An emergency cunting for the Green party (lol) member Jenny Jones, who sits in the Lords.
She threatened to call for a 6pm curfew on men in response to the murder of that chica in Kent. No, this is not a joke.
This withered old weed should be expelled from the Lords and sent off down the Thames to the fucking ocean. Or put on the compost heap with the rest of her fucking banana ideas.
I can’t really think of anything else to say. We pay for this deranged scat in a blouse. Fucking embarrassing.
Nominated by: The Big Chunky Cunty
And seconded by: Sir Cuntalot
A Massive Cunting for Fugly, demented Baroness Jones of Moulsecoomb. The demented Green Paty harridan has called for all males to be sublect to a 18:00 curfew in the wake of the tragic murder of Sarah Everard. If all women thought and looked like the esteemed Baroness, the whole male population (including those from ISAC) would die from Terminal Onanism (medic) or turn to the Gayness. What an utterly insane CUNT!,_Baroness_Jones_of_Moulsecoomb#/
…and thirded, this time by W.C. Boggs
A woman very sadly gets abducted on a London street on March 3rd. Today, apart from Jenny \\\\jones, some other old trouts have been fished out of the pond to appear on Wireless 4 to re-air thir misandrist views, a triple bill of cunt on this evenings PM programme – Harriet Harman, Jess Phillips (obviously) and that know-nothing, but crawl everywhere roly-poly “Dame” Louis Casey.
All the afore mentioned wimmin are perfectly safe from the attentions of sex pests and this is just another excuse for a bit of male-bashing.
Two thoughts…
1/ isn’t it illegal to criticise people based on ‘protected characteristics’ like gender?
2/ what would this person say if I said something similar about a certain demographic next time there is an atrocity inspired by I****?
Forgot to add…
I wonder if RuffTuff and Cunstable have got the horn?
She looks like a little beelter to me. So, yes.
Burn the witch
I think sums up the situation very nicely.
That FFS
No more scotch til dinner..
Wouldn`t make her look any worse.
Bloody hell, where did they dig up that horror from. Even for the Greens it is an outrage. Is she grown from fucking compost? Baroness Jones ffs. Says it all about the state of modern Britain. No self respecting bag lady would go out looking like that. Lives on beetroot smoothies I suppose. What a monstrous cunt.
Who exactly would enforce the curfew I wonder?
The police? The same “force”that can’t fight it’s way out of a wet paper bag.
Demented expenses jolly Cunt.
Fuck Off.
Scary thing is some people are siding with and defending this nutty old cuntflap!
Even her digital photo above smells of old piss.
Reminds me of visiting my Grandparent’s nursing home.Was always a woman like that scowling through the window to the locked door at the entrance who you could smell before you saw.
Does this include BAMEs and Peacefuls I wonder? Or is her demented curfew only for white blokes?
And what about those same blokes who have to work nightshifts? What about the entertainments industry? What about pubs and restaurant? What about the emergency services? Should all the men who work in the above be confined to their homes before 6 regardless? I suppose politicians will be exempt of course!
Whatever next – ankle bracelets, barcodes on foreheads, castration for every white male?
Oh and will the Dinghy Express men (pretending to be children) face similar curfews? Of course not.
Another badly thought out knee-jerk reaction by some cunt no one has heard of in order to get her 15 minutes.
I hope if she has a heart attack in bed one night and she calls the paramedics, and the operator says to her “Sorry, fuckface, all our men are safely tucked up at home as per your instructions. And our wimminz are busy elsewhere. So fuck off and die you old cunt”
Basil Fawlty must have been refering to her when he coined this phrase…..”My god you’re ugly, aren’t you?”
“Is this a piece of your brain?”
Look on the bright side, this knackered old bag gets over £110,000 per year of our money to publicly announced men should not be out after 6PM.
A better use of that money would be to print out masks of her face and get women to wear them so they wouldn’t be the focus of anyone’s sexual desires at any time of the day or night!
What a marvellous idea, LivingWell. It could be a local government scheme to drain the libido of men.
Chemist: Hello madam, how can I help?
Attractive woman: “Hello, I’d like a Baroness Jones mask, a Margaret Beckett one, and…hmm, we’re having a girls’ night out tonight, best give me half a dozen Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu ones.
Of course the police can’t be trusted with weapons if they haven’t shot her.
