(Just a polite reminder that British Summer Time kicks in tomorrow (28th March). So don’t forget to put your clocks forward from 2am (This only applies to cunts in the UK) – DA)
Another cunting for the Land of My Fathers.
‘Black History lessons to be compulsory in Welsh schools.’
All children will be taught about racism and the contributions of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities, the education minister said.
Almost 35,000 people have called for Britain’s colonial past to be taught in school lessons.
NB. Wales’s population is 3.2 million. So what’s that 1% wagging the dog.
Famous Taffs of colour – Shirley Bassey and the great Clive Sullivan and they were Cardiff and more Welsh than the prick who is First Minister of the Welsh Parish Council.
Historically, in my younger days there were very few blacks, mostly Cardiff and Newport and no Asians apart from a few Chinese chippies. We had quite a few assimilated Italians and Poles but they dont count. The slave trade was over the water in Bristol, a long time before. I cant think of any contribution to Wales by ethnics apart from drugs and curry.
So what the fuck has Black fucking History, written down by whitey of course because the fuckers never managed writing, got to do with us?
What about teaching the history of the short, poverty stricken, brutish lives of my forbears in the mines, docks and iron works? Exploited by the aristocracy who built great homes for themselves. Not black enough? Even after 12 hours underground?
And to widen the net, the same applies to the English and Scottish regions. The Highland clearances dont seem to count as these poor fuckers were white Scots. Oppressed by the same aristocracy.
Here’s a thought. Let’s teach who it was benefitted from all this, including colonialism and the slave trade. The Royals, the Lords, the upper fucking classes. Let’s have some context with the people of this country.
And stick Black History up your arse.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
What if a Welsh miner is blek? Does that count? Blek from coal dust or blek as in skin colour? And what if said dark key has the albino gene?
Oh yes …shirley bassey? Only blek Welsh person I ever heard of
There is also Colin Jackson the light on your feet hurdler.
I always thought he was a fudge packer. I’ve just read he came out not long ago after denying it for years.
I always thought it was pretty obvious. He’s always had the gayness voice.
Great athlete though. Don’t hear him getting chippy either.
Thre is insufficient “Black Achievement “ in the history of the whole of the UK to warrant more than two or three lessons a year. It is really difficult to identify much of significance or merit that BAME CUNTS have contributed to our strong and diverse culture.
I suppose the Pembrokeshire “yoof” should learn about dar quays, seeing as they’re rare as rocking horse shit around here, thank dog, but outside Cardiff there is no “black history”, except for the infamous “twins”, utter cunts!!!
B lack history. = Lived in Africa. Fought with animals and other tribes constantly. Killed lots; lots got killed. Used each other as slaves. White ties turned up. We traded other B lacks with white ties. All White ties fault. The end. Cunt.
No doubt an original policy from that cunt Mark Drakeford, he should spend more time looking after his own family.
I will have you know his son is a pillar of the community, a model citizen who we should all aspire to….oh no, he’s a dirty convicted sustained rapist isn’t he.
Sorry, my mistake.
If I were black I’d be dead against this proposal. Teaching Welsh children that blacks used to cook white people in pots and have them for dinner is unlikely to go down well with the majority white community.
But, But…Owain Glydwr was black, fact.
He most certainly was black; his name is an anagram of w0g with a few extra letters thrown in to confuse the simple minded.
Sorry, Owain, for the misspelling of your illustrious name!
Another anti white rant for woke teachers. What is the cultural contribution of blacks and asians to Wales or indeed Britain? Fuck all. Great works of art , literature, science, medicine, telecommunications, road and rail links, world trade, parliamentary democracy, civil liberties, rule of law….. The civilised world was built by whites so fuck off you white hating woke cunts. Anyone with a child in a Welsh school on hearing their child is being indoctrinated should march in and remove their child. End of. Knee bending lefty cunts.
Wasnt it the Taffs who shot all the Zulus at Rorke’s drift,”Men of Harlech” and all that. Does that count as black history month.
Yeah. Wasn’t Stanley Baker Welsh?
Yes, and it was Stanley who said as a fusillade of spears came over ‘for fucks sake sing something they know’
Michael Caine is also Welsh although not many people know that.
And what about Dai Francis? He was black if I remember rightly.
Tom Jones could pass in the dark as B lack. He’s got an afro!
