Siân Berry

A rainbow-flagged cunting please for Siân Berry, celebrated Bride of Chucky tribute act and Green Party candidate for the Mayor of London, who has broken cover today to declare that she wants London to be “the most trans inclusive city in the world”.


The Green Party used to be one of those nice, inoffensive parties who would never get in but you might vote for them if you found all of the major players as attractive as a bout of the knobrot. Not so under the co-leadership of Ms Berry, who has decided to ignore that 28% of Londoners live in poverty and the fact that people are being skewered left, right and centre in the Big Smoke – in favour of rolling out the fucking rainbow carpet for the vanishingly small number of cross-dressers and autogynephiles.

“Trans men are men, trans women are women and non binary identities exist and are valid,” she gushes… no, no, and fucking no! If you’ve got a knob you’re a bloke and if you’ve got a cunt you’re a woman.

She also claims the Trans Taliban are “among society’s most marginalised” – are they fuck? Thanks to fucking Joe “Sniffer” Biden and the Silicon Valley ‘techbros’ banning women from the social media giants for standing up for their rights, we devote massive time and energy to humouring people with untreated mental illness who need HELP, not telling that everything will be OK if they put on a pair of kitten heels and apply the whole of Boots’ No 7 counter because it makes them a real woman.

Really, this will come to nowt, because there’s more chance of Jade Goody being awarded posthumous membership of Mensa than this gargoyle becoming Mayor, but someone needs to stamp on this trans ideology bollocks, and stamp on it fucking hard.

Men are men, women are women and there’s nothing wrong with you if you don’t stick to regressive gender stereotypes. Now fuck off and make some noise about the REAL issues.

Nominated by: Gloria Stitz

55 thoughts on “Siân Berry

  1. The mere thought of this smug bitch makes me projectile vomit. Lady Creampuff will not be amused when she finds my porridge splattered across the breakfast room table.

  2. Green agendas. Ffs. Well their policies always hit the hardest up and are impractical. Take a look at Texas right now. A really cold period of weather has frozen the wind turbines so there are huge blackouts. Peoole are dying from cold and are queuing for hours in the cold for food. This is all thanks to the elites and their green agenda. These fucks are fine as they all have private generators or live in California.
    Now as for this trans crap, once and for all cunters , there is no objective scientific evidence for this so called condition. It is a delusion. You cannot change your sex . It’s hard wired into your DNA. I don’t care what you feel. We trust science for everything in life but for this we throw it away and replace it with feelings . Guff. If you were walking down the street with a friend and they said “I feel like I’m a bird and I’m going to climb that building,jump off and fly” you would stop them. Well some of you cunts would. Why? Because you know they can’t fly.
    What you feel is irrelevant.
    If a judge said in a court “how do you know he is guilty” and you said ” I just feel it” it would be inadmissible as it’s not based on fact.
    Now fuck off you freaky wacko dykie cunt.
    That is all .

    • That is, indeed, the end game of a “green agenda”. Coming to the UK soon – 50 grand electric cars, 5 grand “air source pumps”.

  3. The silly woman is 46 years old ffs! A fourteen year old spouting this drivel would be pitied but surely anyone over their teen years must have a bit of sense.

  4. Whats so ‘green’ about trannys?
    Shes just another snowflake in the capital, mummy & daddy sent her a posh school,
    Some of my friends are negroes
    Dinner party,
    Virtue signalling airhead.
    Trannies are the worst polluters of the natural world!
    They put lip gloss on squirrels and blusher on rabbits.
    She should be calling for a cull.
    Go green!
    Club a tranny.

  5. Tower Hamlets, Brent, Newham and other vibrant diverse communities of our glorious capital are well-known for their inclusivity, tolerance and unicorns shitting rainbows.

    • Look at her eyes in the picture.
      Same look you can find on moonies, California cult members, rev Jim Jones types,
      Thousand yard stare into middle earth.

      “I killed them all because I loved them”
      Shes fuckin puddled.
      Put her in pyjamas that fasten at the back and let her bounce off the rubber walls.

