The Yellow Brick Road Out Of Lockdown.

The rules on this do not add up or make sense.
(I feel I will be stating the obvious on this, but here I go anyway).

All places of education open this coming Monday. If I have this correct, there will be classes full of over two dozen learners, on a site of multiple classrooms. There will also be teachers, admin staff, facilities staff, etc.

Yet I can’t, nor can my youngest, sit in our living room with my dad. Our home of five people, cannot admit one person to pop round for a brew and a chat.

Admittedly, my dad has had the jabs. Me and the other half have had our first jab.

It just makes no sense whatsoever. But then nothing the government does makes any sense. Just like the pretend lockdown rules where the parks are rammed, and I have to explain to my 8 year old why she can’t go, but other families can. (Luckily she is understanding, just gets on with it, and is more hardy than most adults).

I wish a long, torturous, bubonic plague style death on twats like them who flout the rules and have no consideration for others.

Gone off topic now in my anger….d’oh!

Nominated by: Andrew Davenport

92 thoughts on “The Yellow Brick Road Out Of Lockdown.

  1. I made the mistake yesterday of going out shopping when the schools were kicking out…..yeah, i’d forgotten about that. Anyway the cunts were everywhere…..architectural students piling in and out of the chicken shop, shouting, yelling, gobbing, throwing their litter all over the pavement. Fuck me, it was just like normal.
    “What’s the fucking point” I said to myself as I pulled my mask up over my face and picked my way through the piles of flob and chicken boxes. You can’t live forever…….leave the cunts to it.

    • Back in my day architectural students wore bow ties and were very polite. What’s happened to the universities to turn them into a horde of chiggin-gobbling, flem-gobbing, semi-literate barbarians? More to the point what sort of architecture will these morons be creating when they graduate? The cunts should be chemically castrated and sent back to primary school to learn civilised manners.

      As for the lock-down, it contains more contradictions then the King James Bible. A complete dog’s breakfast.

  2. This thing is going to go on and on and on…..

    Just now they are starting the propaganda about the “third wave” yawnnnnnnn

    And the people who submitted to the brainwash campaign with double triple mega masking and had two shots of unknown snake oil thought that was “going to set us free”

    The only thing that will set us free is us, telling these corrupt career politicians on 175k per year (plus generous expenses) to stuff the restrictions up their overfed overweight money swilling asses. People’s business are failing yet fatso cunt Boris spends 200k on his wanking pit.

    For the last three months I have been doing what I please, most of the shops I know are open if you know how and the only thing I do is mask in Morrisons because I don’t want a fine to be paid straight into Boris’ mates uncles dads fictional company.

  3. The thing that always amazes me is how, for example, Covid 19 is a cunt stopping schools from opening on Friday, 5 March, but hey presto, it ceases to be a cunt on Monday, 8 March. It is as if Covid 19 has read the fucking ‘Road Map’. I imagine it hanging around the barber shop waiting until 12 April, whereupon it will fuck off from there too.

    Anyone still believing any of this shit must be a right credulous cunt and really missing David Nixon and Paul Daniels.

    • Here in Spain bars have to shut at 6pm.
      They are allowed a 100% capacity on their terraces up until that time and many places are full for a good part of the day.
      COVID only comes out after 6pm apparently.

      • And the fine for not closing your bar at 6pm?
        Between 60.000 and 600.000 euros.

      • You’re not in Andalusia then.
        Our bars have been open in and out til 8.30 for a while now and as of yesterday, 10.30 for bars and businesses.
        Think of the poor cunts in the UK with no pubs open for months, and how many will be able to reopen?

    • When the country first locked down last year it was simply magical.
      No other vehicles on the road,
      Walking the dog on empty streets, baleful faces at windows etc
      Ahh the good old days!
      But its dragging a bit now,
      Sadly its not finished off the Bames and im missing the pub.
      Im going for my vaccine this morning before work,

      Hail our overlords!
      Hail Bill Gates!

