Yet another actress who thinks she’s more interesting than she actually is, and chooses to share her personal life in public for the benefit of her “fans”.
I’ve no idea who this self obsessed cunt is, I’ve never seen Firefly, which she purportedly starred in.
You’ve had neck surgery, have pronounced yourself as ” now bionic”, presumably to make yourself sound more interesting.
Nothing to do with no longer being young & nubile, then?
Nominated by: Jessum Priest
I’ve watched firefly I don’t remember seeing that turd in it
She looks well creepy. Like she’s had a dose of the Joker’s laughing gas.
Only good thing about Firelfy was Christina Hendricks and her epic knockers/
Did they appear as twin moons?
They are fucking gigantic.
Firefly Lane, not firefly which was a good sci-fi show. She’s obviously a narcissistic bint
Thank you, Bob, I stand corrected. It was indeed Firefly Lane. Yet another yawnfest I have declined to watch, along with Greys Anatomy, which this person has also appeared in.
I did however see Summer Glau when she did a guest appearance in an episode of The Big Bang Theory.
My word! Thankyou to the Almighty of whatever, what a treat to the eye!
Tranny having its Adam’s apple removed? Narcissistic fuck.
As with most actresses I like some of what she has been in but try not to get wind of their personal life and especially political views. I would rather not know how big a cunt they really are. Always thought she was quite attractive. Looked really good in The Killers with Asston Kuntcher.
I genuinely don’t know who Seig Heigl is. Looks bit loopy.
Maybe a clinical trial for a sperm drain of the throat
Would still do it in the arse dry until I spunked up my own cirrhosis liver.
The filming of Deep throat 3 went horribly wrong.
Who goes to see a film just because an actress is in it? No one. Never heard of this loopy cunt.
Shes got the 2000 light years from home stare
And the all drink the kool aid smile,
Defo California
Defo Holly weird.
Not in any film ive seen anyway,
Unless in ‘double dip dw@rf action 2?
This is the silly bitch who when being interviewed about her latest film, said the film was shit and the director was a cunt.
So she’s having trouble finding work, and that was years ago, never bite the hand that feeds you, otherwise you spend your time posting on Facebook, twitter and YouTube,,,,, oh hang on a second, that’s what your doing now, so next will be doing low rent porn, cleaning crack dealers toilets and if you behave may be deliveries for Pizza hut…
That explains a lot.
I thought she had pisswd off a peaceful.
Never heard of her……..
Yawn.Not interested love.Bore off
Summer Glau was in Firefly.
She’d have got the B&W treatment from me ?
Had to go and look up Summer Glau didn’t I
As Right Said Fred once sang “legs that go on for miles and miles.”
Boy… she’s asking for it…
That’s reminded me, I used to picture Krav as a tubby, more militant version of Richard Fairbrass
Did it give you the horn?
Sorry, that was inappropriate. Please accept my unconditional apologies.
Hahaha what Krav? Not that way inclined Ruffers.
Summer Glau made me realise I have a fetish about women who are flexible and can do the splits. Might sound a bit weird, but compared to some of the deviants who frequent this site, I think my fantasies are quite ‘vanilla’ by comparison.
I think I remember Jorgie Porter saying she could put her leg up behind her head when she was pleasuring herself.
Looks like she may be made of Fimo. You can make almost anything out of it, apparently.
As somebody who has suffered paralysis, 4 neck breaks, 2 subluxations and a graft I consider myself able to speak on this. Neck surgery my fucking arse, she can fuck off.
P.S. I’m also an expert in shallow end diving.
Admin, you have put up some photographs of some very strange looking people (?) today. Please bear in mind that the members of this site are sensitive human beings who are easily upset.
Admin, Guzzis right,
I start wetting the bed again mrs Miserable will give you murder.
Cant we have something more wholesome?!
I thought you might be having night terrors after ‘Entitled Fat Cunt’ made an appearance Miserable.
I’ll be honest LL, I find her truly repulsive.
I couldn’t give her first aid if she was having a heart attack,
In between spewing up I might show mercy and speed things along and despatch her with a quick tap to the nut with a brick.
@ Mis. How is your van now?
Considering all the money you’ve saved on beer during lockdown have you considered getting a new one? ?
Don’t let the cunts drive you off the road. I’ve had to stop driving because of poor health. After 45 years it’s left a hole in my life.
Bertie: has Percy passed his test yet?
I once saw a circus on TV, where they had a parrot in a miniature pedal car.
I suggest you employ a chauffeur-once the furlough ends, there will be millions unemployed. I would suggest a 21 year old Polish lady, £40 per week, plus room & board??
Sorry to hear that Bertie.
These removal vans aren’t cheap, and its a good van ive got, just they do a lot of mileage and are working vehicles so need regular attention.
Get through next couple of weeks and ill get it in for a full service.
Does mrs Bertie drive?
@General. If I’d realised the baggage that came with choosing Bertie as an avatar included a parrot, I would have stayed well clear. The cunt has been nothing but trouble!
@Mis. She doesn’t, which is something we knew we’d always come to regret. However, there are many worse off than myself.
I concur, re the nom photos?
(See my post on the last thread?)
Looks as though the narcissus slag comes from the same mould as Lilly Allen
She looks like one of those African natives with the necklaces around the neck to make their necks extend. If they removed them their heads would collapse. I used to read about them in National Pornographic Magazine.
Is there nothing these attention seeking cunts will stop at to get a bit of a publicity? So you’ve had neck surgery – nobody gives a flying fuck (except it looks like they’ve cut her head off and sewn it back on the wrong way round). Perhaps I’ll put up pictures of my arsehole before, during, and after they removed the piles.
Try Germoloids instead
Shame the operation was not botched and her vocal cords were severed. At least we would not have to hear another fucking peep out of her, who ever she is.
Neck surgery? Probably fitting a fucking wastegate for all the whog and khun cum.
I pissed myself when a snippet on this evening’s news said that police had become aware of a lack of trust by blîck people in the police.
They just don’t get the big picture do they?
WTF makes them think that Honkys have any more trust in them?
The fuzz have really screwed it up for themselves. They thought that by being pc the bleks would suddenly love them. But the blecks trust them no more than ever and now whites distrust them as well. Bunch of fat cretins.
Looking at the x-ray, vertebrae 1 is after 7, instead of before 2 where it should be. The cunting surgeons put it back together wrong. So they’re the cunts
Heigl is lovely and willowy in some of her movies.
Ha. At the risk of cunting myself 1-7 cervical then
1-12 thoracic.
I’ve never seen anything she was in, apart from Under Seige 2 some 20 years ago.
I’ve read she is notoriously difficult and has been struggling to find roles for some time..
The name and the look are very Third Reich.