Femi Oluwole (3)

Femi Oluwole is a British political activist and co-founder of the pro-European Union advocacy group and an absolute cunt.

My blood was boiling when he was on TV today claiming that
A) Brexit had no bearing on our vaccination rate being greater than the whole of the EU put together.
B) That our leaving actually resulted in the EU programme being chaotic eg. It 8s somehow OUR fault.
C) That all the teething troubles of import/export are “what YOU voted for.”

He repeated that last phrase again and again just in case WE didn’t get it.

He is clearly too thick to see that A and B are obviously mutually exclusive. And as for C he expects US to believe that anything good post Brexit is nothing to do with our leaving whilst any negative issues definitely are.

What a crazy mixed up cunt he is.

Nominated by: Lord Helpuss

62 thoughts on “Femi Oluwole (3)

  1. Femi is a mega cunt. I’ve heard countless interviews he’s been on where I’d say 100% of the time when asked a question he never answers it (because he has no plausible answer) but always fires a question back to the interviewer. On one occasion the interviewer actually said “Femi I’m the one asking the questions here just answer them”. Wish the cunt would fuck off to Nigeria.

    • The ignorant treeswinging cunt never answers questions because he is bone fucking stupid and has the IQ of a gnat.

      As Big Ron would say: He is what’s known as a fucking thick……

    • Femi uses the same debating techniques used by other lefty wankers like isac favourites owen Jones and ash sarker , they talk incessantly and your expected to just shut up and listen but when you try to answer they continually interrupt and won’t allow you to reply to the points they have made
      Femi is a bought and paid for EU rent boy
      A product of the Erasmus scheme he appears to hate anything to do with Britain’s past and present and would like nothing better than the U.K. being sucked into the black hole of EU federalism, where once proud countries are called states and where governments kowtow to unelected political Pygmys from a quasi commission.
      I saw mike Graham dismantle this loudmouth gobshite on talk radio a couple of years ago , Graham out femied Femi by constantly interrupting him and talking right over the top of him , fucking hilarious stuff .
      A second generation Nigerian and a first generation Cunt !! Who really should just pack up his bag and fuck off over to his beloved EU and leave the good people of the U.K. alone..
      Cunt off Femi !!! And take that irritating Welsh cunt useful idiot Brexit man Stephen bray with you……..

  2. From the film, The Tall Man:

    “Take a good look.
    Prepare for the worse.
    The ugliest man.
    I’m the universe.”

    Ugly on the outside. Even uglier on the inside.?

    They must have some fucking tall, “Ugly Tree’s” in Africunt-this bastard hit every branch on the way down.

  3. Total tool and cunt still as it’s uses. This tool is a broke woke and well as much use as a stroke.

  4. him and stormzy should get together and make a double cunt.

    also ask stephen merchant if he can aid femi with a venn diagram otherwise this is all too complicated.

    venn diagrams used to be sued for simple stuff, such as who wants to lick my balls, and who wants to suck my dick, and who wants to suck my dick and lick my balls.

    simple things are better, the UK out of the EU this is simpler and therefore better. femi fuck off, this too is simpler than listening to his incessant screeching. It is also cheaper too. you see simple policies for a happier EU free UK.

  5. Cunt. Fuck of back to Bongo-Bongo Land and lecture them about joining the EU.

  6. I remember Robert the pseudo intellectual stuttering cunt Peston say Femi the Danny and Anna Sourcunt of Cuck UK where “The Britain he loves”.What a cunt.

    • Y’know Shaun “Stuttering cunt” reminds me of an inmate with a stuttering problem that died in prison.
      He was never able to finish his sentence.

  7. It sucks that celebrity type cunts think they have such sagely wisdom to offer the rest of us and a moral obligation to make us hear it, yet in reality they are the most disconnected from reality. In other words those with the least to offer believe they have the most to offer. By definition this makes the entire lot of them one gigantic crock of CUNT.

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