I’d like to nominate the WHO (not The Who please note!) as a bunch of (unts that are about as useful as chocolate fireguard.
The WHO, in their continual, sycophantic , @rse licking of the commie chinks are now saying that Kung Flu didn’t originate from a Wuhan laboratory.
It’s a bit like saying hydroxychloroquine doesn’t ameliorate Covid-19 symptoms because “the Orange Man lies” (never mind a clinical study that showed promise). Strangely, Trump wanted to defund the WHO for being useless f*ckwits.
Should be renamed WNSO (World New Speak Organisation). What a bunch of (unts.
Nominated by: mikdys
…and this from Angryman
I just want to nominate the World Health Organization “Investigation” Into the Covid Outbreak. Everyone was stating that it came from China, and now the Chinese are saying its a cross species disease that didnt come from them. WHO seem happy with this. Bullshit. As if the Gulags were not bad enough, we now have this. Looks like things are going to get even uglier…
Charlie Chan can fuck right off. We all know there’s a chemical warfare lab in Wahu the cunts. As does WHO but they are in the Chinkies pocket. First thing Uncle Joe did was to start bunging them fistfuls of dollars after Trump had put a stop to it. But don’t blame the Chinks for fucks sake……..that’s raaay-sist! Is there anything that isn’t racist these days?
The trail of evidence leads straight back to the biological weapons Lab in Wuhan, with the smokescreen of the wet market down the road.
The same biological weapons lab visited by Bill Gates and Barack Obama, just before they made multi million donations.
The WHO are corrupt, morally bankrupt, led by a Man currently under investigation for war crimes and wholly in the pay and pocket of China – it is like asking a bank robber to investigate one of the team who pulled the heist.
Cross species? Do you mean Half-bat, Half-dog? That sounds like a fine dining, super food speciality in China.
EU, UN, WHO, IPCC = Globalist, corrupt, self-serving, thieving, lying, marxist riddled shitshows. Of course my realising this means I am a conspiracy theorist and a cunt who must be cancelled.
Let’s not forget the UN observing all those snipers deliberately shooting kids in Syria…
They are a communist puppet.
No doubt we send them millions to keep peddling lies.
Donald The Trump handled the evil cunts perfectly.
The WHO says what its told to say by China.
And why not?
China is paying them well in used yen, I wouldn’t be surprised if rather than a bio lab or their filthy wet markets the virus was a product of western racism.
MNC@ – I am currently hunting their leader Judi Dench to extract a confession – I intend to break her by denying her a BAFTA and entry to Waitrose!
I heard somewhere that Trump stopped giving the WHO money but gave a load of funds to Gavi/Bill & Melinda instead, who in turn gave it to the WHO! Hard to know what’s true anymore.
WHO has benefited from this man made pandemic? And who has been removed from office from this man made pandemic.? Tells you all you need to know.
No surprise at all.Piss to them,piss to the SAGE and onion party and piss to the Kitchen sinks.Push them all into a meat blender
The UN, the WHO, The World Bank, none of these are good for your health, wealth or national security.
If the BBCs view on the EU could be transformed in to a health organisation and its view on China then it would the WHO and the corrupt filth in it. Trump was bang on and the senile creep reversed the decision. Enjoy it America, enough of you cunts voted for the hair sniffing creep.
This was Chernobyl – with a virus. Just a stupid fucking mistake in a dictatorship where arse covering counts for more than a few 100,000 lives.
“Camp Freddy, the whole world ? is bent”. And these fuckers are very bent indeed.
Would love to see the total of that shifty cunt’s pay, bonuses and benefits.
There are many people now with a vested interest to keep this charade going, most of them have more money than they could ever spend in ten lifetimes but greed and power are powerful things.
They continually shoot themselves in the foot. By cashing all their Chinese cheques and not concluding what we all already knew, which was that covid came from a lab in Wuhan. They’re proving their irrelevance. It’s been over 12 months, they still don’t know/refuse to admit the origin of the virus and seemingly did not have a clue how to deal with a global pandemic. They left every government holding their dick and making it up as they went along. Yet another rich boys club highlighted as a money drain.
It is obvious that the W.H.O is in the pay of the Chinese government just as Gaylord Adonis no doubt gets a backhander from Brussells for his continued, brainless, mindless support of the EU, even with that crazy cunt Van Leyen in charge of it.
Trump was right, needless to say witless old Biden has crawled back up the W.H.O arsehole
I’d pay good money to see Family Guy remake the FCC song about the CCP
This WHO guy says its possible it didn’t come from Chyna at all! Yeah, right.
The WHO team go to China, sit in a hotel for the best part of two weeks, then have a quick walk round the Wuhan and a wet market.
They have a chat to a few scientists, look at some data, most is in Chinese so no idea what the fuck it contains.
Conclusion, they still have no fucking idea.
Waste of fucking time, their contribution to our Covid crisis was test,test,test and don’t be mean with the vaccine because it just not fair.
They should change their name from world health organisation to shit hole health organisation and fuck off to Africa and see how much money they can get from African nations.
As opposed to The Who selling out in 1967 (a full 52 years before these cunts):
The Chineeze Virus has destroyed much of the W.H.O.’s reputation right from when they advised masks weren’t necessary. It’s not fit for purpose.
Hoo-ee, what a bunch of cunts.
WHO. Much like the EU, They exist for funding to pay themselves vast amounts of money for pretending they can do something. It took them until the pandemic had fully started to realise ‘hey, something might be happening here’. They have offered next to nothing study or solution wise to covid, thats all come from other agencies. The WHO then puppets these studies and discoveries as if they hd something to do with them. Trump was bang on defunding them, they are useless fucking thieves lining their own pockets. Fuck the cunts, lets save the 17 million a year we give them
12 months ago, the WHO dithered for many weeks before declaring the emerging sh*tstorm we are experiencing now as a global pandemic.
Having eventually done so, this organisation that most of us previously imagined was probably made up of the worlds most eminent respected scientists, boffins and the like, moreorless disappeared from the radar, with very little heard from them until quite recently.
Possibly comes as no surprise (to us!) that they have surfaced of late, supporting the denial of the country of origin.
FFS, this is an outfit with a current annual budget approaching $8.5m. That’s a huge amount of wonga! They seem unaccountable to anyone as no-one is asking questions as to what exactly they have publicly been doing for the last year, other than to come up with the latest findings and most probably haemorrhaging cash into Africa etc to solve problems that their own useless governments have not progressed far from that when children of my age, 60 years ago, were asked to bring money into school for collections for Oxfam etc.
The WHO and its politically motivated committee members are an unnecessary drain on the governments of the developed world and should be disbanded.