Africans are cunts, especially when they live here and jump on the slavery victimhood bandwagon.
Toyin Agbetu is a classic example. Like Lammy he is Nigerian. He moans about white supremacy (sorry we cant help it) and slavery when he comes from a place that enslaved Africans and then sold them to the Americas.
They were already slaves before they left Africa. Its about time the real story of slavery was told.
Anthony Gormley thinks the British museum should bring African artifacts out of the basement for display.. Great idea. Then we can be told how they got there. For example the much maligned Baden Powell took part in the the punitive Ashanti expedition. Why? To end slavery there.
The slavery wasn’t for labour but for human sacrifice. You wont learn that in “black history month”.
Nominated by: Smug cunt
Nigeria? Nice place. Home of Boko Haram. Fuck off.
Back to your cave via your rubber dinghy.
If you’ve heard one Ooga-Dooga moaning about British Culture you’ve heard them all. The words eratically spew out like machine-gun bad English. You hear sizzle, I hear my ancestors crying.
If it was for slavery and colonisation, they wouldn’t be here. Fuck off.
More Nigerians live in Britain than Britons live in Nigeria. Perhaps one of the eternal moaners would like to discuss why that is .
Most of them are traffic wardens in London. When Nigeria are playing in the World Cup you can park where you like.
At least white man doesn’t use his skin colour in pursuit of money and/or power like the two above.
Give white man money and he will, by and large, try to better his family or communities lot. Give Awooga Booga money and their first thought Is how many guns can they buy with it.
We are superior, I’m not afraid to say, for more varied reasons than I can be arsed to type up.
If they don’t like that fact, they can fuck off back to medieval land.
The BBC encourage these moaning minnies in their victimhood. The other evening BBC2 devoted a whole hour to discover why “ethnic minorities uffered more during the Covid crisis”, and Radio 4 is forever whinging on about minorities, especially if they are wimmin and even more especially if they are lezzies. If the BBC stopped giving them the oxygen of publicity thy might hush their mouths. ITV in London is just as bad with it’s “Local (Black) News” show every evening at 1800hrs.
Surely the biggest prick of the loat after Lammy is that camp little Femi Whats-his-name, so against Brexit.
I agree. ITV’s London news is hideously black. Like watching excerpts from Live & Let Die every weekday evening.
Except hon key is not uttered every 10 minutes
The actor involved in this was David Harewood who is married to a White Woman.
So does he suffer ‘institution racism’ or ‘white supremacy’ at home?
I couldn’t bring myself to watch this donkey shite of a program and think it is quite racist to be putting this on air – you would never see one devoted only to whiteeees.
I’d like to do a series entitled:
“Why do a lot of the muslim jiahidis that enjoy freedom in the UK want to bomb us”
“Why can’t I walk down my street without a darkey wanting to stab a whitey”
Bet that would turn a few eyes.
Perhaps a good solid deportation is in order.
To whichever shithole in Malaysia just had a volcano erupt.
The evil conniving blek cunts.
I’ve said this before but, if we’re such a naughty and bad country and these cunts feel so aggrieved by things then fuck off.
You don’t see any whitey’s in most of these countries parliaments (which are not under military rule).
I don’t have enough fingers and toes to count how many effnik’s there are in our government but I bet you there ain’t whitey’s in bud bud ding government circles or any white home secretary’s or honkey’s managing the UK’s finances.
Tell you what why don’t all us whitey’s leave the UK, maybe go live on the Isle of Man and all the effnik’s can have the rest of country.
Cunts all of you (them, not fellow cunters here)
The only solution is Unkle Terry’s fine industrial shit incinerator.
AKA Oven??
A spot of historical reenactment is in order for my amusement.
Good for the economy too.
Build a dozen Wellington bombers and drop mustard gas shells on the filthy thick savage cunts.
Then have a nice street party to celebrate.
Ever seen the film “The Purge” it’s about a given day every year where there’s a bit of cleansing that goes on.
I’ll bring the lemonade and salmon/cucumber sarnies.
Fucking wankers, the UK had slaves in the past unless your pikey the Afro,s still come in their fucking droves by air,land ,and inner tube desperate to get here so they can milk the system and have a better life, if you cunts don’t like it fuck off back home.
