Baroness Jenny Jones

– Emergency Cunting –

An emergency cunting for the Green party (lol) member Jenny Jones, who sits in the Lords.

She threatened to call for a 6pm curfew on men in response to the murder of that chica in Kent. No, this is not a joke.

This withered old weed should be expelled from the Lords and sent off down the Thames to the fucking ocean. Or put on the compost heap with the rest of her fucking banana ideas.

I can’t really think of anything else to say. We pay for this deranged scat in a blouse. Fucking embarrassing.

Nominated by: The Big Chunky Cunty

And seconded by: Sir Cuntalot 

A Massive Cunting for Fugly, demented Baroness Jones of Moulsecoomb. The demented Green Paty harridan has called for all males to be sublect to a 18:00 curfew in the wake of the tragic murder of Sarah Everard. If all women thought and looked like the esteemed Baroness, the whole male population (including those from ISAC) would die from Terminal Onanism (medic) or turn to the Gayness. What an utterly insane CUNT!,_Baroness_Jones_of_Moulsecoomb#/

…and thirded, this time by W.C. Boggs


A woman very sadly gets abducted on a London street on March 3rd. Today, apart from Jenny \\\\jones, some other old trouts have been fished out of the pond to appear on Wireless 4 to re-air thir misandrist views, a triple bill of cunt on this evenings PM programme – Harriet Harman, Jess Phillips (obviously) and that know-nothing, but crawl everywhere roly-poly “Dame” Louis Casey.

All the afore mentioned wimmin are perfectly safe from the attentions of sex pests and this is just another excuse for a bit of male-bashing.

157 thoughts on “Baroness Jenny Jones

    • I think this ugly bint would be safe even on a dark street chock full of desperate peaceful types.

  1. Labour’s shadow domestic violence minister, Jess Phillips, has said society has “just accepted” dead women as “one of those things”.

    Coming out with crass statements like this doesn’t really help anyone.

    Sounds strangely similar to Suckdick’s “Terrorism is part and parcel of living in London” and that ”Strength is our diversity”.

    Idiotic quotes from lefties fuelled to anger amongst those opposed to the fucking madness going on in this once great country.

    • Society has accepted dead women, years of organised child abuse by peacefuls, isis members on full benefits with house, unlimited immigration, crap railways, billons of pounds wasted on government wank projects, totally wank legal system, the unman rights act, the equality act and so on and on and on. Who sets the boundaries of tolerable behaviour in our society? The dildo’s we elect? More likely a room full of chimps on lsd. What the fuck is going on?

  2. If the person involved in this disappearance is of a BAME ethnicity it’ll be swept under the carpet. Nothing to see here. All part of living in a big city. Jesus wept. What has become of this country? You’d think things would have changed since the Suzy Lamplugh case but no. There is even the Suzy Lamplugh Trust to help women and families. Do the police care? No. No press announcement from Cressida Dick stating the facts on the 6pm news.

  3. Street crime/violence is statistically more likely to happen to men, it’s is typical of the woke to try to make a case for an issue that doesn’t exist.

    The chance of someone being abducted and subsequently killed are extremely low, perhaps Jenny Jones should get a dose of reality. One man abducts a woman (allegedly) and so every man in London is an immediate threat to all the women.

    What a cunt!

    • Maybe they should disband the police as the attacker was a policeman. These arseholes don`t even attempt to use logic or reflect on how fucking stupid their lack of it sounds.

  4. What are the odds this bitch comes on the airwaves moaning about how social meedjia is giving her nasty messages.As if she isn`t stoking people up to say nasty things.I don`t agree with death threats at all but have got them from feminists for saying far far less than she has.

    Also why isn`t the Conservative Party coming out calling her a fruitcake?I voted Conservative so far left loons like Corbyn Abbott McDonnell Flabbott Jess Phillips and Cuntberry would not be in a position to implement crazy anti- white man-hating policies.Cameron was keen to call UKIP fruitcakes well they have nothing on this misandrist cunt!

    • Called it.She has had lots of “misogynistic and racist” comments in her inbox.What does she expect.I mean seriously.

  5. She’s half right….if she’d said that every Sooty should be placed under house arrest,I’d have seen her point.


    • Sorry,Woke….but desperate times call for demented measures.

      🙂 .

      I’ll lift restrictions for panto season.

      • Trying to think of what the other gay used to be called. Mind’s gone blank ?

      • Mince pie guy….Krav….and a few others that have ‘come out’ whose names allude me.