      • Don’t overdo it immediately after the jab, MNC. People tell me it can be a bit of a cunt for a day or two afterwards.

      • Ive got a big storage job on Twenty.
        Thinking get it done straight away then if side effects got all day tomorrow to wear off?

      • The jab was a bit of a cunt for my mates aunt, a perfectly healthy woman.
        Had the jab.
        Collapsed in the vaccination centre car park 25 minutes later.
        Rushed to hospital.
        Put in to induced coma for 4 days.
        Out of coma.
        Complete organ failure.

      • MNC, you have had a change of heart, you have joined the pro vaccine tribe, what happened.

      • Love that tune Ruff.?
        Didnt spring immediately to mind though.
        I could also have said Hank Williams 1948 version that Cash covered.

  4. There can be no more excuses…I don’t give a fuck about “another wave” or ” variant”…we simply can’t go on with the Country bankrupt and so many people sitting on their arses getting paid by the taxpayer. I suspect that it won’t be the private sector that needs any persuasion…it’ll be the public sector that’ll be to drag kicking and screaming back to work.

    Dominic Cummings is still a “Grand-Tour of The British Mainland ” Cunt.

    • Yep, the ones who have a guaranteed income / wage will be the ones most resistant to going back to actually earning a living.

      I’ve worked every day of the “pandemic”, I’ve had the fucking thing and it was a cold and sore throat and now I just want Covid and anything to do with it to fuck the fuck off.

      Anyway, how can a “third wave” start if the vaccines people have been sold actually work?

      If I take a vaccine for Swamp Fever, Typhoid, Plague or Death Flatulence I want it to make sure I don’t get the fucker…not sorta kinda maybe.

      Fuck off the lot of them.

      • its not a vaccine its a therapeutic. it does not stop you getting it or giving it to somebody else. it just softens the symptoms. you need to ask yourself, if its not a vaccine, why are you asked to take an experimental medicine of which nobody knows the medium/long term effects, instead of other therapeutics, like HDQ and Ivermectin, which have proven track records?

      • And possibly population control too. An unpopular opinion, but we’ll see what happens over the next few years.

        A lot of ruling class types love the power of eugenics and the idea of population control.

    • The foul stench of social engineering is in the air.
      We are being fucked over big time…

  5. All total bollocks.Ministry of disinformation.A power grab by the SAGE and onion party.Oven please Uncle Terry

  6. Before this all started it was only a few professions and some in the Far East who wore face nappies, now all of the western world has too. Some people have made lots of money from it and I can’t see us being forced to wear the fucking things shopping forever, on the grounds that they are protection.
    Lots of the larger businesses have done very well out of this. The smaller ones have struggled.
    Think it will be a long time before we are back to normal and the public sector will be loathe to go back to work normally.
    However I am off for my jab this morning in the vain hope that hopefully it will get back to normal, because I suspect without having a jab my personal freedoms will be restricted even further.

  7. The virus was never the problem it was the politicians , the so called experts and the fucking press. Don’t report it or read about it and you would know fuck all about it. The cunts have us applauding the state while they destroy the private sector. Fuck off.
    Cunts cunts cunts.

  8. The contradictions in what and where you can meet are astounding. Can only meet either my father-in-law or mother-in-law as they are separated and only one can be in our bubble, yet my 12 year old son is back in school and in a bubble of 330 kids, being his entire school year.

    There is no logic.

  9. Off topic or maybe not. Just noticed that one of the questions on this years census asks whether you ever served in the Armed Forces. Wtf? Is something about to happen we know fuck all about….like war???

    • I think it’s see designed to cater for ex servicemen’s needs, housing, health etc.

    • A cardboard cut out of a human being. I’ve seen shop mannequins with more life in them.
      This ladies and gentlemen is your elected president (cough… splutter..) of the US of A.

      Yeah righto.