Goes to show they having got enough problems, when the best they can do is dredge up past history to cry about, I’m sure in Nigeria there are real problems for you fuckers to whinge about….fuck off
If you hate Great Britain, leave Great Britain and make Britain great again.
“Your people (he means white people) and your country are bad”
Says the man from the land of the con artist and boko fucking haram. Half the country living in poverty and rape and murder rates through the roof.
Fuck off back there then, you cunt, we’re going nowhere. And if you chippy cunts keep this up, we’ll end up kicking the fucking lot of you out one day.
A distinct lack of historical knowledge is a problem with all these arseholes.
They really need to read up on the subject because having a tantrum about the country that has nurtured you, educated you for free and so on whilst having not one iota of understanding about your or it’s past is tantamount to cuntery grade 5 and you will suffer the consequences of your wagon jumping crap. Sorry cunters thought I was still in Russia, should have read you will be lauded and acclaimed as a visionary revisionist be give much money, tv interviews and the chance to fuck lots of blond student ladies or men. Good chance of a seat in House of Lords as well
Africans are cunts and Nigerians are the worst of the lot. Every other week the is a news story about hundreds of school children who are kidnapped by gunmen – 300 girls last week, and recruited into Boko Haram or sold into sex slavery.
But the people wanting to pull down statues in western democracies are not interested in that, wrong century, wrong country, wrong perpetrators.
No one ever mentions the Portuguese who were the first to use African slaves to make sugar in the 1400s. No one in Brazil asks for reparations. There’s racism in Brazil but they all get along. In America and now Britain, the media and college brainwashed black folk are now in a hysterical rage over slavery like it just happened to them personally.
The last 6000 years of history has been a bloodbath, no tribe, race, religion, nation, etc has got through unscathed. Get over it. Move on. Live a simple, quiet, healthy life and don’t annoy people, let alone harm them. It’s easy when you step back and look at it. Do a whole bag of magic mushrooms in your bedroom alone.
Today being Childrens World Book Day, I wasn’t in the least surprised to hear the call for more BAME characters in children’s books as only 5% of characters are black. The mind boggles as to future titles.
Mo Potter and the the Prisoner of the Taliban.
Ali Khan and the seven white virgins.
Faisal the Fearless Fakir.
It’s on the BBC news this morning, BAME, BAME, BAME
‘Alice in Wonderland is a great story but the character is white’, just wait for reprints to turn her into a little black girl ?
We are doomed, thank fuck I will long gone by the time the Umbongos and Goat shaggers take over.
They should read the Koran. Plenty of tales there about dusky peacefuls slaughtering non-believers.
This is the problem when people from savage lands are allowed to infest western society, a savage with an O level is still a fucking savage.
Fuck off back to the land of your ancestors
Say whatever you like but I’m in the process of receiving 13million quid. I’ve given my bank details and a deposit, just awaiting the dosh from Nigeria.
Standing back from all this, the only reason that the likes of George Agdgdgwando and his ilk keep harking on about slavery is that they want whitey to provide them with “muh reparations”.
They know the only effective levers they have are the race card and the guilt card. The stupid middle class whiteys fall for it every time and the monstrous BBC, which should have been canned years ago, is complicit to their campaign.
They want to become wealthy without having to lift a finger. Just look at many parts of Africa – do you see hard working, industrious, innovative suntanned men working hard to provide a better place for their family and their community? No, those adjectives I dropped in above are simply antonymous with the indigenous black African.
The only time I ever agreed with that cunt Bono was when he wailed “Well tonight thank God its them instead of you”. Too fucking right Bono lad and I am more than happy to raise a glass to that fact every night of the year and not just for Christmas. Apart from that he is still a cunt.
In 1833 the UK used 40% of its entire national money to buy slaves out of contracts – the amount was so huge they paid for it by raising taxes for the working Men and Women of the Country (not the rich fuckers and those who had profited from slavery I hasten to add, the very lowest paid got hit with that particular bill) to offset the massive debt – this was only finally paid off in 2016.
So – where’s our reparations then you ungrateful fuckers?
English whitey William Wilberforce facilitated the end of slavery – do you hear any “thank you’s” for that?
