Tolerance and Diversity

I am pretty sure I am not alone on here in my tolerance and support for all things diverse, up to a point.

How thrilled I was to discover on the B(LM)BC webshite that it’s LGBT+ Fucking history day, no, week no, all fucking Month for fuck’s sake!

Oh come on! There’s a whole section of the cunts on coming out and how great a time they have in the showers and scrums and when they get caught short on Hampstead Heath, and that’s just the wimmin, the cunts.

The g*yness is everywhere in sports worldwide apparently whilst the T+, whatever the + is, is confined to those hilarious old Bounty ads and Brookside at the moment. Not a lot of trans peeps do synchronised swimming or play tennis it seems.

Perhaps the + is for people who can’t do maths like the Flabbopotamus and the rest of the sponging MP cunts. But that’s for another time.

I have a feeling Unkle Terry’s oven could be firing up.

Nominated by: Another Cunting Mess

30 thoughts on “Tolerance and Diversity

  1. Multiculturalism destroys societies. It causes division not unity as people naturally clan with people of a similar ilk.
    You cannot have unity without a common identity and national affiliation.
    Think about it. If a whole lot of strangers from different cultures move into an country where they have no connection they simply stay with their own. If you try to make them mix then invariably the indigenous population must surrender their identity and culture to make the incomers feel welcome therefore their culture is diluted.
    Multiculturalism is bollocks.

  2. Tolerance and Diversity is the biggest pile of wank imaginable.
    Tolerate the intolerable in the name of tolerance (grooming gangs, cocks in frocks and in female sports) do not show tolerance to any opinion right of centre though.
    Diversity means fewer white people.

  3. The only thing that connects the world at the moment is Covid and will do so for the foreseeable future.
    Globalism will endure a slow, lingering death. Nations will have to fight their own wars, grow their own food, manage their own populations – a prospect that will put the fear of Allah up them.

  4. It is us gammon types who have to be tolerant when we see our country over ran with scum from the worlds shit houses. And the shit from the shit houses have very loud voices about how we gammon are racist horrible people, with help from truly despicable white gammon left wing loons. So fuck tolerance. I have never been so full of hate. The sooner we have a revolt the better and if my side loses within a few short years it will be a banana republic. The loony left are in for a shock. The black.skinned types hate whitey as well. All this tolerance and result? No good turn goes unpunished.

    • One of those black cunts, was it Malcolm X or that other bleck civil rights cunt said “there is no greater enemy of the bleck man than the white liberal”. Fucking spot on the darkquay cunt.

  5. A whole month on LGBT shit, nope, we get this shit 365 days a year, just like BAME, every fucking day.
    Covid and BAME, LGBT and where they take a piss, BLM everywhere, rainbow everything

    Haven’t seen the London bus drivers son for a while, maybe someone has done the country a favour and dropped him in the Thames.

    Diversity is Disaster!!

  6. The only thing that should be diverse is the economy. And respect for peoples views who are actual nationals and rule of law, something that remainder constantly need reminding.

  7. “Diversity and tolerance” is their strength. Its pure 1984 double speak. Its in every institution, school, tech giant and is becoming law through weak fucks unable to stand up for the Western ideas of liberty. It has nothing to do with tolerance or diversity. The US under Biden is showing the way with its appeasement of China that Orwell warned us all about with the appeasement of Chamberlain. Where is a Churchill. Not in Downing street, that for sure.

  8. Oh, but there’s more than enough tolerance and diversity already, isn’t there?

    After all, hordes of muslam human filth are allowed to groom, rape and murder young girls with relative impunity in Britain. Screw loose circus freaks ‘decide’ they want to change sex and then change back again all on the NHS’s nut, while people who have paid in all their lives get shitty treatment (if they get any at all). While off the boats African muck live in four star hotels while OAPs worry if they can afford their heating bills or the fucking TV license. And our public service broadcaster, the BBC, turns a blind eye to all of it.

    So I would say we have more than enough tolerance of these scum. It’s more intolerance that we want.

    War On Woke!

  9. And that picture at the top?
    I don’t need a lecture off uncle Ben.
    Stick to flogging rice.
    Sick of this diversity shite rammed down my throat!
    And that capt Birdseye,
    Transitioning sea going cunt.
    Lesbian breath.

  10. Talking of diversity, there’s a red alert cunting for Coca Cola in the noms by moi.

    As Tony Newley sang ‘Stop the fucking world! I want to get off!’

  11. judging by the ads on the telly the representation of black and minority ethnic people and lgtbrstq ‘folk’ in this country is now 90 fucking percent – that is not diversity but it could be divershitty

    • Aye it’s brainwashing.
      Soon no-one will know any different.
      Everything will be shitty brown.

  12. oh, and another thing, my local rag has an article about CoE archbishops deciding to ring church bells across the country at 6.0pm every night from now on – all for covid of course – it’s otherwise known as a ‘call to prayer’ for the plebs – tony bliar’s new religion Chrislam is here – ffs

    • That’ll upset the woke knobheads. They will moan about the peaceful camelfuckers, soapdodging carpet flying rapists and honour killing cunts being ‘excluded’. A cast iron certainty.

  13. Freedom of speech and freedom of opinion is important. Being able to express an opinion even if someone else doesn’t like it.

  14. Here in the States it is Black History Month all month long and no TV stations will fucking let us forget it.
    The word “struggle” must be used over 1 million times a day this month it seems. I guess there is some kind of quota?
    My “struggle” is to not put my foot through the flatscreen!

  15. ‘Not a lot of trans peeps do synchronised swimming’

    That would be funny. They all take a deep breath and plunge down. Then their hairy legs shoot up out of the water. And twirl and twirl about…

  16. Isnt every month ‘gayblack and eco-anxiety’ month on the BBC?’

    I’m sure there will be a lot of revision going on..
    Charlemagne as a trans muslim?
    Some unfortunates on Twitter thought Cleopatra was an Arab or sub-Saharan.. Perhaps she will be a they or fae or xe?

  17. I have a novel means of showing every ‘tolerance and diversity’ agitator my alliance with them.

    It involves crosshairs.

  18. It’s a sad day at chez nobby today, our first spooks have moved in to our little village and just around the corner to boot, dear oh fucking dear!

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