The city of Minneapolis is giving the family of George Floyd $27,000,000 . I hope that the money is held in escrow until all of the cunt’s victims have been given a chance to claim damages against his previous actions.
I fear that there may not be enough money left over for the family to enjoy a bucket of KFC. Let’s hope that’s the case.
Nominated by: Guzziguy
George Floyd
Posthumously valued at $27million.
Worthless piece of shit while alive.
I hope they have a great time arguing over all that money they don’t deserve.
Whenever I see such epic-scale, Banksy-esque faintly grotesque imagery of St George, I’m often reminded of the late, great Trevor Howard in Sir Henry at Rawlinson End with a wry smile.
Trevor Howard was a fine actor, his role as a jaded , passed over major in ‘ The Cockleshell Heroes’ should be compulsory viewing for every sixth form student.
Trevor Howard’s depiction of Lt Cartwright in Sean Connery’s “vanity project” (but a quite good film nonetheless) The Offence (1973) was also a true swansong for the actor himself.
I shall always treasure Stanshall’s 1980 film as the best tribute / piss take of Trevor Howard’s long and illustrious film career. Howard himself was clearly well “on board” with this, so no compunction.
And the family had fuck all to do with the cunt when he was alive. He was a tea leaf and off his face most of the time. And violent.
But the cunts all crawled out of the woodwork when he croaked for their payouts, didn’t they?
Seems crime does pay. That money should go to his many victims of his crimes, particularly the woman who was home alone he put his gun to, while his mates robbed her house.
I predict the family in tacky bling shortly, bouncy ‘5 point ohs’, crack whores lying around the garden off their faces and diamonds in their teeth. They’ll be skint, possibly some of them dead from overdoses, car accidents, shootings at parties after being ‘dissed’ – inside a year of getting the wonga is my prediction.
We can only hope CB !
I hope they take their $27 million and move in next door to the Markles…….like a “Beverly Hillbillies” situation. ? Of course the Markles can find 27 mill down the back of their sofas so they won’t be happy. Good luck to them I say…….they’ve had a touch!
Holy fuck. Hope they have some sort of financial committee set up or else there’ll be fried chicken shops going up left and right.
I will say this though, the city’s leaders may have given this quick, OTT payout in the hope that the city won’t be burned to the ground if the cops charged get found not guilty.
I think they’ll still burn, loot and murder if the cunts get sent down anyway. It’s clear that all 3 of them (Chavuin might go down, but even that’s far from being assured) won’t go down for premeditated murder.
That’ll be big enough an excuse for them to go shopping “chiggun’ muncher” style.
27 mill down the shitter. It’ll all be blown on drugs, bling and crack hoes anyway.
I hope they spend it on excellent drugs and have subsequent excellent overdoses.
Well the thing with good quality ‘sheeeet’ is that it’ll probably be far more ‘moreish’ and far deadlier. A few big lines of 95%+ pure Colombian marching powder could stop an elephant’s heart by all accounts, let alone some drunken middle-aged chiggun’ muncher’s.
Coincidentally, one of the LPs I’ve been enjoying “on the loud needle” (and the SME V arm) this weekend is the excellent Colombia Colly by Jah Lion. Interestingly on the 45 single recorded at Black Ark Studios they (correctly) spell it “collie”ᵃ.
In terms of the purity of cocaïne hydrochloride, it is an interesting fact that an ultra-high-purity product (say >80%) is indistinguishable in its physiological effectᵇ from a “half-cut” product (say ≈40% pure alkaloid). It therefore makes no senseᶜ to sell to an end-user a product of greater purity than around 40% absolute purity.
Obviously, most of the shit that is peddled currently on UK street corners is embarrassingly around the 2-5% coca alkaloid purityᵈ mark, with bash adjuncts such as bezocaine (if you’re lucky) and unpleasantness like strychnine (if you’re not).
ᵃ “collie” is authentic Jamaican patois for “narcotic”. “Colly” on the original LP was effectively a typo, interestingly
ᵇ this seems to be due to an “overloading effect” of the nasal mucosa when the high-purity chemical is ingested via insufflation – which is if course the commonest route. Obviously this would not be true for intravenous administration of the high-purity basic salt…. Analogous to alcohol absorption being impaired through the gut when the concentration exceeds ça 35% abv. Interesting biodynamics actually.