600,000 predominantly white Men died in the American civil war to end slavery and a fortune was paid freeing slaves from their deep south owners (said slave owners being the beginnings of the democrat party BTW) – do you hear any thanks for that?
The Royal Navy went around the world fighting slave traders, and many, many sailors and soldiers died doing it – no mention of that in history.
Sierra Leone was set up by the British as a free state to house and protect black victims of black slavers – it was democratic, prosperous and peaceful – then the blacks demanded it back from racist whitey and it descended into a m*rderous horrific shitshow.
Rhodesia – given back, now one of the most deprived and corrupt Countries on the African continent – every white farmer is being butchered, not a word from the MSM.
8 million currently in slavery on the African continent, but not a word from the whining hateful racist fuckers about that.
Shaka Zulu, possibly the most prolific slave trader in history – selling black people to other black people, but not a word about that.
The African and Arab nations were, and are, the biggest slave traders in history, selling black slaves to black slave traders well before whitey got involved – but not a word about that.
Denying history does not change it, and any not liking the UK feel free to fuck off back to Africa and never blight us again.
Be grateful or be gone.
I feel like standing and applauding that post Vernon F, but the Mrs would probably call the men in white coats (again).
Excellent post Vernon. Ever heard of the “brig” “Commerce” and its Capt James Riley? Shipwrecked off the coast of Africa, crew killed or buggered and sold into slavery ( and that’s the nice bits)
The story is true, has been televised and there is a book. If ever any person of a foreign breed ever mentions to me about the poor fucking blacks and slavery, I will shove my King James so far up his arse, he will never mount a camel in this life again
Your forgetting that the word slave comes from Slav. Or the industrial slavery of Eastern Europeans by Islam. Its why Hungary refuses to take “migrants” otherwise known as colonisers. Western Europe have no fucking idea what they are letting themselves in fore. The only thing England has ever done in this area is pay for the walls of Vienna thanks to the ransom paid for Richard I.
SC@ – I would have left the French bastard there to teach him not to fly with Ryanair! ?
I can’t figure out what these chimp wannabes want. Do they want Britain to look like Africa? I can’t imagine why seeing as they’ve all run away from it because it’s a backward shit hole.
Soylent Green. The only damned solution!
Soylent Green?
A truly superb film!
There’d be no hunger in Africa if they just did what they used to do and started scoffing each other! ?
Afrikants invented B lack slavery. White ties traded with them. White ties ended it Afrikants still do it today. Maybe white ties could claim money back??? Cunts sick of hearing such shite.
The only good Africunt is a dead Africunt.
I lived and worked in Africa for seven years. I don’t now. I know this cos my lights stay on and the water isn’t full of sand. However it’s poes-cold as I write.
I can’t single out Africans for moaning. Everybody is moaning. ‘Moanalot’ Krankie in Scotland, teachers moaning about schools being unsafe, we’re constantly moaning, Wokewaffe constantly moaning, the entire raison d’etre of the Labour party is to moan at the Tories (not doing very well at it though), Piers Morgan – paid to moan and be outraged, every Council is moaning about not having enough money, the entire media was moaning about Trump for ages, Megain Markle moans about toxic Royal Family situation. Seems we’re all giant whinge bags, me included. Now that is what I call inclusivity!
I dunno, quite a few Africans are starting to make a lot more sense than much of rest of the globe these days, like the Tanzanian president poo-pooing coronabollox after getting papayas to test positive, and Zambia rejecting a load of C19 drugs that someone forgot to remove the ‘Not for use in America or Europe’ labels from first.
Yes, they still think they won’t get aids if they wash after sex, and they make medicine out of albino people.
Oh I forgot, aids doesn’t exist.
Be a good thing to remember that it does. immune deficiency syndromes are quite common amongst those with unhealthy lifestyles, and correlates highly with shit living conditions.
I dont care what people say but if you put say, the Swiss or the Japanese in Sierra Leone, it would pretty much be cleaned up and a 1st World country in about a decade.
Everything is our fault but they’ve had independence about 60 years now and all they have done with it is fucking kill one another.
Again , we dug them out of that one
Best thing to do is if you don’t like Blighty and you clearly don’t
Fuck Off back to where you originally came from ?????