(For the record this pic isn’t Ciara, just some random 20something bint looking a bit glum – DA)
If you have tears to shed, prepare to shed them now, for the most hard done-by , downtrodden section of the British public (according to them) young wimminz
Ciara is an Oirish girl who was meant to come to Britain last year to continue her “transition”, then we have the actress, now 22 who feels middle age approaching, .. then, but no, sorry my Kleenex is so damp I can’t go on, if I do I will have to call the Samaritans, so bear up and read it for yourselves:
For Gods sake! – these whimpering, self-pitying drama queens are in good health – they have all their lives before them, that tart didn’t have to blow £5,000 on her choppers, the other dame doesn’t need to keep watching “social influencers” to make her feel without. One of them broke up with her boyfriend before the first lockdown – I bet he is grateful for a narrow escape.
Spoilt brats, unable to cope with what the rest of us have to put up with – and if they had been around in previous generations they would have got through it. Today though, wimminz are either martyrs or victims.
Interesting no males contributed to this “Guardian-lite” piece of pseudo intellectual bullsit. Wankers.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
20 somethings? They can fuck right off, when I was in my 20s I was too busy getting drunk and shagging women to give a fuck about anything else, 20 something cunts, they can fuck right off
Degenerate, I got a degree in my 20’s whilst being almost permanently pissed and shagging some rather fanciable ladies. Oh, and some right pigs.
Today’s young Wimminz are self obsessed mentallyretardednerdyweaklings
(did not mean the last 4 words to condense into one long word but I think I’ll leave it as my contribution to the English language for the day). They are only fit for extinction by natural selection.
Well I feel sorry for the young these days……totally shit music, crappy films, arsehole tv , getting ripped off wherever you go. Fucking wokeness everywhere and every cunt calling you a raaaay-sist and a Nazi cos you ain’t fucking black.
Fuck me , you can’t even pull a bird without the possibility of finding meat and two veg between her legs!
The cunts in the article can just fuck off but that’s another thing……so many whining cunts and their mental elf problems.
Nah …….I had my yoof at exactly the right time, I ain’t complaining.
I might have a crumb of comfort for Sophie:
‘I’m literally ageing out of roles as we speak — I can never get that time back to play this age again,’ says Sophie, a 22-year-old actress from London. ‘Casting directors and agents are looking at fresh graduates, which I no longer am.’ This fear of ageing out of desirability is not just a professional one…”
Well Richard Attenbourgh, Sophie dear, was still playing schoolboys at nearly 30 (Boys In Brown, The Guinea Pig) – all you need are short trousers. What do you mean, you’ve never heard of him!
Seriously, when I was 22, I was in the Navy visiting some great places and I still felt 18 – I wish it were so today. As for “social influencers” all we knew was that Denis Compton used Brylcream – but it didn’t improve my football – I was crap at cricet anyway.
Yoof is wasted on the young, that’s for sure.
If they are struggling with life’s mere trifles at that age then they have no fucking hope when biggies pitch up later in life.
Clearly these little shits have been cosseted and overindulged. Don’t they realise that the older, more stoic in society get thoroughly pissed off having to listen to their belly aching?
Fuck off.
I enjoyed that.
They are fucked for life.
Soft self centered empty cunts.
Boo hoo.
The problem is that those of us who aren’t snowflake cunts, and who are somewhat reasonable and un-PC, also happen to be fucked for life.
Well, they could have done something about it and refused to accept the covid bullshit. Today’s yoot are too compliant. They’d rather whinge on social meedja than do owt about it.
Lifes a bitch eh Ciara?
Sobbing as I write.
Least your teeth are sorted,
No one thinks your Shane McGowan anymore.
Just stop you sounding like Terry Wogan and your half way to being Joan Collins.
I don’t care about 20somethings truth be told,
The tasteless little mard fuckers,
Youths wasted on them.
I like my peers!
Moaning old cunts with a chip on our shoulders.?
Oh dear, what a pity, never mind!
They really cannot live outside their tiny little fantasy bubble for more than a few minutes without going into a neurotic meltdown via social media.
The slightest bit of discomfort or change to their pampered lifestyle, and there’s drama, drama, drama!
Take away their phones for one day, and that would soon bring about a pandemic of mental health issues among these Gen Zzzzzzz.
To misquote the old Orange advert tagline – “Their Future’s Not Bright: Their Future is Fucked!” played to the smallest violin in the world!
I suggest Ciarra takes out” her” anger on the Chinkies. Maybe a bombing campaign targeting Chinese assets. That would be fun.
I bet she’s glad she had those fucked up teeth sorted.
I got as far as finding out that Ciara is a ‘trans woman’ from Cork and burst out laughing . Thank you for the excellent start to the day.