ᶜ unless the vendee is another dealer who himself intends to cut the coke. Then it is a matter of trust between dealers, plainly
ᵈ some of the crap I’ve sampled at parties over the last 10-15 years has been less stimulating than a stiff Pimms and a couple of decently strong espressos. I speak here as an experienced barista, btw
You didn’t mention the Ajax content Ajax
Whereas I admit some of my contributions on here perhaps fall into the “wrong side” of immediate intelligibility – you have me there, Cuntybollocks!
High marks
There are many vernacular terms for those adjuncts to “street sniff”, and admittedly Ajax™, Vim™, or Harpic™ are certainly commonly among them, to my sure knowledge.
I must admit, though, to a higher level of inclusivity here, due mainly to my intimate knowledge of the business (but largely from the other side of the table).
All good though, and rather as the physiological and societal effects of governmental drugs policy, I know for certain that most of the societal harm is imaginary. Decriminalisation on a grand scale, which may very well be in the offing btw, will put me out of work.
Hence my plans to emigrate to the Caribbean and pursue a new career as Basil Fawlty. The writing is on the wall, and the extant 1971 Act is long overdue an overhaul.
You can foresee the future; the family gets a massive payout and the impressive drug dealers move in. The current drug suppliers of the Floyd family object and a bloodbath ensues.
This could have a happy ending after all.
Not at all, Guzziguy, but I can feel the direction of the breeze. I quite simply have no wish to any longer be around to defend the bellends when the essential Sea-change occurs. That would be for someone else.
It is hard work now, and I only do it because my personal take is that the system is ridiculous. Most of the clients are, of course, utter twats. I any case, I make far more income from easy Chancery work.
Nobody is indispensable, as John Kerr told me personally (Lord Kerr, who was PUS to the FCO when I began my brief diplomatic career.) Easy wise words for sure, but wise nevertheless.
One could feel the zephyrs of change half a century ago; too few took heed.
I am baffled by this and it sets a very worrying precedent – paying compensation before guilt has even been established in a Court of law is effectively confessing to a crime by proxy and this Leaves Derek Chauvin, the Police Officer involved, and his legal team in a pretty impossible position.
The post mortem and toxicology reports both concluded that George Floyd died of his already drug damaged heart stopping due to a massive overdose of self administered Fentanyl (an incredibly strong and seriously nasty synthetic heroin) and the crack cocaine already in his system – speech is facilitated by air from the lungs passing over the larynx so the “I can’t breathe” bit is quite frankly nonsense – if he could not breathe how could he breathe to say “I can’t breathe”? (Don’t take my word for it – try holding your breath and then speaking – you can’t do it).
Floyd was a lifelong career criminal who committed a string of violent offences, and if I were his Family I would not be spending that money just yet as there is a very good possibility that there will be a plethora of civil actions initiated by the victims of his almost innumerable crimes with a view to claiming compensation.
And I wonder how much of this money has been contributed to BLM?
Without wishing to sound nasty I think when all the circumstances and history are taken into account the guy pretty much got what was coming to him.
Spot on as ever Foxy. Could the defence argue that the $27,000,000 prejudices a fair trial?
Guzziguy@ – I believe they could, but this is screwed either way – if Chauvin walks there will be riots and mobs burning, if he is not publicly hacked to pieces with a chainsaw there will be riots and mobs burning – this is one hell of a mess.
That poor misunderstood cunt Osama Bin Laden was brutally killed by the racist forces of colonialism. His family must be in line for a massive payout.
They could afford to redecorate their cave, perhaps some new blinds before improving the broadband.
And Colonel Ghadaffi. Poor cunt was stitch up by Blair first of all and then fucked by the Yanks. Most Libyans think life was better under him.
Can’t see the wood for the trees.
Paying money won’t satisfy these band-waggon jumpers. Exploiting the current vogue of making whitey feel guilty for everything just leads to more handouts for no valid reason..
Stick to your principles. The vile, criminal cunt had used up his nine lives, and the officer involved should be decorated for doing the rest of his neighbourhood a favour that the courts should have already done.
For those that have not seen the extended video footage, Floyd was complaining he couldn’t breathe a long time before anyone ever touched him.
DoC – Yep, I saw that bodycam footage – he was dying long, long before his arrest.
I saw that footage at the time-a junkie od’ing.
Nothing more?
27 million? And more American black aristocracy is born. Which is the last thing the world needs.
