African Charity Ads

Those people who make the ‘African water shortage adverts’ are cunts.

Oh, this girl walks 3 miles to get this dirty water, and 800 kids a day die from it. Bullshit! 800 kids a DAY? There’d be none left after a few months then.

Plus, if that water is that bad, how come the girl is ALIVE to collect it in the first place?

Plus, they may be starving too, that’s the other one. ‘Oh, I have no food, and you don’t either darling wife. What should we do? Oh I know, lets have a child!’ Fucking ridiculous.

And I guess we can throw in the ‘this 11 year old girl is being forced into marriage’ adverts in here too. Firstly, why don’t they refuse? Secondly, is it illegal wherever they are to marry someone that young? And thirdly, why is it OUR job to sort it out?

Fuck the water crap, its a lie. Fuck the starving people who bring a kid into a bad situation. And if you want to stop the child marriage, legal or not, shoot the first 30 cunts that try it and the rest may think twice! But don’t bombard me with your endless fucking adverts about it, especially as we have our own problems especially with covid.

Nominated by: DiabloLordOfTerror

77 thoughts on “African Charity Ads

  1. A bit harsh. I prefer to follow the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and show some compassion to those less fortunate. Admittedly it would help if I were stinking rich for sitting on my arse like that pair of cunts.

  2. Machine gunning them would sort it.
    Or sending fat boy Lammy over to eat them.
    My sympathy for anything for anything African has long, long gone.
    Let Lenny Henry sort the fuckers out.

  3. For anything for anything?
    I am clearly feeling doubly benevolent this fine morn! ?
    Time for a bike ride.

  4. To be fair to the children, they didn’t ask to be born into a life of malnutrition and hunger. The problem in Africa, as we all know to well, is one of birth control.

    A solution to this cyclical problem would be to set up sterilisation clinics across Africa. Ntembe’s bollocks in exchange for a large sack of rice and a large IBC of clean water. This will have the problem licked in masterstroke.

  5. Africa is a complete dump full of savages.
    All the money in the world can’t fix stupid barbaric cunts.
    Fuck them all.

  6. I’m white and am told that I am not needed so I ignore shite like this. Not that I have ever voluntarily given a penny to the petri dish of barbarous refuse known as africa.

    I honesty, truly couldn’t give a tuppenny fuck.

  7. If you have to walk 6 hours a day to fetch water then the sensible thing to do is build your mud hut a bit closer.
    It’s not like these cunts have mortgages.

  8. There was one the other night for Sooty whelps with Cleft Palates….put me and the Hounds right off our pork chops…well,it didn’t really..we managed to soldier on while thinking to ourselves ” Ugly little Fuckers….if I had a lamb born that way,I’d tap it on the head”….still,I suppose the cleft palate’ll make them slightly less tempting as a future bride…every cloud has a silver-lining.

    • These ads fill me with compassion for our africunt brothers.
      Truly heartwrenching.☹️
      Ive sent them photos of me swimming, drinking fresh clean spring water, eating a large roast dinner, give them something to aspire to.
      As for the cleft palate ones,
      They turn my guts!
      Reminds me of Andy Burnham.

      • Couldn’t top those charity Fuckers sending Dawn French to show the Starvin’ Sooties what gobbling 18 square meals a day’ll do for you.

        A masterful act of “Take that,you Hungry Haramabays” by someone worthy of this site.


      • Morning Dick,
        Feeling much better this morning since the NHS tried to murder me with their vaccine at weekend.
        Luckily the nurse was whitey!
        If shed been a africunt I honestly wouldn’t have had it.

      • My nearest vaccine place is an hour and a half away in some part of Sunderland that I don’t know…they can Fuck Off until there’s somewhere nearer. There’s a perfectly good hospital 40 odd minutes away where they were injecting people…I’ll wait ’til they offer me that. If they don’t they can keep it.

  9. Same old shit year in year out, and there never seems to be the remotest bit of progress.

    Of course the biggest elephant in the room (no, not Flabbott this time), is never mentioned because that would be deemed offensive and demeaning. But continuing to have kids despite appalling conditions isn’t going to help anyone, especially the environment, which cunts like Greta keep banging on about (but only in the First World never the Third)

    And as others have said – whitey money is no longer needed. So that’s fine with me.

    In the words of B&WC – go fuck yourselves (and clearly they are!)

    • I believe aid to Africa is now well into the second TRILLION of Pounds. And sentiments here are correct – FUCK ALL has happened with it. Things have certainly NOT improved at all – in fact in Southern Africa, they are getting worse, ‘cos the blacks think they know better.
      Fuck ’em all. (I’ve NEVER given ANYTHING and am very proud to have done so!)

