Cultural Appropriation (3)

Cultural appropriation of the white man’s things

The Wikipedia definition seems to be something like “A dominant culture appropriating items from a minority culture”.

You know, honkies wearing dreadlocks, honkies wearing sombreros etc.

Actually, it only seems to be a problem when the honky man does it, I seem to notice.

And ‘minority culture’? Honkies are a minority in some UK cities already. Wait until the next census results (if they dare release them!)

This means honkies in those towns and cities will have the right to tell the dark keys and peacefuls to stop using the following items:

The internet
Modern medicine
Printed media (printing press)
Washing machines
Fridges and freezers
Most modern clothing
Glass windows
Food from modern farming
Food from modern factory methods
Baby milk
Modern educational methods
Glasses and contact lenses
False limbs

And many more things, I’m sure!

In fact, seeing as by conservative estimates that only 9% of the world is white, then we can apply this globally too, can’t we? Seeing as we’re all global citizens now, right?

Fuck off the honky man’s stuff. Back to the mud huts and caves with the lot of you!

Nominated by : Cuntybollocks 

49 thoughts on “Cultural Appropriation (3)

  1. Darkeys should stop wearing white men’s clothes immediately. No more jeans, shirts, suits, trousers. Back to loin cloths and penis sheaths immediately. Stop appropriating my culture you cunts.

    • It seems that a Geordie from Northumberland ( No Not Dick..I think ) discovered Oxygen. That being the case dark keys should no longer use the white mans gas! Excellent news me thinks “I can’t breath….” ( So fucking what )

  2. Bongo drums, grass skirts, cannibalism, coconuts for bras, witch doctors, aids, ebola, stabbing and slavery. No Thanks

  3. Little Mohammed, recently arrived on a dinghy, was attending his first day at school.
    The teacher said “ We’ve got loads of kids called Mohammed, you’re an Englishman now so we’ll call you Frank.”
    When he gets home Mum asks him how it went. He says “ i’m an Englishman now and my name is Frank.”
    “Infidel!” she says, “so you are ashamed of your culture and religion? You dishonour your family” and gives him a beating . She tells Dad when he gets home from the benefits office so little Mo gets another beating.
    The next day the teacher takes one look at him and says “Christ Frank, what happened to you?”
    He says “my first day as an Englishman and I get a kicking from a couple of fucking goat shaggers.”

  4. Remember that mud hut or pile of breeze blocks you used to live in?
    Shut the fuck up or you’ll be posted back to it.
    Thick cunts.

  5. Over half the inventions come from this small island. Cuntybollocks’s thorough list could also include the modern toilet (Crapper) as well as toilet paper (1870). Yes, whingeing Ooga-Doogas, Chînks, or Arabs wiping their arse can shut up about appropriation. Oh sorry, I put Arabs accidentally.

    The Electric Light (1801) was Englishman Humphrey Davy and not that Edison tank.

    Also the Sewing Machine was invented here.

    We have to give the internet to the Yanks although the World Wide Web was from this island.

    • Yes, it was an accident to mention Arabs wiping their arses. They squat over filthy holes in the ground and then shove a hose up their arse and rub off the shit stuck to their anal hairs with their hands. The shit-infested water then lies in pools around the Islamic shit-pit for the next cunt to stand and squat in.

      • HBC, sometime they do use toilets though. They often shit in the urinal.

  6. Cultural appropriation?
    Whitey is so dumb we put the petrol in the tank instead of the tyre, and put the tyre on the wheel instead of filling it with fuel, putting it round someones neck and setting it alight!
    Some people eh?
    I wonder if sticking my foot up some uppity race baiters arse would be cultural appropriation – should I use a steel toe capped boot instead? ?
    Either stop whining about “cultural appropriation” or stop using things used and invented by white people – can’t have it both ways.

  7. A fine and very relevant cunting CB.

    I remember having a hypothetical conversation with a couple of old (white) mates many years ago when I first had what can only be described as a bit of an ‘awakening’ to this type of nefarious anti white media bias.

    I commented to them about how much I had begun to perceive how far blacks in particular were publicly and quite unashamedly up each others arses.
    One of them rebutted with something like ”Ah but everyone knows that there’s no brotherhood among whites”
    As if that was it. No pride, no brotherhood, no watching each others backs and to have any semblance of pride as a white man is to enter Adolf Hitler territory etc.

    Of course I disagreed and called them out as a pair of self loathing white men.(which they still are I presume – Cunts)
    The way I see it is that if whites don’t collectivise and start to have each others backs – then we are headed for severe hardship.

    The peaceful rape gang scandal is a microcosm of where white people are.

    • Very good comment HJ, also very true mores the pity. The last 60 odd years of cuntish government have near drained the pride from the English race. Something my South African mates could never understand took many beers to explain the reasons as I saw them.
      White English people will be fucked over every way possible in the not to distant future. The time for bonding is nigh. The collective front is the only way we can save ourselves from the results of the general apathy that abounds courtesy of our wonderful leaders.

  8. The only thing I own that is culturally appropriated is a small mat (prayer mat style) by the back door for the cat to wipe its paws on.

    Who the fuck would want a bone through the nose ?

