Think NHS and you think svelte healthy eaters, practically adverts for famine relief. Wrong – every time I see yet another news story about the needle wielding nursing staff they are – to put it mildly – porkers – wimmin with 52″ busts and enormous backsides, sticking out like the boot of a 1954 Austin Somerset which suggests they work in the NHS to get their knickers on prescription. But this obesity seems to affect tthe men as well. Look at this Fatty Arbuckle wannabe:
No offence to the job they do – but how many more photos do we need of heavily built people wearing enormous face nappies sticking needles into arms, or giant Q Tips down peoples throats?. They all look as if they had spent a week at the ubs dartboard with a pie in one hand and their darts in the other.
As it is constantly stated being overweight is an extra danger to Covid why don’t they find some thin employees doing the deed?. Preferably a busty young nurse in a short tight skirt with black stockings and suspenders, liek they used to have in the Carry ON’s?
I wonder if I could offer up Mrs. Boggs as an injector?. She’d make that bloke ,look small and it would get her away from “Classic” Eastenders
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
And for that matter, how are they going to get the jab past the flab of your average British bloater? Their only hope of getting the vaccine into that monstrous orb Abbott is by smearing it on the harpoon of a Japanese whaling vessel and then telling her to go for a swim.
The NHS always employs the biggest bloaters.
Perhaps they know something the rest of us don’t and being the size of a walrus is very good for you.
I always insist on only sporty attractive nurses treating me.
That’s worked perfectly up to now and makes me tremendously popular at the doctors.
They’ve blocked my number.
The sensitive cunts.
How many clinics did you have to go to in order to find a sporty nurse Unkle?
Think it has always been the same. My local G.P. used to be notorious for telling everyone,no mater what their problem,that they needed to cut down on their drinking,stop smoking and lose weight….the fact that he was as fat as a pork-pig himself,smoked like a Chinese coal-fired power-station and drank like Oliver Reed never stopped him…bright red o’ the face and wheezing like a steam-engine, he sometimes used to sit watching the game in the bar at my rugby club…any injuries were greeted by “Tell him to run it off”…not really very helpful advice the time the opposition hooker had a broken ankle.
He died before he was 60 unfortunately…to be replaced by a couple
of strident,anorexic-looking women and a pushbike-riding.earnest teetotaller who hands out sick-notes at the drop of a hat,apparently.
If the photo of old Fatarse from the NHS has not put you off your bbreakfast, this one is sure to:
She looks like one of the wives of Henry Vlll upholstered by Maples
A BLUE coat? How treacherous.
RuffTuff and Cuntstable Cuntbubble will get the horn from those pictures!
Only if she whispers the Labour budget alternative while furiously frotting.
Frotting? Are there no limits to your deviancy Cuntbubble?
The article mentions that AnalEase is a “mother of two”. Did she conceive via turkey baster?
Is this nom about Jabbers or Jabba’s ?
What started as one has clearly ended up as the other, lol.
I used to do IT at an addiction clinic and most of the people working there were either smokers, drinkers or both….the staff I mean, not the clients.
Maybe working against something makes you more liable to doing it?
A mid morning, weekday mint Club and a cup of coffee are the only things that will help me through the working day.
Half eight ‘mid morning’, Paul M? What time zone are you on?
Or are you just a very early riser?
Or are you just looking forward to it at half eight? What time is breakfast?
How about they apply common sense and put the non vaccine in cream cakes or a kebab?
You would still miss me because I eat neither junk food or fresh cream…’d have to try Monster Zero or Mint Clubs.
Monster Ultra used to be my favourite when I drunk the stuff. Stopped in the end as it contributed to me developing insomnia.
The NHS does seem to be blessed with oversized staff. Perhaps you have to have a body mass index in excess of 45 in order to get an interview.
On a more serious note, the absentee rates due to weight related problems must be pretty costly.
it’s not a vaccine
WTF as that got to do with obese medicos??
what does it matter if the person giving the injection is fat when it’s not a ‘vaccine’? – Surely what the injection is, is more important than who’s giving it?