I wonder if the pregnant lady he pointed the loaded gun at while his pals punched her in the face and ransacked her house will get any sort of payout?
Nah, didn’t think so. 99.9% of Chicken George worshipers won’t even know – or care – what her name is or where she is now. She and her child could be dead for all they care.
27 million or not, Floyd was scum.
It will be interesting to see what happens to the Floyd family two or three generations down the line and see if they can become law abiding productive members of society and no longer trapped by the cycle of criminality and poverty. Maybe the adage of “you can’t polish a turd” will ring true.
They could marry some honkies and try to breed themselves into decency. Then they won’t have to rely on winning any future Compo “woke lotteries.’
‘Doing a Markle’ I believe Cap.
Having money doesn’t stop you being scum, just take a look at Westminster.
The trial will be interesting to watch though, if the cunts show it.
27 million, kerching.
They ought to pay that coppers legal bills,
He did them a right favour!
This memorial artwork of chiggun George?
Not very flattering is it?
Bit cartoon like, his lips look like a rubber dinghy folded in half.
And hes always got his eyes shut.
Come on find a better picture!
Big grin, eyes wide open,
Maybe giving it jazz hands?
Seems the trial will be free to watch on YouTube. Starts for real on 29 March.
I did look up how much the family of Justine damond got, the Aussie woman shot dead by the Somali cop cunt in the same city in 2017. $ 20 mil and he got 12 and a half years. I’m surprised they got that much being as she was hated whitey
I bet they waited for the verdict too!
I hope chauvin gets life for all the shit he has stirred up, the stupid cunt.
Don’t they have stairs that people fall down in US police stations?
I’d just like to see justice meted out fairly.
If he meant to kill the cunt, throw away the key for me. The other cops? Weren’t they newbies out watching ‘how it should be done?’ If so (not sure it was anyway, I just heard they were new) then I don’t think they should get prison at all.
If they find he died of an OD or that the Chauvin fucker didn’t mean to kill the cunt (meaning he’ll get 10 years max perhaps) then he should get the same leniency or punishment as anyone else.
I get your point, he’s caused fucking chaos, but this is now gonna be the norm for the west so we need fairness, not mob rule and kangaroo courts. This shit will come to blighty too at some point (already has in a way, if you look at the Duggan case – that case would have a different outcome if it was starting today imo)
My prediction? Chauvin will get life without parole. The city, including the judge and jury probably, are too scared to do anything else but make sure this is what happens.
It’ll be a farce and the cunt will go down for life. Proper life.
Oh, he’ll get life alright.
Simply because of the burning, looting, raping, murder, arson and the jumping up down in the trees that will occur if he doesn’t.
They said they would rather have him back than the money.
And I’m the pope.
I ain’t kissing your ring and no mistake.
You do t know what your missing, moggie.
He could be re-cloned from exhumed cellular materiel (via implantation into, say, a blue whale. I’m thinking along the lines of the famous Vacanti EMOUSE here).
This cloned specimen would then be subjected to several years’ intensive environmentally-based behavioural conditioning (here thinking of reward reinforcement encouraging extreme violence against women and engendering criminally psychopathic and violent behaviours in general. Particular attention taken to ensure his speech patterns were identical, eating habits the same etc.)
Although this might be fairly expensive, it would achieve the desired result of producing an individual who was not only identical in physical appearance to the late Mr Floyd, but who also behaved in every detail as Floyd did.
Via some cock-and-bull backstory, this George Floyd clone would then be presented to his enriched relatives in exchange for the cash (if there was any left) – which would be used to pay the expenses of the experiment.
Well worth pursuing, I’d say.
St George’s buddies will want a cut of that. Guaranteed to end in tears. Oh dear how sad, nevermind.
Too true, Harry. Do his ‘family’ reckon that Chiggun George’s dealers and crime buddies won’t want a taste of this action? 27 Million? Every pimp, hustler, dealer and scumbag within 20 miles will be on the sniff. And not one of them will be white.
Who says crime doesn’t pay?
I remember when this disgraceful misuse of public funds was first reported, one family member commented: “I’d still rather have George alive than the money.”
Well, RTC, the POCA has gone (in my opinion rather too far) in that direction.
I know you will agree.
I couldn’t possibly comment.
Due to the fact that I have no idea what the fuck you’re on about, as usual.
