I don’t pretend to understand how justice works, or how the Parole board can determine that a convicted killer/rapist/whatever, who has multiple convictions and is an inherent danger to society, can review a case and then declare that a cunt who has been served with “life” or 25 years, can suddenly have his sentence reduced to just a 3rd of that based on some bullshit happy-clappy formula!
I am speaking in generalisations, and therefore nothing specific, and therefore I don’t need to provide corroborative links here. But we all know many examples where cunts have been given stiff sentences only to see them reduced by a considerable margin.
And in some of those cases the cunt who gets early release will sometimes continue with his crimes, that will often end up with an innocent victim being killed.
The cunt is arrested, charged and sentenced. But what are the odds he won’t fulfill that sentence again?
Meanwhile, what of the Parole Board? Where is their accountability to the innocent victims and their families? Does anyone stand up and say “Sorry, we made a mistake?”
Of course not, other than the usual well-worn trope “Lessons must be learnt”, and they shrug their shoulders and pretend nothing happened, and lessons are never fucking learnt to stop this shit repeating itself!
Nominated by:Technocunt
The parole board, a hive of faux upper senior social worker lefty types that try and see the good in everyone, unfortunately that includes the vermin with no good in them ?
The justice system has been irredeemably fucked ever since Blair and Starmer (director of public prosecutions) got their feckless mits on the levers of power.
Starmer was awarded a knighthood for his criminally incompetent role.
Did he get his at the same time as Phil Greed and Jimmy Savile?
Old news I know, but Reggie Kray does 32 years in the clink, but terrorists, child killers and rapists were let out before him? I know he was no saint but this one always baffled me.
It was because of his high profile celebrity criminal status.
The establishment like to make examples of such prisoners to bamboozle the public into believing the system is tough on crime.
This sort of shit is all part of what used to be termed ‘care in the community’ back in the day. What that really means is we – parole board, medical advisers, politicians – don’t care, and the community will just have to put up with psycho cunts going around maiming, raping and murdering at will.
Parole boards are a fucking menace.
The soft mugs wanted to let John Worboys out after serving only 8 years of his “indeterminate sentence”. He assured them he was no longer a risk so the gullible fools said fair enough, guv. Doh!
It was only after intense public pressure that the decision was grudgingly overturned.
Government: “Lessons will be learned”. Like fuck they will. And don’t get me started on Jon Venebles.
Bleeding heart lefty do gooders should be gunned down on sight. Cunts one and all.
The parole boards best hanged alongside the criminal scum they love.
First offender?
Last offense.
In fact trials after hanging.
Country needs a kick up the arse!
Start at the top.
The cunt that signed the release papers should be in the dock next to the cunt that re-offended.
As far as I’m concerned they should be criminally liable for their actions just like everyone else.
If I fuck up some wiring and someone dies, I’ll end up in court for manslaughter…. should be the same for them.
The Parole Board will never meet the criminals they release – just read about them in the Guardian.
“My word, that honest and reformed fellow has slaughtered six people”.
The justice system is one of many things that needs reform, and it could start by having one of the criminals victims on it when parole is applied for”.
Thats a good idea to have the victim on the board…. make the cunt look the victim in the eye and explain why they think they should be let off.
Good point well made.
They should bring back the old fashioned ways – eligible for parole? OK then it’s a full on, 15 minutes submersed, waterboarding for you. If you live you’re not suitable for parole. If you die we’ll let you out early. That’d put the cunts off applying for it!
I like that idea, just like what they did with the witches… if you float you’re guilty and we’ll hang you, if you drown then you’re innocent and we’ll release you.
Perhaps they are overworked which leads to errors of judgement.
So shoot terrorists,child molesters,rapists and murderers immediately after conviction.
Easier for everyone and much neater.
After all,the system we have in place is an utter disgrace,crammed with vile cunts of every stripe.
I guarantee that if the public had a say, that’s exactly what would happen…. the type of lefties that populate these kind of positions hold views that most of us don’t.
Forgiveness…. pah. Vengeance is whats needed for these cunts.