    • I like the way he pauses at the bottom, as if saying to himself “Go Joe, you can do it…” Then, about 10 seconds later “Oh Christ, I’ve shat meself…”

  10. Apparently, 60 MPs are are urging HMG to allow protests in the wake of the carefully orchestrated stunt of last weekend.
    It is the inconsistency of such proposals which pisses people off . I agree that these are strange times but the government seems to have very little idea of the way forward apart from ‘sign the cheques now and we’ll worry about everything else later’. The limitations of politicians’ ability has never been displayed as effectively.

    • Just had my first vaccine (ever)
      Astro zeneca one.
      The syringe was teeming with nanobots,
      Clearly see them!
      Like a jar of tadpoles.
      And the nurse said “now your one of us, you are HIVE’.
      Dunno what shes on about.
      But I can change channels on the van radio by blinking now!

      • Off for mine in half an hour MNC. I too am looking forward to an armful of nanobots. Hoping I will inherit superpowers, though will probably just feel like shit and find my wanking arm is out of action.

      • Didn’t even feel it Fish Mitten an a small price to pay for getting in the boozer?
        In and out within 5mins.?

      • Aren’t they supposed to monitor you for 15 mins to make sure there are no side effects?

      • #MeToo Miserable. AZ. In and out in 5 minutes, felt nothing, no after effects. Same with Lady C.

        Btw, you must have had the standard vaccinations as a baby /child. Maybe you’ve forgotten due to trauma – known in the trade as dissociative amnesia. ?

      • Nanobots.
        A jab to get in the pub..
        All because a politician or a corrupt scientist on the idiot lantern said so.
        Jesus H Christ we are collectively fucked as a species.

        “Nanobots” The very latest jibe aimed at anybody with a crumb of common sense who refuses to take part in this vaccine racket.

        Saying as everybody should just take this jab without question – I’m wondering why there has never been a huge 24-7 advertising propaganda campaign endorsed by slebs and politicians aimed at every new mother.
        Demanding that she makes sure her new born baby is booked into the clinic for all of its vaccinations asap and if she doesn’t she’s an evil bitch intent on jeopardising the baby’s and everyone else’s life.
        Funny how we’ve never seen such a campaign until now.
        Everyone in the country/world vaccinated against a mild illness for 99 percent of the population (Chris Witty)

        I’m not and have never been an anti vaccine proponent but on this occasion I am.

      • You’re not alone. The general public’s willingness to have this shit put into their body is fucking alarming. And no doubt another swathe of sceptics will be easily swayed by Boris’s latest psychological manipulation with him being recorded taking the ‘vaccine’ (yeah right). There’s no chance of that shit coming within 3 metres of my fucking vein when the virus has a 99.7% survival rate. If someone wants to take this Poison so they can go on holiday or ‘get down t’ pub’ and they end up with a fucking tumour, you’ll get no sympathy from me.

      • Yep same here. Wonderfully efficient, in and out in less than 10 minutes. Scarcely felt it and was able to walk to and from centre as only 15 mins away.

        Mind you had jabs before when going on exotic holidays in the past and have a blood test every year as well.

  11. The lockdown should lifted immediately, now that the old and otherwise vulnerable have been vaccinated and will no longer overwhelm the NHS.

    However, those entering the country should still be tested and quarantined if found to test positive.

  12. You cunts dont understand simple rules.

    Wear a mask unless you dont have to in which case a shirt and tie is required.
    Your bubble can consist of 3 people from 5 different households, except Sundays.
    Wanking is not regarded as exercise (RTC please note)
    You cannot travel anywhere whatsoever except for the purpose of an eye test or dogging in the New Mills area (but not as far as the Peak District where hazmat must be worn)
    You can only go in 1 supermarket at a time to buy essential goods such as ky jelly or combat trousers.
    Inhabitants of Chester are allowed to shoot any Taffs who cross the Dee.

    Thats the basic outline. What’s the problem?

