NHS Heroes (14)


A nothing less than gold milk bottle top cunting please for those saints who have been our salvation for eons :


True to BBC/Labour form the nurse shown is of BAME origin, but black, white or anything in between, these people are suffering from “Bill-itis” – remember when the ITV series “The Bill” was top of the tree? – your local porker bobby would cram himself into his little police car, put on his blues and twos to dah round for his pie and mash lunch break.

Real policemen would (perhaps sub-consciously?) ape th mannrisms in the show – the clenched jaw, frequent use of words like “manor” and “sarge”, “guvnor”, “mate” “and “chummy” – just like the “real” TV policemen – though I hope the local bobby didn’t wear quite so much make-up as their TV counterparts. Now, what with Holby/Casualty etc all nurses great and small (and I have seen very few small ones) believe the hero-worship of the BBC (and Dame Keir and his little Ashworth puppy) and regard themselves as heroes.

On a Wireless 4 broadcast this morning I heard one nurse, who sounded about 12 say she was “really, really, really, REALLY disappointed” to be offered a 1% pay increase (though they have received 12% over the past three years) – other public workers pay is frozen.

Really – she sounded as if she should have been at home “nursing “her dollies. Even Conservative MP Roger Gale (not unknown for rocking the boat) thinks they should get a one off payment “a big one, preferably tax free” or a large increase. Where the fuck do they think the money is going to come from – this week a further £407 billion was pissed against the wall by Rishi.

I have no doubt Starmer would like to bankrupt us so he could sell us out to the EU or Russia. Mr. Gale just enjoys a few minutes in the newsroom spotlight.

When you go into a tough job you expect tough conditions. I am sure there are still modest nurses who do their jobs, like the old days (but sadly in trousers not nice tight short skirts and black stockings and a reliable suspender belt)

Sorry, though I agree they are (mostly) very hard working I do NOT regard people doing their jobs (uness in the armed services or fire service where they risk their lives on a daily basis) as heroes. Wimmin nurses are usually hoity-toity little things with an inflated idea of their own importance and the men are usually poofs. No wonder Labour love them so much.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

and seconded by: Fuglyucker 

Nurses need a cunting i think, they are whinging about the pay rise not being big enough.
Do they not realise or havnt noticed the country is fucked financially due to the pandemic and half the country is going to be on the dole, i dont know they have had to earn their money for the first time in their careers and they want a pay rise, we clapped for them, when no one wanted to, thats as good as a payrise in my book.
so the attention seeking put upon NHS worker now wants to cash in because they had to put in some extra time the same as everyone else….boohoo cunts get in line….

…and this from Mark

A cunting is in order for the NHS.

These fuckers are now moaning that a 1% pay rise is an insult and not enough. They are the only public sector workers to be offered one. The Armed Forces have helped out a lot in this ‘crisis’ and you don’t see them winging like a little bitch.

I am getting sick of these nurses saying they are risking their lives saving others from COVID. Bullshit. How many NHS staff have actually died FROM Covid in the scheme of things?

Now they are threatening to go on strike. These nurses knew what they signed up for. Now someone has suggested that the nation stands outside for a ‘slow clap.’ Fuck off moaning and stick your slow clap right up your fucking arse. Absolute cunts.

…and another, this time from sidelineside


What a bunch of winging cunts.

I just watch several nurses threatening to resign as a result of their 1% pay increase.

One union is calling for a slow hand clap so “disgusted” are they …………. I know they have done a great job, but no other fucker is getting a pay rise, so why should they get more.

I fell of my chair laughing when I heard the Royal College of Nursing wants 12.5% ……. If you join the army and the country goes to war, you’re in the front line buddy, cause you joined the army. Did the army get 12.5% when we went to war in Iraq. NO …………..

Did the police get a pay rise when the country burnt after the shooting of Tottenham gangster Mark Duggan, NO. …………

Hard working people’s businesses are in ruins, our children have had a year of education stolen and many on furlough will see their jobs evaporate…….

So stop winging you cunts and give me a bed bath.

83 thoughts on “NHS Heroes (14)

  1. Pay them in free pizza and quality street. Just the job.

  2. This worshipping of medical staff is getting quite sinister now, I know of a local woman who’s a nurse, she’s in her early 20s and has openly stated it’s a “job for life” with a “tidy pension”, these aren’t heroes, these are people just doing what they’re paid to fucking do!!!!, and 1% is more than most fuckers will be getting, ungrateful cunts!!!!

