I’m sure we’ve all seen by now, the video of Joe Biden failing, twice, to climb the stairs of Air Force One. Y’see? The dumb cunt can’t even fall down properly. You’re supposed to fall DOWN, numbnuts, not up.
There have been some truly awesome means appearing since the incident. They include Trump on a gold course, taking swing, and the ball hitting Biden on the back of the head. Another one is Trump autographing MAGA hats and throwing them, frisbee like into a crowd. One of them lands on Biden’s head.
I couldn’t help but notice though that the MSM have barely covered this incident, which is strange, because they were quick to show Trump falling or sliding. So they get cunted for the cover up. I tell you, I will be amazed if the 25th Amendment isn’t brought into force, and Kameltoe Harris isn’t sworn is a President by the end of the year. Still, I guess falling UP stairs is better than sniffing the hair of females.
Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw
The most terrifying aspect of this is the prospect of President Kameltoe. If you ask me that was the plan all along and Biden will be put out to pasture in Palm Springs.
If Kameltoe Arse does become POTUS, let’s hope it happens before the halfway point of the current cycle – then she’ll only be allowed to stand for re-election once. If millions of Americans are stupid enough to vote for Obummer and Die-den, then they will be dumb enough to vote for that bitch.
It was always the plan MMCM.
No way can that cackling hag become president…too bad you can’t be impeached for being a cunt.
Take the old hair sniffer out into a field and blow his head off with a shotgun. I detest him
No country for old men!
I see on RT news that the powers that be in the good old USofA are trying to ban this footage, citing some nefarious link to “terrorism”. By the way, hope we all take note of the law the cunts sneaked though Parliament the other day. Gatherings will be against the law if they cause “annoyance”. Who decides the level of “annoyance”. Hope the ISAC picnic goes ahead before this law comes in.
He can’t walk and talk at the same time. In fact, he has trouble talking when he’s standing still.
The MSM give him a free ride though. They hated Trump but they love this old w@nker.
Personally, I prefer Trump. He didn’t start any wars and neither did he help to collect funds for the IRA.
Kameltoe is waiting in the wings. Biden even called her “president” the other day when his mouth disconnected from his brain. Confirmation, as if it were needed, as to what the plan actually is…
He probably stumbled because he’d heard there were some preteen schoolgirls waiting for him in Airforce One
I bet he drew off a huge fart when he tripped, old cunts fart all the time.
I bet it smelled just like American politics too, like shit.
For a second there I thought Kameltoe had tried to assassinate him with a high-velocity rifle!
Still no press conference from the senile old twat. Americans are thick as shit cunts.
Those Americans who believe every word Mrs. Hewitt and the whoreson say are the types that voted for Biden, but like so many of us in BRitain most are too sharp to be taken in.
He’s an embarrassment to the USA. Ffs get him out of there and get big Don back in. The damage this guy can do to America doesn’t bear thinking about. He was always a puppet to be replaced by queen harpy Harris.
It’s like playing bingo with chess players.
Four years of either a walking corpse or communist she-devil running the world’s biggest economy and military power.
Should work just fine.
After 4 years it’ll be like Venezuela but with more Mexicans.
My own point of view on this (I think irrelevant) shit is very similar to my analysis of the contribution that the band Foreigner made to similar thoughts 25 years ago.
aka bollocks
Sleaford Mods are OK for 5 minutes though, and Talk Talk were excellent
Talk Talk were great. Mark Hollis RIP.
I prefer early Happy Mondays to Sleaford Mods.
But if you pay taxes to the US I guess your mileage will vary
Yeah, no press conference yet. They can’t even trust him not to fuck up in front of their tame media lackeys. President Harris is a fucking certainty. Then the shit really begins.
And there’s me thinking Ronald Regan had lost his marbles when he was president back in the 80s.
He looks like a fucking genius compared to this senile old twat
Gerald Ford used to trip over his own feet all the time. Maybe Sleepy Joe is hoping to top his record…
What do you expect from a near dead President elected by dead people.
All Presidents and Prime Ministers are puppets. Harris would just be another puppet. The psychopaths who pull the strings and run this world, keeping the 99.999% busy, brainwashed and distracted by toys, celebrities and sports never show their faces.
Che Kamala will do what Kilary and Soros tell her to do.
It’s as simple and as scary as that….
Hillary is just a puppet too, she doesn’t call any shots, just suicides her enemies. Soros is just a rich asshole who meddles in things, he’s not at the top of the pyramid if evil.
