Sullivan & Sanders are a sympathy seeking couple from Oldham who have lived in the same 2 bedroom Housing Association (HA) house for at least the last 4 years in which time (so they claim) they have been “living out of bags” because the house is beset by damp, mould & pest problems.
They have 4 kids ages 5, 3, 2, and 10 months with a 5th due in the next few weeks. All but the eldest seemingly conceived after they moved to their present 2 bedroom house which they consider not fit to live in. However, breeding like cockroaches in it is ok?
Four years ago the house would have been big enough for them and their eldest but now, because she couldn’t keep her knees together, it is considered too small. Therefore, it seems both the HA and Oldham Council housing departments have elevated them to priority housing lists for a suitable 4 bedroom property.
However, even that doesn’t appear to be enough for the shameless duo as they are trying to dictate to the HA / council which areas they are willing to move to (supposedly for the sake of their autistic son). With luck the council or HA will stick them in Glodwick, a part of Oldham full of P@k!s and scene of race riots in 2001.
I wonder if either Sullivan or Sanders have ever had a job? Unlikely I’d have thought. They have no incentive to work when simply dropping a few sprogs will get them everything they want. It’ll be the likes of you and me who’ll be paying for their income support, child benefits, childcare vouchers, housing benefits, council tax, replacement furniture, the special needs sensory equipment etc, etc, etc through our NI and taxes forever and ever. I’m just surprised there wasn’t a GoFundMe type link attached to the story for their autistic sprog.
Don’t the selfish cnuts realise that their 4 bedroom housing requirement is potentially depriving Oldham of the chance to house a fleet of undocumented raft riders from some far flung sh!t hole (and I don’t mean curry house waiters on lilos floating down the canal from Rochdale).
Nominated by: Dickie Dribbler
By the state of them, pissing down the walls probably doesn’t help with the dampness in the house. Wayne & Wynetta for the 21st century.
The sort of white British that makes you ashamed.
Benefit scrounging, feckless,
No aspirations,never worked.
Meet thousands of them.
Not liked one.
Would starve if their dole was stopped.
My perfect world,
Kids would be mining cobalt and the parents harvested for organs.
MNC@ – this disgraceful brood are taking housing and benefits that could be given to the poor illegal immigrants arriving daily!
I believe these types used to be called “the undeserving poor” – I do not have much but I have grafted for it, I pay my own way, if I can’t afford it I don’t have it and if I have a problem I sort it myself.
Why can’t everyone?
I wouldn’t harvest their organs, even to feed them as chum to Sir Fiddler’s hounds.
Plagued with rodents? The thick bitch, the’re your kids!!
The other rodents as Les Dawson used to say have thrown themselves on the traps.
All the children, even the youngest, seem to have been blessed with Date Rape Face. Good grief, what a bleak existence.
Vermin, and should be exterminated as such. Absolutely no benefit to the gene pool whatsoever. They’re probably consanguineous anyway.
Open the fucking windows you thick wastes of space.
Their kids will no doubt end up as high achievers.
Indeed, many would be suprised that many ‘mould issues’ can be resolved simply by getting some fresh air into the property to ventilate it.
Some idiots just wind the central heating to 25 degrees C and keep all the windows shut tight. They then wonder why they have mushrooms growing on the walls and carpets. Fungus loves warm and humid conditions – it thrives.
If i was in charge of that council i would organise a culling of the useless bastards, or recycle them by tossing them in a muck spreader then use it for manure in the local parks.
That’s my moderate thought for the day.
Conversely: If all white/white couples only had 1 child, we will be outbred at a rate of 6:1 by the various shit coloured demographic. Under 5’s in the minority within 30 years. Think about that.
Shite is shite-I would rather it had some indigenous characteristics…….
I like it CG. ?You could almost go as far as saying fact after that statement. Flush the shite down the bog. Get a breeding program going for whitey or we are fucked. I say about 50 years, but I think you’re nearer with 30.
Maybe the ‘right ones’ could breed more if they weren’t taxed so much to pay for this charming pair.
Exactly. Shite is shite. I’d rather not pay for any of it, whatever the heritage.
Absolutely unbelievable.
Some cunts have the face for anything.
Reminds me of one particular steroid munching perpetually unemployed benefit scrounging wanker who was originally from the same estate as me, met another local dreg and fucked off to live down the country nearer to her family (possibly Wales) and have since proceeded to have 10… yes TEN sprogs.