“… wimmin with 52″ busts and enormous backsides,…” you say?
That’s my morning glory sorted?
Gotta love a BBW.
The public sector is stuffed full of fatsos. Check out the Fatso Police, Fatso NHS, Fatso Local Authorities, it comes from having jobs for life that largely involve sitting around on your arse eating chocolate biscuits and pizza, interspersed with opportunities to be rude, aggressive or violent to the stupid cunts who pay their wages. Public service? Public face filling more like.
I always love those Police car show where they say they are slowed down by equipment and radios….wellllllllll maybe but being a big fat cunt won’t help either will it?
Those skinny chavs who bail out of cars always seem to outrun them.
Morning SMcS, morning everyone.
Yes! They are always so lardy and dim. That is why things invariably end up in pushing and shoving. Lack of vocabulary is made up for in body mass. I
I love it when they have to bring in helicopters. I expect you have to be a bit thinner for the NPAS. Silly cunts.
Round here you always see the cops in fast food drive throughs or pigging out in the local Morrisons…they have to eat like everyone else but lots of them are very porky and could do with losing a bit of chub.
And short, I’ve noticed the pigs have got smaller, some of them round here are like an extra from Middle Earth.
When I worked at the MoJ, there was a shelf bum beast that used to arrive late, then immediately got right down to socialising for two hours, followed by an hour of walking up and down the office asking ‘Have you got any food?’ By which time it was lunchtime and off she would disappear. Must have done about an hour of actual work a day before leaving early.
This seems to have been the case for years. Fat bastards wobbling along hospital corridors. They seem to have Hattie Jacques as their role model.
Explains why hospital corridors are so wide.
Fucking Matron (Hattie) could show these woke, porky chubster NHS staff how to do things…..
Not NHS workers, but a very well observed piece on the condition of this country’s public service workers.
Reminds me of a few weeks ago when Priti Patel gave the daily COVID briefing from No. 10 wearing a bright blue dress. You could tell how big her arse is because her hips were spilling either side of the podium. I have never seen that from the other people standing at the podium, not even that scruffy tubby lard-arse BoJo.
This fat malaise is everywhere. I happened to have to visit B&Q the other day to get stuff to fix a leak. The place had a long queue to get in; I noticed nearly everyone in the queue were lard buckets with shelf bums.
When I was in Sainsbury’s last week (I know, sorry) there was a chap on an in-store mobility scooter – large like a house he was. I saw him ride over to the fish aisle where he stood up, got out of his scooter, picked his item and then sat down again, like that character off Little Britain.
Never fear, part of the NHS reform is harnessing the power of genomics and predictive stuff a bit like Minority Report. I read on the government website that they plan to have people where smart devices so they can advise on such things as diet before illness strikes. What have we come to?
‘wear’ smart devices. fgs
I first noticed the number of ham planets back in 2008 while up on bricks and on IV etoposide (a pokey drop). I wondered if the jumbulances are for obese patients or getting nurses to outlying community hospitals.
Somebody else let my poor old dad know the chest circumference of a woman doesnt necessarily translate to huge tits. I wonder about him sometimes.
Ham planet, nice. I’m nicking that. Plan swine from outer space, Invasion of the bacon snatchers.
Ham Planets, absolutely brilliant Cuntamus.
My jabber was a rather fit Spanish lady with a very sexy voice and the admin girl was also pretty tasty. Almost made it worth having, till I felt like shit a few hours later.
I don’t reckon you feeling poorly was anything to do with a vaccine per se, Norman. If the Jaber was a Spanish lady, I reckon you’ve now got some Taco and Burrito spores in your Manc blood and your antibodies are battling them trying to stop you being turned foreign.
You could be right. She might have muttered to herself, ‘This is for what George Best and Bill Foulkes did to us in 1968’. I’d still have given her one though.