Whining fucking wankers. Get a fucking backbone.
One of my customers, a woman in her eighties, had polio when she was young. She spent five years in hospital. Five fucking years ! A lot of that time would have been in an isolation hospital, of which there used to be a great many.
She has to wear a special shoe still. Does she moan ? Does she fuck. Smokes like a chimney and just gets on with it.
A different breed.
Here endeth the though for today.
Good morning.
Don’t know about the degenerate mick one in the nom but the one in the picture needs to get sucking on my balls, it’s a know “cure all” for young person issuzzzzze
Irish eh?, she should be thankful that she isn’t out on the bog cutting peat for fire and being fucked by some swarthy spud poker called Taig or Seamus, remember my dear
“Der is always sumbady worsht of dan ja telff”
Moaning fucking bog trotting young cunts!!!
Yeah, Paddy slags used to come here for an abortion, now the blokes are coming to get turned into slags themselves.
That’s progress I suppose.
A long time ago on Lewis I noticed the peats were cut with especial care and stacked with geometrical precision, this being a great contrast to the rougher cutting and stacking I saw on the Scotch mainland.
At first I thought it perhaps a sign of Wee Free virtuousness…
Then it dawned on me there must be even more fuck all to do on Lewis than in Jockland.
It must be so much harder for these self-centred cunts than, say, old people in care homes that aren’t even allowed to see their own relatives before they die.
I have a certain sympathy for this generation Z or whatever they’re called. Not sure I could have gone a whole year in my teens and 20s having to socially distance from every new bird I fancied and not being allowed to fuck anyone except members of my own household.
Probably done wonders for cutting the birth rate though, apart from them Müzzie cunts, obviously.
Taking a bird from the rear both wearing masks seems to be the solution ?
Obviously I’m a man, and therefore not really the target of this cunting. But to be honest considering how hard it will be for my generation to find jobs after this, especially as we don’t have as much life experience and many of the traditional young people’s jobs have been wiped out by the lockdowns, I’d say we very much have got the short end of the stick.
You won’t get any sympathy here at ISAC, Mr Tso. Bunch of old crusty dishrags, they find solace shitting on the young to take away the pain of their failed existence.
The young have been systematically betrayed in this country, on just about everything. This has all happened on the watch of the boomers by and large, who took everything.. and continue to do so – lockdowns are for the primary benefit by sacrificing the young and healthy.
The young should be fucking outraged. At the very least they should all emigrate, take their energy elsewhere, and let this shitheap nation implode.
You’ll notice even on here they make reference to the past or war time, saying it was harder.. despite the fact they came afterwards. Fucking self righteous cunts.
No sympathy here at ISAC, Chunky?
You obviously haven’t read my post above.
And where would all the young people like you emmigrate to?
With the constantly sulking Kevin and Perry teen angst image you portray here perhaps you know of an Island called, Weak Whinging Poof Escape, you could all fuck off to!
Don’t forget to bring an army of nannies, Elf counsellors wth tissues and pacifiers though, as heavens knows you wouldn’t be able to do fuck all for yourselves. This emmigration lark is starting to sound expensive too! Perhaps you should start some sort of crowdfunding page!
Do keep me informed about progress won’t you? In the meantime I shall dwell on my failed existence over a Cote De Boeuf supper with a spledid Pinot noir later this evening.
I’d say that’s going a bit far TBCC. I’d say a lot of cunters can understand the concerns of people such as myself who just want to own our own home, find a job we enjoy and get on in life, and that it’s more the snowflake cunts that they have the issue with.
That’s called being two-faced, Tso. It’s what parents do when they bask in the glory of their successful children and pretend they had nothing to do with the failed ones.
You either recognise the truth, or you resort to that two-faced approach. They are choosing the latter, to shit on snowflakes, because otherwise they would have to acknowledge they played a role in creating the environment that shaped and created the snowflakes as well as the successful ones like yourself.
It’s selfish. Narcissistic. And it’s emblematic of the boomer aged folk who refuse to admit their shit does in fact stink like everyone elses does.
You either have sympathy for all children, or you don’t. You don’t get to fucking pick and choose to support your own ego.
Emigrate? They barely know how to tie they’re own shoelaces.
TBCC: I’d just say this. Younger people today ought to be very grateful they were not born earlier. At one time, even in peacetime, when you got to 18 and you were male you HAD to join the army, RAF or Royal Navy – you were considered so lucky not to join the Army (for two years) you had to show your gratitude by doing 3 years in the RN or RAF – I was lucky, I loved the sea and I stayed a lot longer, but a lot of my mates were taken away from friends families and nascent careers (if you were t an apprentice you could be deferred for a couple of years to complete your training). If in the army youwent away for 12 weeks for square bashing and basic training. If you were lucky and your parents/friends had phones you could ring them once a week for 3 minutes. Of course, on ship you could be away for months. It was several weeks before I felt my lgs on land – or, indeed, anybody else’s.