  10. If I was actually in Africa and came across one of these poor kids I would give him a few quid out of my pocket no problem. That’s the only way I could ensure that some slimeball cunt hadn’t intercepted my donation and spent it on whores.
    Call me Mr Cynical if you like, don’t give a fuck.

  11. Have relatives that lived in Africa. According to my brother in law, they have so many kids as they view them as potential earners. The kids can go and beg/work. If you have 9 then 3 or 4 of them may bring income in. There is no sense in how you will feed them and how they cost. Also of course contraception is taboo.
    Personally I’d like to forget about Africa. It’s a hopeless case, but of course too many Charities creating jobs out of it.
    Africa is all Whitey’s fault of course. Like everything else.

    • Instead, they come over here and adopt the same principles – have loads of kids, but they don’t have to beg because they have the Taxpayer will see to all that.

  12. Why doesn’t Lenny Henry, Stormzy, Lammy, and other rich celeb cunts (especially in Hollywood such as Tom Hanks, Oprah Wankfrey etc) adopt a few hundred starving African “brothers and sisters” and have them stay in their huge mansions for a few years?

  13. Like all these charities very little of the money gets to the intended whelps. Most of it goes to pay for tv advertising and fat cat salaries, pensions and benefits for the bosses that run the charities. The best help these places can get is birth control. Maybe we should be collecting all the old used condoms at Portsmouth docks – plenty of them there- refurbishing them and sending those over.

    • Why waste money refurbishing them? If the cunts will drink water with piss, shit, insects and fuck only knows what else in it then surely jamming on a rubber full of somebody else’s batter in it shouldn’t present any problems?

      • Indeed I think you are right Moggie. Your contribution to this problem will save thousands of African lives by preventing them from being born in the first place.

  14. Its all bollocks.
    Nowt wrong with that water!
    Fresh, sparkling clean spring water, they add the buffalo piss and parasites to suit the african palate,
    Cleft palate,
    Like posh cunts sometimes add a slice of lemon to tea.
    Just a matter of cultural taste.
    These charities are pocketing the donations off the gullible and using it for wages.
    What africunts would really like donated is shower gel.

  15. Africa is where mankind began, so you would think that they would have a huge head start on the rest of the world. But of course, they don’t.
    They are unable to feed themselves or to build a health care system.
    They are perpetually at war with each other and cannot live in coherent societies.
    They can neither feed themselves or find clean water to drink.
    Their work ethic is abysmal.
    They can’t build more than a rudimentary tourist industry despite their natural resources.
    They can’t even sing or dance, preferring to jump around their camp fires chanting.
    And they can’t handle the most basic of human functions, that of reproduction, with any responsibility.
    And all this after receiving hundreds of billions in aid over the decades.
    Fuck them.

  16. I very much enjoy the puffed faces and shrill woke whining of chuggers when I say, it’s the Africunts fault for leaving the Empire.

    • True. If we were running Africa they wouldn’t have these problems. Instead they’ve got the Chinkies so their troubles are just beginning. Good luck with those commie bastards.

    • I agree but that’s a bit much to ask.

      As I said above we need a campaign to send them used condoms from Portsmouth Docks and other places. Birth control is the answer.

      I suggest that some of these fat cunt charity bosses get of their butts and drive down to Portsmouth in their company Mercedes to collect them.

      This could be combined with an international tv campaign to get people to post their used condoms to Africa. The TV ads could be fronted by some international celebrities like Meghan Markle or Ian Beale from Eastenders. This should only cost a few million.

      True the condoms might be a bit stretched and soggy. But as we know from Pornhub the average African schlong is about 4 times the size of a Western one so they should be a tight fit.

      Who says ISAC is incapable of making a major contribution to eradicating African poverty.

  17. That charity who were employing high noons could sort them out, can’t recall which one was employing known sex offenders but it was a very famous one.

    Oh wait a min, it was Oxfam…….how could I forget.

    Wherever there’s free money sloshing around you’ll find cunts and deviants..chief execs on 400k, marketing directors, diversity managers etc and a whole heap of made up jobs to cream off the cash people give in honesty.

    These charities make me want to vomit.

  18. I remember as a kid in the early 60’s it was the starving in Biafra . 50 odd years later and it’s still happening. We will be propping up these cunts forever more.

    I only care about my family and friends, Fuck everyone else
    Good morning all.