        This site is positively raining homos.

      • Ah Krav that was it. Wonder what happened? Krav Maga’s a big tough thing isn’t it apparently. Here in Bridgend they just knocked the YCMA down, they used to do it there. Old prefab must have had the covaids!!

  6. Hateful old bitch – being dragged behind a car for a bit would sort Baroness Medusa out.
    Where are the politicians calling this out?
    The alleged perpetrator is a whitey, so his name is splashed all over the media and the internet – had he been a murderous p*edo paki his identity would have been kept secret.
    This is fuelling the quiet, building rage of every decent person in the Country, and when the next election comes there will be one fucking hell of a reaping.
    I want every single current politician GONE at the GE, replaced by one large group of independent, competent, common sense members of the public who will do the job we hire and pay them to do – we can watch the destruction of our society and sanity or we can do something – I am going to do something.
    A plague on both their houses.

    • Medusa is right. Her hair would remove the hardest pieces of turds sticking to the side of the toilet bowl.

    • The next election will be utterly pointless.
      Who else do we vote for?
      All the main parties are interchangeable socialist/social democrats, the greens are insane commies and the papers and TV will have convinced the majority of voters that Reclaim are Mussolini and Uncle Adolf reincarnated.
      Only options left are spoiled ballot papers, armed insurrection or taking all the woke shit up the arse while being lined up to be asset stripped on the way to a gulag, sorry re-education camp.
      Sorry if that sounds a trifle pessimistic…

      • Sounds perfectly reasonable and logical to me Baron.
        Shows how far down the road towards complete fucking insanity life in the 21st century is.

      • BB@ – Completely correct, the labels are different colours but all the cans contain shit.
        Vote Tory, Labour, Lib Dem – all different versions of greedy, lazy, incompetent, arrogant power mad socialists with their fingers permanently in the till and their snouts permanently in the trough.
        The politics we have at the moment is like three different competing companies sharing one office and all wanting their company to put the other companies out of business whilst simultaneously pretending to work (badly) on project UK – it is archaic, self defeating, set up for the benefit of the politicians not the people and will never, ever work.
        650 politically independent competent members of the public – weed out the socialists, leftcunts and the vested interest types at the selection process and stand at the General Election to root out every one of the cunts we have now.
        One big team, all working together with the remit of graft, accountability and putting the Country and the indigenous population first – bollocks to bowing, scraping and appeasing and putting the rest of the world before us, no more changing policies at the behest of twitter nutcases.
        If things do not change they will not change, and we are on the cusp of losing our Country, our freedoms and everything else we have got and fought for very, very fast if we do not do something different – politicians do nothing for us except damage us and enrich themselves, and it’s time for change.
        We, the people.
        Nearly forgot – vote Fox! ??

  7. Mark Drakeford the taffy Hitler has now says he would consider a “temporary” male curfew in a crisis.What would that be Mark?If your rapist son gets out.Just because his son is a rapist who raped a vulnerable young woman doesn`t mean we all are.

    • And a paedo.

      Dickford himself looks like one too, with the saggy jowls and oversized specs. Apples and trees and gravity.

      • Wow that was quick modding!!

        Delete it if you want admin, below post suffices.

    • I said the p word that his son is, and it sent me into moderation. So I’ll just say it again in obfuscated terms. His son’s a pea dough. And I also said apples, trees and gravity, Dickford looks the part.

  8. She won’t have to worry, she has a face like it’s been hit with a shovel and then hit again. What a cunt.

  9. Would the 6pm curfew extend to the male members of her family or do they get an exemption?
    She has obviously seen how compliant people have been during the lock down.
    Wearing pointless masks and needlessly washing their hands every 5 minutes. People having swabs stuck into their noses, mouths and even up their arses. People confined to their homes and having to maintain ‘social distance’ when they are allowed out.
    It’s no surprise that a zealot like her would try to further confine people.

  10. Fugly old scrote. Epitomises everything wrong with the House of Lords.

    BREAKING NEWS – The BEEB has cancelled the woefully dire Mash Report and Nish Kunt is out of a job.

    HaHaHaHaHaHaHa,HaHaHaHaHaHa, HaHaHaHaHaHaHa,HaHaHaHaHaHa, HaHaHaHaHaHaHa,HaHaHaHaHaHa, HaHaHaHaHaHaHa,HaHaHaHaHaHa, HaHaHaHaHaHaHa,HaHaHaHaHaHa, HaHaHaHaHaHaHa,HaHaHaHaHaHa, HaHaHaHaHaHaHa,HaHaHaHaHaHa,etc

    • Fucking hell, my complaints from about two/three years ago must have finally got through ?

