A nomination for our very own, homegrown ‘Flat earth’ advocate, Nathan Oakley.
If he merely believed in this eccentric worldview I wouldn’t have paid him any mind – to me it’s about as dangerous as Icke’s blather about lizards – but listening to how he shrieks and bellows at his fellow cultists on his YouTube channel makes me wonder if he’s some reincarnation of one of the Catholic priests who used to torture women during the Inquisition.
There’s an incredible amount of frustration and venom behind every syllable for those who ‘don’t get it’. Delusion, proselyting and violent levels of narcissism in one disturbing mind.
There’s also the alleged mistreatment of his child recorded on the audio of one livestream.
Nathan Oakley. A complete cunt.
Nominated by: Cuntamus Prime
I hope he’s right……some of those dinghies might fall off the edge.
Doubt it, I read somewhere they built a wall along the edge to keep the water in.
it’s a big wall of ice apparently. Too much Game of Thrones.
The ice wall is guarded by NASA apparently. What a set of complete & utter cunts.
That does make sense (kind of)……. if the Earth were flat then cats would have pushed everything of the edge by now!
Years ago, cunts like this would rightly have been certified and thrown into Bedlam, never to be seen again.
Now, cunts like this have a media platform and are even viewed as philosophers and celebrities? For all its technology, this world has not advanced. In fact, it’s going backwards. Any cunt in 2021 who thinks or puts it about the earth is flat should be disposed of. Fucking freaks, attention seekers and nutjobs. A waste of oxygen.
Flat earth, immaculate conception, born in the wrong body, Witches, demons,trans, climate “science”, studies, Critical race theory, race theory, Green energy,recycling,Creationism.
I agree with practically every criticism you just made apart from “climate “science””…….. not sure why that would be included in there.
you dont get biology science or chemistry science. Anything with “science” or “studies” in the name is politics and not science.
Fair observation but wrong conclusion.
What a thick cunt.
I can’t stand to watch even 5 seconds of Nathan Oakley – nasty, odious little sociopath who talks through his teeth at people. Being a Flerf just enhances his cuntitude.
Never heard of the cunt but didnt some flat earth loon kill himself in a steam powered rocket? Just a vague memory.
That’s the cunt. Had to be California.
Yeah Mad Mike Hughes. It made I larf.
I bet he shat out his breakfast shortly after the rocket shat out it’s parachute.
The absurd thing is that flefs deny newtonian gravity because under the laws of gravity, masses attract one another due to the bending of space so any mass of significant size will collapse towards a gravitational centre and form a sphere.
Newsflash flerfs, it doesn’t matter if you don’t believe in gravity; gravity believes in you. I bet he had a last moment recantation of his gravatheism.
The last thing that went through his mind was his arse ?
He believed the Earth was flat – I`ll wager it certainly was on the bit he impacted after the flight.
I remember a fellow like this on a conspiracy forum who believed the opposite, that the earth was inverted and the sky was made of glass or some shit.
He made a youtube video mocking me because I said his ideas were fucking nuts.
He later got sent to federal prison for threatening the president lol.
If people want to have harmless but somewhat questionable theories let them crack on – just don’t expect me not to challenge their gibberish with facts, truth and evidence – there is a big difference between a well mannered exchange of views and nutters demanding I believe their nonsense, and too much of their abuse and ranty swivel eyed bellowing brings with it the strong possibility of a smack on the snout! ?
A lot of flerfs are like Oakley – there’s another called Nathan Thompson and one called Anthony Riley who are nasty like pricks too.
There are some who got their collars felt by the police for trying to dox Youtubers who make flat Earth debunking videos.
,that picture admin, looks like he has just managed to dislodge a very large shit from his arsehole, did this man give birth to Dianne Abbott and George floyd out of his arse? Answers on a post card c/o Jimmy saville bbc TV wood lane…urgrgg urggh urggh..now then now then
Twat. Fuck off and play with your Lego you arse hole.
Dieser unverschämt – und zwar auch derzeitig ganz ungeheuer – total Arschloch kann mich ruhig mal einen ‘runterholen. Der is ja mal grauenhaft.
Hadn’t heard of him (im Voraus), but I’ll agree he seems a bit of a cunt himself.
That’s exactly what I was thinking.
Absolute twats, B&WC. We’re quite the most misunderstood on here. (the lawnmower reference is, fyi, a tilt toward my personal considerable predilection for cunnilingus).
Happily a predisposition shared by my, otherwise hard-to-please, girlfriend. From round your way, I trow – Forest Hill/Catford/Perry Hill?
Where the “fuch” have you been???
If you mean me, Cuntfinder, I was sanding the door and wiping it off with white spirit… until it began raining around 5pm?
Evening CS. How’s the cat sitting going?
PS: no animosity intended in that enquiry. ?
It was aimed at our Pirate King B & W-with an oblique reference thrown in.
Perry Hill? I know naffink abaaaaht it. Notting Hill old chap.