It’s difficult trying to find ways to call Joe Biden, seeing as how he’s only been in the job two minutes and he hasn’t had time yet to do anything wrong. All we’re coming up with are insults of the ‘senile old twat’ variety. If it was important to me to get twenty ‘likes’ I suppose I’d be criticizing his shoes, or his goldfish. I’m surprised he hasn’t been getting stick for calling Putin a killer, although we know if Trump had done that instead of sucking up to him, he’d have got a standing ovation.
Dude, Biden has been scrutinized since 2019 and has been found out to be a money-grubbing, careerist, lazy, clueless, racist, corrupt, lying, sexually creepy, piece of shit. Now that he is in the hot-seat, the scrutiny is, or should be intense. The guy has been on office for over 60 days and has yet to talk to the public in any meaningful way, yet to do a press conference. Dafuq?
“…seeing as how he’s only been in the job two minutes and he hasn’t had time yet to do anything wrong.”
Fuckin’ hell do you need a list? You’ve got to be kidding… the cunt’s been at the heart of the U.S. power structure for forty fucking years and has lined his pockets continuously thereby. He’s signed off on every single one of the U.S.’s military escapades, is compromised to hell through his involvements in Ukraine and China, his son’s a Teflon coated, dead beat, know nothing,fucking meth-head nonce case chinese shill; the whole Biden family are a disgusting congregation of cuntitude bankrolled by even bigger cunts!
Hopefully this will change your perspective…
Cornpop’s Revenge –
Cornpop was a good dude!
“…hasn’t had time yet to do anything wrong…” ?? Not sure where you get your news but the USA has a Southern Border crisis like none other before. In just a few weeks Old Joe has created a real honest-to-God crisis!
BC@ – Biden and his commie crew stole an election (now proven, a bit fucking late after the event), installed a Man clearly not capable of governing his own bowels let alone the worlds most powerful Country and are primed to remove him so the commie hooker can get her claws on power.
Migrants flooding across the border and Jen Psaki, the tame White House press muppet either doesn’t answer a single question or tries to blame Trump for everything the Biden fake usurper administration.
America is an utter cluster fuck, the democrat party has been destroyed by wholly evil communists and things will only get worse – all that can be hoped is that there is something left at the end of four years and that Trump gets back in.
Like Ronald Reagan’s “Princess David” moment, it cant be far off something similar coming out of Biden’s gob, “Queen Steven” or something along that line.
Reagan was being consumed by Alzheimers late on in his Presidency but had good people around him shielding him and allowing him to run out his term and retire to a well earned dotage.
Biden was a liability even before stealing power and is surrounded by wolves doing everything they can to hasten his downfall.
America has four hard, miserable and possibly irreparably bad years to come – the Chinese and Russians are now openly laughing at the US administration and things do not bode well.
Reagan’s son, Ron Jnr. in his memoir of his father, said that Reagan was showing signs of decline after the assassination attempt and in his second term he spend most of his time watching TV and VHS tapes of old movies. He also states that Reagan pretty much stopped reading and signing documents and his aides had to forge his signature. Like I said above, all Presidents and Prime Ministers are puppets to varying degrees and with Biden that is so obvious now that it’s scary how brazen they are about the New World Order.
Should be in a care home not the leader of the free World ??
Irish Republican loving bastard curl up and die??
Roll on when the orange man returns in 4 years ??
There is no “leader of the free world”, never has been. The world is now openly run by psychopaths. We’re in a spiritual war for want of a better phrase.
With you all the way on that one Cunty G and you’re right, they’re not even trying to hide it now.
You are going to see some Biblical shit this year, whether you’re religious or not! Good wins in the end, but we may be in Hellfire for a long, long time…
Ha Ha Ha check your history if it hadn’t been for the USA and their money We would all be speaking German ?
British psychopath businessmen plotted to destroy Germany in the 1890s as Germany was a threat to the British Empire and their money, so they and a few people in government put out propaganda (which didn’t work) and eventually pushed Germany into war in 1914. That war never should have happened and neither should have World War 2. The last 120 years has been a senseless bloodbath orchestrated by a cabal of psychotic families and they are in control 100% in 2021.
“…Ha Ha Ha check your history if it hadn’t been for the USA and their money We would all be speaking German”
George, I would strongly advise that you do likewise. I’ve posted this before but it seems the message didn’t strike home…
So the U.S. “saved our arses” did they?
Roosevelt – cabinet meeting May 1942 – as recorded by the Vice President Henry Wallace in his private diary…
“…my great dream and ambition is the DESTRUCTION OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE beginning with India.”
