(Priggery – A person who demonstrates an exaggerated conformity or propriety, especially in an irritatingly arrogant or smug manner. – From the Free Dictionary – DA)
Quite a few years ago, I was with a group of friends at the local saloon knocking back some beers and putting the world to rights.
The subject of how UK society would be remembered at this moment in the noughties came up. My two-pennyworth being we were living in the age of smuggery with cunts like the Beckhams, Blairs and other fucktards of that ilk being rammed down the old gulliver.
Some silly twat disagreed strongly and said we were living “in the age of care.” I found this drivel laughable and the prick’s 80 student/all Thatcher’s fault/limp wristed worldview utter bollocks. Silly fool.
But fellow esteemed cunters, I give you the current age…the age of priggery and the silly cunts who are part of this.
You don’t hear the word prig much anymore. It seems a 1920s word for some reason…like it gets used in a Jeeves and Wooster novel or book by E Waugh…utter dull shite both of them.
“A self-righteously moralistic person who behaves as if they are superior to others” according to an online dictionary.
As a percentage, how many cunts have I just summed up in the country, world?
Cunts everywhere, young, old, queer, straight, rich, poor, black, white…this bollocks has no demographic.
Let’s take the recent deceased poster-boy Captain Tom. Nice old boy who served in a particular nasty campaign. Why is it a decorated veteran of 100 who needed assistance to walk was doing laps of his garden for a public-funded service? It never sat right with me that cunts like Beckham, Morgan blah, blah, blah were queuing up to cash in. And no…I didn’t clap at 6.00pm. I don’t need to clap to show respect to the man. It really all seemed so very artificial and utter bullshit with his PR daughter and the media wanking off. Shades of Summer 1997..?
As the Stranglers sang….”Everybody loves you when your dead.”
A supposed friend of mine, spends his time trolling Facebook pages and groups arguing with randoms about opinions he disagrees with…the prick really does need to find himself a hobby. His latest offerings suggesting that those not liking the idea of a not fully tested vaccine for covid be all put together in a camp. The silly prick regards himself as a liberal. That’s what the nazis did to people who disagreed with them…
BLM, trans-gender politics, taking the knee, male-feminists, white-privilege…crap, crap, crap. Its like some kind of strange tournament…the biggest priggish cunt wins a dreadful prize and social media admiration until tomorrow afternoon when the next cunt is announced.
How up your own ass, how self-important, how right-on can you be? Apply here and take a knee…how about you go fuck yourself with this rusty bayonet? The pompous and morally superior dickheads can all walk across a minefield in the Sudan for starters.
I’m a regular bloke, I’m not perfect, I have my opinions and thoughts…unlike many I don’t need to be a cunt and shout it all out to prove how knowledgeable, fair, open-minded and clever I am…whilst giving a wry smile.
I wish all these cunts would shut up and fuck off…that alas seems quite unlikely.
Cunts…the lot of them.
Nominated by: Dandy Desmond
I think you need to tell your friend to fuck off, because he’s a cunt.
Dandy Desmond, never commented before.
Whos alias is this?
Some cunts on here are legion with alternate aliases.
I don’t know anything about alien arses MNC. I’ve got enough shite going on with my own!
Wokey, loads of Noms by people never posted before?
Bit odd eh?
Look now IM going tinfoil!!!
What’s so strange about someone’s first post being a nom.?
It’s happened many times….
are you the real author of fly fishing?
Haha MNC, at least you’re CUNTsistent. In the nicest possible way 🙂 🙂
Desmond Tutu?
or that nice Desmond Ambrose? Perhaps he is seeking to offer lock-down haircuts to cunters?
Not me, MNC one identity is enough. What is this sudden infestation of people using multiple aliases, it’s hard to know who’s a genuine new cunter or who’s got ego issues….
Agreed Six.
Bertie & RTC said the same.
Spider sense is tingling.
This is me…my second cunting. The first was “Spreading Germs at Work.”
You said Cuntle, I’m good with that. Maybe I shouldn’t have changed but I like the new title, it came ftom Viz natch. ?
Bloody CS’ fault as usual.
Chin chin.
Hi again Coolforcunts! I think it’s time you took a break from this site. You are (quite seriously) embarrassing yourself (quite seriously).
