This is one of my religious Noms which have proven so popular in the past (the amount of posts I mean not the pro-religious sentiments). Will it be the last? Let’s hope so.
I’ve been reading about Juan Diego the Mexican peasant who had a vision of the Virgin. About the miraculous image that appeared on his cloak -‘Our Lady of Guadalupe’.
The miracle occurred in the C16 and was said to have helped convert the whole of South America. And I’m sure it did. One figure was that 10 million converted after the apparition. But there might be one other very good reason the natives took to the new religion. Their old religion. Which was basically based on human sacrifice to placate the gods. And we are talking hundreds of thousands sacrificed in their temples every year..
I was once in the British Museum looking at Aztec religious art. One word; DARK.
The film ‘The Mission’ is about this. Which can be summed by saying the Indians fiercely resisted the Spanish slave-traders, gold-speculators and the rest but embraced the religion of the missionaries that came with them enthusiastically. The Catholic missionaries literally brought light into darkness. Can we really compare the two?
I once heard someone say ”there is good and bad religion like there is good and bad science’ which I think is broadly true.
‘Cathargo est delenda’ cried Cato the Elder after every speech he gave in the Roman Senate. Carthage must be destroyed. Why? Well most historians say it was because it was becoming a powerful economic rival to Rome. But there was another reason; MOLOCH. The religion of Moloch. Once again human sacrifice demanded. This time infants. And it was deeply entrenched -so much so it would be like a family going to church now for a christening but instead of the priest pouring water on the baby’s head he would chop it off.
This was around 200 BC. Yes even the bloodthirsty pre-Christian Romans couldn’t stomach it. See the ‘gods’ of the Roman pantheon were homely and practical and….not like the Greek gods which had descended into sexual perversion. Pagan Rome was civilised. Their religion didn’t sacrifice children. Once again can we compare the two?
Frazer’s ‘The Golden Bough’ is very influential in the development of the subject of Comparative Religion. Basically his view was magic leads to religion which in turn is superseded by science. And he picked practices and rituals from all religions and said see they’re all the same. They come from the same inspiration, the same human impulse. Many examples. But religion is a universal human activity so there are bound to be similarities.
Something from Waugh- in his diaries he noted Aldous Huxley had said something like ‘the catholic mass is the same as a Hindu ritual or ceremony because they both use incense’. Waugh wrote after ‘only a very intelligent man could write something as stupd as that’. Hindus have many gods, Christianity is monotheistic. There is no comparison between the two.
I know you’ll all be happy with calling our Muslim neighbours ‘our brothers and sisters’. But it’s true, they are. I have difficulty with the Jews but I recognise Moses and Abraham as (in the words of the Mass) ‘our fathers in faith’. We are from the same Abrahamic seed. But having said that they are district religions. We might pray to the same God but we have totally different practices, theologies.
Cut to the chase-what I don’t like about Comparative Religion, what is behind it of course; ‘all religions are the same’, ‘there is no difference between them’, ‘it’s all bunkum so forget about it’.
I apologize in advance for yet another religious Nom. But there you are.
The study of Comparative Religion is less than useless.
Nominated by: Miles Plastic
I like to compare “religious beliefs” to actual reality, and you know what no correlation at all, all religions beneath the bullshit are all the same, it’s just some people take it far too literally, those type of people are Übercunts!!!!
Religion isn’t all bunkum. It’s the most insidious form of politics. Religions are all invented & run by power hungry cunts with an agenda. It’s designed to enslave you & make a prison for your mind. It’s just the same as this Wokism shite.
That was very deep indeed! The new religion of the millennial is…….
Islam isnt a comparative religion, its just one of many Christian Heresis around in the 5th century. It was spread not with the Christian values but with tax breaks. They also worship a black rock.
Vanessa Feltz worships black rock.
Islam? They worship a paedophile who MARRIED a nine year old. The cunts.
Why moderation admin? It’s a perfectly truthful & valid comment. If I did what their hero did I’d be jailed as a paedophile.
Wordfence doesn’t like certain words, such as “paedophile” which is why your original post, and this one went into the MQ. – DA)
Religion, I’m ok with that. I do not care which one people wish to follow and I will not shout my beliefs or otherwise at others. But, if your said religion says kill folks that don’t believe what you do then you can fuck right off.
Here we go again.
Firstly, I am an atheist who accepts Christian values. Compared to the the other religions these values are human and compassionate.
Secondly, to take Catholicism as an example, where in the new testament is the justification for the hierarchy, ceremony, dressing up, celibacy (yeah, right), ornament and riches of the Catholic church? Where is the pointless mumbling of Hail Mary’s specified? The guilt?
Religion is a personal choice that shouldnt be foisted on others. However we should defend western (yes western, not the darker, superstitious variety that thrives in the dark continent) Christianity from those that would destroy it. And that takes in the woke as well as Islam.