PS: Jethro Tull only made two good albums: This Was and Stand Up. Horslips rule!
I’m getting a bit worried about your basic English comprehension abilities, RTC, I really am. You comment:
Sorry, one «blockquote» too many RTC. Please see the corrected and more legible version, which is orphaned at the end of this thread
How much fried chiggin can you buy with $23,000,000?
Should be some change left over for chav clothes and ostentatious giant gold dollar pendants.
Maybe a few Bob left after that for collagen injections in the buttocks and a few tubs of Sol De Janeirio Brazilian Bum Bum Cream.
All that cash will be used as wisely as Africa uses its aid, they just cannot help themselves, I can safely bet that the money will be used to fund, Gold teeth, ship’s anchor size chains, Pit Bull’s, giant S.U.V’s with 24” rims, silicone ass implants to further increase the Ho’s butt size and of course Copious amounts of crack and fried chicken, hopefully all this illgotten wealth will result in an early death for said benafactors.!!
I’m no pathologist but, from what i’ve read, there’s no way Chauvin can be found guilty. But he will be obviously because it is politically expedient to do so. The 27 mill is already an admission of guilt. The others may get off with it or get minor sentences. Whatever, downtown Minneapolis will burn as will Seattle, Portland, LA, Chicago, Atlanta, New York, Baltimore etc etc. They may crack down in Washington but Uncle Joe will sleep through the whole thing so he doesn’t give a fuck. I would hate to be a copper in Yankland this summer. Every time you put on that uniform you are putting a target on your back. Good luck to the normal Yanks…….all I have to do is eat the popcorn.
I fully expect loads of coppers’ resignations shortly as the trial starts or nears its verdict.
No fucking way I’d want that job in that city at the end of that trial if Chauvin gets off.
To be fair, George Floyd has not committed a crime in the last 12 months.
The prison system does work. Nelson Mandela didn’t re-offend after he’d done his time.
Saw the footage, the peace of dog shit was yammering on like a crack addled ferret, unfortunate for the copper, half an hour more anfd the thieving cunt would have died anyway and then zero fucks would have been given.
This means next time the 5 oh will be arresting people filming as well.
Good riddence useless fuck monkey, the world is better off without cunts like this….
Chauvin is as thick as fuck. If he wanted to even the score with Chiggin George, he could have done it any time: in a quiet area on a dark night. And with no phone filming cunts about. Surely a cozzer like him should have the savvy to know where and when – never mind how – these things are done? Had Chiggin Floyd George been in 1970s or 1980s Ulster, he’d have been done quick as a flash, no fuss. The cunt would have ended up in tins of Pedigree Chum with Shergar and nobody would ever have known.
I dare say Chauvin – and many others – were at the end of their tether with the forever violent and troublesome Chiggin Floyd George. But he should have had the sense to use a bit of discretion, because he’s turned a piece of shit into a saint. The daft cunt.
Im wondering what will happen when the officer is found not guilty. ( as it should be too )
Fuck a duck, the motives and activities of Chauvin and Chicken George are taking on far too much significance here!
If Gavrilo Princip had tripped over the kerb and shot himself in the bollocks does that mean there would never have been a Great War? If the young Adolf had caught a bullet on the Western Front does that mean there would never have been a WW2? I don’t fucking think so.
We are talking about broad political movements here…..the wokey cokey is not an accident, the corporate and media support for the wokey cokey didn’t drop out of the sky. We are being played here my friends. Be aware!
On the issue of Race can I request my fellow cunters adopt a new tactic. Can we please please start to agree with them. I will be telling woke racist activists that they are correct, the police are out to get them, the state will imprison more of them and any black person making gains is just a token gesture, you know so some company or institution can get good PR. Can we start to tell them that yes the education system is against them and the royal family, and the elite and the upper echelons want nothing to do with them.
Ask them what they going to do about. Perhaps get some felt pens and write a sign. Perhaps post on Twitter.