Assuming you have a reasonable supply of easily-available pharmaceutical products, I (quite seriously) recommend a little cocktail for your enjoyment, and the relief of others nearby. 15mg diazepam (or triple that if you already take benzodiazepines for help with anxiety) together with 15-25mg zolpidem tartrate(again depending on your current medication regime) and 50mg morphine sulphate, oral route. That should get you off to sleep, and then some. In advising this (relatively) dangerously high dosage of fairly potent medications I am of course assuming that you have not been drinking alcohol this evening, possibly wrongly. If you have, try it out another time and meanwhile disconnect your Internet connection(s).
Tomorrow you may need to seek longer term medical help, but at least if you follow this régime tonight you’ll not bother anyone for a few hours.
Always happy to help.
Hello The Pub Bore, aka, CS.
Are you back from the talking a glass eye to sleep and giving an aspirin a headache convention?
It’s interesting (and I know that’s a term you’re not generally associated with) you should mention that “cocktail”. I mean after your embarrassing meltdown when in your distinct monotone bore post roll here, when you cited the reason for your cringeworthy behaviour was the “split up from your girlfriend” I laughed for days and wondered if you wouldn’t be imbibing some of the good stuff yourself. You certainly seem the feel sorry for yourself type ?
I’m elated I’ve got so far in your head just by stating some obvious facts you’ve taken to following me around. Just imagine me having the audacity to call you out for being so mind numbingly boring and just to add to that you would only ever be the cleverest person in the room if the room was empty. This must really have offended your vanity.
Still, there are probably plenty of people worse off than yourself. Are there? Lol lol lol.
You can thank me later.
@SDV, cowardice is the reason and here are some motives….established member who may disagree but is middle of the road in reputation so chooses to be anon, not like the cunting, wants to be edgy or controversial, someone guilty of sockpuppetry wants to ask me a question but doesn’t want to use their established name for fear of being caught out.
The best part is this site is called “Is a Cunt” so who the actual fuck would need to use a cowardly sock puppet to speak their mind ? Print and be Damned is my motto, and let the shrapnel and fall out land where it may ?
Mmm, why would a already established cunter sabotage the site?
No, im thinking a newish cunter,
Obviously insecure,
Hed clash with older cunters,
Misdirect and accuse them,
Cause conflict.
Maybe a cast off from Cunts Corner?
The only thing sabotaging this site is the resident meet and greet creepy everyone’s friend monkey managing to go off topic on almost every thread.
Other than that I’m sure you’re known for many things but thinking definitely isn’t one of them ?
Despite your earlier poor efforts that’s your stalking me attention fix done tonight. Until next time, where I will be more than happy to make a complete fool of you again, Abdul. Toodlepip ?
Quick to reply must of been waiting for me to post?
And venomous too!
Seem quite upset?
Busted arent you?
Your a troll and I think you post under multiple aliases.
No cowardice here luv,
I like this site, contributed a fair bit too it.
I respect the other cunters.
I dont crow about some poor ambulance man being drummed off site either.
Your a disgrace.
Ps, you managed 5 upticks yourself in almost as many minutes Kudos ?
Give yourself 5 like you normally do…?
I was on Cunts Corner under this name, I’ve mentioned my presence there previously, no secrets
The reason I left was zero creativity and the majority of threads descending into personal abuse.
It got boring.
However if anyone throws shit at me I’ll hold up a mirror, if that wets their nappies, tough titty.
If folks have hissy fits and storm off in a petulant huff, tough titty .
I’m happy to leave moderation to those entrusted with the task, I’m not interested in a cliquey witch hunt.
Some folks here come across as wanting to appear the arbiters of who can post what.
It’s all about the the content and mutual respect, even if you don’t like what’s been written.
I doubt the ‘cuntees’ would like to read the opinions of this site.
Except Miranda B-liar, he’s a fucking wrong-un like that.
Wasnt aiming anything at anyone but CFCs Cuntle.
I reply to every insult.?
I responded to the wrong post, I blame the Old Speckled Hen, fuck it.
I’ll break my own one attention fix for you rule for a hoot. I took 20 minutes to reply, you took 5. Furious about the truth aren’t you, derailing noms = on the money aren’t I, creepy everyone’s friend bit hurts does it?
Angry that I’m happy for Admin to check out my IP to see my one account here you seem. I don’t need to be more than one person to wipe the floor with you, Abdul, and all your sulky jealous piss moan grizzling means absolutely zero to me other than for hilarity purposes and as that’s all you have there’s not a thing you can do about it. Wipe away your tears, Miss, I can see your mascara running from here, constantly sniffing around me and screaming troll because someone is better than you smacks of sour grapes ??
