The Leftwaffe once again have been triggered. This time it’s because of a new meme that’s gaining traction, Super straight. This meme is borne from the Leftwaffe’s insane view that any straight person who would not date a trans person is some kind of bigot. There are also parallel memes, Super Gay and Super Lesbian. Basically, these are all people who only attracted to either the opposite or the same sex, not gender or identity.
Naturally, the Leftwaffe are rheeing their lungs out over this, screaming “TRAAAANNNNSSSPPPHHHOOOOBBBBEEE” from here to Pluto. My parents live next to a lesbian couple in their fifties. They’re really nice people, and during a discussion on different issues, one of them commented on the absolute insanity and stupidity of the so called woke. One thing she said stuck with me, “gay people have spent years, decades, trying to get rid of labels. Now we have this younger generation who are not demanding labels, but are demanding we respect THEIR labels, whilst labelling everyone who is of a different opinion a bigot”. They had both been quite prominent within the gay community, but that changed when the Leftwaffe started getting involved. At one event, they were even accused of homophobia.
The Leftwaffe’s response to these new memes is start insisting that you can’t just make up your own sexuality. Really? Why not? They do it all the time, how many genders do they say there are now? And all but two are made up. And once again, the Leftwaffe show their utter hypocrisy. They get to make up any ridiculous shit they want, but when someone comes up with a counter to their bullshit, phobia is involved. They’re too stupid to see that THEY are the cause. If they would just shut the fuck up and accept that people have the right to hold and express an opinion that differs to theirs, they wouldn’t have any problems. But they WANT to be offended. They WANT to be angry. They WANT to see ists and phobes all over the place. So they make shit up.
I’ve heard that Super straight is also being used on the Census. I hope so, a lot of the Leftwaffe work in the Civil Service, and it will trigger the fuck out of them. I also wish I’d heard of this meme before I filled out the paper Census, on Saturday, because I definitely would have done it. So, if you haven’t filled out your Census yet, please, shove a rocket up the Leftwaffe’s ass by putting Super straight when asked about your sexuality. I had my own moment of rebellion with it though. When asked for my religion, I wrote “Church of the Golden Donkey Dong”. What are they gonna do? We will in an age where we can identify as whatever we want. If they call me out, they’ll be denying me that right.
Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw
I want to know more about the Church of the Golden Donkey Gong?
How do you join?
“Super smashing straight!”
(Jim Bowen, 1981)
I have no interest in someone with a cock, whether they think they’re a ‘woman’ or not. No phobia, no bigotry, just the way I am.
Have you noticed that it is always, and I mean always, the least convincing trannies who are the most militant?
There is a rumour at Fiddler University that as fox hunting is now frowned on, there is going to be tranny hunt instead.
Living in Oz, surely you are surrounded by more leftwafe shit than us back in Blighty?
I like watching Avi Yemeni clips on YouTube-that little fella sure knows how to trigger the freaks ?
Conversely, I do admire your version of sky news-seems like a last bastion of common sense??
The trannies that look ‘almost acceptable’ seem to be fairly relaxed about it but you are right the ones who scream the loudest are less convincing than Les Dawson ?
You’re not wrong there Mr Sick.
Bloody hell it’s enough to make you join the Westborough Baptist church.
I knew it.
Since a child ive known in my heart I was destined for greatness.
Some power dwelled within me.
With great power comes great responsibility.
See it however you want but if you tamper with trannies your kinda gay.
I know its just a piece of meat but im not dining luv.
I am ultra straight, I only like attractive women. The fat ugly ones can fuck off ?
Clucking bell. What will these attention seeking cuntz dream up next?
I’m a firm believer in each to their own, live and let live etc, but with these deviant attention seeking freaks that just won’t fuck off and live quietly somewhere like the middle of a fucking desert, I’m thinking, gas, chairs, ovens.
Reclaim the freaks.
That is all. Good cunting morning.
I never thought I’d wake up one Sunday morning and find out I’m no longer straight anymore. I’m not telling Mrs Infidel though, I want to see if she can spot any changes in my behaviour.
A love that dare not speak its name.
If fucking only!!!
I like french fancies.
I know that’ll disgust a lot of you.
I know its a bit gay.
Possibly unpatriotic.
But I am who I am.
I also like the smell of lavender.
And once when leaving the pub in a abandonment of proprietary I skipped a bit like I was on the yellow brick road.
Im ashamed of nowt.
Don’t judge me!! ?
These fuckers are mental.
If I have one too many, and my judgement becomes so impaired that a tranny convinces me that he’s a bird (highly unlikely thankfully), then I wouldn’t give a shit what the politically correct thing to do would be once I realised it was a geezer.
The cunt would only be picking his teeth up off the floor if lucky.
Agreed Cuntybollocks!
False teeth are a choking hazard when your mouths full!!
On reading back my comment, I should add that I would only attack if I’d been convinced to the point of ‘getting jiggy with it’.
Not just if they were a convincing tranny lol.
Fuck these deluded cunts to hell. I saw a right horror at a garden centre fucking bald and wearing a frock? Unkle Terry’s oven please.
