Femi Oluwole is a British political activist and co-founder of the pro-European Union advocacy group and an absolute cunt.
My blood was boiling when he was on TV today claiming that
A) Brexit had no bearing on our vaccination rate being greater than the whole of the EU put together.
B) That our leaving actually resulted in the EU programme being chaotic eg. It 8s somehow OUR fault.
C) That all the teething troubles of import/export are “what YOU voted for.”
He repeated that last phrase again and again just in case WE didn’t get it.
He is clearly too thick to see that A and B are obviously mutually exclusive. And as for C he expects US to believe that anything good post Brexit is nothing to do with our leaving whilst any negative issues definitely are.
What a crazy mixed up cunt he is.
Nominated by: Lord Helpuss
Posh boy, parents both Nigerian doctors, went to posh private school. Looks like a roadman but in reality is your typical middle class remoaner.
“Political activist” = lefty, anti democratic cunt.
witch doctors, still killing babies and eating them to cure an ingrowing toenail…in 10,000 years they’ll still be 10,000 years behind us begging us to dig the cunts a fucking well
Sounds like a women’s sanitary product and to me he has precisely the same relevance.
Fuck off!
You beat me to it. He probably smells like a used one…
He’s still able to buy fried chiggun and knives despite Brexit. What else does he need? Whinging spear chucker.
Fuck off!
Nice to good olde English names coming back after so many years of neglect.
in its own tribe its name means female bush meat, femi cunt
It’s this sort of anti-British cunt that should be hanging from a tree.
with a car tire necklace
Those letters on his shirt stand for Our Future, Our Choice. Well we made our choice, fuckface, and if our future doesn’t suit you piss off to your beloved EU.
And take that starry blue shitrag with you, cunt.
I reckon it stands for Oi! Fuck Off, Cunt!
Remainders must groan and hold their heads in their hands whenever Femi appears. He justifies our decision to leave the EU like no other!
Never heard of the cunt. I suppose he is clinging to past celebrity now the PG Tips advert is gone.
Shut up you silly cunt.
This African cunt has no place gobbing off about Britain or anything British. End of.
Tosspot. Foreign fucking tosspot.
Absolutely. He’s no more British than the dinghy riders.
Can he take that other cunt, Anthony Joshua with him please.
And what does this Femi cunt think EU stands for?
Equatorial Ungawa?
Fucking twat
Let this fuckwit shout in the wind. He and his pro EU supporters are the past, they’re just too dense to get it. The EU is fucked royally and will fall apart . Just another dozy cunt who can’t accept he lost. Sad .
You can tell that in the photo he wishes that his microphone was a chiggun leg.
With watermelon for dessert.
and a beer can samich
With a name like that I doubt very much if the cunt considers himself British, or European for that matter.
Just leave Brexit to the big boys you arsehole. We know what we voted for in spite of your incredulity. Move to Europe if you prefer being in the EU, no-one here will miss you.
I can’t pronounce its name so it’s a cunt and needs to fuck off back to cuntland
Airplane, boat, dinghy (over to France, there’s a novelty). Use one of these and fuck off if you don’t like this country. Happy to suck on the British tit when it suits them.
However much you pay for education, if you are as thick as pig shit motherfucker to begin with, devoid of intelligence you just remain an ignorant pig-shit motherfucker – like Lammy, Diane Abbott and this little wankstain
Femi is sometimes a guest on debate show ‘the Pledge’.
I cant take him seriously.
A posh kid with student union politics, but more so in that he doesnt look like a real black lad.
He looks ‘blacked up’ like a minstrel.
His prince Charles mannerisms his lack of rythm, and tiny winky have made Femi a outcast in the black community.
Hes like Philip in Rising Damp without being likable.
Rising Damp was excellent; all of the main actors were superb . Am I the only one here who dreamt of Frances de La Tour giving me ….
Oh dear, I seem to be suffering from the Cuntstable’s problem.
Back soon !
Are you happy Jackett has left Pompey Guzzi and any thoughts on Danny Cowley? Good win today
Gingers, I must admit that my love of football has diminished over the years because the turnover of players has become confusing. Journeymen have spoilt the game for me but it is nice to prod that Ipswich fan down under.
The totally thick cunt cannot see the European Nonunion is ran by failed politicians , not elected by the proletariat. Image the the EU army?? Anyway, who/what is he??
Wakanda in action. Thick cunt.
Find a live stream to see how many people are protesting in London at the moment. It’s massive.
Obviously it’s not on Sky or the BBC….
Another imported agitator.
I think we might have enough of these cunts to keep us going for a thousand years.
Who would win in a fight?
Femi Oogiwoogie or Beheadin’ Begum?
It would delight me like nothing else if the far left deranged cunts such as dear Femi Obeledoodoo or whatever the fuck he’s called, Ash Sankar, Dr Shola Mosgabadabapingpong, Kehinde Andrews and the countless others I’ve omitted would all go on a nice rafting trip near a particularly steep, vast waterfall.
This race baiting little bitch only exists because of the publicity his nonsense generates.
I will give him none.
Put a tyre round the cunts neck and set fire. Perhaps tie that cunt Owen Jones to him while you’re at it
He loves the EU so much, well fuck off to the EU, there are countries where his colour will be very welcome
He was a cunt after the referendum and he is still a cunt, the remain party (or whatever the fuck they we called) tried to shoe horn the cunt into the Peterborough bi election.which ended up in a complete fuck up.
These bliks are nowt but fuckin trouble.
There’s nothing for you here.
Get To Fuck.
Stupid flat nosed cunt. EU fucked up, why do those cunts feel they should go straight to the head of the vaccination queue. They dithered and dithered while we made a commitment.
Fucking EU cunts and their supporters can go and get fucked.
Don’t like it here? Fuck off to an EU country you fucking sad cunt
These comments made me nearly sour my beer out laughing.
Femi is bought and paid for by the EU.Nasty little anti British globalist.
Diane Flabbot on Channel 4 news talking about the abuse she receives on the internet and said protests were a fundamental right but not for lockdown protestors who should go home as they are not wearing masks and are breaking safety rules all whilst sounding like she is having a stroke.Cunt!
Spit my beer not sour.Fucking caps lock.
Shaun-can you please nominate the cunt in your next dead list-you never know your luck.