“Adult babies”, “MAPS” and “furries”

“Adult babies” and “furries” – or what we used to call “nonces” and “Fido fuckers” – are thoroughly deserving recipients of a cunting. Don’t look it up unless you want to be reacquainted with your breakfast.

Basically adult babies or “ABDLs” like to put on dummies and industrial sized Pampers, piss and shit in them and then get other, er, “hobbyists” to hose them down and apply talcum powder. They play with baby toys and pretend to be babies whilst taking each other up the Oxo tower.

Furries, well, similar story, except they have a ‘fursona’ – Jesus fucking Christ – involving dressing up as, and pretending to be, animals. Think Gordon the Gopher or with comedy tits or giant furry bollocks. They even wear tails and fuck about on the floor chewing toys and eating Schmackos.

You can even be both, some of these degenerates get their pecker up at the thought of Spit the Dog wearing a shit-encrusted nappy.

I’m as open minded as the next cunter, we all have our sexual idiosyncrasies I’m sure, but how fucking depraved or mentally ill do you have to be to want to fuck a grown adult in a babygrow who’s covered in piss and shit, or strum off a bloke in a fucking fox suit? The fuckers do it because it’s rightly illegal to interfere with children or animals so they act up their vile fantasies with each other, and we’re supposed to accept them as part of the LGBTFUCKOFF community.

And you can’t call them ‘nonces’, they’re ‘MAPs’ or minor attracted people now. (https://childrenofthedigitalage.org/rebranding-paedophilia/)

Send the skanky fuckers a one way ticket to Dignitas now.

Nominated by: Gloria Stitz 

(Note for ISAC noobs: “noncies” and its derivatives, will probably end up in the MQ. So improvise where possible. Oh, and anyone condoning MAPs or paedophilia on here will be banned! – DA)

58 thoughts on ““Adult babies”, “MAPS” and “furries”

  1. Bolt gun
    6 foot deep hole
    Cover over with soil

    Best way to deal with these sick cunts!!!?
    But the loony left would cry homophobia, the left always destroys itself from within, Brasseye predicted this, and it’s very scary indeed!!!!

  2. Pædoës and groomërs are dangerous whether they’re wearing nappies on their head or their arse.

    • You’re going to need a fucking big oven, if that photo is anything to go by.

  3. Remove them from society once diagnosed whether they’re guilty of an offence or not (better to prevent a child have a lifetime scaring memory). Recoup the cost to the taxpayer by leasing them out for medical research.

  4. All adult babies and ‘MAPs’ should be dead. Totally exterminated. No arguments.

    I also wonder when the ‘M’ in MAP will be added to the LGBTQ tag?
    Very soon, I’d say. Especially if the ‘Beeb’ and Grauniad have anything to do with it.

      • And they’ll probably add another colour to their ‘rainbow’ for these sick dirty cunts. Mark my words, it’ll be out in the open ‘MAP Pride’ events in a few years time. ‘And now on BBC 5, our season of MAP Britannia continues’.

        Seriously, would you put it past them? Because I wouldn’t.

      • I remember PIE. And how it was done. Going back in history , the Roman Empire,
        for examples of this ‘noble’ love. The most noble because it was the ‘love’ of innocence. All ethereal kind of drawings… cradling the child…
        Like or similiar I’ve got to say to the high flown language of Oscsr Wilde and ‘my own darling boy…’,(to Bosie). He used that argument in the famous court case.

      • MAP! psshhhh, lest we forget how senior Labour figures promoted PIE!

        Oh the guardian and the Left would love to put the ‘P’ on the end of the alphabet!

      • Bosie wasn’t a child when he met Wilde, he was over 21, ffs!

        Anyone who thinks paèdôphilia will ever be made legal in this country is nuts. Whatever we thinks of these “adult babies”, etc, they are consenting adults which is the bottom line.

  5. This country is becoming more decadent by the day. Mass insanity seems to be the order of the day. It only goes to prove that care in the community doesn’t work, and they need to reopen Colney Hatch and other institutions. Bring back straightjackets.

  6. One can hear some excuses machine Beeb or Guardian leftist lickarse now:

    ‘But… But… It’s a life choice. It’s up to them how they want to live’.

    Yeah… That’s what they used to say about a certain Mr Savile. He’s a bit eccentric, but harmless. And we all know how that turned out.

  7. Thrash them with a big stick till they scream for mercy, then thrash them a bit more.

    • The Singaporean police wouldn’t put up with this diseased fuckwittery. Fifty strokes of hard as fuck Rangoon cane administered by a fit as fuck little Changi ninja cunt, they’ll stop loving it after five, the meat will be pouring out the cuts at 30.

  8. I’m with the Muslims when it comes to these freaks. Tall building and a bit of gravity. Job done.

  9. Add ‘Bronies’ to this list as well; grown men who watch my little pony and fuck soft toys of horses. Infantiliser, degenerate cunts.

    The acceptance of kiddy love is the next step for the cultural and sexual terrorists on the left.

    I feel bad for the gays as they are being lumped in with the alphabet soup.