Mrs CuntyMort was wondering why yours truly was expiring from a chocking fit.
Wasn’t Buster Bloodvessel was it?
Should have gone up to it and said ‘When are you going to do the Can Can, or sing Special Brew?’
No he was fucking uglier than that, what is called a chick with a dick. Five o clock shadow and all.
Sick fucker.
Sapphic scissor sisters sitting still sucking slits sliding slightly seems successfull so should some super straight stud satisfying sopping sluts suffer salacious sanctimony seems spurious surely some spunk sorts such stupidity
A “tongue-twister” for sure.
Here’s a simple test for those having doubts about their sexuality.
Which one do you prefer?
Person A:
Person B:
Or Person C:
I fucked that one up.
Or Person C:
If you shagged Janette Krankie in costume, would that make you a Savilite?
The bloke in option C isn’t even trying.
It’s a tough choice but I think B has it (by a horn)
Thank God for Adam’s Apples! Sometimes the only way to tell.
What is it with the fucking labels? If I’m not the one doing something different or stupid, why should I need a label? I’m not straight, or super straight, I’m normal, or natural, or as nature intended. They can call themselves whatever silly names they want, but leave me out of this. In the same way I’ve come to hate the word atheist, which is said with much bile and ridicule by the pious, when all it means is sane.
Fuck off and leave me alone, you toy town cunts.
Why the fuck should I put on a census my sexual orientation. What I like to put my cock into is none of their business, especially if it’s all legal.
What is wrong with being super straight, it’s the biological norm that as a species keeps us reproducing? And do I qualify as super straight if I occasionally put my cock in Mrs Mitten’s rear passage?
What a load of absolute wank!
I answered the question about my sexuality with something I’d said on ISAC a while back. Now I’m wondering if it was a good idea. They might not have a sense of humour. Too late now.
I am Transphobic, I mean look at them. I have never met one that does not scare the shit out of me, anything in a skirt, that towers over me and has hands like shovels worries me. It’s like being confronted by a grizzlybear, as a normal human you’d be a stupid cunt for not finding it slightly worrying.
Check this one* out:
* Other convincing, right-of-centre, trannies are available.
I was so disappointed when I found out Blair White isn’t a real bird ?
Back in the day before Singapore’s Bugis street was sanitised and we still had a navy, trannies aka Kai Tais weren’t easy to spot. Especially after a few pints of tiger.
I wonder how many trans people attended the protest last night? Dis the wimmim accept the men dressed as wimmim and demand the wimmim dressed as men leave?
Fucking confusing all this identity bollocks.
I identify with bears mainly because they can hibernate and I want to do the same because I hate winter .
You really don’t want o be identifying as a bear in some circles.
Hmmmm ok I’ll say a door mouse. Is that safe?
Very good
Don’t worry – they are just having their moment in the sun.
When the UK converts to Islam and Sharia Law these cunts will be outlawed and stoned to death for being queers.
Fuck I have to say all this bullshit has reached a level where I can’t even comprehend what the fuck people are talking about.
If I read correctly, I’m a white super straight gammon brexiteer woman hating racist planet destroying hard working non scrounging…errrrr…normal person
I’m not coloured, I’m not gay, trans or think I’m a fish so I must be in a minority you’d think by the daily vomit we have to suffer.
And I hope you’re ashamed of yourself.
It must take The Funnies ages to dream this shit up.
Everything would be a lot neater if they were all labelled Oven Ready.
In the words of my late father , Peace be upon him – “Tell them to GET FUCKED””
This is the state of the world now I’m afraid, yes kicking the shit out of various groups of people be it race, gender benders protesters and whatever else was indeed wrong but I have to say we are now at the stage we’re an inch was given and a mile was taken and now it’s a joke and anyone who isn’t bent, black, a woman, British is the enemy.
Now I’m not saying all of the above feel this way, but I strongly suspect another few years at this rate and there will be a full reversal on what’s tolerated and how things are dealt with.
One way is as bad as the other but I think there will be no improvement anytime soon….
Oh the recent online census I put my sexuality as “super straight”, my religion as “no religion” and my gender identity as “Jesus Christ Our Lord And Saviour”.
The best way to beat the left at their game is not to play it.
They’re a bunch of needy, unhappy bastards with no personality, talent or intelligence, so they fixate on identity.
They’re boring.
When asked about my gender and preferences I just say or write ‘Normal’.
Fuck me does that get a bottom lip quiver from this lefty cunts….
Each to their own, but dating anyone who is a Man with bits hacked off/hormone treatment etc – no.
I prefer Women, they are jolly pleasant for being naughty with!
I wouldn’t date a trans even if I was at gunpoint. Women and women only. Real women, that is.
I’m going to fill most of the nosy bastard’s questions NOYFB.
All of this cuntery is too much for me nowadays. I now firmly believe that I alone am living in some rapidly shrinking parallel universe which I now know is better than the hell that most people live in. It’s great here – Only biological women can ever make my dick hard and no one hates me because of it!