Evening CG, I’ve been aaaht and abaaaht.
Does he come from the fens? There’s a few reasons he might believe the is flat if he does.
No link to it. The blurb on the back of a book is the only information I can get-
‘Galileo Was Wrong is a detailed and comprehensive treatise that demonstrates from the scientific evidence that heliocentrism (the concept that the Earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the sun) is an unproven scientific theory; and that geocentrism (the view that the Earth is in the center of the universe and does not move by either rotation or revolution) is not only supported by the scientific evidence but is admitted to be a logical and viable cosmology by many of the world’s top scientists, including Albert Einstein, Ernst Mach, Edwin Hubble, Fred Hoyle and many more.
About the Author
Robert A. Sungenis, Ph.D. is the president of Catholic Apologetics International and is the author of many books and articles on theology, science, culture and politics. Robert J. Bennett, Ph.D. has been an instructor of physics and mathematics for many years at various academic institutions.’
Just throw that in there.
From Wikipedia-
‘The Lubavitcher Rebbe also explained that geocentrism is defensible based on the theory of relativity, which establishes that “when two bodies in space are in motion relative to one another, … science declares with absolute certainty that from the scientific point of view both possibilities are equally valid, namely that the Earth revolves around the sun, or the sun revolves around the Earth”,
No comment.
Good to see someone else is aware of Chabad Lubavitch, fucking genocidal psychos that they are.
That was a Viz comic spoof, wasn’t it?
Your ancestors should never have left the sea, Miles. ?
But specifically RT with the advent of the Theory of Relativuty you cannot actually say –
‘The earth revolves around the sun’
That is no longer a scientific fact.
Miles. Why is it that I feel increasingly like Chief Inspector Dreyfus when I read your posts nowadays?
Brave Miles!!!!
People should take the time to watch some of the material on flat earth theory. A lot of it is bollocks but some of it raises legitimate questions and some interesting experiments were performed by a group of international scientists.
The big question is why would the world scientific community want to fool us into believing the opposite of the truth?
I’m not a flat earther I just watch a lot of stuff I probably shouldn’t.
Miles, I knew that you were one of our not-so-token theists (which is totally okay) and even one of our token YEC’s (not so okay) but are you admitting to being a flerf?…….. not fucking okay at all.
If in any doubt, please refer to the channel below (or to common sense).
or for a longer video……..
@Miles Plastic
Please observe:
Also @ Miles Plastic
I’m not saying that you are a moronic dipshit…….. I’m just saying that you are not not a moronic dipshit!
Also @ Miles Plastic is the term “Er mer gerd! Mer flert Erth Derp! Herp Derp!” (translation …… low IQ dipshit/derpshert).
That is all.
Yes Miles, because a person with a PhD in religious apologetics is obviously an authority on science, philosophjy and unbiased epistemology.
Fucking dipshit.
(Enough! – DA)
Triggered much? Why does it matter what he believes? Are you insecure in your belief in Science? Think you crossed the line of cunting a cunter.
I don’t think 95% of anything posted on here is ever said without a wry smile or a tongue in cheek. Fucking hell Two, chill out.
@Sixdog no I just despise dipshittery. I thought that was evident by the dipshit reference.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – science can’t explain everything but religion can’t explain anything.
I think Miles coukd be playing ‘Devil’s’ Advocate’…
This explains my cunting of the inflated importance of the Ph.D.
It’s not flat where I am, hills all over the place.
Perhaps the cunt is from Suffolk?
Flat as fuck here.
The flat immediate-locality society
Do I have your permission to slide him into your Oven please Unkle Terry?
A special flat baking sheet needed. With “cuntproof” paper.
220 fan, top shelf, 40 minutes.
Serve with a side helping of humble pie.
Nathan Oakley probably feels a bit dizzy?
We’re on a orb rotating in dark infinite space,
I get queasy thinking about it!
Hes obviously from California where the state pastime is being mental.
Hes read Terry Pratchett and thought it was a science text .
Push him off the edge
See if he floats upward.
Sorry Miserable. He’s one of ours.
Oh indeed Mr Wallace.
A special flat oven that crushes this daft cunt slowly whilst disposing of its remains.
Never realised how many loudmouth look at me thick as shit fuckers with verbal diarrhoea there are in the world these days.
Doing my head in, need to go and lie down.
The Flat Earth Society have members all over the globe….
JC dont you mean they circle the globe, on account globes are round, not that I’m splitting hairs or anything
I couldn’t give a fuck if the earth is flat or round.
I certainly don’t need to watch this thick cunt go on with himself however.
I hope he’s struck by an asteroid.
A nice flat one.
It’s okay………. flerfs have no explanation as to why asteroids:
a: exist
b: are pulled from their orbit in the solar system
c: are drawn towards Earth resulting in impacts.
Oh shit, if only a guy who had a bump on the head by an apple could have worked this shit out…………
As we are on the topic of flat earthers, which as we all know, is often the insult of choice for those who fundamentally disagree with “conspiracy theorists” I seen an eyebrow raising story this morning regarding the legendary Marvin Hagler.
