Tracy Latham

Who the fuck is this? Well this landwhale has ‘blasted’ Boris for allowing families to have met up on Christmas Day. Tracy and her fiancee (another obese cunt) did this and four of her family, including said fat cunt fiancee, promptly snuffed it and she is of course blaming anybody but herself for her own actions.

As far as I know the honey monster didn’t force these tubs of shit to meet their family at gunpoint, and it’s well known by everyone that obesity puts you at high risk of both catching the virus and of dying ‘with it’ (whatever that means) so I’d say it’s her and her checked out beloved that are at fault. But no, it’s the bad bad Borissssss fault booooo. Yet another example of cunts exhibiting no personal responsibility for either their health or actions.

By her logic, if the honey monster went of TV and told everyone to jump off beachy head, then the two fatties would have happily taken the plunge, and any resulting splatter would not have been her fault.

Stop your fucking whining and choke down a salad you fat wanker.

Link for further reading –

Nominated by: Jonty Willis the Third 

35 thoughts on “Tracy Latham

  1. What a fat ugly monster, why are dykes always fat and ugly? The sight of these tubs of whale fat naked is a crime against humanity, trying to keep my breakfast down, blugghhhh ?

  2. I read this story and nearly cunted it myself. I also believe due to their Christmas shenanigans Her two parents died as well. In a recent picture!!! they both looked as if a light breeze on a summers day would have given them a chill that would have wiped them out.
    This is another problem with this pandemic. We seriously need to have a rethink about what healthy is. People are claiming that they have no underlying health conditions when they have a BMI of 50. These cunts think essential travel is driving 50 miles to buy Krispy Kreme donuts

    I am pleased to say There is a happy end to the story though. A go fund me sympathy page was set up and it raised just enough to send Tracy a box of quality streets and a cake. Both of which Tracy has enjoyed and she feels a bit better about it now

  3. No doubt that not seeing close family for almost a year was hard but they must have known that they themselves being obese and with elderly parents they were high risk and with the vaccine rollout just weeks away, it wasn’t worth it just for a couple of hours on Christmas Day.

  4. Could just as easily have died of a heart attack, cancer or KFC poisoning.

    This is just another way to die that’s in vouge at the moment but hopefully Boris will soon have to move onto suicide, mass unemployment and other jolly things coming our way.

  5. Although I have no sympathy with her,perhaps she has a bit of a point.

    Johnson shouldn’t have given the impression that “Covid will take a few days off at Christmas”….it just encouraged the “close families” to take a risk. There’s an old fella in my village who has spent months isolating while apparently wailing to everyone that he “couldn’t stand not seeing the grandbairns”…he too was suitably emboldened to let them visit at Christmas…he is alright but why bother isolating for so long and then decide that “Fuck it,it’s Christmas……the Covid won’t get me on a holiday”?

    Again,it comes down to either have an effective “lockdown” or fucking don’t bother at all.

    • I’ll agree on this, as much as they shouldn’t blame Boris for their own actions. Boris should not have allowed gatherings over Xmas. It made a mockery of the whole lockdown, a risk really not worth taking. It gave people desperate to see family justification for spreading the virus around. And whilst him and his government will have only seen it as one day, it’s meant that after the fact more and more people are just disregarding any distancing rules. Give them an inch.

      • Aye…people should take more responsibility for their own actions….but we all know that they wont. I suppose Johnson was caught between a rock and a hard place….if he’d said “no” he’d have been a Cunt for “keeping families apart at Christmas”.


      • To be fair to Boris, he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Had he’d imposed a total lockdown over Christmas, many people would have flouted it, knowing better etc.

        It is unfortunate for this family, but it is now well-known that Covid 19 is lethal for the elderly and the obese. I can’t see how Boris is to blame.

    • Tracy@
      Look at it this way,
      This Christmas there’ll be more room round the table.

      • A LOT more room….

        Chubsters have got to learn this is not a good time for them….but if you watch TV it’s nearly wall to wall adverts for shitty junk food being delivered directly to your sty….I expect they would shove it through the window if you asked so you could eat the muck off the floor.

      • Bet the fat Sow cooks just as much food next Christmas…we’ll probably read about her bursting after consuming an entire turkey and all the trimmings in one sitting….as a “tribute to my lost Angles who have so unfairly crossed over the rainbow bridge”

    • Good point and well made.