  9. Dark keys should stop marrying white women and the women should stop straightening their hair.

  10. Critical race theory is cancer and does nothing but point fingers at white people. Unfortunately this rot has been implemented in western academia from kindergarten to uni and libtards see no problem with it causing more hate, violence and division

    Russia and china definitely does not teach this shit at their universities I’d be very surprised if they ever allow it to be taught

  11. Funny this should come up. A thought struck me as I was listening to wireless 2 the other day, when Perry Como was singing “Killing me Softly”. Was the (sh1t) version by the Fugees appropriated by another culture, and if so, maybe they can get a load of school kids in a Brixton primary school to issue some form of apology seeing as schoolkids are the only people they can get to do this (as per Unkle Terry’s excellent comment earlier).

    Back when I bothered with social (sic) media, I was once unfriended by a lady on Facebook due to an argument on cultural appropriation, a certain Miss Woodpile. She posted that England rugby fans must stop singing Swing Low as it’s a n**** spiritual, and has been appropriated. I argued that many an excellent gospel rendition of Amazing Grace has been dogged by it’s appropriation, given that it was composed by a white bloke who lived couple of miles up the road from me. No answer was forthcoming obs, and as is so often the case, rather than at least try to defend an indefensible position, she just unfriended me. I bet some of my namesake’s jazz funk drivel may well be for the chop before long. Oh well, back to home-making silly hats

  12. In Southern Texas I have been a minority my whole life. If I make a taco for breakfast am I in violation?
    Great cunting btw!

  13. Excellent cunting. As one nip said..60% of what we take for granted today was either discovered or invented by the British.

    • I’m often delight in telling the saddoes of the ‘weeaboo’ community that the Japanese comics they adore are appropriated from comic books brought over by American G.I.s.

  14. And that film about a Joe Daki who nicks all the Beatles songs. And Fatarse Beyonce with her straightened blonde hair. And making the Equalizer a BAME. And numerous hip hop acts sampling John Bonham’s drums or Herbie Flowers’ basslines. ‘But… But it’s OK when they do it’ and all that bollocks.

  15. The thing is, apart from Robert Cray and other selected blues and soul men, they have absolute nothing positive to offer the world.

    Nothing at all.

    • All the good ones are also dead.
      Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, Arthur Lee, Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye, Satchmo Armstrong, Cab Calloway, Duke Ellington.

      • There have also only been four genuinely 100% world class black footballers.

        Pele, Garrincha, Eusebio and Jairzinho.

      • Brazil’s 3 Rs weren’t bad. Not sure if they count as black. They’re not white that’s for sure (Ronaldo, Rivaldo and Ronaldinho).

  16. No more living in bungalows, wearing pyjamas, cup of coffee, no number system or alphabet for us North west Europeans
    If your black no more guns, internet, phone scams, electricity, healthcare,baseball caps or Jesus worship. and everything else thats ever existed apart from eating albino children which is very strange. Black lives matter unless they are Albino and then its lunch time for all the family except dad because his never been around…..

  17. Some had the right idea. Love (RIP Arthur Lee). The Jimi Hendrix Experience. Run DMC and Aerosmith. Don Letts and his work with The Clash or B.A.D. UB40 (when they were good). The Specials. The Beat. Black Grape. As long as it sounds good and it works, who gives a fuck who ‘took’ what from who? Apartheid in music? The world has gone fucking mad.

    • I can get along without black music as i like electronic and orchestral stuff.

  18. Cultural appropriation is a load of liberal bollox. It used to be thought that adopting parts of someone’s culture was flattering and a mark of appreciation. But that doesn’t fir the narrative of evil white post colonial guilt.

    Anyway, the worst offenders are those white lefty woke cunts that have dreadlocks and wear Camel shagger head dresses to show their “solidarity” with dark keys and Palestinians. Cunts.

    • It would be nice if those cunts would go even further and do us all a favour by following the tradition and getting themselves stabbed.

  19. I understand that despite not inventing much the Sand Pikeys did invent the first condoms… Using the intestinal tracts of Goats. This was much improved upon by White Europeans who removed the intestinal tracts from the Goats first…
    I’ll get me coat…

  20. English, as a spoken and written language has been “appropriated” by most of the world.
    I can’t hear them apologising…..

  21. Great list! The one white cultural appropriation thing that pisses me off most is black women straightening their hair to look like whitey (Michele Obama being the worst offender.) I hate whitey, but I want my hair to look like Whitey??!! WTF. Cultural appropriation at its worst! Fucking cunts — be proud of the brillo pad head that God gave you.

    • My thoughts exactly BC! Many make it blonde too. Everyone knows it’s either a weave or hours of straightening. Let that shit poof out girl! You might be mistaken for a toilet brush with legs but fuck it, flaunt what you got girlfriend!
      Guess some white people in the 70s and 80s were guilty of afro-perms too. Example: Bob Ross.

      • In bob ross’s defence he did say that he hated it and wanted a haircut, but management said it had become his trademark and he should keep it, the rest is history.

  22. “Oughhhh uggllh oompah bunkum blurrrbrrllps.
    ”Me is qualified brain surgeon “
    Fuck off. The procedure where you hack open one of your padients’ skulls using a selection of tools from B&Q might look ok in California but we won’t fall for your bullshit over here.

  23. Rumours abound that Henry Cavill has been booted from the role of Superman, to be replaced by a person of colour.
    Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a badly driven BMW with no insurance?

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