Peter Mandelson (7)

A limp-wristed cunting please, in the prettiest shade of pink, for old has-been, Gaylord Mandelson, who at 67, is still proving he can crawl under a snakes belly with a top hat on:

If he truly believes Starmer “radiates competence”, I feel his Lordship is losing his marbles, or needs a dictionary. Poor old unemployed cunt – there are no depths to which he will plumb to feel “important” again. The Duchess of Hartlepool feels those “expenses” calling again. Time to retire, duckie.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

25 thoughts on “Peter Mandelson (7)

      • His Oligarch Russian/ Chinese minders will soon run out of patience, with no results for their investment. A massive mincing back hole (as opposed to a cunt.) Corrupt “New Labour” self serving Trot without an ounce of honour.

      • Yes he is Camp Suckula, striking fear through young men everywhere, with his haunting mincing cry, “I want to suck you off” aghhhhhh.

  1. Hardly unemployed. He flogs his arse for profit and advancement on super yachts.

    • On top of his £32,000 a year pension from the EU for what, a part time job for 5 years?

  2. Ah, Old Mangledbum…

    A turd thought flushed long ago. But he always pops up somewhere, still stinking the place out.

  3. Handleyourbum should tell Starmzy to drop the love affair with the stinkhole EU. Oh , wait a minute, he can’t do that because his big fat EU pension depends on his continued traitorous arselicking of the said institution. Let’s not forget his Legion d’honneur from the Frog government for “services to Europe.” His Lordship needs that money…….Brazilian rent boys don’t come cheap.

    • He can´t even go to Brazil and find one as the country is in the middle of a huge crisis thanks to an idiot president who is about to be overthrown by the army the way things are going. Remember you read it here first!

      • “An idiot president who is about to be overthrown by the army the way things are going”

        Project this 5 years forward. Could we be talking about Scotland?

  4. A true isac perennial, and with good cause. A true cuntnoisseur’s choice, WC: an aristocunt with impeccable pedigree and a (Gary) glittering star in the firmament of True Cuntishness.

    The Black Baron of the Berkshires and sometime Minister Without Portfolio also described Sir Keir as “a great asset” in that linked piece. As far as I’m aware, which is perhaps further than many, for once the Prince of Darkness is not actually totally full of shit; Sir Keir is indeed an asset alright, but not of the Labour Party.

    There is a large amount of evidence that Sir Keir is very effectively controlled by his MI5 handlers, as he has been since long before his anointment as Leader of HM Loyal Opposition. Now where is Kimono when he’s needed?

  5. Radiates competence especially when running an anti semitic party. Wtf do cunts like Mandy keep floating back? He must know he’s as popular as Bliar.

  6. Just looked at his controversies during his time in power.

    A bent cunt in every sense of the word.

  7. Mandelson, Blair and Campbell……..arguably three of the biggest cunts this country has ever produced. Catweazle may be a commie, terrorist loving anti Semite but at least he believes in something. These three believe in nothing except enriching themselves. There is no lie they won’t tell, no act of treachery they won’t consider. Poor old Starmzy is stuck between Blair’s mob and the People’s Republic of Catweazle. It would take some considerable brains and political acumen to wriggle out of that one and Max Headroom is sadly lacking in both. He is fucked.

  8. A Brazilian rent boy gobbling, bumfucking, devious little shit. I think the 90s “Freddie Mercury” ‘tache suited his up-and-coming, predatory gay prowess quite well.

    I recall there was some “hoo-hah” about a four mortgages he took out to the value of £600K, three of which he conveniently “forgot” to disclose his his mortgage lender.

    I can only express surprise that the Prince of Bum-ness isn’t already sitting atop the wall, complete with minaret wedged deep up his baggy old luggage hold. The cunt.

  9. The revolting rancid repulsive rim-goblin can lick my splattered lavatory bowl. Fuck that for a lark, he’d probably enjoy it.

  10. Read in one of the papers years back that Mandleshite and his then Brazilian boyfriend made use of some sort of Brazilian voodoo to curse Peters political enemies Some ceremony to the God Conbungo or something. Involved beheading chickens and similar bollocks. Always surprised at how quickly Peters boyfriend obtained U.K. citizenship.

  11. This cunt is a major part of the reason this country is in the shit it is in at the moment. He was instrumental in the open door policy that allowed the dregs of the world to move here under Blair. Terry’s oven after being skinned alive please, thank you very much, gor blimey.

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