I was first alerted to the utter cuntishness of parole boards after reading this report:
“A babysitter who killed three children and impaled their bodies on garden railings has been cleared for release.
David McGreavy was sentenced to life in 1973 for killing Paul Ralph, four, and his sisters Dawn, two, and nine-month-old Samantha in their Worcester home.
Their mother Elsie Urry told the Sun she had “begged” that McGreavy, who is now in his late 60s, stay locked up.
A Parole Board report said he “changed considerably” over 45 years in jail.
The board confirmed a panel had directed his release following an oral hearing.
McGreavy, who was dubbed the “Monster of Worcester”, was the family’s lodger and claimed he killed the children because one of them would not stop crying.
He strangled Paul at the home in Gillam Street, Rainbow Hill, while Dawn was found with her throat cut. Samantha died from a compound fracture to the skull.”
Do these idiots not understand that psychopaths cannot be cured? Another wholly avoidable tragedy waiting to happen.
Rope the lot of em…..
Failing that, quietly spiking their prison food with carcinogens or regularly exposing them to deadly doses radiation would be a viable alternative.
Both are suitable.
Ropes faster.
And as luck would have it,
I can buy hemp rope (made in UK) at a reduced price!
The problem stems from the end of a death sentence. The powers that be promised that a life sentence would be a life sentence. Its nothing of the sort. The cunts have “marched through the institutions” so it doesnt matter who you vote for people are murdered by murderers ( not all of them obviously) who have already spent a life term. “if it saves one life” gets to shut down London with a congestion tax but not murder.
Parole boards are basically left wing do gooder busy bodies. Life can be as little as 13 years, less when released on license. Hardly a deterrent is it.
Lethal injection on TV. Might think twice, and those that don’t see it as a deterrent won’t be able to re offend.
My opinion?
Easy. Do with parole boards in totality.
Sentences handed down by judges should be far longer than now and should be reviewed. Any judges who are too lenient on a regular basis should be replaced.
Life should mean life.
Absolutely no prisoners should be let out after serving only 50% for good behaviour- full sentence to stand. Who gives a fuck if they behave well in prison?
Where it is proven beyond reasonable doubt, those who have taken a life (or lives) of another intentionally should face the death penalty by lethal injection.
Do away with 12 people public juries, and appoint small panels made up of professional intelligent people without any financial ties with anything to do with the prison service (unlike the USA).
Make prisons an unpleasant an unpleasant place to be, no Playstations, Xboxes etc, and the food should be basic. Prisoners are there for a reason. If they decide to burn their accommodations, let them live in the squalor and mess they have made. Every
No third strike nonsense, punish offenders for their first offence.
Get offenders in court for a hearing within a month of the offence. Have the courts open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to catch up with the backlog. In my experience sessions start at 10am and finish at 3pm with 90 minutes for lunch.
To treat the victims of crime better than the perpetrators of crime, and for the police to focus on physical crimes and not hate speech. If people don’t like it, don’t go on social media. Having said that libel laws to remains
So much can be done to improve the legal system but it currently suits the rich and privileged to treat everyday folk as the pawns in games that they are.
Evening Willie.
Have you considered standing as a councillor for the Reform Party?
I’d vote for you. ✖️
I’m sure a few folk out there will remember this fucker …
Cyclist attacks a motorist with a Zombie knife. I can’t remember the in’s and out’s of the story ( I can’t be bothered Googling it for exact details), but, … straight away you’d have thought the zombie knife bloke should have been banged away for 15 – 20 years. Some judge, a woman if I can remember, explained he was a victim of circumstance blah, blah, blah … un-be-fucking-lievable ! I think it was even mentioned that the fuck off Rambo knife he carried was only to sharpen his HB pencils as a trainee aspiring architect ..
My reaction was … if this fucker should ( no fucking brainer, most definately will ) go on to re-offend … the afore mentioned judge should do ‘like for like’ time in custody. That would put an end to the bleeding heart mob.
I would have smacked him straight off the bonnet then driven over him.
It would cut down on the chances of him killing anyone 100%.