    • When I went to North Korea for a holiday, I bowed before the statues of the Great Leader and the Dear Leader.

      No way did I step outside to clap for the NHS. That is a step too far along the road of communist indoctrination and brain-washing.

    • The way in which some people idolise NHS staff is pathetic. The NHS staff have clicked on to this now and are playing them for cunts. As somebody on here has already said, being a nurse is a choice. If you don’t like it then fuck off and get another job.

  3. A genuine question… do the Armed Forces get paid extra when they risk their lives in a danger zone?

    • There are overseas bonuses but no a salary increase and therefore improved pension

    • I certainly don’t recall anyone getting a performance bonus for going over the top on the Somme, or for storming the Normandy beeches.

    • £29 quid a day if deployed in an operational area I think Dick, well worth risking death or maiming for don’t you think.

    • My sentiments entirely. Was just thinking the same thing.
      I knew this pay rise debacle would appear at some point towards the end of the lockdown.
      As far I am aware, there are no heroes, just people doing their job…. that which they fucking chose to do!!
      Keyworkers…. theres another topic!
      Nobody thanked the refuse collectors, the plumbers, the electricians, fire service, police, armed forces, train operators….. and sooooooo on.
      The outspoken minority of NHS staff moaning about no pay rise are cunts of the highest order.

    • DF@ – They receive a small enhancement – when members of my Family were in the Falklands, Northern Ireland, Balkans, gulf etc as memory serves it was about 14 quid a week for the time you were in the combat zone.
      “Over the top lads – there’s a pack of B&H in it for you”!

    • You’re better off getting an answer from somebody like Quick Draw as he was in the Army for quite a few years so he might be able to elaborate.
      When I was in, I was aware of danger money payments but they were one offs based on deployments and had no impact on pensions.

      The only things that had an impact on Army pensions were career trajectory/promotion/rank/service/merit…….. you know….. the good stuff.
      Nobody in the Army is even allowed to strike for better pay or better anything – that’s one of the reasons these cunts really wind me up so much.

      • TITS@ – My dismally stingy payments were going back quite a few years – not sure what the combat enhancements are in this Century! ?

  4. Nursing is a personal choice, they aren’t forced to do this job, they choose to do it, fair enough they do a hard job, but if it’s not for them then find something else. One thing I will say though, it must be tough having your salary decided a load of wealthy, incompetent, pigs at the trough, utter useless cunts that rate your value. That’s probably where the kick in the bollocks comes from.

    • Are you JR Cuntley ? Funniest thing thing I’ll hear all day. Just spat my tea out. ??

    • Exactly. What about you teachers? If you don’t like it then fuck off and change your job. You lot get more time off than Fatima Whitbread’s cock.

    • Those who can do! Those who can’t…… strike and leave an entire year of kids to become dumber than they already were (bit of a moutful but you get the idea).

  5. They deserved a pay rise and they got one. Bin men, sewage workers, shop workers etc also deserve pay rises but they likely won’t get them. Rather than moaning about it not being enough these Violet Elizabeth wannabes should be happy they even got one at all in the current climate. Such an entitled attitude is a massive kick in the teeth to all those who’ve sacrificed their livelihoods to help ease the pressure on them.

  6. The pension issue is something that hardly ever gets a mention whenever there’s a row over public sector pay. Those of us who have paid or are paying into a private pension will know it ain’t fucking cheap.
    I bet Boris and Co are wishing they hadn’t used the word Hero so carelessly now!
    Real hero’s storm German machine gun nests, every fucker knows that.

    • Never mind Rishi’s debt mountain from the Chinese plague pandemic. The real-ticking timebomb is public sector pension liabilities.

      Either taxes will have to be raised significantly to pay for them, thus reducing pensions and disposable income of productive private sector workers to pay for them or public sector pension schemes will have to default on their liabilities.

      • Absolutely. Most private pensions simply aren’t giving anything near the return of the public sector ones. My pension ain’t worth a wank!

  7. My mother was a nurse. Had she not been cremated she’d be turning in her grave at the sheer cuntishness of these nurses.