How would 18 year olds cope with that today? no mobile phones or fuckboo to complain that you were made to paint the coal white with a small artists paintbriush because one of your mates fucked up performing some drill.
I honestly don’t think they could cope with that now – certainly not the girls.
This is irrelevant though. We’re here, now. That generation was there, then. If you switched the people around, growing up in that different era, they’d respond the same way as their time-travelling opposites.
No one need be grateful for being here or there. Our parents fucked, that’s all. What I do respect is those who have stood up for truth and called out bullshit, now and in the past, because that’s the only thing that matters when it comes to improving life for those not yet here.
Bah! I should be made to emigrate with them for a life of shoelace tying as punishment for previously spelling it ’emmigrate’, TWICE, ffs!
I wasn’t even using predictive text for a change, stupid illiterate cunt!
I have sympathy with the young, minds being manipulated by social media, if they haven’t had a ‘mental elf issue’ there is something wrong with them.
Told what to think and say and if they don’t they are banned, dehumanised and bullied.
It’s a fucking disgrace, every cunt is now a fucking activist for some shit or other. The cunts need a reality check, they wouldn’t be moaning if this chinky flu was killing them of in the same numbers as the old fuckers.
@Ruff Tuff 12.38
That’s why Velcro was invented ?
@SOI I’ve developed a rabid, burning hatred for Velcro over the years.
I don’t give a fuck about age, respect is earned. My elder generation has earned mine. The younger hasn’t. Most by and large are spoiled cunts with little appreciation of anything that doesn’t pander to their immediate needs. There are exceptions, but they just prove how low the standards are. Out of the ten people under 35 I work with, only one is worth employing and another on one of his good days. The rest are fucking useless lazy cunts. Nice enough, but useless.
There’s probably an App for that ?
Poor fuckers. Shit music. Shit films. Soshul meja. Oxygen thieves for role models. However, if they dumped the soshul meja, dipped into 60+ years of great music and films they might grow up.
Well said, Sir!
A good start to the day would be a viewing of Clockwork Orange from 1971, followed by either Dirty Harry (1971) or Magnum Force (1973) up to lunchtime.
After a light lunch then a gentle journey into the afternoon with Kes (1969) followed by a Matter of Life and Death (1946).
After adjourning for some dinner, a listen to Out of the Blue (1977) by ELO and then rounding off the day with a slightly more modern Fugitive (1993) just to remind them that good films didn’t cease that long ago.
Funnily enough, just last weekend I watched some classic 70s films, starting with:-
Saturday –
The French Connection (1971)
Straw Dogs (1971 – Susan George at her most fuckable!)
Midnight Express (1978)
Alien (1979)
Seven Ups (1975)
Marathon Man (1976)
Jaws (1975)
All of them totally un-pc, un-woke, un-lefty. Just solid, gritty and thrilling entertainment!
Cinema Paradiso, The Sting, Saturday night and Sunday morning, 10 Rillington place and Das Boot for me.
If we’re talking fav films.
All part of my film collection too, Techno.
Get the youngsters to watch The Pianist or Scindlers list.
Then they can see what a real fucking hard time is ?
Zulu is the greatest film ever made, I never get tired of watching it.
When Britain knew how to deal with uppity foreigners, regardless of colour or creed.
Planet of the Apes, Beneath The Planet of the Apes (the originals), The Long Good Friday, Saturday Night Sunday Morning, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Dracula (Christopher Lee, naturally), Bicycle Thieves, High Plains Drifter, Westworld (the Yul Bryner original), Battle of Britain, Carry On Follow That Camel, Stalag 17, Psycho, Jaws, Gimme Shelter, Enter The Dragon and The Krays.
All watched in the last month.
Same here in Aussie. Spoilt moaning young pricks. They all have L Platers on there mercs and bmw’s. Life is just so hard on the spoilt young whingers. Would not know a hards days graff if it kicked them in the head.They can all go and fuck themselves.
If they had been about in the late 70s early 80s these fucks would have topped themselves by now. Life is soooooo easy for these cunts. Spoiled for choices, the ability to connect with any part of the world at the press of a button, cheap travel, positive discrimination AGAINST white men and on and on…… Fuck of you whining cunts.
‘As a young person’
You are a cunt, fuck off.
It’s been a hard year, sitting at home, poor young people have had it the hardest, I don’t think so, not much chance of dying if they catch the chinky flu, half the cunts only chat on social media anyway.
