I honestly didn’t know this place even existed, until yesterday, when the BBC reported that the above centre was deemed ‘inadequate’.
First off, what a fucking waste of tax payers money. My mate is a paramedic and he’s constantly telling me how poorly funded the ambulance service is, a service that is in place specifically to help save people’s lives and we don’t prioritise it for funding. Yet, we have a clinic who’s only purpose is to pander to demented kids who want attention. Fuck off! Also, because it’s been deemed inadequate, we’ll no doubt be pouring more money down the proverbial tranny drain.
What are we doing?! Honestly, what country would even have this as an entity when we’re constantly told the NHS doesn’t have enough money in the first place.
I’m sure there will be the woke brigade, saying that little Timmy wanting to remove his spuds and be called Tammy, is just as important as George who’s having a cardiac arrest because he’s read there’s a clinic for gender confused teenagers.
Fucking cunts!
Nominated by: elcuntio
Just a thought..scientific research has proven that the removal of the knackers causes a reduction in troublesome behaviour. Why not use the well funded facilities of this darling of the woke clinic to reduce the stabby figures in London. Young stabby males could be given a choice of anaesthetic or not debollocked by the experienced staff then released back to the wild. Tis as certain as a sunrise that stabby figures would decline dramatically.
Deportation is even more effective in my opinion.
Execution is the best solution in my opinion.
Even better – bring back the Emperor of China and send the stabby types to Peking to serve as his eunuchs.
A bullet would be cheaper ?
The dog food factory may well be profitable.
This is all part of the mass indoctrination of children by the lefty woke wankers.
The transsexuals industry was worth $9 billion in 2015, it is now worth $3.9 trillion globally.
My previous comments I the Eddie Izzard post has an even scarier link to a video on the subject with a transfer man actively grooming kids in plain sight at 1hr 16mins in.
Something is seriously going wrong with society at the moment.
A laughed a few weeks ago when QAnon said Trump was brought down by a satanic group of pea dophiles.
I now think they may be right.
How did this clinic or whatever come about?
It wouldn’t surprise me in 10 or so years time there’ll be clinics for people wanting to transform into dogs or other animals.
Laugh now but there’ll be petitions, protests for it just like this male/female transformers stuff going on nowadays.
“You’re oppressing me with your negative and specist attitude. I need to go find a leg to hump to soothe my nerves”.
Would you care for a slice of non-binary seed cake Spoons?
I’m not too fussy what I eat, Cuntle, as long as you put sauce or custard on it. 🙂
When I was a child I hated sprouts. They used to be boiled to nothing.
Then at some point in adulthood, I adore them fried with bacon and walnuts.
What say you? 🙂
Sprouts lightly cooked with fried bacon chunks are top, is that one of your sister Dolly’s recipes?
Indeedly, Cuntle. 🙂
Tavistock institutes and clinics have existed for mind fuckery business for decades.
Instead of wasting money pandering to these fuckwits delusions just tell them to snap out of it, put on a frock and wig if you wish but you’re biologically male/female so fuck off and argue with nature, anything else is a mental disorder, take these pills and have a strong word with yourself, there’s bigger fish to fry.
Wouldn’t have happened in Sir Lord Captain Brigadier Sa’rnt Major General Air Vice Marshall Tom’s day.
Too right about the mental health aspect Cuntlestiltskin, the amount of girls going through these clinics has increased by 4,400% and studies show a large proportion are autistic.
Madness that this place exists, madness that my taxpayers money is funding it and madness that adults want to twist kids heads, hack kids up and fuck them up physically and mentally for life.
This is evil.
Not being a progressive I don’t pretend to understand the whole issue.
I’ve not researched gender reassignment in any great depth but the little research I have done has led me to believe that the surgery is no more or less than mutilation.
There are people who identify as disabled and want limbs removed to satisfy this need. As you can see from the link below the Irish Times feel safe calling this example a strange case. How much longer will a media outlet dare call such a wish strange?
Some people want to identify as animals, a little research material from Cambridge University.
There are people who wish to as identify as object and people who believe they are alien life forms. I won’t bother with more links, you can find the examples on the interweb if you want.
If you extrapolate peoples right to identify as they please there are 7 plus billion genders and species on the planet. To my mind if we are to allow people to have physical surgery to make their physical form match their mental state then we are going to be removing limbs from physically healthy people and taking our kids to the vets because they decided they are a wildebeest for the day.
Transhumanism is a dystopian nightmare drawing on the work of Huxley that is now mainstream thinking. I think the transsexaul movement is actually being used to open the gates to far worse. As a species we are fucked if this is allowed to continue.