    The government (taxpayer) has already spent £400 billion protecting the NHS, ffs!

    Did the Armed Forces threaten to go on strike if they didn’t get a 12.5% pay increase during WWII or the Falklands? No, they got on with their job of protecting their country, putting themselves in far greater danger than these cynical nurses.

    They’re threatening to leave the profession if they don’t get what they want. Where are they going to go? Alternative employment isn’t exactly easy to find at this time, is it?

    Dim cunts.

    • RTC@ – I think your late Mother came from a generation where the pay was terrible but the dedication to patients and care was exceptional.
      In my experience of nursing and hospitals it is now exactly the reverse.

  8. The government is playing everyone like fiddles. Like the TikTok video shit.

    When has the government not used the NHS as a political football, or over the past year as a weapon against the public?

    I hope the government makes the vaccine mandatory for NHS staff. And I then hope the 200,000 staff who refused the vaccine all fucking resign so the whole fucking thing collapses into a shitty heap, then all the old fucks die, the obese fattyfucks die, then cancer fucks, then children.

    Then maybe, just maybe, we all might realise who the real cunts are and finally get the fucking piano wire out.

    • I agree with you Chunky the vaccine should be mandatory for NHS staff, I suspect many of the ones who refused would take it.

      London has the lowest vaccine take up in the NHS so I don’t give a shit if they ‘collapse’… fuck them ‘no longer and an English city’ cunts.

      • “London has the lowest vaccine take up in the NHS”. It also one of the highest proportions of ethnic minorities in the UK, the same people who complain about how the Chinese virus ‘discriminates’ against them. The proportion of ethnics working in the NHS is also significantly higher than the proportion of ethnics living in the UK.

        Well, get vaccinated you stupid cunts and stop blaming whitey for everything that goes wrong.

      • I think the Liverpool fans of this parish will second your post Rob. ?

  9. They’ve just finished a very nice and we’ll above inflation pay deal.
    They can’t have any more substantial rises.
    They have to get on with their jobs.
    If they don’t or go on strike then sack the fuckers.
    Apparently there are plenty of new nurses arriving on our shores via dinghy every day.
    What a flabby spineless shit heap of a country we are.

  10. For a few years I was involved in the internal audit of my local NHS Trust, I spent about 3 months a year working on it. The first thing that surprised me was that nurses pay accounted for 65% of all expenditure. Drugs, management, doctors pay, equipment, maintenance, food and the rest was 35%. Blair had just come to power and promised the nurses a 7% pay rise. The NHS trust had been given a 1% increase in income that year. I sat with the finance manager who had to now budget increasing 65% of his expenditure by 7% and that would invariably lead to major cutbacks elsewhere. Hence car parking charges came in and certain hospital sites got sold off to try and balance the books.
    Certainly Nurses have been at the forefront in the last year and I think many of them are very dedicated. However the economy is struggling and they do end up with a fantastic pension compared to what someone in the private sector would get.
    Personally I’m not sure the teachers deserved an increase and the MP’s certainly didn’t.
    However a increase in Nurses pay is a major spend and perhaps they should realise that.

  11. The NHS is just far too big.
    For every nurse there are dozens of administrative staff resulting in a work force of 4 million.
    A 1% pay rise may seem small, but given to all NHS staff it is enough to employ a further 40,000 people on average salary.
    Before chucking more money into the bottomless pit that is the NHS I would have thought that asking where all the present money is going would be a sensible question.

  12. The NHS is 5th biggest employer in the world with roughly 1.5 milion people, but they were struggling with amount of people at height of Pandemic. Ontop of this Most spread was occuring in hospitals.

    Country shut down to protect the NHS people losing jobs businesses ect no matter net coming in, now they are whinging. You have a secure job just behave.

  13. They should do a slow hand clap while dancing on a tiktok video. Cunts. The hospitals have been half empty for months.

    • SC@ – the evidence I have got together over the last year which has been presented to Parliament shows hospitals in some cases completely empty apart from single figures in ICU and staff.
      This was not isolated cases either, this was all over the Country.
      I confidently expect the regulatory bodies to investigate this and do fuck all.

