A weeping and wailing cunting at Holby City, please for this drama queen nurse Ms. Bilbrough. Last year in March she delivered a weepy creepy pity-me message in a Coronation Street voice, because of bulk buyers (which was and remains beyond the pale) because “there’s no fruit and no vegetables and how am I going to stay healthy?” sob, sob, gasp, gasp.
Well she’s back:
Nurse Snowflake has just held forth on Wireless 4 World At One (“when you a nurse, you give a little bit of yourself…. [nursing] was a childhood dream….I am a professional” all poured out to Victoria Derbyshire at her most sympathetic, Ms. Bilburgh gave her all. It was a performance that would have eclipsed Celia Johnson in Brief Encounter.
Anyway, childhood dream or no, she is thinking of “quitting”.
Rejoice at that news!
Anybody so teary, but so self important, yet can’t control their emotions should never be in health care “She gaveth for others, so that others might live” as Ray Galton and Alan Simpson wrote for Tony Hancock sixty years ago (“The Blood Donor”)
Enough already!
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
Got some sympathy for her. Can’t be easy being a nurse, particularly over the past year. They do a good job. However, she should stop whining about it on TV and in the press.
No need for a running commentary or any flouncing off, just quit!
I bet she has a bedside manner like the grim reaper. Can we get her to treat people like Lilly Allen and Katherine Hiegl?
I know a nurse, and theyve really suffered during the Pandemic.
Nothing prepared her for the amount of dancing involved!
She handled the praise well,
And mastered going to the front of queues at supermarkets,
But the jazz hands and footwork became too much for her!
She had to take early retirement when she showed signs of early onset Gene kelly syndrome,
Which if left untreated can became Ginger Rogersitis.
The horror! The Horror!!
Tapa.tapa, tap, tap.
Oh dear, my dad was in the medical corps during WW2. He didn’t visit home for 4 years. It’s your job, if you can’t hack it be a social worker.
Likewise Harry, my mum was a nurse during WW2 and the early ’50s.
She’d be turning in her grave at the thought of this whining minger.
Shut up and do another dance video.
I had every sympathy last year when cunts stripped the shops bare. However things are different now. It is a tough job in these times but she cant blame cunts taking the food so if she has had enough, fair enough but it is hardly news.
Victoria Derbyshire is a cunt.
As a senior NHS staff nurse receives an average salary of nearly forty grand a year she won’t be quitting any time soon – imagine poor overworked Dawn having to do a weeks hard graft in a supermarket or factory for 18 grand a year, with no subsidised house and the opportunity to retire at 60 with a massive pension – in far too many cases the caring aspect has disappeared from “the caring profession”.
Harrogate and Birmingham Nightingale hospitals closed down without treating a single patient, the massive London Nightingale hospital treated a grand total of 54 patients, the cost to the taxpayer of Nightingale hospitals now expected to top 500 million, NHS hospital ICU occupancy rates at an all time low over the last 12 months (ONS, HMRC, HM Government and PHE stats provided via FOI requests) as NHS staff do TikTok dances in empty facilities, social media filled with fake accounts alleging to be from NHS doctors and nurses all coming out with the same scripted word for word BS, more and more evidence of empty hospitals, 76,000 former NHS staff volunteering their services and none being taken on, allegations of critical shortages of oxygen and ICU ventilators as Nightingale hospitals were filled with both which were unused and my personal experience of hospitals being deserted apart from staff as people die from treatable conditions the NHS refuse to treat.
This is a national scandal, and in my opinion the most evil, egregious con trick ever played on the British people.
don’t forget the pension
LC@ – I used to work in public sector finance – the pay was lousy, the pension was dismal and I was managed by lazy idiots, I went to the private sector for double the money and because I was frustrated at the waste, corruption, laziness and ongoing inefficiency of working in the civil service.
Public sector salaries now significantly outstrip private sector ones.
Nicely put VF. The nhs should be scrapped not overhauled.
Uttercunt@ – The French have the best healthcare system in the world – so the common sense thing to do is find out what they are doing and copy it.
After invading of course! ??
I don’t think all the tik tok stuff did them any good in the end.
Other things that need that need to fuck off are
Essential Worker car stickers…fuck off and die cunt
NHS Hour….I count paperclips part time for a GP, let me in cunts.
Clap for Cunts…consigned to the dustbin of history, thanks God.
We’re with you all the way adverts by mega corps….still on, no idea who they are going for with this bilge.
Slogans like Hands, Face, Anus….still be pushed out by Government cunts.
Oh, and Dawn here needs to invest in a butt-plug and relax a bit…or a black mamba…or both.
Boo-hoo-hoo! Overworked, underappreciated, everyday heroes. That is the problem with everyone being a hero just for getting on, it is fucking tedious. Fuck off. I have got enough real heroes without making room for this sort of cunt. Pathetic.
Anyone called Dawn is a cunt by default.
RTC@ – I used to “enjoy the company” of a rather voluptuous gal called Dawn some years ago – the wags we worked with used to find it highly amusing asking if I had “woken up at the crack of Dawn” ?