  13. It’s the woke age.
    Everyone has to be kept wrapped in cotton wool and patted on the head.
    I find it all fucking pathetic.
    25 million adults vaccinated yet everything subject to idiotic restrictions for months yet.
    Shitty effeminate alleged journalists papping on about variants and vaccine shortages.
    Scaremongering bullshit.
    Herd immunity has been achieved.
    Stop fucking about and get the country open.

  14. Lockdown should be lifted immediately and never be implemented again. No cost-analysis was ever done, it wasn’t in the pandemic preparedness plan, it is the most grotesque violation of our liberty ever and has cost businesses and lives (more than the rona).

    Buckle up. Because they will try it again! And again. And again. Then maybe you doubters will finally grasp that this is not about a virus, and actually a reshaping of our society (Great Reset).

    They’re already laying the groundwork now. Strain can’t be detected by PCR, changing the criteria to all must be jabbed etc.

      • Why don’t you google it. The WEF has a website about it, it’s out in the open, Prince Charles talks about it, Hancock and other political figures are onboard, etc.

        It’s about restructuring our society under the guise of the 4th industrial revolution and environmentalism.

        CV19 is the excuse to roll it out. The public would never accept it otherwise.

      • Doesn’t matter what you say BCC, there are people out there that, although they call the government cunts on other matters, for some bizarre reason, completely believe every word they say regarding this laughable bollocks.

        Ostrich parasitic syndrome.
        (head buried in the sand)

        The country is not coming out of perpetual lockdown until enough people grow a set and say enough is enough.
        Unfortunately even the so callled oldest and wisest of people hear the word “virus” from Boris Johnson or a celebrity and scarper inside the house.

      • Get every cunt into a new smart mega city where you won’t own anything and you will be happy about it and every single aspect of your life can be controlled…basically.

  15. Load of fucking bollocks.
    Said it 12 months ago and stand by that statement even more so today.

    3 weeks to flatten the curve.

    You don’t want to kill granny now do you (wags finger smugly) so don’t go near her for a visit ever again and leave her to die of loneliness.

    Open letter signed/approved last summer by over 1’200 medical professionals allowing Con-a-virus the weekend off so Burn Loot Murder could gather in huge crowds and desecrate statues in the name of a career criminal.
    (we can’t let an alleged deadly virus prevent the media from constantly ramping up the anti white rhetoric can we. Some things are just too important)

    Peoples lives, economy, trust, everything completely destroyed for relatively fuck all.
    Yes, relatively fuck and all.

    Now the masses are queing up enthusiastically for an injection that will achieve fuck all in terms of health and give yet more government power over any cunts freedom and also helping create a 2 tier society.
    Never thought I’d agree with them on anything but good on the BAME community for actually resisting this untested poison blackmail more than my own race.

    How any rational person can still believe one single word from any politician (government or opposition – because there isn’t any opposition to this fucking charade) is way beyond me. What will it take – another 5 years of lockdowns before your average white simpleton smells a rat ???

    It is full on insanity and an enormous pile of cunt.

  16. If you let the government say to you, you can’t see your family and it’s illegal and go along with it that’s on you for obeying redicolous laws.

    This has gone on long enough, time to get back to normal.

  17. My neighbours are brown asian mask obsessives. They keep telling me that by not wearing a mask I’m killing them. It’s been over a year now and they’re still not dead. How long is it going to take.

    • Yeah it’s amazing how many actually aren’t dead isn’t it.
      If you’d listened to Boris Johnson his stooges and advisors, I thought I’d be tripping over corpses in the street.
      Maybe your Asian neighbours are doubling or tripling up on the masks and that’s why they’ve survived this long.

  18. Ban any cunt form the peaceful lands, the darkie lands from entering the country, open up after Easter, all over 50’s and younger with issues will have had at least 1 dose by then and that accounts for all but a handful who end up in hospital.

    Summer is coming.