    • The gays should say they are openly against any of these deviant cunts like MAPS and ‘Bronies’ (fucking hell). The more enemies these sickos have, the better. Both gay and straight should work to destroy these abominations.

      Mind you, all other religions should team up against the peacefuls. But they never will…

  10. Ls are being replaced by women cutting off their tits and insisting their men. Bs cannot produce a baby, just a mud pie, B are just greedy cunts, T are basically Buffalo Bill fetishising about women so much they want to wear their skin, Q etc etc etc are just cunts. Im sure paedophelia is in there somewhere. Possibly everywhere. Pissing and shitting on each other while pretending to be a baby, fucking animals and other assorted mongness shows why poofs and lezzaz need to disassociate themselves from the other alphabet people.

  11. Fucking wierdos, release the hounds,,,,,on second thoughts call em back they may get assfucked by some degenerate pervert.
    Pass me the A.K.4.7.
    People who are into wierd shit i cant understand, balloon popping, horses hooves ,manes and tails, gagging and puking, pain the list goes on and on, what the fuck is wrong with these people and thats before you get trannies, lgbtshdkfuygfngj whatever, i think they should bring back burning at the stake for some of these oddball perverted cunts….

      • I have to admit I’m laughing at the thought of people tossing off to balloons popping (if that’s what it is).

        And horses hooves an’ all. I mean, what the fuck is that?

        This country is fucked (up the arse by an AIDS badger’s bellend by the looks of things).

        Rome fell after a period of degeneracy. I think the west is on the same path.

      • Cuntybollocks@
        Ive realised im a very innocent,
        Boring type sexually!
        Balloons and dressing up as shirehorses is not my thing.
        Some peculiar folk about eh?!!

  12. Another load of sicko cunts who will no doubt be calling for special days, weeks, months, to be dedicated to their filthy practices. Fucking adult baby day parades, Christian bakers being taken to court for being unwilling to bake them cakes ‘celebrating’ their foul proclivities, Harriet Harman standing up in the Commons calling it normal and proclaiming their victimhood….

  13. I was planning to wear a hound costume to the annual “..isaCunt” fancy-dress party this year… after reading about “Furries” and knowing some of the ” ‘orny” types on this site, I may well rethink my choice.

  14. I was having a shit day until I read this. Just shows how good life is for normal people. Fucking cunts! Bet Cyril Smith was involved with this “game”. More beer!!!!.

  15. I’d pack the filthy cunts into HGV trailers and park them up on Ainsdale beach.
    I’d then settle myself down in a deckchair above the high water mark,
    enjoying some lovely ice cream, with a bevy of large breasted beauties , all wearing crotchless jodphurs.
    ?Oh I do like to be beside the seaside ?
    Do you want a flake in that ?

  16. Necrophilia, will be next on the Alphabet’s list!

    And if you take any of these cunts to task they’ll say “I’ve got mental issshooos, innit”

  17. Fucking deviants-surely that is an amercunt fetish? If it’s in the UK, then they need to be added to the “General Licence”.
    A classic hunting rifle-perhaps a lovely 1942 Lee Enfield .308? would be sporting??

  18. The wrongness runs deep..
    If I engaged in (even more) degeneracy I would not have the need to tell the world about it.

  19. I wonder if Harriet Harman is a supporter of their cause? – perhaps she could feed them PIE..

  20. Going by this post what does dogging mean then… LOL

    Talking about ‘dogs’ saw this on SKY News:


    Two thoughts here:

    Doesn’t she have enough of her own (our) money to buy one – lazy cow?
    Isn’t there more important things going on in the world right now.

    Actually third thought:

    The above doesn’t really matter. Darky Markey and Son of Hewitt’s semen will spill all on Sunday / Monday when the interview with Big Momma Opraaaah is aired. Hope the cunts all come crashing down. Maybe a nice little trip to Paris is on the cards?

    Cunting spongers all of them. I know they (allegedly) contribute to tourism but as there has been no tourism here for the last year their ‘royal list’ of taxpayers money should have been suspended this year.

    Cunty cunt fuck McCunt

    • Id not heard the term MAPs before.
      Theres a good reason kiddydiddlers are run off council estates,
      Its preying on the innocent and as a parent I totally condone violence against these evil sick fucks, upto and including murder.
      Fuck em.
      Theyre sick animals, and have given up any rights in my eyes.
      Told you about a suspected nappy dabbler getting filled in growing up on here before,
      It was more attempted murder than a good hiding.
      I saw nothing as did everyone else watching.
      Deserved it.

      10ft of hemp.

    • Haven’t they broadcast it yet? This sparkletits revealall has been the longest overhyped lead up to the actual broadcast, on the thinnest gruel of actual content, in the history of media fuckwittery.

      Brung to you by the same media who went into fuckwit meltdown over-fucking-drive 24/7/365 so far, over the wuflu.

  21. It seems the more degenerate you are the more your forced to except these Cunts..
    I would feed the fuckers into a muck spreader then scatter them over the land .

    • I’ll ‘except’ the cunt, from the human race that is. Animals to be disposed of

  22. These overgrown retards make me think of that Chelsea footballer.


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