Make sure the children are well informed about the Broadwater Farm riots, and the murders in the name of Islam.
If these bastards get it through and it is taught, it should come with a proviso that the lessons be called ‘When Britain was Great.’
I went to Wales once, it was fucking shut.
The whole country is disappearing down the shitter
We are the shitter.
Ooga boyo. Whose coat is dis jacket I ‘ave stolen? Dooga-dooga. Me set fire to cottage. Be like real Welshie. Ooga.
English cunts, come home to a living fire. Buy a cottage in Wales.
Filling impressionable young minds with propaganda always causes bother.
Members of the Hitler Youth rushed to join the Waffen SS.
In this case perhaps the children accepting this shit as historical fact will end up working as drug mules or chiggun vendors to please their black masters.
The filthy cunts who implement this filth are no better than child molesters.
They deserve to be shot.
Or thrown in a giant cooking pot
FFS trying not to sound racist as fuck, but who the fuck cares, even black people don’t give a fuck about history, except it gives them something to moan about, and don’t they love to have a whinge, I wonder if this is why they were treated badly back in the day, constant moaning, whinging and whining.
Fucking absolutely bored of hearing about it, and no longer give a fuck.
History is history move on you whinny cunts…..
I would set the following as homework. ‘Scousers, blacks or the Welsh- which ones whinge the most?’
The English rugby team??
The average scouser is 60% welsh and 40% Irish. Hence the over sentimental victim hood.
True dat, la!
Scousers hands down, they take it to a stratospheric level of nursing grievances and blaming everyone else for their own stupid decisions, think its something to do with Irish genes. Used to buy the Sun when I went into the Liverpool office and offer it to some and see the reaction I got.
I’m so desperately passed off with all of this. History is history regardless of colour. Fucking teach it all. Don’t separate it out into colours for fuck sake. No need to. Just teach the fucking facts as and when they arise. What the fuck next?! Ooh! We’ve got to teach creationism cos 1 cunt in every million believes it to be true? It’s all fucking ray sis snake oil!
Excellent nom, well cunted CC?
The welsh (the real welsh) have been receiving g the shit end of the stick, health, education etc, for generations.
On the plus side, they have some of the most glorious scenery on earth, and the best beaches in Britain ?
As stated above, teach your children about the rich history of Wales, not fucking critical-race-theory bollocks?
Yes what was said so eloquently above. Back of the net stuff CC. Bravo.
Utter fucking nonsense, I don’t know how subjects are taught these days but when I was at school in the 12 to 18 category history was only ‘mandatory’ up to the third year then pupils were allowed to chose subjects to continue for 2 years running up to O level, only maths and English were compulsory.
It just needs enough parents to complain that their children are being brainwashed into feeling guilty about colonialism and slavery.
Fuck Black history, History is history it doesn’t have a colour
If 35 000 woke cunts supporting this anti-British rubbish, was enough to get it added to the curriculum, surely 36 000 objections should remove it?
Isn’t that how democracy is supposed to work?
I suspect there is little evidence that those 35,000 actually exist.
More bullshit twisting of history. It’s funny how the West wants to go through this period of self loathing. I say the West, but it’s Britain and America, and the liberal left that dominates the education systems in both countries. Here we must beat ourselves up over events that happened two hundred years ago, yet stuff that happened in living memory can be distorted or forgotten completely. The terrorist atrocities of the IRA are increasingly being referred to as an armed struggle against an occupying force, and the lionising of some of the murderers that took part in the deaths of civilians, to the distortion of the history of Germany and the Second World War, where in documentaries you will only ever hear the enemy referred to as nazis, and not Germans, suggesting that it was a faction within Germany, and not the country as a whole. This Cold War era myth, to make the idea of having Germany as an ally in the potential fight against the Russians more palatable, has become fact to most. Many prominent Germans who served in WW2 are almost excused, as they were not members of the Nazi party. But you don’t need to be a member of a political party to vote for them, or support their aims, so not being a member doesn’t exclude them from blame.
Black history in Wales could be taught in a single lesson. Twice.
Today, Wales has become the first UK nation to lift the travel ban.
Unfortunately my Grandad was unable to take advantage of this as he died peacefully in his sheep last night.
Ha ha-nice one Bertie?
Tread Caerphilly with those Welsh puns Bertie.
All history in schools is taught the same way. Honky bad. Every other race good.
