“Adult babies”, “MAPS” and “furries”

“Adult babies” and “furries” – or what we used to call “nonces” and “Fido fuckers” – are thoroughly deserving recipients of a cunting. Don’t look it up unless you want to be reacquainted with your breakfast.

Basically adult babies or “ABDLs” like to put on dummies and industrial sized Pampers, piss and shit in them and then get other, er, “hobbyists” to hose them down and apply talcum powder. They play with baby toys and pretend to be babies whilst taking each other up the Oxo tower.

Furries, well, similar story, except they have a ‘fursona’ – Jesus fucking Christ – involving dressing up as, and pretending to be, animals. Think Gordon the Gopher or with comedy tits or giant furry bollocks. They even wear tails and fuck about on the floor chewing toys and eating Schmackos.

You can even be both, some of these degenerates get their pecker up at the thought of Spit the Dog wearing a shit-encrusted nappy.

I’m as open minded as the next cunter, we all have our sexual idiosyncrasies I’m sure, but how fucking depraved or mentally ill do you have to be to want to fuck a grown adult in a babygrow who’s covered in piss and shit, or strum off a bloke in a fucking fox suit? The fuckers do it because it’s rightly illegal to interfere with children or animals so they act up their vile fantasies with each other, and we’re supposed to accept them as part of the LGBTFUCKOFF community.

And you can’t call them ‘nonces’, they’re ‘MAPs’ or minor attracted people now. (https://childrenofthedigitalage.org/rebranding-paedophilia/)

Send the skanky fuckers a one way ticket to Dignitas now.

Nominated by: Gloria Stitz 

(Note for ISAC noobs: “noncies” and its derivatives, will probably end up in the MQ. So improvise where possible. Oh, and anyone condoning MAPs or paedophilia on here will be banned! – DA)

58 thoughts on ““Adult babies”, “MAPS” and “furries”

  1. I thought there was no possible upside to this nom. However, this whole sick mess looks like fertile ground for Dick Wolf and SVU. Liv Benson, big guns, leather, helicopters, blasting the crap out of adult babies. No need to involve the DA, or Internal Affairs, just straight to the business of cleaning up the city. Fucking brilliant. I’m there, Double episode at least.

    • To be fair, those nappies would be good in traffic jams?
      Long train journeys,fishing etc.
      Practical like.
      Can you get them at Aldi?

  2. To tell you the truth I feel very sorry for these cunts.
    To be that badly wired due to personal trauma or bad experiences in the past makes me very sad when I think about it.
    To go through life not knowing what it is all about is dreadful but to go through life not knowing who you are is even worse so I would strongly suggest these cunts seek counselling to help defeat the monster within.
    I would personally recommend the counselling involves a bottle of LPG gas because you can buy 47 kilos for less than 80 quid and plastic bags down the supermarket cost 10p each.
    Don’t worry about the hosepipe and gaffer tape because I am a charitable soul and happy to chuck it in with the deal for nothing as it is for a very good cause and if my sums are correct then I reckon I could counsel at least five hundred of these cunts for less than a hundred sheets all in.
    I used to such a horrible cunt once but it appears I am really mellowing in my old age.
    Who would of though it?. I’m turning into a fucking snowflake……

  3. I used to think furries were mostly not so bad after going to a comic convention a decade ago that had some but then I found out some of their fetishs of babyfurs animals in fully shitted diapers ffs. So the extremist furries are the worst especially the ones who actually fuck rape and kill dogs and other animals to think someone could be so depraved to wanna fuck a dog?! Sick fucking cunts

    I hate animal abusers I’d say you could lock em up and throw away the key Yiff in hell! (FYI Yiff in hell is a old antifurry meme)

  4. I’ve heard about a fair amount of deviant behaviour, and it is deviant, but this takes the Garibaldi!

    I’d suggest castration with blunt knives, but they’d probably like that.

  5. Bunch of freaks. I’d know what I’d be doing if I ever became Supreme Ruler of the UK!

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