David Attenborough [6]

A doom-monger, cunting, for an extra from the Ribena Berry adverts, David Attenborough.

It is bad enough that this purple faced wanker, who isn’t fit to sharpen the straight razor of his brother, Richard ‘pinkie’ Attenborough, is constantly harping on like an XR mouthpiece, he has now upped the ante and like thoroughly shamed ex XR spokes’person’, Zion Lights, who foolishly regurgitated ‘scientific predicts’ from XR co-founder, Roger (6 Billion people will die this century because of climate change) Hallam, has issued the following vague stark warning…..

“Climate change, could within a lifetime, destroy entire cities and societies”.

Well Dick, for a start, whose lifetime? Not fucking yours I hope, because by the look of your deathly purple face it gives us about three weeks (if we’re lucky) before we all get burned to death by the sun, squashed by earthquakes or drowned by tsunamis!

Stick to documentaries about tiny poisonous frogs, fish that use rocks to break open shellfish and your life long passion about butterflies ? and leave “The end is nigh”, propaganda for Greta (mentally ill, easily manipulated puppet for her disgusting antifa terrorist parents) Thunderpants!

Fuck off!


Attenborough Lookalikes

Nominated by: TheBestRevengeIsLivingWell

50 thoughts on “David Attenborough [6]

  1. If you want to see a cross between Father Jack and the Ribena berry click on the BBC link, I shit you not!

      • Miles – I met Ken Russell a few times, when he lived near Ambleside.
        He was a strange one.
        His wife grabbed my arse, the saucy, yank minx?

      • Oh that’s him alright.

        Throughout the two minute plus interview he gives it with his left eye shut. His message is actually a kind hearted one however when you start talking about the wealthiest nations looking after the poorest ones, with the whole world all holding hands and singing Kumbaya mantra, it ends up just too naïve.

  2. This old cunt has bigged up his part too much.

    I preferred David Bellamy and even Johnny Ball for “socket protectors are not necessary” but because their opinions didn’t fit the BBC and the climate change activists agenda they got the push.

    I’d rather they reopen every coal mine and coal fired power station in the UK than maintain the land and left over material that a nuclear power station uses for 10000 years. They hardly ever mention that.

  3. The world seems to be full of octogenarian cunts who have had a full and exciting, privileged life, who now seem determined that the current generation don’t enjoy the same privileges ???

    • Attenbore’s not sincere about caring about wildlife or the planet.

      He just wants to see millennials suffer.

      More power to him!

      Boomers Lives Matter
      Generation X Rocks
      Millennials Suck

  4. I wonder if old David is a bit of a fraud, hoodwinking viewers. I was looking at some episodes of his latest series on You Tube and, at times, they are almost too good to be true. One scene showed a giant leopard seal in the Antarctic pursuing a penguin in the water and onto an ice flow. Brilliant pictures from land, sea and air, stirring music and a big “aaahhh” of relief from the couch potatoes in their living rooms as the cute little penguin escaped the Abbot-like monster´s ferocious teeth. Somebody said it´s all done by drones and computer enhanced. Pity they can´t computer enhance old Dave.

  5. Yes, even at his advanced age old Dave has caught the BBC disease………Islington Globalist Wokeness. Just stick to the voice overs you cunt and keep your tree hugging bollocks to yourself.

  6. He was part of the global warming problem for jetting round the world making his programmes. Selfish cunt.

    • Exactly. The way he is banging the climate change drum he would have you believe he’s spent his whole life walking to all those exotic locations and then done the backstroke to Antarctica. Hypocritical cunt!

    • Darwin achieved far more as a natural scientist poking about in his back garden than Attenborough ever did as a jet setting nature-Entertainer

  7. He’s been like a broken record for a few years now. The days when his programs were fresh and revelatory are long gone but auntie beeb still think he’s some kind of prophet.
    I’ll accept he knows far more than I do about the natural world, but he’s just a television presenter at the end of the day and I don’t give a shit how many honorary doctorate’s he’s been given. It’s a bit like Jeremy Clarkson telling a F1 mechanic how to fit spark plugs. Reading a prepared script in time to moving pictures does not an authority make.
    The stench of formaldehyde must be intolerable when the beeb wheel this old relic into the studio.
    Fuck off!

  8. So called experts have been saying this for how long now? I’m stunned this professor,snigger, still thinks man is responsible for all climate change and it’s all due to our CO2 emissions. We only produce 3%of all CO2 in the atmosphere and CO2 makes up 3% of all greenhouse gases ffs. It’s the SUN. Solar activity. Get it? No? Then fuck off.

  9. I have nothing to add apart from he’s a condescending old bullshitter.
    How does the cunt get to Antarctica? Does he go in a rowing boat? Or does he fly first class? Who can say?
    Stick your planet up your vastly overpaid arse.
    Fuck Off.

  10. Attenborough makes a career and a fortune using on average 3 aircraft, a massive film crew,security and support and tons of equipment each time to fly around the world for sixty years making wildlife documentaries so he can take the stance that “the little poor people” should not fly once a year to Spain for the holidays they have spent 12 months saving up for.
    Fuck off.

    • Well said.

      The hypocrisy of lecturing the proletariat on the evils of climate change, while having a carbon footprint bigger than King Kongs!

  11. Oh the entire BBCistan can fall into an active volcano right away for me.
    The demented traitorous communist cunts.