  19. Had my jab the other day. Didn’t want to have it at first but decided it’s probably a good idea if we want this country to get back to normal. Yeah a lot of it might be bollocks and certainly many lives have been lost and a lot of money has been made by the big corporations but I feel now the “vaccine” is being rolled out by the time we’re all done there should be absolutely no reason to keep pubs restaurants cinemas etc closed. If the government backtrack after all the sacrifices everyone has had to make then they’ll be well and truly fucked. I cant imagine the people of Britain putting up with it again. The masks will be off and businesses will just say “Fuck it. 50 million vaccinated? I’m opening up. Come on in” I look forward to that day. They can’t arrest us all can they? Then we can all have a beer in the sun.

    • Can you post something in about five days, so we know you’re still alive?
      Asking for a friend… 😀

  20. I miss seeing family and friends. I just want to go some where different other than the supermarket.
    I miss cafes and pubs.

    • Agreed Spoon. My main pastime was live footy, rugby etc. Covid knackeref that but we all put up with it. All Ive done for now for the last 12 months is go to work and come home during the week and go food shopping at the weekend. Oh joy!!

      • G-Man, I notice some supermarkets have little cafes.

        I wonder if they could put a bar in there as well.

      • Ha. Think you may just have come up with a unique profit making business plan Spoon. Count me in.

  21. It’s these shitty arsed schoolies that are spreading the bat flu and prolonging its existence. I saw the little fuckers last November: still in lockdown mode, but these maskless little shits were gobbing off outside an old peoples home where an ambulance had been called. Also, some silly bitch modern parent showing off her 4×4 to scores of mask-free mouthy loud shithead kids right near shops and a Doctors surgery. Even in a lockdown these cunts don’t give a fuck

    • It makes my fucking blood boil when I see the maskless little cunts running wild in supermarkets while their parents stumble about pondering on what shit to buy. They shouldn’t be there in the first place. Mind you, I’ve always thought that, but no fucker listens at the best of times.

      • Where I work, I notice adults wearing masks and some children do as well.
        Sometimes I see other children not wearing masks running about snotting and sneezing all over the place.
        I’m not blaming them they are young and probably not aware of the situation. But it does annoy me sometimes.

      • I go to my local Tesco early, no fucking kids, chavs, cunts, but I did that even before the chinky flu. The only difference now is that I wear a mask ?
        Are my civil liberties infringed by having to wear a mask, answer No.

  22. There is no road out of lockdown – only yesterday the regime signed up to the latest covid advert campaign until 2023

    the only cunts are the cunts following the rules of the cunts in charge thereby giving away our freedoms whilst wearing face nappies and staying in cos Matt fucking Hancock and Herr Johnson say so – fucking cunts the lot of them

    • It could be worse, some European countries are going into another lockdown, at least our numbers are going in the right direction.
      The EU are in a state of panic at the moment, we have a timetable out of lockdown, most people are complying with the restrictions because virtually everyone knows of someone who has died or has had a severe dose of chinky flu.

      • And people never got ill with respiratory conditions before now?

        I still don’t know anyone who has died. One or two who have been ill, but no different to any other year!

        It’s bollocks mate.

      • Yeah but it’s not. The statistics prove that (not the dubious death tally).

        It is karking the very old, and the already ill people, obese, etc.

        99.98% recovery rate for under 50s.

        It’s bullshit mate, give it up.

      • Glad to see you’re now acknowledging Covid’s existence, Chunky And that it’s killing old and ill cunts. Progress indeed.

        A month ago you were denying its very existence:

        The Big Chunky Cunty on February 10, 2021 at 6:04 pm said:

        “There is no fucking virus. It’s statistical manipulation, propaganda, and outright fraud.”


      • No, I still deny it’s existence. Because there is no scientific evidence to support the notion it exists: Virus not isolated properly.

        People are getting ill. As they always have done. It’s an illusion that we’re in a pandemic, that’s all it is. An illusion.