      The other thing that didn’t help is Boris saying “you can meet for several days” then cutting back to one. Constantly changing the rules, sometimes daily (and this still goes on). This makes it look as if the Government don’t have a clue what to do (c Brian Connolly ?) and, I’m sure, makes a lot of people more inclined to ignore the risk. As for Boris’ “two stooges” they have got about as much credibility as Statler & Waldorf. Is it any wonder people ignore their advice?!

  6. This is where I have a massive problem with these fat cunts also saying, accept me for who I am, big can be beautiful. No, big can be heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, myocardial infarction……..the fact you think you look ‘beautiful’ resembling a bean bag in a bikini, doesn’t excuse the fact that you’re a ticking time bomb. I presume Boris also made you a fat cunt because he allowed takeaways to stay open? I maintain that you should not be allowed treatment on the NHS if you’re a fat fucker. It’s not a lifestyle choice, it’s self harm or in these fat, irresponsible cunts case, suicide.

    • No, I thought that at first. Look like a pair of tennis lovers but it is a male/female combination. Fat fuckers regardless.

      • Ughh, you just brought back the repressed memory of the first porn video I saw, the 1980’s classic “Fat fuckers”. Watch it at your own peril, it’s fucking vile. Still it probably kept a lot of flour millers and broomstick makers employed.

  7. After a year of Chy-na Flu only a fucking hermit would be oblivious to the risk factors and other implications.

    What a barrow full of deep fried shite.

  8. Boris is a cunt but he’s not responsible for the decisions of individuals. If you’re not smart enough to understand that although the government eased the rules the risks were still the same you’re not fit to be managing your own life.

    How the hell did people make any decisions before 24 hour news and the internet?

    • People have lost their ability to take responsibility for their own self preservation. ‘Health and safety gone mad’ is to blame. I think it was Jeremiah of the Clarkson cunt who said that roads aren’t made safer by seatbelts, speed cameras, traffic cops etc. We could immediately make roads safer by placing a giant spike on everyone’s steering wheel, no one would speed/crash ever again. It may be a ludicrous analogy, but people constantly rely on someone else to tell them what is and isn’t safe. We live in a world where people injure themselves doing idiotic shit, and then blame anyone and everyone by claiming “well no one warned me I might get hurt”.

  9. Successive governments having successfully watched over the creation of generations of uneducated, shite TV viewing fuckwits this is one of the results.
    Until and unless mouth breathers like these lumpy oxygen thieves start thinking for themselves instead of impersonating a dinghy nog by expecting free stuff and not taking responsibility for themselves, this shall continue.
    The end.
    Fuck ’em.

  10. They’re playing the Blame Game card, in just the same way BLM wokes play the Race Card, Wimminz play the Sexism Card, and Transformers play the Transphobic card.

    Everyone seems to have a fucking card apart from responsible, tax-paying, law-abiding indigenous. mostly white, cunts such as ourselves on here!

    It’s a fucking disgrace

  11. The Family members died of cannibalism after hogzilla mistook them for a snack.
    If there are underlying medical issues fair enough, but being the size of a County ain’t good for anyone – and viruses take the weakest and most vulnerable.
    Life expectancy is 50% genetics and 50% lifestyle – one we cannot influence, one we can.
    And fk me it’s started snowing again – I was like Scott of the antarctic goose stepping round the nature reserve last night!

  12. If you can’t see your feet it’s not the Government’s fault it’s yours you fat cunt.

    I drink like a fucking fish on stag do – occasionally I look at my gut and ease off for a while – not fucking rocket science is it ? Unless you are a cunt.

    A good cunting by the way !

  13. It wouldn’t have made any difference if Boris has said no one can meet at Christmas because no one would have taken any notice, including this lard ass.

    Perhaps if they had been more careful whichever one of the cunts was infected first they would have got chinky flu in the first place.

  14. I don’t want to mock her losing four relatives but meeting up for chrimbo was a risk with the Kent variant. My family couldn’t because somebody let someone in their house just 4 days before Christmas day!

    I usually stay quiet on covid because it’s a new disease and the data keeps coming in. All I know is that i’m in the cripple bubble (Clinically Extremely vulnerable) and have to weigh up the arguments for lockdown and the arguments for freedom as they arise.

    PS I have had my first vaccination and awaiting orders from Bill Gates.

    ‘Fire at will’

    What? Oh he’s watching Star Trek or something.

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