Anne Marie-Slaughter is a cunt. This woke “international ” Lawyer, political “scientist” (it’s not science) and public commentator (Princeton and Oxford naturally), or in other words a cunt thinks the US should have a foreign policy based on racial equity. In other words bomb brown people in Syria then bomb white people somewhere else, presumably Serbia or maybe London. What a cunt. Fuck the US until Trump gets back in. I’d much rather have Pooen in charge.
Nominated by: Smug cunt
US is fucked. Whilst China is learning and expanding into other cuntries seas. The US military are working on trans rights and uniforms for pregnant “people”. I hate chinese food so I will be fucked also. Trump will not get in, 100 million spics will vote against him.
Biden has vowed to can the ‘America First’ policies of Trump. This does beg the question how the fuck did the Demonrats manage to sneak into power without some ‘help’.
Surely the majority of Americans are really not that stupid?
Yes, the Chinese must be cocking themselves with laughter at how the American left is now eating itself and will have their sights on the good ol’ US of A. Unless Putin gets there first…
If Biden bombs the Chinks… does that mean he then has to bomb black, brown and white countries to make his action equitable?
Be cool if he bombed Russia then Pakistan and Nigeria, hur hur…
By her same logic of “racial equity” we should be illegally emigrating en masse to Parkistan and other dusky regions of the world, opening fish and chip shops, grooming the native females, refusing to integrate and constantly moan about “waycism, innit?”
I thought not. Cunt.
What in the name of fuck can a policy based on racial equity actuially mean? I read through the link and this woman has no idea other than a posture. ‘Racial equality at home.’
Perhaps she should look at America’s opponents and identify which of them is more equal than the USA.
Civilisation is fucked if this is intellectual debate.
Start by bombing the universities, you could probably stop there as well.
Another cunting is in order for the insufferable cunt Kate Garrawy(goaway). Now the horse face freak has made a documentary about long suffering hubby.
Not happy with getting air time every fucking week she’s off again with said doc.
Strange how she seems to think she’s the only one affected by the wuhan flu
We musn’t be nasty ro Kate’s hubby, Derek Draper, who started off Labour LIst all those years ago, and has been the cause of much hilarity since. He has become the Max Miller of political comedy – or was. He got sacked over some scandal involving Mandy or som other arsehole.
Great. Another pseudo-intellectual cunt who thinks her shit doesn’t stink. Arrogant cunts like this can fuck off to whereverstan to preach this equality bullshit where it’s most needed.
Stupid educated twat!
It’s beyond comprehension to me how a supposed academic could produce such a brain dead notion.
How is it supposed to work? If the US (or Britain and France for that matter) decide to bomb some dusky region (and they usually try and avoid civilian targets) how do we then select a white nation for “racial equity”. Perhaps the UN draws names from a hat? In which case poor Belgium could get a pasting. Maybe it’s not such a bad idea after all?
The woke mindset baffles me every time. This dumb-fuck academic has forgotten the basic moral concept that two wrongs don’t make a right.
However, an image search against this loon shows that she’s a pretty fit MILF, high up on the fuckability spectrum. No doubt she’s a carpet-muncher.
In any event she’s still a cunt trumpet.
My undergrad is in politics (as is the Masters I’m currently studying) and this whole classification of it as a ‘science’ has always bugged me. It’s one of those things my lecturers keep repeating to try and make themselves seem more important. That topic really needs a cunting in its own right.
“…this whole classification of it as a ‘science’ has always bugged me.”
And so it should General; science is based on the exchange of verifiable truths and objective facts. Politics pivots around subjective interpretations of half truths and avoids verifiable facts at all costs.
If she wants to even out the bombing campaigns, and make sure they bomb the relevant quota of caucasians, she should have a word with Uncle Joe and suggest they support the IRA in bombing Brussels. He’d go for that – much more proactive than merely supporting NORAID.
I’d settle for Belgium every time, with particular emphasis on the Brussels Islamic terrorist districts of Molenbeek and Schaerbeek.
Cunts like this sit drinking tea in their cardies pondering their next Woke master stroke to either garner popularity or another research grant.
What they try not to ever think about is the very certain fact that the Russians and the Chinese would burn their houses to the ground and send the cunts down a uranium mine given even half a chance.
Fucking cretins.
American lady academics infest Wireless 4 most days – you’d be forgiven for thinking it is the ABC sometimes. NO doubt they will sign this daft tart up prompto if they haven’t done so already.
I still want to know why dirty old man Biden wants to have a 14 year old schoolgirl to “advise” him……
Bring your daughter
To the slaughter…
Im with Anne Marie, more Bombing less talking.
Bombs cost a lot of money and have a ‘best before’ date.
So not to be racist bomb
The Russian whiteys
Yellow chinkys
Black somalia
And brown Rochdale.
Everyone gets some!!
Oh and Brighton and Islington so the bandits aren’t missing out.????
Bombs not vaccines!
I’m not too worried if Brighton.gets smashed up.
Give Fenton Fistula a few days to relocate.
This is how it ends up when uppity birds don’t get enough cock!
How the fuck do these clowns even get a stage to spout their nonsense?
Never heard of her but she looks like one therefore that’s good enough for me way I feel right now .. She’s a cunt.
Is race all these fuckwits ever think about?
Uncle Sam is as fucked as we are, if not more…
Her hand looks like she’s stolen it from a dead man and stuck it on with pritt stick, the cunt.