I’ve seen text books which laud and arse kiss the Incas and Aztecs for their lovely clothing, musical festivals and quaint markets.
Not a fucking word about the child sacrifices though. Fuck right off.
And the dark keys in Africa were genociding the fuck out of each other way before he evil honky came to put a bit of a stop to their nonsense of butchering each other.
And yes, the fact is Africans were and still are, very racist. They saw certain tribes (usually the very black big lipped ones) as inferior and sold them as slaves, mostly to other ‘higher caste’ tribes in Africa. The few wealthy honkies who stupidly got involved, wouldn’t have been able to buy a single fucking slave had blacks in Africa not been selling the cunts in the first place.
It was honkies (British mostly) whom, at great expense both financially and in terms of lives lost, put a fucking stop to most slavery in Africa.
I say most, because some dark keys in Africa are still practicing slavery amongst themselves today.
You won’t hear truths like that in a classroom, so make sure your kids know the fucking truth.
We are a great people (honkies) who were just better at war than the other cunts because they were, and still are, thicker than us. Had they had half a chance it would’ve been us being colonised, and much more brutally too. Fact.
Fuck off.
Lesson 1
Dai Patel, the first Peaceful to successfully climb the north face of the Great Orm.
After descending and partaking of a lukewarm cup of tea from the van by the pier, he had a “road to Damascus, sorry, Colwyn” moment.
“Bud bud bud. What is needed here, is a restaurant, serving warming curry sauce and chips, to revive weary tourists. There’s lovely. Bud bud bud.?”
And thus was born, the first ever curry house in Welsh Wales.
Followed shortly thereafter, by the first Peaceful child grooming gangs?
Black achievement , look no farther than the totally useless and thick bunch of Liebore MP’s mainly female.
Black achievement.
Look, no father.
Facts and reason are meaningless in the face of an ideology.
‘Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying civilization’ – Aristotle
‘The further society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it’ – George Orwell
School 2021
History – The blacks, browns, yellows, mentalists, criminals, rapists, homosexuals, peadophiles were the goodies, and your ancestors were the oppresive bigoted baddies, despite setting up the greatest and most reasonable civilisation and society in human history.
Science – gender is assigned. They once thought that we were built on the x y chromosome like the entire ecosystem of this planet but they were wrong.
Sex ed – you can let a homo bum you if he wants to, you can be ‘straight and have sex with other men’.
PE – men and women are physically equal so we will mix classes for PE but there cant be any competitive games because in life it doesnt matter if you are a loser, losers are successful all the time, you dont need to want to win. Also, we are pretending that men and women are physically equal so we are limited to trampolining and dance so it cant be compared.
RE – islam is a religion of peace.
The end is closer than we think.
‘The barbarians never take the city, the gates are always held open from within, resist where you can’ – Christopher Hitchens
Katherine Jenkins is welsh, so is alex jones, and Charlotte church, Catherine zeta jones, granted they are all white but I would get them all drunk , cover them in chocolate and throw in a couple of vibrators, after all, I’m a sexist
CC is allegedly moving out of Cardiff, to Pembrokeshire.
Wonder if she wants to protect her kids from diversity??
Fine cunting, well presented reasons for sticking black history up an orifice. The major flaw in teaching children about the conditions suffered by their ancestors is that their ancestors being white had the advantage of white privileged life styles and by definition were facist oppressors even if they were working in a death trap coal mines and being paid in truck tokens. According to the accepted woke agenda white is bad full stop. I am of the impression that the wokeness that seeps like poison through what’s left of our society is an engineered narrative to make sure we forget all the shit levied on the masses over the past 2000 years.
I’m wondering how long it will be before the complaints coming out above miners being racist as they were wearing black face.
What a pile of shit.
You live in England or Wales you get taught British History with some other European countries, because it was where significant things were happening. If you live in a country in Africa, you should be taught about that countries history. It will probably have a lot of blacks in it.
My son had a homeschooling lesson about a black American astronaut. Lots made about the fact. I said to my son, he become an astronaut in America because he strived for it, worked hard and didn’t sit on his arse complaining about racism. He had the right attitude. The western world is tolerant and his colour didn’t matter, despite what many of the black race baiters want you to believe.
Absolutely right FM. I have said many times before that attitude and work ethic is what decides how useful you are to society. The example I use is that if you have a hospital appointment the taxi driver will be a parking Stanley whilst the consultant will be Indian.