      You can bet it will be replaced by something woke/tranny/bender friendly.

    • That cunt was auditioning for the Nicholas Parsons Job on ‘Just A Minute’ this week. Fuck me Nicholas Parsons was bad enough but, even in his present state, he would have been better than Nish Fucking Kumar.

      Best news all week that the Mash Report has been cancelled but BBCunts will, sure as God made little apples, find him another job.

  11. You just can’t reason with stupid. This old bat’s suggestion is as stupid as stupid can get. Who the fuck ever voted for her? The deaf dumb and blind kid that sure plays a mean pin ball?

  12. This has been blown out of all proportion.
    One homicidal cunt murders one woman in Clapham so curfews are in order for all men.

    Yep makes perfect sense.


  13. Allegedly, the guy had his knob out in public a few days earlier but as usual with Police on Police investigations, it was probably hushed up…..

    That copper who strangled his lover in a pub car park, the son of the copper who killed someone drink or dangerously driving etc etc. All have been given pitiful sentences or non sentence at all.

    One rule for them, one for us.

    I bet the next thing is strain of the job, the Chekov wife being “persecuted” etc etc..


  14. This stupid ugly old cunt is so fucking thick it defies belief. She must have been off her meds when she made up this nonsensical load of old bollocks. I suppose she plucked the 6pm figure out of thin air as it’s the time she usually gets out of her coffin. She also said this: “I feel this would make women a lot safer, and discrimination of all kinds would be lessened.” Discrimination of ALL kinds would be lessened? Not that this is totally discriminating against all men of course, you idiotic old dumbfuck.

    • That bit days shows what she’s about, whdre she’s coming from-‘and discrimination of all kinds would be lessened.”. She might as well have come out with it honestly ‘there should be a curfew for white men’

      More positively I like this black mayoral candidate Shaun Bailey who has said ‘the case has been politicised’ which is exactly right

      Like everything is politicised now.

  15. Harriet Harman, Jess Phillips (obviously) and that know-nothing, but crawl everywhere roly-poly “Dame” Louis Casey are the types, along with others who probably increase the chances of attacks on women by accepting illegal immigrants, refusing to deport foreign criminals etc.
    The murder of this beautiful young woman was tragic but I don’t think it should have been tied in to the problem of violence on women generally.
    If women weren’t already frightened, they certainly will be now by the thought that abduction and murder is commonplace. I would be more alarmed at the selection procedures at the Met where a rogue, psychopathic cop must have had murderous(allegedly) tendencies for some time.
    Thef fuckin’ useless Dick seemed to be more concerned for the reputation of her force than genuine remorse for the victim. I would imagine those cold, piggy eyes are incapable of revealing much emotion.

  16. Err… What about women who are killed or beaten by other women? And what about Emily Jones, the little girl who was murdered in Bolton by a psychotic woman? Oh yeah, she had ‘mental health issues’ and ‘diminished responsibility’ and the slag (an illegal migrant dooshka) didn’t even cop a murder charge. But that slag Philips and Psycho Jones didn’t even mention that, did they? It appears that Witch Jess and the Sea Hag are perfectly ‘OK’ with little children being butchered by women. That’s certainly what it looks like from here. They are a fucking disgrace and selective misandrist scum. They are the cunts of the earth.

  17. How is this allowed? If this was even ten years ago she’d be laughed at.

    Hoo-ee, what a cunt.

    • Makes you wonder what menfolk see in flaps. Did have a look but… scary. Too anatomical. Like something Lovecraft or Geiger would have conjured.

      • The Alien in “Alien” is based on the appearance of female genitalia-true.
        I watched an interview with the creator of the Alien characters, completely obsessed with famnies??

      • The Alien in “Alien” is based on the appearance of female genitalia-true.
        I watched an interview with the creator of the Alien characters, completely obsessed with famnies??

    • I see that fat turd Kim Jong Drakeford is also getting in on the act……..they’ll be fucked in Wales if they locked all the men away- who’s going to inseminate all the sheep?

      • What’s cuntychops done now?

        Funny, year ago no-one had heard of him, then some sniffles come along and he decides he’s a dicktator all of a sudden. Can’t buy jam rags, yeah that lasted as long as the first complaint came in from a tranny didn’t it.