Here endeth the rant.
I am slightly different being an agnostic who accepts Christian values.
The reality here is that some people simply need ‘a religion’, otherwise their lives make no sense to them. As the Church of England diminishes in size, you are seeing younger people worship their own, new Gods – the celebricunt and material wealth.
We must accept that the likes of Rylan are ‘Gods’ to some of those who have a less sophisticated engine between their ears.
Christian values are just human decency dressed up with a bit of tinsel. Are we seriously to believe that every cunt was a robbing murdering rapist before this stupid book come out? Most of these fairy stories have variations on the ‘thou shall not kill’ moral, but if you read the next line, there’s always a get out of hell free card to be played if they are from a different religion or have none at all.
That they are included is that they resonate with our innate humanity, not because they are some concept invented by religion. How many people are murdered by religious cunts every year. If it was ‘set in stone’ as they say, this couldn’t happen. But it does, be it by a Muslim suicide bomber killing slightly different Muslims in Iraq, or a rosary bead feeling drug gang murdering each other and random passers by in Latin America.
As for the bible, don’t forget, transgressing the Ten Commandments is mostly punishable by death, including not believing in god, blaspheming god, and, working on Sunday.
Fuck them all, bonkers cunts.
Thumb up cunstable.
Great nom Miles!
Absolutely spiffing!??? understood every bit.
The Greeks and Spanish are degenerates.
But id argue that Cato despite being a chinky served Closeau well.
Seconded! ?
We should never have left the sea.
This is my take on religion.
In the days when there were no police, no courts, no prisons and no laws, the biggest, nastiest cunt in the village could do anything that he wanted.
He could rape, pillage and murder with no consequences to himself.
But the one thing that all people are afraid of is the unknown.
So stories were invented about an all seeing God who will hold everyone to account for their actions.
Stories about living in paradise in an afterlife if you are good and burning in Hell if you are not.
Without any other form of law and order it seems the only way to maintain the peace.
Religions are held together by a common thread.
In Christianity that ideal is for love and forgiveness.
In Islam the Muslims are bonded together by having a common enemy, the infidel.
Muslims thrive on conflict. It confirms to them that the infidel is the enemy.
Religion of peace?
No fucking way!
And now we do have police they regard sitting on a park bench as a crime
Five Things to know about religion:
1.) It’s gibberish.
2.) It’s gibberish.
3.) It’s gibberish.
4.) It’s gibberish.
5.) It’s gibberish.
Dear Miles
It’s ‘proved’ not “proven”. Proven is an adjective. I wouldn’t complain but I dislike American English creeping in stealthily.
Sorry Captain but I take it that the case for proven to be a verb is proved.
Also spells apologise “apologize”.
My pet hate is ‘license’. When the Bond film came out in 1989 – it was called ‘Licence to Kill’.
Nowadays it would undoubtedly be called “License to Kill”. Just to please those fucking diaper-wearing, poindy heads.
Proven is predominatley used by the ‘poindy heads’ across the Pond and, of course, the Sweaties.
Both are verbs, but proved is the English norm. I think the Good Captain was objecting to the Americanisms creeping in. Unsurprising really, we let one large coffee coloured one creep in and eat at the top table. Now look at the fucking palaver that has caused…
Fucking fat fingers – predominately.
We’ll let you off just this once
I think this urge to compare is part of the problem not a solution. Instead of accepting that religious views differ, one always seeks to dominate, destroy or assimilate the rest because its zealots feel it is better than the rest. In my view religious beliefs have been the inspiration behind most of man’s artistic endeavour one way or another, and as such have provided us with an amazing legacy. Cunts who seek to cancel and undermine those efforts rather than seek to enjoy them and/or understand them and what they tell us about the past, are fit only for Unkle Terry’s oven.
An excellent nom as ever, Miles. Peace be with you.
Thank you Twenty Thousand
I am not sure I nailed it my Nom. Going on about what I read.
The idea behind ‘CR’ is religious expression is a human characteristic. I believe that.
But the problem is it misses the ideas in any particular religion by looking at the superficial similarities instead of at the ideas, beliefs.
The cry ‘all religions are the same’ is simply not true.
I don’t even like being called an atheist, as its a label given by religious cunts to someone who doesn’t buy into their stupid fucking fairy stories.
I’d prefer sane, in the same way I prefer normal to being called straight. I’m not the problem, stop making me one.
Christianity is as blood soaked as the rest.
A rector near me has been done for having indecent images on his computer.
Suffer the little children indeed.
The Sun of God and his twelve zodiac disciples?
Comparative religion in this case goes back to Horus in Egypt and possible before that. Some researchers now believe the Abrahamic religions originated in Hinduism. Are we meant to take the bible literally? Is the world around 6000 years old? Religion is fascinating and of course dogma is fiercely protected. There are some who say Christianity predates Judaism now.