  14. Why are the nurses moaning about the pay rise? They should be grateful. At least they’re getting one.
    My father would say, anythings better than a slap round the face and a kick in the bullocks.
    Ungrateful cans of can’t.

    P.s. I saw this…

    I should be laughing but I’m not.

    • Andrew Lawrence, the comedian who dared point out that most female comedians who are booked as panelists on those ‘hilarious’ comedy panel shows, are not funny and just there based on industry quotas.

      The uproar from the likes of Stewart Lee and Dara ‘Brian was… predictable.

  15. I watched sir Kweer on the news yesterday’If I were PM I would give the NHS a pay rise’, he was asked how much six or seven times….. no figure given CUNT!

    I had a radical idea, put the entire BBC on 1 month notice and give all the licence fee money collected over the last year to the NHS as a bonus.
    BBC Pointless.
    NHS essential.

    • Brilliant idea – I’m in favour of anything that involves winding the BBC up?

      On the subject of Cur Kweer does he really think that sitting on the fence with every issue and having no policies of his own up to the next election is a good strategy for getting into power? Maybe his plan is to stay invisible on the sidelines forever while creaming those lovely expenses…

      • It would be seen as racist because it disproportionately effects the Bames, the BBC is overrun with them ?


  16. I heard sissy Starmer on Radio four yesterday bleating on how they should definitely have a pay rise, the government is disgusting blah fucking blah. He didn’t say how much they should have, or where the money would come from though, and of course he doesn’t have to, so he’s free to say whatever he wants. In a rare show of impartiality, the same radio article pointed out that at over a million staff, the NHS is the world’s biggest employer, and 1% is a fuck load of money. Maybe if the cut away the fat, all the cunts that twiddle their thumbs for 80-90 grand a year, and start being a bit wiser on how they spend their money, front line staff might have a better chance at getting a decent pay award.

  17. From my experience money is wasted in the NHS. A contractor is asked to quote to do a job they just add 30% for what they would for a private job. Nurses are on bank staff as well as payroll. Someone phones in sick, they go to a normal member of staff, but now through bank and pay them 50% extra. Money wasted on diversity courses etc. A staff member has a alcohol problem, they’re not sacked, but put ion leave and counselling is paid for.
    The worse I saw was a consultant who had claimed £24k in relocation expenses to move from Wolverhampton to Essex. When I queried this, they agreed it was extortionate and agreed to cap their clams to £8,500.
    Consultants were also using the NHS premises to see private patients, use X-rays etc and not re-imbursing the NHS. People blame too many managers, but the truth is the culture is engrained with wastefulness and overspending on things. Just like the most of the public sector.

    • Hey Fishy. I believe you live near me so that’d be my shitheap that you audited. Bank pay currently (although it goes in cycles) is that you work extra hours on your normal rate but as it is classed as a second job you get taxed more as you don’t have a tax allowance. You do get paid extra for specialist areas like Burns or A&E sometimes but it depends where on the pay bank nurses less, get expensive agency nurses in/pay bank nurses more, don’t use agency nurses part of the cycle we’re on. Wish I’d stuck to being a bloody secretary really. D’oh.

      • Thanks Betty. It was 20-25 years ago I was involved and you must be near me mentioning the Burns unit. They re-allocated that and did the new build, it was the last one of the last things I had to look at. I’m not surprised they have changed the rules on bank staff, it was ludicrous. The strange thing was people were passionate about it, especially the nursing staff. I think it’s just so large that it’s difficult to run efficiently. Well done for working there. I won’t slag off the nurses, as i respect what they do. Mrs Mitten was a care assistant before the kids come along and it was shit pay for being sworn at and punched by the elderly.

  18. If they strike do a Ronnie Reagan and sack them. If they want their job back hire them back at 60% of what they were getting.
    Moaning cunts.

  19. The amount of money that they waste on food is also extraordinary.
    Instead of providing healthy meals that recovering patients require they have to have options of halal, kosher, vegetarian and vegan food, most of which ends up in the bin.
    The NHS could receive double their present budget and still spend the whole fucking lot….. And have their hand out for more.

  20. The government have plenty of money available to give to every Tom Dick and Abdul who arrive every day by dinghy.
    Give it to NHS staff instead.
    Just a thought.