  18. Were all women in Manchester given a curfew after that bitch Myra Hindley was caught? No, they weren’t and why should they have been? They didn’t kill anyone. Such an idea would have been absurd and it still is.

    Jones is fucking deranged and has more in common with Hitler than Emeline Pankhurst.

    • McCann’s didn’t deliberately neglect Maddie… they did hire a babysitter, but then Myra Hindley’s parole got turned down.

  19. Oh, but of course when one of those peaceful unwashed types goes on a murder spree, it’s a ‘lone wolf’ who has ‘mental health issues’. And then it’s ‘part and parcel of living in a modern city’ and (drum roll) ‘they aren’t all bad’. Followed by a Parking Stannit related sob story on the ‘Beeb’.

    Had this young lady who has just been tragically found was murdered by a muslam instead of a white cozzer, Jones and Philips wouldn’t bat an eyelid or give a toss. Such nauseating hypocrisy.

  20. That professional Uncle Tom and Meghan sucking gimp, Serena Williams has been filmed reading a ‘reimagined’ version of Kipling’s ‘If’ to ‘celberate wimmin’.

    The cunts want to make up their minds.They call old Rudi ‘racist’ and ‘imperialist’, yet they still use his words and his work? Also, reimagined means stolen. These low IQ man hating fucks can’t think of anything themselves, so they hijack classics and past works and bend them to their warped woke agenda. Why use Kipling’s stuff if he’s so bad?

    Typical double standards and ‘mind changing’ as it suits them shite from these demented wimmin cunts.

    • Norman, if you wished to explain the points that you make in your post to Serena and co it would take a long time and you’d have to use very simple words.

    • The only relationship Williams should have with Kipling is being on the inside of a pie.
      Uncle Tel’s oven overnight.

      • When dinosaurs ruled the earth more like.
        The only living human ever to step in a Brontosaurus turd.
        You’d think she’d have washed it off by now…

  21. Hold onto your hats gentleman. In response to this curfew call Diane Abbott has jumped on the bandwagon and said….”Even after all these years if I am out late at night on an isolated street and I hear a man’s footsteps behind me I automatically cross the road”

    Ha ha ha ha ha…..Wishful thinking Diane, wishful thinking!

    • Why did the fat female Labour MP cross the road.?
      To get to the Fried Chiggun on the other side.

    • TBRLW@ – How would professional calorie storer and maths genius Abbott know it was a man just by listening – would it be the sounds of vomiting that gave it away?

      • Maybe it would be the tell tale give away of your hard on prodding her ass ?

      • Vernon, I will leave the blessed Eric Cantona to explain my theory…

        “When seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea”

  22. I’m with Mr Fiddler on this one. The curfew should apply to men of certain heritage and persuasions. Allow responsible men who have paid taxes out of the house. This will keep the undesirables at home; students, unemployed, criminals.
    Also, keep the murderous police indoors for public safety. Women officers as well. There’s no point in them anyway.

  23. What a fukkin joke. The fact that this is actually being discussed seriously in the media is a clue as to how totally cucked-up society has become. She should be arrested for a hate crime against men, the dried-up old lizard. Does she also mean lock up all male coppers after 6pm? Coz it looks like one of them ALLEGEDLY committed this crime. That’ll leave the country policed by a load of 4ft 3in lezzas. Nice. What next- lock up all the peacefuls, as they do all the terrorism? Lock up all the choccos, coz they do all the stabbings? Lock up all the hatters, coz they spread all the AIDS? A total and utter megacunt of truly galactic proportion, and totally predictable from a member of the Greencunts.

  24. The political Greens are totally pointless.
    North of the border, a vote of No Confidence in the SNP swine John Swinney failed because the greens voted with SNP.
    Only one thing to do – a lot of batter, and into HB’s deep fat fryer overnight.

  25. ….aaaand right on cue:

    Saint Marcus of Radhfird has once again, deigned to sermonise.

    “Verily, I say unto you, it is the duty of all men to protect women in society. Innit!”

    “…an, er CHIGGUN?”

    • My response to Saint Marcus?

      A bit fucking rich, considering your lot’s history with women. Ever heard of Rick James, Chuck Berry, Miles Davis, James Brown, Mike Tyson and Ike Turner? All chivalrous paragons of gentlemanly behaviour, of course.

      Oh, and why didn’t you score against Milan, you useless cunt?

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