Read that again George and let it really sink in… the bastard knew that embroiling Britain in war with Germany would bleed us into bankruptcy, collapse the Empire and leave world commerce open for the U.S. to milk. Roosevelt and Churchill (by now being totally bankrolled by Chiam Weismann’s slush funding City bankers who comprised ‘The Focus’) engineered the circumstances leading to our being suckered into WW2. You need to understand the actions and double dealing of the U.S. French envoy W.C. Bullitt Jr. with regard to promises made to Poland, the leverage applied to Britain to issue the strategically pointless ‘War Guarantee’ (31 March, 1939) which fuelled Poland’s consequent arrogant incalcitrance towards Germany over the Danzig corridor issue for a start. Why and how were those ducks aligned you may ask? and so you should but unless you know the critical import of things like the Balfour ‘agreement’ and who Theodore Hertzl was you’ll be forever baffled by world history.
Truth bomb
Fact bomb #2 – Here’s another one for Allen’s benefit on the actual origins of the 1st world war – Benjamin Freedman’s pivotal speech at the Willard Hotel – personally I’d dynamite Lincoln’s face (the original Neo-con & railroad lawyer) off Mt. Rushmore and carve Freedman’s face in its place!
Brilliant. Hadn’t heard that speech before.
Thanks for the link.
What a load of fucking shit.
Yup, bit of a game changer isn’t it: a real eye opener and one of the most important pieces of oratory you’ll ever hear; and consider, not a single element of that speech will you find in any Western history text or school classroom. Just imagine the consequences if for instance this was a set piece of study text at secondary school level? Once you know this you cannot ‘unknow’ it and you experience an immediate and radical re-ordering of one’s historical frames.
“What a load of fucking shit.”
Which bit?
Anti semite… Yawn..
All of it. A load of antisemite crap, by a religious nutcase. One of the next videos up on that conspiracy website was ‘the faking of Hitler by David Irving’ and other holocaust denier shit.
It will be fucking Icke videos next. This site is starting to look like fucking Spiveys….
If you say so.
He was a raving antisemite and holocaust denier, and, a fucking liar. Balfour accord was so secret, it was published in the fucking Times in 1917, a year before the meeting in Versailles.
It’s funny how 99.9% of all these bollocks conspiracy theories have the jooos as villains. I would say do some research, but that is the rallying cry of the loners and stoners who label anyone who doesn’t buy into the drivel they spout as ‘shills’ or ‘sheeple’. Yet the research they do is exemplified by two of the videos posted above, one by some incel in his mother’s broom cupboard he no doubt refers to his truther media center, and a neo Nazi conspiracy website that’s wall to wall holocaust denier heaven.
“…all of it”
That’s not an answer but it’s got the ad hominems out of the way nice ‘n early so back to the question. On what basis and with reference to what documentation do you contest which particular facts? Do you question the content of Henry Wallace’s diary? Do you doubt Ben Freedman’s credentials and qualification to speak on the subject having been sat at the very tables around which these matters were discussed? The content of the Torah/Zohar? What?
Quite how you can compare Irving with the likes of Icke and Alex Jones et al is beyond me. Icke is not an historian and neither is Jones. Irving by contrast is one of the most diligent and thorough searchers of archives who ever put pen to paper.
Icke, like Jones, is a fucking clown and an agent of disinformation whose function (if you haven’t worked it out by now) is to ‘poion the well’. Their output is 90% factually based but they add that CRUCIAL dollop of nut sauce and a topping of fucking fruit loops to it. What that does is allow ‘fact checkers’ to ridicule and dismiss the whole 100%. Now anyone who even thinks of venturing into 9/11 or the Kennedy affair or in particular the scope and reach of international zionism (which Jones never dared to) will find themselves tarred by association, ridiculed and swiftly removed from soc media if they show any persistence. Ask yerselves, who were the last to be pumped off Facefuck, Themtube, Twatter et al? It was the Q’tards, Icke and InfoWars, all the fucking arseholes they’d usefully coralled went first and when they’d served their purpose they too were shown the oven door.