        PCR calibrated by Drosten, fraudulently (no fully sequenced virus with which to calibrate with). Which means PCR is irrelevant.

      • lockdown coming our way again very soon, its on the agender list, the country is nowhere near collapsing yet and that doesn’t please Klaus Cunt and the World economic kiddy fuckers forum, Hell & Hellinda cunt Gates want a billion dead and all the rest starving being eugenicists like old grandcunt gates was, trillions of pounds they’ve all spent just on buying the power to do evil. ..satanic cunts

      • You read the headline and assume its true, as opposed to actually reading how they conducted their isolation and methodology used.

        It’s bollocks. They haven’t isolated shit. Their definition of isolation is not even remotely close to the definition of the word.

      • Says someone who thought they could get an sti from wanking because he doesn’t wash his hand after catching the tube, but wasvspared because of a superior immune system. ??

      • It was a bit of fun mate. But I’m not sure why you think it is so ridiculous anyway, given all I was suggesting was transfer from person to surface to person. Very unlikely, true, but a possibility no less. You pick up warts that way for example.

  23. Comic Relief total down by nearly 20 million on last year. Nice to see the public “White Saviours” finally realising what a load of shit it all is

    Smoke that, ‘Sir’ Lenny, you cunt.

    • Well said.
      Without white people there’s no money in the comic relief pot for the likes of Mtubu Mdombomologi to come live here or to line unfunny cunt Sir Lenny’s pockets.
      No pun intended but it looks like the penny has finally dropped.

  24. You can’t even get cunts to wash their hands, and that would have made a difference. Regularly I hear cunts saying I never wash my hands, like it’s some form of resistance, yet all they are showing is how stupid or spiteful they are. As I have to use equipment in work that other cunts handle, I’ve been using hand sanitizer for five years, because I got fed up of watching dirty cunts coughing into their palms, the grabbing hold of something that everyone there uses, or blowing their fucking noses into a sodden blob of dung rag, then putting the whole germ ridden clump back in their pocket, where it keeps the germs nice and warm and viable. If these stinking cunts didn’t do disgusting shit like that, we wouldn’t have half the colds and flu that occur every fucking year.
    I trust my immune system they triumphantly tell you, then cough or sneeze ten fucking seconds later. Well good for you. However I don’t trust your immune system, and I’d rather not have any of it on or around me, you fucking retards.
    I’m in no way a germophobe, but some things are common sense, a virtue they should make videos about on YouTube, then the thick cunts might pay attention.

  25. I would rink monkey spunk before I had that shit shovelled into my arm on the say so of utter cunts like Whitty, Johnson and Hancock.

    More chance of me eating my own shit…or your comes to think of it.

    • I got a sexy thrill from it.
      Cant wait for another one!
      Id give it 10/10.✔️✔️

    • What ‘shit’ are you referring to?

      The shit that has already been tested on tens of thousands of people in trials?

      • “” Vaccine development is a long, complex process, often lasting 10-15 years and …””

        Well Cuntamus, I refer to the one being pushed onto the great unwashed and tested as safe. The quote above is what you will read if you ask the question how long do vaccines normally take to develop…top answer on the page.

        Everyone has an opinion said the mighty Dirty Harry but mine is no thanks, I’ll leave it ta.

  26. So long as I don’t end up looking like Dame Chris Whitty, I don’t mind…

  27. I’ll tell you else don’t add up, The prick formerly know as Prince Hazbeen, is in isolation according to the daily Express so he can come visit. he isolates then goes to a public airport terminal, then gets on a plane, then arrives at our airport…and presumably with staff and security around him who haven’t isolated…and that’s not a problem? He won’t have to Isolate in Britain. I seem to be the only cunt in Britain that smelling the fucking stink in all this covid-1984

    • Im all for enforced vaccination.
      To much free choice in this country.
      Pin the fuckers down screaming and inject them.
      Send in the troops and round them up.
      They might be troublesome in future too so brand them!!
      This country need a firm hand .

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