  19. I’m lookng forward to St Chiggun Of Floyd the George’s family making a small donation out of their $27 million.

  20. A worthy cunting and one that bugs the shit out of me, the guilt ads,
    Do you care about this donkey, 3 quid a month helps keep him alive longer, so his muzzy master can keep on abusing him, because the are cruel stupid
    Mwambes eye lashes are growing inwards 2 quid a month so the guy with the steel and gold Patec Pillippe watch the costs upwards of 50k can help him.
    Rishi is going to be made to sleep with older men, she, s growing up in a land were raping small kids is concidered OK, 2 quid a month isn’t going to make a difference, maybe she is safer married.
    Donate 4 quid a month for little blind clair to have a cuddly guide dog, why the fuck is this girl wearing glasses if she is blind
    5 quid a month for rice in Uganda, the local warlord will be able to get lots of shiny new AK47, s.
    5 quid will help take water to villages in Africa, they will just weigh in the pipes, TIA this is Africa matey.
    3 quid a week will help homeless kids in Mumbie, no it fucking won’t, castration in Mumbie is what’s required, in the shit and yet still breed like fucking rats good plan dick heads.
    5 quid a month for the victims of the huricain in Hiati will allow us to send a load of weirdo, s and pedo, s there cuz that’s just what they need.
    My favourite is Christmas’s 20 quid a month for homeless layabout wasters, who have fucked up their lives due to drugs, or the fact they are so cunts it’s easier to beg, and some of these bags of shit earn more doing this than I do…. Happy fucking xmass…
    The puppies being rescued by the RSPCA, I have a rescue dog, if they cracked down on people breeding the next batch of trendy puppies, oh and fucking pikeys that would make a huge difference.
    I am sick of begging ads., I wonder how much of the money actually gets to the end user, because with these charities, charity really does start at home for them, anything left over may find its way to little unbongo…. No hang on he died 5 years ago when this particular begging ad started…. Cunts they are, money making scam artists….

  21. Sports on. I’m fucking sick of cleft palate ads or dirty drinking water or she wants to be a doctor so give money to help her so she doesn’t need to marry some bloke. How about the FGM ones? Give more money to stop this. How exactly will my money stop it? Oh it won’t some cunt will squirrel it away in a swiss bank account. Fuck off.

  22. If a charity has money for tv advertising, it’s got too much money.
    It’ll also have execs on six figure salaries driving company Mercedes.
    Geldof said “give us your fucking money” but Lenny says they don’t want it. I’m confused.
    Anyway. Give me a good old sanitary towel advert any day. At least you get to see some arse and gusset.

    • Yep, how these cunts can try and guilt trip me while paying out massive salaries is sickening.

  23. Regardless of drought, famine, war, pestilence, disease and flood, these cunts manage to knock out an ever increasing amount of brats.
    As I type, there is some bleck cunt on Sky News,whining that we should be shipping loads of vaccine to Rhodesia, free gratis, of course.
    Fuck off ! You cunt, you’ve turned a productive country into a basket case, murdered god knows how many white folk,now you’re out with the begging bowl, again.
    I couldn’t give two fucks.
    Get To Fuck.

    • Where the fuck is China in all of this?

      They started this shitfest, so you would think they would be helping the world with shipping out their own vaccines rather than having countries like Britain continually bailing out everyone else even though we ourselves are in a world of financial shit!

  24. You only have to do a quick Google search to find how much the CEOs and other board-level suits working for these charities actually earn. And we’re not talking just minimum wage, but salaries into the hundreds of thousands!

    As much as I despise the PM, I think he “only” earns around £160k. Which, to you and me, is a lot of taxpayer’s money. And yet he is running the country and getting loads of grief and aggro for nearly every decision he makes 24/7

    Compare and contrast him to some of the CEOs of charity organisations – how they can justify earning what they earn just for coming out with the same old tired campaigns is beyond my comprehension! Moreover, you would think these cunts would show a bit of charity of their own and give away 70% of that salary to the very same crusades they want everyone else to chip into (and when I say 70% I don’t mean via some dodgy tax loophole either)

    But of course they won’t. And they never really explain exactly where all that donated money goes, or even if they do provide a breakdown I would never believe the actual figures. I would have hoped for every £1 donated at least 80p of it goes to the people who need it. But I doubt if its more than 50p!

    But it doesn’t matter because its all our fault anyway.

  25. Europeans should never have ventured south of the Sahara Desert, landed on the west coast of Africa or ventured north of the Cape Colony. We should have left the black Africans to their own devices.

    Aside from having no technological marvels from the white man and no modern medical care, the other problem is that they would not have access to cooking oil (I assume they did not invent it themselves) and therefore would not be able to eat fried chiggun.

  26. Thomas Malthus pointed out why shit like this simply cannot work, but that was only two centuries ago, so you can’t expect the information to have penetrated the thick craniums of the do-gooders as yet.

    But if we really must ‘think of the children’ perhaps we might note that a lot of them have names of Arabic origin, and therefore it might be incumbent upon some of their fellow adherents of the peaceful religion – like, say, a Saudi prince or two – to take time off from shaging Lindsey Lohan and pissing money away on the half-trillion dollar white elephant Neom in order to toss a few shekels their way?

  27. I thought that scruffy irish cunt Geldof had sorted all these cunts out- so where’s all the money gone then?
    Couldn’t give a monkey’s anyway…….

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