A quick cunting for this bunch of supine baxters for advertising for NON whites only candidates to work at GCHQ.
Bunch of cowardly, pc cunts.

Nominated by: Uttercunt

Intercepted and decoded by TheBestRevengeIsLivingWell with this:

My initial reaction is it screams bullshit as a job advertisement with that stipulation would break the equalities act! Unless you’re the BBC as you think that you are exempt from the equality act when advertising for non-whites of course!


GCHQ stated that the post was in accordance with the equality act because he is only asking people to express an interest.

It is a bit of a strange one because it asks for ethnic minorities or women from any ethnic background to register their interest in the job, in other words no white men. It then goes on to say after a period of several weeks the job will be advertised and be available to all ethnic backgrounds, I.E everyone. It seems a very sneaky way to go about this matter and you’re quite right, it is well worth a cunting!

GCHQ were under fire a while back for only taking on white people for 30 years so perhaps this is their way of trying to publicly shake that off!

38 thoughts on “GCHQ

  1. At least they didn’t mention their preference for applicants with an unnatural predispisition towards large, zip-up Head™ bags.

  2. In thirty years time the only ethnic minority will be white heterosexual male, in 60 years they will have been ethnically cleansed.

    Just wait until all the leftie wimminz libs are forced to wear the Arab/P*ki shit, they will be fucking sorry ?

  3. As a European heritage, heterosexual male, I’m beginning to embrace and actually enjoy my status as a member of a persecuted race.
    It might just come in handy as an excuse or as something to blame others for in the future should I fall short in my achievements.

  4. Meritocracy is the only reason were not a shit hole country ruled over by the KGB or the Gestapo. Were rapidly heading in the wrong direction. I bet GCHQ would bend over backwards and be fucked up the arse to get Somalians (average iq 68) onto the firm. The Us army has a stop off of 82. The cunts could have pointed out years ago that we have already been invaded. I want my money back.

    • I thought some of us on ISAC might get to meet GCHQ in the flesh at some point to discuss our views.
      Not arsed if its some bucktoothed somali cunt with a IQ of a fuckin goldfish.
      Let them come!
      Mostly used to be London based homosexuals that would leave the room sobbing if you didnt notice their new haircut.
      Well, I won’t apologise for fuck all.
      I MEAN IT,…MAN!!!??

      • Talking of bucktoothed cunts, the Begum was posing in the newspaper this morning dressed in western clothes and sunglasses to show she’s no longer a terrorist. Unfortunately she forgot to remove the severed head from her trendy handbag. Stupid cunt.

      • Begum could apply for the job at GCHQ. The thick counts would probably give it to her just to fill some daft equal opportunities quota.

      • The Begum looks like she is doing alright, the picture doesn’t portray a woman living in atrocious conditions.

        What a cunt!

    • Gchg building Looks like rylan Clarke’s arsehole after sam Smith has fisted him…allegedly…

    • The “Doughnut” at Benhall is reputed to have 50 (fifty) levels below ground.

      I can’t personally vouchsafe the veracity of this, but I know/knew quite a few who can. They’d obviously need to subsequently “take you out” – whereas I never actually got round to signing the OSA 1989, rather satisfyingly. It wasn’t strictly necessary for me to be bound by the Act for the work I did, but there was a lot of pressure which I’m now pleased I resisted..

      I’ve never thought of it in terms of anal sphincters before now, so thanks Cuntamus! An excellent example of why I like this site so much!

  5. Looks like the ring-piece of a cyborg from a not too distant future.

    Unfortunately there’s not too many gay clubs for the employees nearby, unlike the MI6 hq in Vauxhall.

    All those number crunchers and eggheads. I wonder what they actually get up to, besides bumfun and drugs.

  6. Dear GHCQ.

    This nomination is nothing to do with me. I will mention this in a phone call to my brother later and also an email to my friend in Russia, Vlad, just to be sure you know it was the other three not me.

    Whilst we are at it could you train Delroy how to use your equipment properly, i have a really bad line now and during my calls to Moscow I hear a noise like someone sucking their teeth a few times every call.

    I also suspect Delroy has been accessing my computer, specifically sending emails via my email account to various associates. I’m sure I’ve not signed off any emails with the line……spect, innit brugh…….

  7. @ Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine. You’ve filled the role for GCHQ – let’s bring Begum back from her camp and give her the job now that she seems ‘reformed’. Perhaps she could take a little trip to Salisbury on the way.

    Bunch of cunts, I hope they’re reading this.

  8. I bet the Russians can’t believe their luck, a bargain bucket of K F Shit and they’ll get all the information they want from agent bubbles.
    It’s a right bastard, because I was going to apply, I don’t suppose I’m what they’re looking for though.

    • *WANTED*

      Rapists required

      • late night duties
      • meet new people
      • must be fit and strong
      • white men only

      Naa, it doesn’t work either way round.

      • Rapists required?

        Every other Stakipani in Rochdale will be applying for a start.

        And there’s definitely an opening in Europe: Cologne, Malmo, Paris.

      • Dont forget also must be able to fit yourself into a suitcase and lock it up from the outside while you’re inside it, and have predelictions which entail bum fun and various sexual enhancing drugs and deny any any admission you are that way inclined to your work colleagues

  9. GCHQ are massive, arrogant cunts for discrimination against white males in their advertising.
    But for decades large corporations and especially local councils have advertised their jobs as open for all, with the intention of only employing black or Asian people anyway.
    At least white people know that they need not waste their time with applying to GCHQ.

    • Ive just sent my CV.
      Good money!
      Told em I speak broken English,
      Have cultural differences,
      Am a oppressed minority,
      And eat with my hands.
      Start next Tuesday.

      • Me too Miserable, although it maybe short lived after I have taken a morning crap in my office cubicle and asked about job vacancies for my fourteen year old bride, culture innit! See you there!

  10. 40 years ago I was a branch manager for a very large and ‘British’ driving school.
    I advertised for trainee instructors.
    One applicant turned up a day late for his interview. He was a curry muncher who looked like he had slept in his clothes.
    I know that it’s a cliche but this guy was stinking. You would not want to be sitting next to him in a car for long.
    I gave him every chance. As part of the application process I sent him out with an instructor for a driving test.
    The instructor has to abandon the test as the applicant was dangerous.
    Obviously I didn’t employ him.
    The outcome was that the Asian went to an equalities lawyer and my company has to pay him 8 grand as I had employed a white candidate instead of him.
    8 grand was a lot of money in those days but my company decided that it would be cheaper than fighting the claim for discrimination.

    • I would have added a couple of grand to that and had the cunt murdered. Is that enough? My knowledge of hitpersons is limited at best.

      • £200 in London.
        A mate in the force told me that you don’t buy a gun to do a job-you rent one for £100.
        Fucking scary!

  11. We might as well wave the fucking Russians in.
    There is no end to the idiocy of the cunts running this country.
    Yet another gigantic disgrace.

  12. For some reason, engineering attracts loads of Indian. I think they see it as some sort of status profession, particularly if you don’t become a doctor, but, surprisingly, above a lawyer. So, I worked with loads of them during my time in oil and gas engineering. Fucking useless most of them. Especially the “high value engineering centres” as they used to call the places set up in India itself to use cheap labour. They were even more fucking useless – but cheap. Client seem to prefer to pay half the rate, but get it done three times over as they were so shit.

  13. But most races apart from the white one are as thick as pigshit.
    Good luck on interview day GCHQ, waiting six hours as some fucktatrd tries to work out how to open the door.

  14. Wouldn’t a black James Bond, sneaking around behind the bins stand out more than a white one?

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