FFS has Davros gone trãnny now, is nothing safe from these cunts?
Yeah we all know she means white, straight working class men. Peacefuls cruising the streets trying to get underage girls in their cars will be protected by law. For Baroness Fuckface we are the enemy and we know it. Fucking libtards.
Quite so.
I very much doubt if anyone would know nor care if the entire Green Party was liquidated overnight.
Daydreaming expensive parasites.
There are few things I’d like to see more than Caroline Lucarse meeting her fate in an industrial size liquidator.
I just looked her up on Wikipedia and it would appear that she arrived at the House of Lords in a curious manner. The greens were told that they could choose one of their own for a peerage and they voted for her .
This is how our democratic system works, a bunch of loons vote for a loon to sit with other loons to influence our decision making. It sounds medieval to me.
All sounds a bit loony to me Guzziguy.
For fuck sake. Hammer Horror presents……
Stupid old cunt. She’s thick and sexist as hell. This fuck gets paid out of our taxes. Wtf is going on????Choke on a lettuce leaf you hopeless old tart.
So a white man is alleged to have murdered a woman. Yes, fucking horrible and the cunt needs to be strung up. But this creates a situation where its considered acceptable to suggest all males be subject to a curfew because of the actions of one. In a perfect world we would all have the freedom to walk anywhere at any time in safety. But, being a middle aged white male, is it expected that I should be responsible for my own safety. I avoid certain areas as they are known for certain types of crime being committed on an almost daily basis by certain groups of individuals. Being a law abiding white male, it is expected that I take certain precautions about certain risks and in doing so, sacrifice certain freedoms. The fact that one of my demographic has committed this crime, it is suggested that bring part of that demographic, I should willingly give up more of my freedoms. Yet, if I dared to suggest that other groups and communities, who live in areas that are well known for certain horrific crimes on an almost daily basis, if I dare to suggest the whole of those groups be subjected to a curfew, to allow me to enjoy my freedoms and feel I can walk in those areas in safety at any time, would be deemed discriminatory?
This should also point to Suck Dick Khan and Cressila Dick. This pair of dicks have allowed violent crime to rise massively during the last three years which in itself is an amazing achievement due to the fact London has been in Lockdown for a year and crime should have fallen.
Still, your Lordship, at least we have the police to protect us when we are one our way home late at night…oh, wait…
‘On’ ffs.
My eldest daughter had her phone stolen at night in the town centre when returning home me from work. Police said by a known Romanian gang. They tried a second time during the daytime but were unsuccessful. There has been a continuing spate of similar crimes and yet the police say they know who the individuals are.
My son of my sons badminton coach was attacked by a gang of Eastern European’s whilst waiting for a taxi at night, also in Ipswich town centre. He managed to escape, they succeeded in stealing only his shoes.
I for one would not now consider walking through the town centre at night, a haven for easy pickings of locals by groups of people who quite simply shouldn’t be here.
BBC Radio 4 Today Programme made a right boo-boo yesterday morning by inviting the wrong type of commentator (i.e. one with common sense) to discuss this latest outburst of hysteria.
From a subsequent newspaper report:
‘A University of Kent professor has sparked outrage on BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme this morning.
‘Marian Fitzgerald, a visiting professor of criminology, claimed the risk of women being killed by someone they don’t know is “rare” and that men are far more likely to be murdered than women.
‘In an interview with presenter Nick Robinson, she said: “The fear is real and it’s always heightened when something major like this is in the news. That doesn’t mean to say the risk has changed, it hasn’t changed much over many years.
“Women account for about a third of all murders, and men are far more likely to be murdered by someone they don’t know, to be murdered in public places, and that hasn’t changed.”
‘The academic also said women “should not pander to stereotypes and get hysterical.”‘
(I could hardly believe my ears! Cue Twitterstorm:)
‘Her comments have been met with outrage, including from author Catherine Mayer, who posted: “Unbelievable and all too believable. @BBCr4today has given a platform to a criminologist called Prof Marian FitzGerald to tell women not to “pander to stereotypes and get hysterical” about #SarahEverard and endemic violence against women. This is extraordinarily irresponsible.”‘
Get to fuck, bitches.
“This is extraordinarily irresponsible.”
I agree. All women should therefore stay at home after 6pm. And the ugly bitch in the caption should never leave the house at all.