    • They want a pay rise? Who do they think they are, politicians? What makes them think they deserve a living wage? They got a round of applause didn’t they, what else do they want? They’ll be asking for lunch breaks next. Cheeky cunts.

  21. Its not all nurses though. There are thousands of admin staff that get paid a lot less than nurses, but you make a choice – get paid a lot less than your equivalent private sector worker and have a good pension if you live long enough, or leave. I chose to leave.

  22. My dad was in the medical corps in WW2. What those guys saw and did compared to these heroes. They just got on with it, a job to do…..

  23. Are they heroes?Not in my eyes.All too busy making tiki to videos.Bore off.

  24. This is a tricky one for me, what with being a nurse ‘n’ all but I’ll give it a go.
    This year has been pretty vile at work. It has been unprecedented in living history and wasn’t what anybody expected when “signing up”. When you qualify as a nurse, you choose which area you like most/hate least. Luckily for me, I guess, I chose ICU and worked there for ten years before escaping to a more pleasant job in theatre recovery. However, during the first wave I went back to ICU as did lots of other nurses whose experience was in theatre or pre-assessment etc who had no knowledge of how to look after these hideously sick people. I know how soft hearted you lot are so don’t feel sorry for me. I have ice running through my veins these days so the death rate and sad stories left me untouched. But not for these other nurses who didn’t have this to fall back on. There has been a lot of mental health guff going on with my colleagues. What I found really hard was working under all the PPE. I was sweating like a peedoh in a playground and I’m just too old for it.
    Anyway, luckily I went back to my real job after a couple of months and didn’t have to go back to ICU this time although a lot of theatre staff did. First time round there was the acceptance that mistakes would happen and people could only do their best. This time round, there is more suggestion that these inexperienced nurses are accountable for what they have or have not done for their patients. It takes years, not weeks to make a proper independent ICU nurse and to put this pressure on these nurses is unfair.
    All that being said, I couldn’t give a hairy fart about a pay rise. I certainly didn’t go in it for the money and while we didn’t sign up for the shitfest that has been covid, we didn’t go in it to be rich either. The pension has been eroded and changed over the years. I’ve been paying on for 22 years and mine is still crap. I can’t say how it compares to a private pension though as I’ve never looked. The payrise a couple of years ago wasn’t as good as it was sold, certainly not for experienced staff.
    The “woe is me”/“look at me with my mask lines on my face”/“I’m a bloody hero” attitude of a lot of nurses has got right on my tits throughout.
    And what really pisses me off most is the pay rise given to dentists and the £10,000 that MPs awarded to themselves at the start.
    So like I say, a tricky one.

    • Yes yes yes, but I think the real question that everyone wants to know is do you wear crocs?

    • Thank you for what you do Betty.Can only imagine what the wards were like.Your response is pretty measured and takes into account the strain yet some of the narcissistic elements of what is going on.

      • That’s very kind but there is no need. To me it really is just a job. It used to be a laugh but now it isn’t and that rot set in way before last March. I guess most of us can say the same about our jobs. Too much interference and far too many managers.
        But the attention seeking nurses deserve a punch in the fanny.

      • Cutting managers and diversity officers in the NHS would free up more money I am sure.

  25. The big problem the Government has is that it completely stoked this one up.You cannot label nurses heroes and defy them using them as an arm of your propaganda machine and using their work to be so important you can shut down and bankrupt the whole country and then say they aren`t worth it.Of course they signed up to do their job and a lot don`t do it for the money but for Nadine Dorries to basically say that as an excuse not to pay them more is shit stirring in the extreme.Then you have Hancock Sunak and Johnson heaving fake praise and patronising cheap political clap trap on them.Of course the economy is fucked that was the governments choice.They can spend billions on furlough to keep people at home with a pay cut costing billions even though the peak has passed now and the NHS is not under a material threat of being swamped with Covid patients.I am as fiscally conservative as you can get but when the government spaffs £37 billion on test and trace which does not even fucking work pays people billions of pounds to do nothing and did not even have the PPE nurses needed as it never planned for a pandemic (although in government they knew the risk due to operation Cygnus) puts nurses on a pedestal then bankrupts the economy so a 1% pay rise with inflation increases could be a loss, of course, they are going to be pissed off. Now there is a big backlog and rules which make it physically more difficult to do anything in healthcare.I can see why they are pissed.The real cunts are the government for mismanaging the economy so badly that there is no money.Take a billion out of test and trace and give it to the nurses.Nurses work Dildo Hardon doesn`t.