He already had 2 from a previous slag up here as well.
More work inna fucking sick note the pair of lazy entitled bastards
Very true, I can’t wait to pay for out of work chavs to have a holiday in Benidorm ?
Lack of suitable housing or lack of responsible family planning, I get pissed off with leftie reporters and media banging on about families being forced to live in unsuitable conditions.
Get a fucking job, get some money behind you and then have the number of kids you can afford, this family are white and at least daddy is still there unlike the blacks where the mother seems to get pregnant on a regular basis without a husband or partner.
Pissed off with my tax being spent on cunts!
Blair brought in the right to do fuck all and get paid. The more you breed, the more you get. Now, the benefits system is so bloated, it needs serious reform, but like the NHS, it’s now a sacred cow that cannot be scaled back to more reasonable and affordable safety net that it used to be.
Skum like these need neutering at school, as you can usually tell who is going to be a burden.
Eugenics? Fuck aye!
I’ll wager my left bollock they have a 50inch tv, and can afford cannabis though.
I went one house for the council no carpet on the floors, no wallpaper up, but a massive telly.
They love a big telly this sort!
And keep their Nike trainers in the box they came in.
Got to have nice trainers queuing at the food bank.
I’ve got more important things to worry about than these cunts. The kids look happy enough anyway.
For instance, why is it whenever I open a pack of Germoloids it always at the end of the box with the chugging leaflet wrapped around it. This impedes and slows down access to my favourite medication.
Life’s a cunt.
I suppose it’s either give the shiftless cunts a free and of course larger house or watch it go to some poor refugees.
Oldham Council likes refugees as Westminster gives them lots of cash to look after them.
It’s big business and positively encouraged.
A sign of the utter degeneracy that plagues our country,which is utterly fucked.
Personally I feel it would be advantageous if these cunts were burnt out of the house and left destitute.
As for foreign muck,gas the cunts as they make landfall.
Worlds proper fucked up lacking in aspirations seems to be the new in thing. Only positive I can come up with is that if they get a bigger gaf is that the boat people might miss out. World’s fucked and Britain is a driving force in this being fucked up. Sadly.
I would suggest that he spends a bit of time sorting out that mess of a garden, planting seeds somewhere else apart from her fanny.
Some of these women just look at a man and immediately become pregnant with triplets. They don’t need any intervention.
Why bother doing the garden when you spend all day on a games console and smoking dope.
Good afternoon and go fuck yourselves. ?
I’m having to do that at the monument as its Mrs Cunting Machines time of the month.
I’m sorry to hear if your predicament, would you like a discount at one of my Brothel’s? Cuntfinder General was very happy after spending an hour with one of my bitches, little does he know I have photos and video…I want a grand CG otherwise it’s going on is a cunt and YouTube.
@B&W :
They would allow a 5 hour upload on YouTube ??
We thought you might be the owner of one of the strip clubs in Bristol that they are trying to shut down B&WC. I hope not as that was on the shortlist for the IsAC Christmas do.
No thanks B&WC. I have enough trouble already with all the photos on the internet from my former porn stud career.
No not the owner LL, although I’ve got a mate who knows someone who said we could get it at a discount there for the Christmas get together. They told me Rufftuff Creampuff is banned though after his outrageous behaviour last time.
What a pair of cunts, it’s time to cull the hopeless and classless.
These are the thick, skint type of people that would buy a new TV and a holiday to the Costa del cunt if they won 5 grand and then complain abaaaaaht being skint again when they get home.
No hopers, who offer nothing but shite. White trash cunts.
Go fuck yourselves.
This will go on and on until governments stop the handouts. They are not down on their luck or lost their jobs through no fault of their own, they’re entitled scroungers. Fuck off and stop breeding .
The three older kids look like ASBO thugs already along with the predictable ‘issues’ to go with it. Why don’t they fuck off and live next door to that working class hero Angela Rayner? Ok they might have voted to leave the EU but that’s only because they thought Brexit was a finalist in the X Factor.
To give them the benefit of the doubt, it is not clear from the link as to whether Mr Sanders is employed or not. If he is employed then clearly his salary is not sufficient to support a lifestyle where he can father five children and keep them within relative comfort and cleanliness. In which case he should cut his cloth to suit.