Indeed. Plenty of outrage but not one cunt could refute the facts I noticed.
I’ve just been on the Office for National Statistics website where they give the homicide facts for 2020:
72% of deaths were male, the rest female.
ONS goes on to say that the majority of female victims were killed by a partner or family member. Staggeringly the highest number of deaths is in the age group of under 1 year of age then it is the 16-24 year olds.
We now seem to live in in a world where giving facts is ‘irresponsible’.
I haven’t heard any politicians talking about the high number of young people stabbing each other and the high number of people killing infants.
Now demented old Welsh Windbag Mark Drakeford, has jumped on the sisterhoods bandwagon (though he looks like a pre-op trannie anyway):
It seems to me these idiots (especially the Labour ones) go over the top more often than the World War 1 troops. You also get the sense of crocodile tears and who comes up with the most outrageous idea to get publicity, and get ost column inches.
Incredible. It’s like virtue signalling for crusty politicians hoping to get a seat at Bilderberg or some other noncy elite get together, by showing just how much of a fucking tyrannical nazi they are prepared to be.
The only curfew needed in Wales would be for sheep on the streets after 6pm. For their own protection.
Drakeford is a fat, useless cunt.
His son is a rapist so no wonder he thinks so little of men.
Fuck plod, and that geezer met police commissioner, whatever the fuck it is, get the wooden tops out on the streets and not nicking people for offending feelings on twatter, cunts
The following is something posted by digg on
digg MARCH 11, 2021 AT 7:11 PM
A bit off topic but like many others on here just had our County Council Tax Demand.
The police component seems to have mushroomed quite a bit but there is an interesting explainer leaflet giving stats of police engagement to show how busy they have been.
I will make no comment but it is eye opener as below:
108 domestic abuse incidents
51 violent crimes
28 missing people
9 child abuse crimes
24 stop and searches
1157 101 calls
697 999 calls
101 arrests
19,642 COVID related incidents
27,642 Facebook engagements
Talk about going for the low hanging fruit!
The Green Party in a nut(case)shell.
Posh privileged pricks without a clue.
Turn the old airship hangers at Cardington into giant ovens for them all…
This is winding me up and I was also watching Al Beeby lefty question time last night where this kind of came up.
When I go cycling I do not wear clothing so tight that is shows how big my John Thomas is (yeah right) or how long by butt crack is.
There is absolutely no excuse for attacking females and anyone doing so should be castrated and I agree you should wear what you like when in public – we are in a democracy after all, or are we?
However, and the next cunting entitled The Golden Globes also goes into this a little. I see all too often women wondering around with their juggs half hanging out or leggings so tight you can see what they had for dinner the previous evening – if I were to dress like this I think someone would have a word for indecent exposure – non?
Normally it is only the ladies that have such fine figures that do this – “oh look at me, aren’t I fit”. Is this a subconscious way of them advertising themselves, a confidence issue or part of the ‘Instagram’ wannbee way of living.
So this beggars the question, and should be debated. Is this because that despite the wokey cokey, snowflake culture we live in where everyone is a feminist and you can’t do this, can’t do that, men shouldn’t cat call or wolf whistle, etc. is it perhaps not (to a degree) also down to the women to be responsible for how she presents herself, thus potentially negating unwanted attention?
I need to reiterate and make clear I absolutely think attacks on females of any kind is abhorrent and this needs to be dealt with – nobody asks for this this to be brought on to them, but I also think females do need to also think about the fact that they may be part of the problem and also part of the solution.
Mr Maximus, you can’t raise such questions in woketopia. In fact in any society or era of history. Why? Because it exposes the simple honest truth that women, by and large, simply do not give a fuck about making any real effort in understanding how men function.
They’d much rather conspire with state authority to ‘ensure their safety’ than acknowledge some simple biological and psychological truths.
Of course safety doesn’t mean allowing individuals to legally possess hand guns or self defence weapons. It means using laws to restrict freedoms.
The cynic in me thinks this event is highly dubious.
But fat ugly lesbians need something to salivate at ???
Douglas Murray covers this very well in The Madness of Crowds
Women should not be permitted to be nurses because of Beverley Allitt.
Same shit this mental bitch is spouting.
Do any of you lot remember the Wild Man Fischer song ‘ Miss Jennifer Jones is Lying Dead on My Porch’ ?