The point is we know the truth and we know that 99% of negative issues black people face is not down to race but poor life choices, bad luck, the fact other people can be cunts for no reason. They are fucking arrogant that they believe white people are so motivated to harm them. What they consider racism is just plain old indifference. I do not care for the average white cunt ( unless they been fucked over for no reason ) so how can I offer more care to the average black cunt. If a white criminal gets a tug and has a row with the cops and ends up eating earth then I do not get upset. Why would I get upset if the criminal was black. Yes black people in London have a higher representation in prison, that is because they have a higher representation in commiting crime. If there is a black person in prison who has been fitted up and is in fact innocent then lets have the name. I know a police officer, not well, but he would love nothing more than to avoid black people. He is less motivated to help the black community as he is on eggshells as everyword and action is being noted. He has spent time on estates and does not want to pull over the wrong dudes as that a waste of time. He then gets hassle from youth workers and community leaders when he does stop innocents. These leaders and workers all live on the estates and could solve this problem by pointing the police to the bad folk, the gun and drug houses but they do not. The decent black kids and the community workers are not scared of the police, they are scared of the gangs. If they walking home from college and they get a tug close to home then they have to give police attitude. They can not walk around the estate and celebrate the fact they are smart or have a potential career ahead of them. The gangs will not accept that.
If the black community not willing to apply logic, common sense and take a good look at themselves then I am not going to try and calm fears or correct misunderstandings. If they believe the cops are racist, the courts are racist then let them stand by that and be judged on what they do about it. They need to do something more than walk down the street with a placard.
Part of what they seek is assurance, but let us not give them that. If they want to believe the police are targetting them then I would say they are and that black people are better off staying home. Indeed they are better off doing nothing.
Instead of them asking us what we are going to do, we ask them what the fuck are they going to do about it. Tell them directly that the cops they meet hate them, that society deems them violent or subhuman and WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO ABOUT IT.
They have two choices, either step up to the plate and prove they believe what they are saying or refuse to do anything of note, as deep down they know it is just a ruse. If they know all these racists in the police, education, the judicary, universities, employers then how about they fucking name names.
We have black actors and black commentators on our tvs talking about the race struggles they had. How about some names please. Evidence.
I do not want to know what they think could have been racism but what was racism. Racism is not fucking prejudice. A black man told me that. For racism to have effect you need to apply said prejudice, in other words you have to act upon it.
For a crime riddled family, $27M does sound a lot when they’ve previously only ever seen about $27 at any one time.
Many people will say the size of the payout is grotesque and not in keeping with any scale or rule of thumb which makes any sense. I think that’s very unfair. Mental and emotional anguish for losing a family member has to be taken into account. As difficult as it is, a tangible figure has to be appropriated for that. Which begs the question, what’s the other $26,999,999 for?
Some heartless bastards will claim that’s way over the top for the potential loss of earnings the family will suffer due to St. George’s passing. But that’s missing the point. It’s not loss of earnings per se. It’s the loss of what he could have nicked in armed raids on convenience stores, jewelry stores, banks, credit unions, etc. It all adds up.
Evening IY, its almost like the Floyd family are doing the citizens of Minneapolis a favour by excepting this payment, short term pain for long term gain if you will.
I was wondering if the city council who approved the pay out did so out of some of the police budget whom they wanted to defund.
Evening LL.
That’s a great point. Take money out of the police budget and instead, give it to a crim’s family. Reparations 2021 style. You couldn’t make it up. I suppose in the grand scheme of things, compensation should be paid. But pre-trial and $27M? What the fuckity fuck is going on? I expect the Minneapolis tax payers are all loving this.
As other cunters have mentioned, if the cop isn’t sent down for 1000 life sentences, no parole, daily thrashings, etc. etc. the ‘peaceful’ protests will be back in full swing.
In the months after crime went through the roof in Minneapolis and the council leaders had the gall to ask the police chief what was happening, where are the police? Well, surprisingly a lot had retired, quit or were on sick leave.
Yes your right, I expect disturbances whatever the outcome and now Biden is POTUS surely Democrats cannot be seen to fundraise bail money for Antifa thugs like last year while cites burn.
The BBC or the Grauniad won’t be employing this man. In actual fact, he won’t be on any MSM channels. A black lad who respects Chruchill? Top man.
Churchill? Even better…
Wonder if that Brazilian bloke’s family got any compo?
You know, the one in the tube murdered on Cressida Dildo’s orders?
They got 100 grand which is fuck all compared to the Chicken George lottery win. This, for an innocent bloke, sitting in a tube train and executed by the State in the form of the hopelessly inadequate Commissioner Strapon. It’s a fucking joke.
Good to see a young black geezer standing up for British values. There are plenty of them about, you just won’t see them on MSM. Don’t forget that…….they tell you what they want you to believe, the cunts.