kept away from kiddy porn.
I got in trouble here for telling one of my teens I have no time for “that woke shit and New Age malarchy”, so I’m doing my bit to keep it real.
Nothing wrong with a threesome tho but three dicks in a tangle? Dunno.
This is a problem, even though the trio queero somehow proved their good intentions in a court of law , it simply sets a very dangerous precedent for future weirdos depraved who won’t want to share their intentions in a breakfast television show. Cunt Law from Cunt Courts ,infested with Cunt weirdo agendas
Immediate full oven.
The poor kid will be more confused than me doing an Algebra test. I can see old Pubert having to fend off the playground bullies and his Dad’s aren’t exactly Mike Tyson’s themselves.
Bet they could take on anyone in a dick sucking contest though, Bob.
Oh yes Twenty, bet all three could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.
I was moderated so I will rephrase. This ruling sets a dangerous precedent for similar cases in the future . Others might not have the (wholesome) intentions that this trio portrayed in winning the right by a Court of Law to adopt an infant and rear it with 3 Daddies for the teaching of moral-guidance ,then appearing on breakfast television to show how wonderful , caring and nurturing they will be and encourage others in similar circumstances. Christ how many of these cunts are out there . It beggars belief
I saw the unmoderated one. Good stuff!
State sanctioned child abuse is what it is. Growing up in that degenerate environment with 3 flagrant f@ggitts poisoning those innocent souls is truly heartbreaking.
No wonder Christ comes back and slaughters wholesale.
Sorry , I only went in to moderation
I wish attention seeking look-at-me gay people would just fuck the hell off the planet. They’re unnecessary. Extremely unnecessary.
My interest in this story could not even be measured with the use of a scanning tunneling microscope.
It’s a law of nature that babies cannot be made by one man shoving his cock up another man’s arse. All that does is turn brown turds beige.
If they want to make a baby, I’m sure Katie Price will oblige. She will fuck any male, even poofters.
Truly sickening. State funded p.da.fil.ia.
How the he’ll can Mark Zuckerberg and his two batty boyfriends adopt/produce a kid? That child is going to have one fucked up existence.