“Larry’s in the bedroom, David—he’s SINGING!!”
“Larry, are you singing?”
[“The Leaves Are Falling”]
“Mother, I don’t know what he’s doing but he’s not singing.”
R.I.P. Wild Man Fischer
I like this, it just proves how demented the greenies are, a total waste of space. Still they take votes off Kneel Smarmers bunch of cunts.
With the 6pm curfew, will the Trannies have to do a quick costume change at 5.45 to get the frock on a bit of lippy and a wig in order to avoid the curfew?
They can then claim exemption as they are a lady.
I would do that if it meant I needed to leave the house after 6pm.
6’1″ tall and built like abrick shithouse. Hairy hands like shovels and deep voice “I am a lady, Constable, and just you jolly well know that”.
I think Warren Zevon’s Werewolves of London record describes my look rather too well, but I’m don’t usually run amok in Kent.
There’s something not quite right about this case. We are told that this bird walked across Clapham Common. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, goes across the Common after dark. It is crawling with arse bandits, druggies and other assorted degenerates. I might risk it if I was armed with a semi automatic weapon and a spare clip of ammunition. Also why is she walking all the way to Brixton from where she was? There are plenty of buses along that route, why take a long walk in the dark down empty side streets? Why is the body described as “remains” and still unidentified ? Who is this woman who was arrested? There’s something very odd about the whole thing.
You’re definitely not alone with that feeling. We’ve had the media hijacked all of a sudden by Smeghan sparkletits and now this story.
“Look, over here!”. Meanwhile, over there..
I am a man and there is no way I would walk through Clapham or Brixton when dark.Not that I am blaming her at all but the idea women are the only ones worried about walking at night in certain areas is bollocks.If I was walking in Brixton I would be concerned about getting stabbed mugged and bummed.
Had this regrettable murder happened to some chav bint, or the murderer was black one wonders what kind of media attention we would be seeing? And would old cunts like Jones be still calling for curfews on men?
I don’t think so.
Oh, and what if the murderer turned out to be a woman?
Same fuss I wonder?
Good point, Techno. I’ve seen lots of episodes of Law& Order SVU where it turns out to be the suspect’s female partner, and those episodes sre “Ripped from the Headlines”, so are almost certainly true.
If it was a black lad that was stabbed then it would hardly have hit the news. Black Lives don’t matter in the black community as they stab each other all the time.
The two dicks, Suck and Cressida don’t give a fuck about knife crime in London unless it really hits the headlines like this case. Bit embarrassing as it seems to had been committed by one of their own.
White Middle Class Women’s Lives Matter
Shall we all bend knees?
I ain’t taking the knee and going down on that old Cunt Techno.
The cheese , fudge , assorted wild insects not to mention the stench must be vomit inducing.
Don’t forget, they are organising a march for this, take back the streets apparently.
The street were lost years ago to assorted Eastern Europeans, Africans, Asians and white degenerates and drunks…also the roads round here resemble a race track sponsored buy VW and Aldi if you dare to leave the local safe area.
This seems to have taken over from candlelit masses singing awful pop songs which are no banned under the BorisHancock corrupt paramilitary junta.
A young woman disappeared in York a few years ago.Never found. A student was raped and murdered in Hull last year. Women go missing or are killed from time to time. Sad but true. However the outrage is amplified when London is affected. Especially when the harridans of the woke are involved.
Where is the outrage at daily stabbings and shootings of young men, mainly black, in that same city? None, except to say stop and search is racist, innit.
If Dame Cressida Dickhead was my boss I would doubtless be driven to murder.
The Met is coming in for criticism yet again with regard to this case. Will the buck stop before it reaches Cressida Dick’s desk?
It is Her Holliness the Right Honorable Cressida Strapon you bigot.
I find it hard to fathom how complete Nutters like this old witch are in positions of power . What must they think of us abroad ?
She’s fucking bat crazy.
Co-cunt sorry co-leader of the Green Party Jonathan Bartley has defended Baronness Jones stating she is “brave” as well as ” a very impressive person” and we are all wilfully distorting her comments.
This guy is such a pussy.I always think of this song when I see him.What a sad little cunt he is
Being a simp for some composting pussy, belonging to demented man hating feminazi eco-loonies.
Paying £5 for a scouse escort with several sti’s and a portable cheese factory would be more honourable. What a stupid cunt.