Trust you Vern!
Which one was it, Dawn French or Dawn Lardbutt? ?
Galton and Simpson also summed her up another way.
‘You are a dyed-in-the-wool, fascist, reactionary, squalid little, ‘know your place’, ‘don’t rise above yourself’, ‘don’t get out of your hole’ – complacent little turd. You are morally, spiritually and physically a festering fly-blown heap of accumulated filth.’
‘I’m a professional’? Whining on the BBC isn’t very professional, is it? We couldn’t get bog roll, hand sanitiser and eggs for nearly two months last year. But did we whimper about it to Victoria cunting Derbyshire? Did we fuck. What a ‘look at me’ bint. Horrendous.
Close the door behind you love, there’s a good lass.
And btw, Fuck off.
What a ‘Me Me Me’ cunt. Blubbering about having no fruit and veg? My grandfather fought the Japs and then was their prisoner in the infamous Changi. But he wouldn’t go on about it and he’d be appalled a these modern entitled cry if their iPhone breaks down safe space oversensitive shitheads. Real heroes don’t shout about being heroes and they don’t expect endless thanks and gratitude. So, the drama nurse can eff off.
If she had any sort of compassion for the British people (as opposed to just herself), she would have told that Derbyshire hag about the malodorous p@k! shops that are exploiting ordinary people by hiking up prices on medication and every other bloody thing and not using RRP barcodes. They put any fucking price on it they like and they are still doing it. But not one person in the sacred NHS has openly criticised these vermin. For the people, my arse.
Why the fuck was last year traumatic? The fucking hospitals are mainly empty with fenced off wards so we can’t see how empty they are. A&E…empty. Maybe she was exhausted choreographing tic tok videos.
I knew I’d seen her somewhere before.
‘Piss off, Ross!’ and ‘Don’t you worry, Micky luv!’ and ‘Okey Cokey. Pig in a pokey!’
She looks a bit different without the glasses.
“Feel sorry for me for doing job I voluntarily signed up for please”. No. FUCK OFF.
Put it in the severed limbs bin then run fast with it to big NHS oven.
Daft cunt.
It’s this type of attention-seeking rancid old snatch and her Tiktok dancing colleagues that have turned the public against us lovely nurses. They should be reprimanded for bringing the profession into disrepute rather than being given airtime.
Now off to Tesco’s in my Lear jet to stock up on bubbly, paid for by you lot. Ta. ?
All she needs is some deep dicking.
Send B&W Cunt around for the evening.
Job done?
I’m told B&W Cunt is holidaying on his private Caribbean island, I think it’s called ‘Jamaica.’
You took up the profession to care, what did you expect, most of the N.H.S are on the sick anyway, wanking it off on full pay crying wolf with the stress excuse which no one dare question for the fear of being sued to fuck. I’m not making this up either, some would be Florence Nightingale during the first lockdown was on the News banging her gumbs about the same shit as said tosser, but she was able to get her shopping as she was off sick with a sprained wrist.!! Fuckin Dosser.!!
This boils my water hotter than a kettle.
Why is she being such a *minge whinge?* She’s lucky she has a job. Get over yourself girlfriend. Get back to work.
What’s that thing to remember? ‘Hands, space, slap round the face’?
*Something I overheard whilst in the shop hehe. 😀
Fuck off you unprofessional snowflake and get a job in “ugly dyke asslicking milfs” porn.
I worked more hours in a week than you did in a month you can’t hack it self-important cunt.
Just another attention seeking cunt who happens to work fot the NHS, as they are getting more media time than ever before you have attention seeking fuck monkeys like this fucker lapping it up like cancer curing jizz.
My next door nabours daughter is one of these attention seeking NHS workers, she tells us all the time, stickers on the car, orders for clapping, constant moaning about how life threatening the job is.
wittering on about how hard pushed they are, and how low the pay is.
As far as I can tell she’s next door most of the time drinking tea and rarely seems to do any work, you notice because of the really badly parked,
sponcered by the NHS car
So whiney attention seeking cunts jumping on the NHS attention seekers band wagon, here are the facts as I see them, most NHS workers are great-
They do the job they chose to do,
They realise they are not in the SAS so it’s not really that life threatening is it.
They knew what the pay was when they took the job.
Until Covid and long after the NHS is an under funded shambles, thank all the sponges on benefits and immigrants turning up here to milk the system for that.
Everyone pays a fucking large chunk of their earnings for NHS so it’s not a fucking free service unless your a benefit claimer or immigrant.
Lots of people work for the NHS all day that walk around all day with clipboards making shit decisions.
NHS admin staff are usually jumped up cunts who fuck up most of what the touch, and there are so many sandbag gers and hangers on its no wonder its all fucked.
So attention seekers, do the job you get paid to do, stop crying about it, if you don’t like it find another job you whinging cunts…..
Fucking moaning nurses. It’s all women doing the moaning too. Not seen a male nurse moan yet. Maybe nursing is turning into a man’s job. Stop moaning or fuck off.