Tommy Hearns his once great rival posted on his Instagram account prior to Hagler’s passing that Marvellous Marvin was in intensive care suffering from the side effects of the “miracle vaccine” which he’d recently received and that with hope and prayers etc he’d get through it.
Naturally this has poked the bear and begs the question – if the miracle jab does start wiping people out, would the truth ever be allowed out or would that also be suppressed and hidden amongst other causes of death. (a bit like Covid ironically)
Well, over 20 million of us have had it so I expect it would have been noticed. Or is it a cover up?
Fuck me drunk.
I hardly think it’s fair to compare the skepticism of flerfism/moon hoaxism/creationism etc to that of the skepticism of the Covid pandemic.
… or space lizards.
By the look of that picture, Mr. Humphreys is giving him a blow job.
The daft gay looking cunt.
” Are you free, Mr. Humphreys ? ”
” Perhaps not ”
Another fucking moron. The world (the round one that we live on) seems full of stupid cunts lately. Most get ignored, and then rant that everyone is asleep, sheeple, red pill….zzzzz
And it’s always about control. I think this is to absolve themselves of any responsibility of them being friendless weirdos that couldn’t get laid with a lottery win in Amsterdam.
But I’ve got a closed mind! No, I’m not fucking stupid, that’s all.
Since social distancing of 6 feet was introduced for COVID, I wonder how many flat earth earthers have been pushed over the edge?
Very Good Bertie??
I just can’t take these flat earthers sphereiously.
That’s a load of balls Libs.
I’m sure I read that Freddie Flintoff was a flat earther Bertie, I thought footballers were our resident sporting idiots.
I think he was struck on the head too many times by bouncers.
I’m sure I read something somewhere recently that was taking the piss out of a tweet from the Flat Earth Society in which they proudly declared that they have members “all around the globe”.
Fucking cunts.
Problem is if this cunt goes transbender or something his arse teachings will become part of the woke curriculum as he/she’s/it’s rights take priority over everything. For the sake of future generations let us hope he stays as a White Male as no fucker takes any notice of what they say.
Operation Fishbowl, the US high level atomic tests in the 50s and 60s, designed to test effects of EM pulses and the fallout drift in the upper atmosphere. Unless you think they were trying to break the glass dome covering the flat earth.
It’s why rockets don’t go straight up apparently but pitch down range and stay at a certain altitude.
I love the flat headed ones and their ‘theories’ anyhow , now off to watch Iron Sky. A documentary about Nazis on the moon.
Moon nazis?
Theyll inherit the earth.
It’s okay, most flerfs either think that the moon landings were faked or that the moon is made of swiss knob cheese.
The best videos I have ever sen debunking flerf nonsense are by a channel called “CoolHardLogic” (yes the Cool Hand Luke reference wasn’t lost on me) but his videos are educational, cutting and funny as fuck.
Check out his Testing Flattards series.
Link below.
*seen not sen (obviously).
Fuck off you unintelligible pretentious cunt.
Earth’s neither round nor flat anyway. It’s covered in lumpy bumpy, uppy downy bits.
No it isn’t!
If it were, I’d spend my days humping a whole in the ground. Please stop talking bollocks.
You find what I write “unintelligible” yet you continue to read it – time and time again. Yet ince again you have also have the audacity to call me pretentious! If you don’t understand / find annoying / whatever the fuck else don’t fucking read it you numpty or if you must, don’t make a prat of yourself by replying.
You (Cuntstable Cuntbubble) seem to have a rather insecure craving to (try to) “outdo” people. I’ve noticed that a frequent style of yours is to “hijack” comments with some “pithy” rejoinder, which you believe to be be even more side-splittingly hilarious. You also appear to positively thrive on the idea that others find your comments incredibly relevant and amusing. Sometimes they are. More often than not, however, you come across as trying a bit too hard to be clever. The Gravatar you have chosen sums this up rather neatly for me.
Your style reminds me of those clever-dick reviews you used to read in NME or Melody Maker whose sole purpose was to convince the reader of the author’s acerbic wit and vast wisdom (they usually included the word “eponymous”). I may seem pretentious (it is supposed to be funny) but you really are quite pretentious. I suppose that is exactly why it rubs you up the wrong way.
It might interest you to know (I have complete certainty you’re enough of a glutton for punishment/tosser to still be reading this) that you¹ personally inspired this:
Knobby Knowles
KW17 2LN
It is ironic indeed.
¹ admittedly not only you, Cuntbubble. You’re not that special – there are one or two other knobby know-all’s on here. ROFL Coconuts comes to mind
(Let’s keep things nice & civil please – DA)
If you think he`s insane, take a look at this fuckwit …
Many thanks, Admin. I regretted making that reply as soon as I posted it. Good to see a “zero tolerance” policy in action, and sorry for the imprudence.