I’ve no problem with people having faith, that is part of freedom, it seems odd though that many just accept what their brand of faith declares to be the only truth, surely if you believe in a creator all powerful being you’d want to find out as much as you could?
There must be only one truth?
I’m an atheist but follow Arthur C. Clarke’s example and tell others I might be a crypto-buddhist. However my favourite Biblical figure was God’s pet psycho, Abaddon/Apollyon, ‘the Angel of death’. I think Slayer wrote a song about him.
Our Lady of Guadlupe? I worship the Ladies of Cantaloupe. Daily worship includes a copy of the holy text, the Daily Star.
‘Now will you all join me in turning to page three..’
In the words of the immortal Scipio Africanus,”Fuck Carthage!”.
And ‘Who the fuck are Carthage City?’ followed by chanting ‘Does she take it up the arse?’ about Dido.
Religion, the must have , must read for those with a diagnosed condition.
Comparative psychosis?
Cant make out if Miles is having a dig at Aldous Huxley?
He inspired the name of The Doors!
Cant be so bad?
A druggie but not one thatd burgle your house.
Huxley was a top bloke, Miserable – a thought provoking novelist and fine philosopher. Probably why one of a Catholic mindset doesn’t like him.
Many parallels with Orwell. Brave New World is required reading.
The name of the hero of Brave New World is of course John ‘Savage’.
Far from being modern atheistic thinker Huxley, abeit unconsciously, was acknowledging in BNW the abandonment of the old religious ways and structures as moving us ever closer to the return of
Dualism in schizophrenia
Does comparative religion also involve ranking religions? If so, which one is at the top and is there a sliding scale all the way down to the bottom to the one which worships a 7th century kiddy fiddler who flew around on a magic carpet and a flying horse?
I dont like Buddhism.
Or buddhists.
Always smug types, especially those Zen Buddhists.
Haikus and meditation,
Sandals and riddles.
Sound of one hand clapping?
Is he asking for a backhander across his chops?!
Tree falls in the forest does it make any noise?
Course it does you dozy cunt.
Ive no time for sitting around meditating,
Its a bullshit excuse to be bone idle.
Set em on fire.
We need to set the world on fire Miserable with a new zealousness for Christianity.
Hang on Miles,
Ill get some firelighters!?
Sorry Miles, NOT a fucking clue as to what you are on about. What I do know is that religion is a man-made world-wide phenomenon that defies rational thought. That should be the only reason it is up for a cunting.
if tony bliar gets his way we’ll all be converting to Chrislam – you’ve been warned
As portmanteau terms go, that’s a good one.
Perhaps you religious hunters can answer me a theological question:
If I purchased a converted Church, would it be a sin to bang Mrs Cuntfinder every which way but loose-every night and twice on a Sunday?
She thinks it would be, i think it wouldn’t.
Who’s right?
A catholic church is ‘deconsecrated’ if it’s to be demolished or turned into something else. There is a ceremony.
“If I purchased a converted Church, would it be a sin to bang Mrs Cuntfinder every which way but loose-every night and twice on a Sunday?
She thinks it would be, i think it wouldn’t.”
I’ll take this one Boris! I think I’m suitably qualified to answer your question.
In a way you’re both right. It is indeed a sin my son but what the fuck – if you didn’t take advantage, Jesus will have died for fuck all.
“JESUS SAVES “ . . . . . . . .
Not on my fuckin’ furlough pay he doesn’t.
Blessings be upon you, oh favourite parrot fancying Liverpool fan of IsAC?
It has been quite a while – perhaps 40 years – since I’ve actually taken the time to read this amount of utter bollocks in its fullest extent.
People on here have accused me of speciousness, elitism and generalised venom against smug hypocrisy. I must take a bow here in all those categories of on… What a host of balls
I’m Pagan and I laugh my tits off at the thought of millions of people blindly following the ‘teachings’ of their sky pixies in the hope that there may be some kind of reward for being a self righteous cunt after death.
Live a good life. Try and be nice to each other and never let a blow go un-answered.
See you in Helheim.
Nothing wrong with trying to understand what people believed in history or do believe in now within the different geographic regions of the world. I thought that was what Comparative Religion is about?
It’s ‘Carthago Delenda Est’ with no second ‘r’ and the ‘est’ at the end, Miles.
Your old Latin master must be spinning in his grave.
I have little Latin and less Greek CL..
I make this shit up as I go along.
So learned is your discourse, Miles, I simply assumed you to be of Chestertonian ilk…whereas the only chesty totty ‘uns I know of are on Page 3.
…the page to which we turn.. to praise Our Lady of Cantaloupe’.
Pray in one hand, shit in the other, see which one fills up first.