    As much as I feel for the Nurses and agree with their argument they did score an own goal by posting tik tok videos during a pandemic which in my view was very inappropriate and unprofessional.I get they needed to unwind and have a bit of humor as one does in a stressful prolonged situation but it sent a terrible message to the public at a time when people’s loved ones were dying and people’s livelihoods decimated to save the NHS.

    Problem is if you give the nurses a pay rise all public sector workers will demand the same whilst businesses collapse and unemployment soars.Issue is when you shut down society essential workers have to work harder for the same money while everyone else is on the dole or furloughed.Yet we still have over 120000 deaths (not all are Covid I am sure due to the definition).The Government wanted to act like Socialists by throwing money at everything then when they try to stop it they will find it doesn`t work as you have opened Pandora`s Box.

    The government have fucked everyone over.

    • We shouldn`t be suprised.Successive governments have let soldiers starve on the streets when wars are over which was worse than this by far.

    • As well as all the facebooking and tiktoking (what even is that?) the bit I’ve hated most is the begging for stuff from companies who are going to be in financial trouble. Boxes and boxes of goodies turning up. I’m not some old school Hattie Jacques type nurse but I have found it all rather embarrassing.

      • BS@ – I had a serious RTA many years ago – the care and dedication I received in hospital (fkin hated being there, just wanted to be out) was exceptional but I used to see nurses with shoes dropping to bits and getting the bus to and from work because they could not afford a used car.
        I had a serious back injury quite recently and the entire staff including the staff had the attitude that their job and the patients was just an irritating inconvenience.
        Nursing has changed, and definitely not for the better

      • Possibly because the training is more academic now and it’s a degree course rather than vocational. These students seems to think they are above doing the crappy bits of the job but nursing is heavily crap-based.

      • I thought that too Barbara.At first I thought it was a nice gesture to healthcare staff to buy them stuff during the first wave but then it became ritualised an obligation.A bit like clapping.A bit like the NHS was a cult and the people in it needed to be deified. Something uneasy about that.

  26. This is why I didn’t clap for the NHS. They are politically engaged rather than actually doing their job. They will be full soon with the amount of dildos being stuck up the UK Citizens asses.

  27. They can have a rise. A couple of percent. Provided the overseas aid budget is abolished in total and the funds come from that…

    Let’s see the lefties assorted hand wringers and the bbc foam at the mouth whilst trying to unpick that little conundrum

  28. Average annual salary of a senior nurse – £38, 272.
    Average annual wage of a supermarket worker – £18,135.
    Average supermarket worker pay rise?
    The nursing union are communist rats and NHS staff have consistently had higher raises than the private sector and a much, much better pension for the last two decades.
    Communist unions brought down the UK car industry, the UK mining industry, are driving TFL to bankruptcy and heading the same way with the NHS.
    Nurses used to get lousy pay but went into the industry because they were caring and dedicated.
    It is my personal experience now that in many, many cases it is a very well paid job for life with a serious pension and it attracts too many of those who want the pay and fuck the care aspect.

    • The RCN want 12.5%. Which planet are they living on? Our Trust have given us an extra day’s holiday in the coming year, protected to take on our birthday. Most of my colleagues are happy with this so in the main part I think nurses are a fairly cheap bunch. I think a lot of it boils down to people being in the wrong job or they just like making a fuss. I just don’t think it has helped when the government can find all kinds of ways of spending our money but then after saying what heroes nurses are for the last 12 months decide that actually they aren’t worth a decent payrise.

      • Mays Govt were no better after cheering in the commons at keeping the 1% pay cap for emergency workers in 2017 despite heaping praise in the same sitting for the Firemen following the Grenfell disaster. Shallow bastards.

  29. I’ve only ever worked on the IT side of the NHS as an outside contractor but the waste I saw was incredible…..and the employee theft.

    The clinical side is a tough miserable job but like any other vocation, you choose it, you do it.

    • I cannot disagree with anything you say, especially about my paracetamol pinching habits, allegedly.
      I guess the problem will come when enough people say that they are leaving the profession or not enough others want to join it.

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