I am fortunate to be an educated, professionally qualified Engineer on an upper five figure income with a company car. That said, by the time taxes bite hard, I certainly can’t live in a mansion with several holidays a year. I have two children and that is about the limit for me – I can clothe, feed and educate them to a very good standard. I certainly could not afford to have five children. Why the fuck should I expect the State to fund my lifestyle?
A slightly different perspective, I think, on this. Perchance Messrs Sanders have been indulging in excessive rumpty-tumpty in order to ward off the damp?
On the contrary, Herr Ajax, I suspect all the excessive rumpty tumpty and the sweating and hot, heavy breathing that comes with it, has likely been the primary cause of said mould.
Reply orphaned loc cit: I know not why. Apols Mr M
I have it…
Seal up the shagnasty’s cunt like a defunct oil rig. And have him doctored, get his firing pin removed.
Fuck me, these cunts are like human rabbits. If you can’t provide for ’em. then don’t fucking have ’em.
And the cunts aren’t even married. He can’t even do that one decent thing. And fuck knows how many other bastards are scattered about the area because of these cunts. Rest assured, this fucker will have more stray kids than Mick Jagger.
I’ve seen it. There’s a cunt in our area: 12 kids off six different women. Mostly from local slappers, but he landed a real cracker a few years ago, a great girl. Needless to say, he cheated on her and got another slag up the duff. So she rightfully fucked him off and she was way too good for him anyway.
Also, fuck knows how many ‘dads’ those kids in that picture have had or will have. I am surprised there isn’t a little dark chappie amongst the ‘family’.
And -let me guess- one of the kiddies is ‘special’? Ray Charles could see that coming.
The problem is we need scabby cunts like this to keep breeding like vermin.
If we want to keep the scales balanced in our favour then we must encourage the cunts to keep at it and keep knocking out the shaven haired sprogs.
Not the prettiest of spots to have on a domino but they are spots nevertheless in these dark times which will only get darker.
That’s a bit of a false dichotomy. It doesn’t matter who outbreeds who, the country will still be paying for spastics. The problem is the state is enabling both the thick whites and the less able non-whites to both keep out-breeding real people. How about cutting off resources from both and forcing all of these cunts to be responsible for their own, or starve.
There’s also a slut in the Bury area. She has 9 kids, all from different dads and including sprogs from white morons, bogos, peacefuls and dooshkas. She shamelessly admits that she has them simply for child benefit payments, and she now has another on the way to make it a nice round 10. Anyone who frequents Bury Market or the town centre will know who this is.
Is it Gemma Atkinson? She’s from Bury.
It isn’t Gemma. This one changed her first name to a peaceful name when she was getting fucked/up the duff from a camelshagger. One of her elder daughters still wears the peaceful headgear, even though she’s had about eight dads since her original one fucked off.
Another bunch of Philpotts.
The post War architects of the Welfare State meant well but they couldn’t have envisaged they were spawning this layabout trash.
It’s true what they say……….the past is another country.
China used to be ruled by emperors who were looked after by many eunuchs. The emperors’ eunuchs had both their knobs and bollocks chopped off and carried these in a jar hung from their necks.
The feckless father and others like him should be sent to China to work as eunuchs for Xi Jinping. And the woman and others like her should have their cunts filled with quick-drying cement.
This tart is actually quite a rarity though. All those out of wedlock sprogs, and not one of them is from a Stakipani or a Bogo? Usually ever other illegitimate kid in this part of the world is a coffee coloured nog-nipper.
I hear the speakers of Urdu like to keep it in the family.
And I wonder how much these human rats spend on KFC, scratchcards and ‘lotties’, Maccy Dees, booze, Sky Telly, cigarettes, pizzas, Coca Cola, and iPhones?
Yet they’ll moan on and on about being ‘skint’.
Fuck off!
and Pulled Pork pizzas from Iceland.
Parasitic, filthy tracksuit-wearing and Pot-Noodle-guzzling cunts like this are the reason I’m not too concerned about immigration and dinghy folk.
We don’t need stab-happy Somalians and Nigerians to ruin the country when our Anglo-Saxon underclass breed 5-children per couple. This, along with the increase in inbreeding amongst certain populations in Bradford and Luton will lead to a reversal of the Flynn effect upon this septic isle.
Add to this the middle classes raising a non-gendered Thunberg out in the Cotswolds and our ‘generation Z’ is starting to look more like World War Z.