This sites cracking, enjoyed the year and a bit here. You’ve contributed fuck all though, surprised you’ve not been fucked off to Mumsnet, mind you they’re not daft, they can spot a wrongun too ?
Oh dear your VERY upset arent you?
Right arent I?
Youve been kicked off other sites too!?
People will get wise to you.
Your sort always come unstuck.
You seem stiff and tense tonight?
Come on loosen up!
Lemme see you dance sucker!!
(Okay, enough of this shit! Let us worry about the alleged multiple alias fuckwittery and drive-by nominators, while you lot focus on the nomination itself. Thanks – DA)
Excellent cunting Dandy. My town is full of the cunts!
Think this country has more than its fair share of the cunts.
Cannot tolerate those trying to talk down to me and enforce their agenda on me especially when I consider myself to be both logical and rational, and totally capable of forming my own opinions.
As one wise cunter said on this esteemed site only recently, the left are all for diversity, but not the diversity of opinions of others.
Great first non DD.
I’ll take Priggish over passive aggressive. Both have the potential to infuriate but only one gets the job done with elan*.
*Elan means style.
Do you see what I just did there ?
Im ok with priggish, and tend to like the passive aggressive too.
Its the delusional I cant abide,
Oh and the conceited.
But then I rarely deal with those types,
They aren’t of my calibre.
MNC@ – The priggish are easily dealt with – a quick jab to the snout clears their thoughts very acceptably! ?
But I despise the delusional and the conceited – I just look down at these little nobodies from my mansion on Moon Base Alpha!
Evening Foxy,
Tell those moonmen not to bother coming here theyre not welcome!?
Still snow on the ground around York Foxy?
Here its mostly gone except on the peaks.
Moonbase Alpha?
Watch where you store all that nuclear waste Vernon…?
I had a girlfriend who had Elan.
A lotus Elan. She was 10 years older than me and very wealthy.
My Cortina Ghia (my first car, great V6?) was much better-the back seat was massive. I mean, have you ever tried to fuck a bird in a fucking Lotus Elan?
No, but I have in a wheelie bin.
That was why indeed Lotus picked the name Elan for the 62~75 model, fucking suited it too, pure class. The 89-95 front wheel model should’ve been called the Lotus Turdlan ?, pile of shit. Your V6 Cortina is probably worth more than the later shape turdlan and rightly so.
As for shagging in cars, i’ve only done it a few times and it’s been more from necessity than desire for back seat action and generally with somebody else’s Mrs too ? Had a few blowjobs while driving, one woman giving it was particularly average so I kept aiming for potholes to liven her up, dangerous but worth the risk ?
Until I put a couple of bags of cement in the back, I learned the “hard way” that a 2.3 V6 rear wheel drive and wet/icy roads and fast acceleration “do not mix”?
The amount of potholes on the roads nowadays, you would be in BJ heaven.
Yep, same with every Capri I ever had, from the 2.8i (which I wish I still had as the prices have gone mental) right down to the 1970 1.6, all of them without fail were squirrely at the back end in even the lightest mist of rain or a smattering of morning dew.
Very true about potholes now, as the years have gone on I’ve become a bit lazy when it comes to outdoor type adventure, but it’s worth bearing in mind ?
My only advice would be that if you find Wodehouse and Waugh dull, you might try E F Benson. An absolute hoot in my book.
I just avoid everyone. It saves time. Now fuck off.
Sherioushly cunters. Doesn’t anyone feel that most people in every day life are to be shunned? They’re either dense, woke, pc, namby pamby , loud or impossible to find any common ground with.
It’s like finding a woman you really click with. They may look ok but the minute they open there mouths you think “nope”.
It’s rare. That’s why I’m here. Everyone seems to have an equal level of bile stewing away inside them.
Yeah pretty much, it’s why I can count the people I don’t want to slap on one hand.
The majority or normies are boring as fuck, not an original thought between them, all signed up to the zeitgeist of the moment which is basically whatever shite passes for normality or consensus thinking.
Everyone is a conformist individualist, worshipping at the altar of corporate bullshit. Everyone is their own particular dull shade of grey.
Sometimes I think about wandering off to join a tribe of natives in the jungle so I don’t have to put up with all our pretence and fucking bullshit talk of nothing.
Cheer up Chunky!