From your second link:
“I often try to explain that I’m really a starfish trapped in a human body and I’m very new to your planet.”
I watched a documentary some 20 years ago or more about people who had a fascination about being amputees. The NHS weren’t interested in their ponderings obviously, well not in that particular point of time so one of these subjects of the documentary went to the great lengths of using a double barrel shot gun to blow his leg off just above the right knee to get his wish about being an amputee. Guess what? He didn’t like being an amputee one bit, stupid cunt ?
Dont like the fact your daughter might be a lesbian. Cut her tits off. Think your boy might be a poof , cut his knob off. And we think sending children up chimney was barbaric.
This clinic seeks to found a generation of Izzards.
Is this a mass plot by the peacefulls? If us whities carry on with this then we will eventually become extinct. They on the other hand are baby factories that bang out a dozen kids each which we end up paying for.
The most honest portrayal of a trannie was in Silence of the Lambs.
“Put the fucking lotion in the basket!”
They’re mentals and likely to be serial killers. We should keep the Tavistock Centre and call it the Trannie Lock Centre. Put them all in there and make it the new version of the nuthouse. Patient number 1, “Crank up the wattage for Mr. Izzard, Doctor Cuntybollocks.”
Shock it out of the cunts.
I reckon it’s boredom and not spending time wisely. It is important to be occupied even if it something boring like housework.
Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.
They all need psychological therapy, not surgery.
Every “doctor” or clinician that works in this field should be stood in front of a firing squad, closely followed by all the teachers, professors and other trannies that encourage this shit.
If anyone is on telegram, I recommend you follow a channel called “horrendous trannies” …. look at that for a couple of minutes then try to say that these people aren’t mentally deranged.
It needs bulldozing into the ground and all its records burning.
It also wouldn’t hurt if the cunt who arranged this debacle of sorrow was shot on sight.
Unkle, I am getting concerned that you may just be softening up on these libtards and getting a bit wishy washy with your sentencing.
‘I want to be a girl’
‘Well it all started when I had an urge to sit down to piss’
There are only two fucking genders, Man and Woman, anything else is a fantasy. If people want to put on a fucking dress they are Trannies.
Level the place with cluster bombs, while it’s full to the brim for a visit from the Izzard freak.
Fuck em…
Who is more insane? The cunt who wants to swap genders or the cunts who accommodate them?
Put em all in the gas chamber.
Can sort it out afterwards.
If I were to say that I was a Chicken (as a human male) I’d get sent to an asylum.
If I were to say that I was a human female (as a human male), I’d be given the full support of the state and protection of the law and be allowed to mutilate my genitals in an establishment like this.
When a society normalises and appeases people with clear mental illness and punishes those that point out these Peoples illness in court then that society and it’s norms are In itself sick and clearly need urgent reform/replacement.
When children are involved it’s a whole lot more disturbing………
What an absolute fucking mess to get in and an absolute disgrace to see society in such a bad way.
I think that this bogus institution was the brainchild of a bunch of mediocre NHS Consultants who didn’t have what it takes to rise to the top in mainstream specialties such as gynaecology, urology endocrinology etc. They got together to create a medical condition condition which previously never existed, “gender dysphoria.
This opened the floodgates to the sexually fuckedup community by defying what is obvious to any sane individual ie the existence of only 2 genders… male and female.( I’m not including those unfortunate individuals with genuine chromosomal abnormalities)
They pander to the feeble who aren’t happy with what God gave them.
So-called M to F tranni3s are 100% gay men in denial, as are so-called F to M tranni3s who are butch lesbians who want to wear a moustache.
Fuck the lot of them!
When I feel down, I put this on…
Parents and children should think before doing something drastic. Some things can’t be undone.
Nice bouncing baps in that video Spoonington.
White Adder: “Devil’s dumplings!” 😀
My way of addressing this would be to class it as cosmetic surgery. If you’re not happy with the shape of your nose, or the size of your tits, there’s some butcher out there willing to slice bits off or pump shit in for profit. But importantly you pay for it yourself, that way it’s only the really dedicated mentals who get the surgery, and costs the tax payer fuck all. I bet this gaff would be considerably quieter if they had to pay for it or if their own pocket.
Send them all to Holland-fucking weirdo place is ideal for these deviants.
The Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg) plays more of a part in this whole aeons old shit-show of anti-humanist malaise than anyone knows.
Nhs funded genital mutilation clinic for children who are legally not of age to vote or play the lottery or drink?
Nah, Can’t see many future lawsuits coming from this place.
Can’t have some potentially lethal moles taken off pre-cancer because classes as cosmetic, however, you can have your knob chopped off and replaced with a cunt. Good, what a waste of taxpayers money!