  12. I had some respect for this cunt in the pre-woke, pre-social media 70s and 80s. His natural history docs on BBC1 were far and away the best ever made.

    But typically he has gone eco-woke. He has earned a good fortune, and done his “been there done that” routines, so now he can sit back and become a smug woke cunt blaming the global warming on the West and blah blah blah, while giving a free pass to the worst polluting countries on the planet, and intentionally “forgetting” the biggest fucking elephant in the room – over population.

    So he can go fuck himself. And when he kicks the bucket I will gladly piss on his grave. (hope he doesn’t get cremated – might kill the fucking the planet, the cunt!)

  13. Can’t imagine why the coffin-dodging old sod has started wittering on about climate change…it’s not like he’s going to be around to suffer…might as well think like me as I burn a load of bale-wrap and old tyres….”Fuck the future…not my problem”

    • I find an old tyre filled with a 50/50 mix of petrol and used motor oil, is the perfect way to get a big bonfire, roaring away.

      I learned it from watching BBC news clips if South Africunts in the 1980’s ??

      • I stick with red diesel….never use petrol since the time I fucking nigh cremated myself.

  14. The old prat is probably right, but how do you stop deforestation?
    By getting us to fund the farmers in South America not to turn the rain forest into crops. We work harder, so they don’t have to.
    As soon as they decide they want a bigger house with pool, and a new Range Rover, they’ll just find some endangered animals to kill until we pay them to stop that too.

    • Some folks in those countries don’t like forests.

      In Sumatera I once a asked some locals to join me for a wander through a local rainforest, the look of horror on their faces said it all.

      They have a visceral hate for the dark wet insect snake and tiger infested hell with a passion, the sooner it’s down the better,

  15. There are simply too many dark keys, bud bud ding dings and bat munchers on the planet.

    Cressida driving an electric car in Islington and eating fair trade cous cous, will do the square root of fuck all compared to that lot (who don’t give two shits about climate change anyway).

    Honkies are on the decrease. At one point we made up almost half of the world’s population. Now, it’s about 9% I heard. This coffin dodger never mentioned these facts for some reason. Used to like the guy but his wokeness in his late years have changed my mind.

    It’s all down to us honkies, isn’t it Greta and David, you massive spastics.

    • I went to the same school as the demented, woke old cunt, albeit 30 years later, and was proud of the fact. I’m embarrassed by the fact nowadays and don’t mention it anymore.

  16. What’s happened to Saint Greta of Thunderbirds? Has she gone back to her Special Needs School? They kept them open in Sweden didn’t they?

    • She’s probably sucking on Biden’s cock, or has tested positive (again) for Covid.

      • She’d have to let her hair down so Uncle Joe could give it a good sniffing.

    • Perhaps she’s doing a good deed,helping mop up the blood the Afghan who stabbed half a dozen there this week.
      What a shithole.

  17. Personally can’t wait to see a cunter claim Sir Dave in the dead pool.

    National treasure is a vastly overused term.

  18. I used to like David, until that is Greta sucked him off and now he is worse than her. Constantly bleating on about shite. Global warming is a natural cycle. True that we may have accelerated somewhat but please stop going on about it you cock blanket.

    Fuck off.

  19. once attenborough leave this mortal coil the better it will be – one giant cunt

  20. Like a few cunters that have commented.
    I loved the earlier genuine wildlife documentaries but I am sick to fuck of the more recent Greta Manipulated Fucktard-esque posturing/lecturing.

    The majority of the planet’s population has been house bound and travelled nowhere for 12 months so he should be at least happy about that.

  21. And remember this bastard was the one chosen to unveil that staue of Marxist terrorist Nelson fucking Mandingo in parliament Square and for that alone should be shown the oven door, but worse… This is the cunt who rattles on about the criticality of protecting the diversity of species but of course makes one exception to that prescription… humans.

  22. Please Dave, just fuck off and enjoy your retirement.
    You’ve had enough licence fee payers money over the years.
    Don’t be a greedy cunt.

  23. I simply don’t care.

    It will take centuries for the glaciers to melt. I’m sure Apophis or Yellowstone will cause us more bother in a few hours than glacial melting will in a thousand years.

    The planet will carry on spinning and live will continue to adapt.

  24. Why can’t the pasty-faced coffin dodger do us all a favour and retire?
    I can’t stand his voice…. it sounds all phlegmy like his dentures are coming unstuck.
    PS : I bet he wears off-white baggy flannelette underpants which have a greenish yellow stain at the front and crusty skidmarks at the back, the doddery old incontinent fart.

    • Bang on. It’s like he’s trying to talk with a load of mincemeat stuck in his cheeks that the demented old twat has forgotten is there. And then he’s moved onto the sponge and custard and has also forgotten half of THAT is still there. The dribbling prick turns my stomach. Don’t get me wrong…in his heyday, before everything had to be a sermon on climate change he made some great TV, and the Natural History bit of al-Beeb was something to be proud of…but it’s all a long time ago and the old cunt should shuffle off his mortal coil without further delay.

      Fuck him.

  25. His Brother was an insufferable luvvie as well… and that was then!
    Fook only knows how bad he’d be nowadays.. likely the grandmaster wizard of them all.
    which would be a shame, because, like Sir John Mills, was a great British actor of the old school variety.
    Unfortunately, like so many of these self indulgent, ego – maniacal fucktards, he couldn’t just just stick to the day job.

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