If you want to know who controls you ask yourself who you are not allowed to criticise. Ask yourself why Hunter’s sticky laptop/s are STILL a verboten topic after the FBI have been sitting on the content for nearly 2 fucking years!!! ask why there is an MSM cordon around Maxwell/Epstein/Netanyahu ? Ask yourself why five (or was it six) of the fucking dirtbags Trump pardoned were recent 5 and 6 figure dollar donors to Habad Lubovitch. Why did Sheldon Adleson personally fly Jonathan Pollard (he who stole US nuclear secrets to Israel arguably the most devastating piece of anti US espinaoge in history) back to Israel on his release in his private jet to a hero’s welcome. Who ultimately controls and bankrolls biden and the Democrat party? Well that would be the Rockerfellers. Who controls and bankrolls the Repubs? Well that would be the Rothschild and Wexner sub-dynasty. Who controls and bankrolls them both? Well that would be the MegaDonor Group, go look up its members for y’self. Spielberg’s on there. Enjoy
” Balfour accord was so secret,”
Didn’t say it was, it was a superficially inoccuous and wooly bit of diplo-spiel, the true background to its authorship however was not revealed nor were its dire consequences fully conceived or realised.
“…one by some incel in his mother’s broom cupboard”
I’m curious, which one’s the incel? Green is married with a new born in Commiefornia and Dawson is in Osaka married to a Japanese model and has three kids??
An entertaining sub-thread to be sure. For once, Gutstick Japseye, I am four-square¹ behind your correct instincts. Tellingly, what is entirely missing from this brief exchange of invective is the rôle of Vansittart in the important history of this period.
That wiki article is a launching-pad which will elucidate very much of what is still largely secret, or at least “brushed under the carpet” about this. From a UK perspective, I still recall feeling “goose bumps” when I stumbled across the original, type-written Balfour 1917 document in (surprise, surprise it’s Cilla) Waddesdon Manor. Not (Cambridge University) National Trust stuff, but a stately home near Aylesbury Bucks of the de Rothschild family open to the public.
A document houses in an unprepossing little wooden cabinet, typed on an old Remington typewriter with all the full-stops punching through the John Dickenson size 6 laid paper. Quite a piece of history, secreted on plain sight.
The aviaries are wonderful at Waddesdon Manor, and the 1917 document aside – they do (did) a lovely afternoon tea.
A big topic for Yanks to be sure: but the history is unimpeachable. Unlike a few Presidents. Google away Vansittart. You might actually learn something (not directed in any particular orientation, btw). He was utterly crucial to the events from ca 1935-1945.
¹ “four square” meaning fully – and NOT the pipe tobacco RTC tried in 1968
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners”
– Charlton Heston.
Soylent Green may be a documentary, in hindsight. Oh and watch this 10 minute video of clips from a German movie from 1979 which is frighteningly accurate about a future virus epidemic:
Oh, and Boris Johnson’s father wrote a novel in 1982 called, “The Virus” which was republished last summer.
This shit was planned LONG ago.
“…This shit was planned LONG ago.”
Indeed so; I’m not personally of any religious affiliation but ‘they’ are and this goes right back to the deception of Esau by Jacob. They want their Moshiac now and they ain’t gonna wait. Their objective is the erdication of even the memory of Amalek (that’s us basically) from the Earth. They laid our fate before us in both Torah and the Zohar.
Tell me more.
“Tell me more.”
Pfffft where to start…? Don’t know how much can be disseminated on this platform before the algoritms do their stuff. What I can do is recommend some lone wolves who’ve really done the heavy lifting and have a far deeper knowledge base, You wanna be looking at the work of Christopher John Bjerknes, Daryl Bradford Smith, Michael Collins Piper (particularly re the assasination of the Kenedy brothers) and at this point yer man Adam Green at “Know More News.org is knocking it out of the park. Get the coffee on and hit this…
There is no ‘shallow end’ but a good a place to start as any with regard to the destruction of Amalek would be…
hmmm… straight to moderation… well Gentlemen it’s been a pleasure cunting with you all.
Chops out
They said he fell because of strong wind.
Must’ve been some fart to stop him from waking like that. Every time he stood up he went back down. Some parpin’ from the kiddie sniffer there.
Loved the way he tried to ‘jog’ up the stairs at the end and salute. Like ‘I’m superfit’ and as if nothing had happened.
Can’t be arsed looking it up, but it reminded me of that 1980s Mr. T educational video about looking cool if you fall over.
Daft old cunt.
Hahaha! Here’s the Mr T video…
Heels up Harris was always going to be preznit one way or another, just to appease the pavement apes and leftards.
What is more scary is the prospect of vice preznit Killary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi.
Stuff to chase you through your nightmares and no mistake.
Thanks cunty chops , for the links ( re Freedman) , they are more revealing today than at the time they were broadcast . We’ve all grown up a bit I suppose , but “they” prefer a dumber , doh and accept society like never before. The hymn sheet is now in full swing , God help us.