Moaning Africans

Africans are cunts, especially when they live here and jump on the slavery victimhood bandwagon.

Toyin Agbetu is a classic example. Like Lammy he is Nigerian. He moans about white supremacy (sorry we cant help it) and slavery when he comes from a place that enslaved Africans and then sold them to the Americas.

They were already slaves before they left Africa. Its about time the real story of slavery was told.

Anthony Gormley thinks the British museum should bring African artifacts out of the basement for display.. Great idea. Then we can be told how they got there. For example the much maligned Baden Powell took part in the the punitive Ashanti expedition. Why? To end slavery there.

The slavery wasn’t for labour but for human sacrifice. You wont learn that in “black history month”.

Nominated by: Smug cunt

49 thoughts on “Moaning Africans

  1. While We are on the subject of foreigners Joe Biden keep your nose out of Northern Ireland.
    Sort your own Divided Country Out First before sticking your Irish Republican nose in UK affairs.?

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