After a month or two youll find those amazonian natives are getting right on your tits!
Hell is other people.
Ive not heard that expression before, do you mean like, mundane? Beige? Vanilla?
Kinda bland?
Im worried im a normie now!?
Nah you’re alright MNC! No normie would ever come to ISAC and use the savage gutter language we do here, eviscerating cunts like Meg sparkletits and Hewy Jnr.
A normie would be watching strictly come dancing or some stupid shit like that, and enjoying it.
If you’re too Chunky, they might eat you!
No natives left in the jungle-the jungle has been “scorched” to grow palm oil???
They are now all living in Leicester, in benefits and enrolling at De Montford to spend three years studying “Hate Whitey”, under Professors Lammy, Femi, and Henry ???
I agree, Utter. When you think about it ,it is other people who are responsible for the world going to total wank. So much so, that it fully justifies the view that most of them are cunts. I prefer reading to meeting people who will most likely turn out to be cunts. They can fuck off.
Evening Twenty,?
I agree, this obsession with meeting new people, making new friends etc..
My friends have been friends for 45yrs since first day at school.
I don’t particularly want to meet strangers and listen to their views, if I wanted to be bored id knock at my neighbours.
Too right, MNC. There is a reason you have friends for life.
I used to hate it when I went to parties and dinners and some cunt would bowl up and say ‘You must meet [Insert name of tedious cunt]’. I had to put up with it because it was known as ‘networking’ and it was how things were done. What a pile of cunt. Glad I don’t have to put up with it any more.
Ive never been a dinner party Twenty,
Doubt id enjoy one?
Only one at the table eating a pot noodle..
Probably never go one?
But not arsed,
I dont tend to go places I cant take my dog.?
Mis: Pot noodle for starter, Fray Bentos for Main, Bread Pudding for “afters”.
A selection of pork scratchings, peanuts and hula hoops as appetisers?
Red and White diesel, served with the meal.
That’s how the gentry do it, according to Fiddles guide to fine cuisine?
Mostly shit, MNC. Your dog would probably turn his nose up.
Prig? 100 years down the line you get PRICK.
Otherwise known as Smart Arses.
And cunts.
I’m going to have some homemade quiche.
Before its banned by some cunt.
Fetch the drinks trolley.
At first I thought that these arseholes we’re being priggish.
Bollocks to that , they are absolute CUNTS ….or rather, in their vernacular FRONT HOLES.
The Trust should be fucking ashamed of itself! They teach medical students for fuck’s sake. I don’t know any textbooks on anatomy, obstetrics & gynaecology that use the term “front hole”
I know that today’s medical students are as thick as shit and nowhere near the calibre of their peers in the late 1970s., but these cunts should at least make an effort.
A real woman has 3 holes “down there”….therefore the “front hole” should be the urethra (pisshole) , the vagina being the “middle hole” and the “back hole ” being that rather naughty treasure sought after by many an ardent tongue.
It’s time that this sick shit was stopped.
i.e.Offending 99% of the population by pandering to a vocal community of misfits.
As for “gender reASSignment” surgery I would happily perform this with a blunt axe creating one great big crevice into which all the piss, lesbo juices and shit can mingle.
No doubt the tranzfuks won’t appreciate this, so they can just fuck off.
Not surprised that this came from Brighton. Or Benefits-by-the-sea as it should be renamed:
Green Party cunts✅
Huge gay/lesbian/trans community ✅
Massive drug problem✅
Second largest HIV community in England✅
Like San Francisco but without the good weather or heritage❎
This site is gonna get real boring, real quick, if new cunters keep getting the shitty end of the stick. Everyone on here was a first time cunter once, so let’s at least give them a fair crack of the whip before calling them out as an alt/alias/sock puppet/whatever.
Admin do a pretty good job of weeding out the persistent weirdos. ?
Forgot to add:
I thought nom was a decent maiden cunting. Good effort Dandy ?
As a newbie with one identity, one I.P. and no VPN I’d just say I enjoy this site. I note the banter between the old regulars and it’s to be expected. All good fun. I’m keeping my head down for a while and being a non controversial wimp. Never said hi and made an intro, so for what it’s worth 72 next month, ex RN and living in sunny Manchester.
No need to keep your head down, if you feel pressured to justify your presence here then the sites reasons for existence have failed.
But as always, your choice.
Welcome to the site Infidel, no need to keep your head down, eat, drink and be merry here ??