Think yourselves lucky, if it was 1939 you would be getting your ass shot off and the poor little girlies would be digging potatoes or making bullets in a shitty factory.
The youth of today are in a paradise
Nicely put Sick of it. Let’s see them put up with the blitz, food rationing, storming the beaches at Normandy.
My sympathy is with parents having the kids off school, I am sure my mum was happy to see me on my way to school every day ?
We have not had a music break for ages, so that but about digging potatoes struck a chord. It’s one of the BBC “banned” songs of 1955 due to it’s “suggestive” lyric:
Well Suck my bone ?
I remember when this was banned by some DJ on BBC Radio Manchester in the 70s. They claimed it was borderline obscene.
This article seems like another language to me. I’ve internalised, switching up my teeth, digital campaign strategist.
Socialising, dental work and marketing is the jargon I understand.
I must have moved in the wrong circles as a teen, getting pissed, hangovers, shagging repeat.
Anyhow things are looking up Sir Lenny has launched a vaccination program today aimed at, yes you’ve guessed it.
Irish men with long hair and Cuban heels, used to come to mainland Britain to blow the fuck out of things.
Now they want to come to have the fuck “blown” out of themselves, courtesy of our sacred NHS.
Life is strange.
Whinging about still living at home or not getting their cocks turned inside out?
Fucks sake. Try serving your country as a member of the armed forces and ending up homeless, living on the streets-like 30’000 currently are in the UK.
Worse still, end up at Headley Court or similar, learning to use the prosthetic limbs, gained courtesy of an IED.
Whinging little bitches.
I can’t fucking stand opera singers: ME ME ME ME ME!
A Cunt Who Cunts Cunts, what is your Kleenex damp with?
The reason these cunts whine all the time is because there’s an outlet for them. Social media and the newspaper cunts that give them a platform. None of this bollocks in my days. We simply went to school, got through that as best we could, left an got a fucking job. Out on the piss at the weekend, toddled of to London with a mate to watch Black Sabbath, went fishing, bought a motorbike etc etc. I can’t remember being depressed, angry or miserable. I suppose at some point I would have been but a game of snooker with my mate Dave and a few pints of Darley’s best bitter would have sorted that out. Silly cunts today have no fucking idea just how easy life is. Maybe that is the problem, it’s too fucj=king easy for the little cunts.
I’d hate to be an employer of a company these days. Imagine hiring these entitled cunts and you’d spend most of your day trying to appease the fuckers!
You can’t tell them off for arriving late/leaving early, otherwise they’ll moan about on social media
You can’t tell them not to use their phone during worktime – ditto
You can’t deny them access to social media – ditto
You can’t call them by gender type – ditto
You can’t give them anything too taxing because they’ll go into meltdown and have a tantrum – ditto
You can’t not allow them to take annual leave if it clashes with someone else because again another meltdown and tantrum on social media
You can’t tell them what to wear because that would be sexist and discriminatory
And if you don’t promote them by Wednesday afternoon they’ll threaten to resign!
And then they wonder why they’re so despised!
Oh Yes, I worked in retail as a store manager for a large national company fro 20 years, early 1980’s onward. I cannot imagine what the job would be like now. There was a young lass who constantly took the piss, late, off etc. I sat her down and gave her a proper bollocking, she was so upset she spewed up. Then, because I hadn’t finished, I had another go and she spewed again. Sorted the issues though, she was fantastic from that day on, we got on really well after that. Today I’d be fired.
Techno, that sounds hilarious but sad at the same time.
It reminds me of this comedy sketch…
I’d be willing to give the young lady on the photo a fiver to fuck her, and then when I’ve finished, she could show me a mucky “trick” as a grand finale for my generosity.
She looks disappointed, as though no-one gave it to her the night before. I’d think about offering my services. And if I came all over her before I got it in, I’d be ready to go again by the time she’d cleaned herself up.
Whining freaks.
There will be a collective psychological meltdown soon when these useless fuckers realise all lifes issues aren’t there to be sorted by anyone else.
Fuck them.
Whenever I feel down, I put on a How It’s Made video.
Or this…
This video works just as good. 🙂
What gets me is the self entitled attitude. Me me me fucking me! Great example, we have a right of way at the back of the house. Cock womble youth thinks he can bring back a knackered car and park it on next doors drive. He hasn’t asked next door if it’s ok. You know because entitlement means he can do anything. Well I can tell you it’s not going to happen. Neither my next door neighbour, or I will be able to turn around to get out. Why oh why do these wastes of space think that is ok? I bet he will play the mental elf card to get away with it, cunt! I lament, rant over.