  6. Back in the 1980s, the “Green Party” was known as “The Ecology Party” and tended to be supported by impractical, but totally sincere and dedicated people, now it is just a clearing house for cranks and pansies and Marxists who even the LIbDems and Labour* party find too OTT

    (*Labour do make an exception though for Eddie Izzard – as the late Queen Mother once told one of her footman, caught trying on her jewels – “there’s only room for one old queen in this place”)

    • WC@
      Your mate kier is on telly ?
      He sounds like he needs to blow his nose?
      Like hes permanently got a cold.
      An that little balding fuck Matt Hancock is on too?
      I fuckin hate them all,
      But Matthew pushes all the buttons.

      • Definitely a grass.
        Has the look doesn’t he?
        Id never tire of beating this smug blushing cunt.

        “STOP BLUSHING!!!”

  7. ‘and non-binary identities exist and are valid’

    Not really a ringing endorsement that is it?

    What she really means is-

    ‘even though non binary identities are questionable I believe they exist and are valid’

    And deeper-

    ‘and I’m saying that because I feel I have to to keep my inclusive credentials warm’

  8. Has she asked the people of London if they want to have the most trans inclusive city in the world?
    Would being the most trans inclusive city reduce crime, improve prosperity, keep the streets cleaner, eliminate homelessness and give the people of London a greater sense of pride?
    If forcing the acceptance of cross dressing weirdos on the electorate is her main policy then she really should consider if being a politician is her correct career choice.

    • She looks have the gift of a singing voice from the header pic. So once she has transformed London into a trans inclusive paradise she will sing about it.

    • Problem is I doubt many members of the London community could even understand what the twat is going on about. As the majority of ethnic groups in London look on transbenderism as a “flying without wings” sort of offence I cannot see many of these poor deluded bastards flocking to the Great Wen. Of course I have been wrong before.

  9. A good machine gunning sorts this kind of nonsense.
    Hang about – Matt Hancocks at the door with a brown envelope – but not Carrie Symonds severed head as I ordered!
    He had 1 fkin job to do..

  10. Trannies are degenerates who were rightly ridiculed in the good old days. It was rightly considered a mental Illness since the year dot. Everywhere.

    But now we’ve got to celebrate some mental ‘it puts the lotion in the basket’ nutcase trying to get 4 year olds to question what sex they are?

    Fuck that right off. Open up the nuthouses again and throw the cunts in there.

    “Dr. Cuntybollocks, is it 4,000 or 5,000 volts to Mr Izzard’s nogin today?’

  11. London – Trans inclusive city ?
    Yeah righto love and good luck trying to convince the vast many adherents of a certain religion of peace who reside within this beacon of low crime and tolerance with that claim.

    • Siân Is a perfect example of someone displaying unconscious bias: subconsciously she hates trannies and is luring them to Londonistan for the peacefuls to throw off high buildings.

  12. In a couple of generations London will be a mono culture. Then you can forget womens rights, gay rights, “trans” rights, childrens rights, or anything else not in the Koran. So fuck you Sian you dumb fucking cunt.

  13. So it’s vital all candidates contesting London’s Mayoral election demonstrate how they will work towards progress for lesbian, gay, bi and trans equality.

    That’s a fucking threat. Cunt!

    • When Dame Keir in his big speech the other day said “Where I see an injustice I want to change it” I suspect he meant wimmin and waycism and poofery – nothing else.

      • Cunt this ain’t Iran. Silly bastard trying to get it on with the front line in Harpenden or something. This little piece of land is most likely the most liberal place in the fucking universe. You don’t get shot for going to school if female (depends on ethnic culture group). Trannies gays whatever’s have more perceived rights than normals, child abuse is allowed cough, cough. No holding to account of any really bent government ministers etc. Though that is often because they have not got a fucking clue, just because you read ppe at Oxford does not make you lord of all.
        Add a complete joke of a legal system throw in the Uman Rights Act. Basically do what you like except free speech and hate crimes. The real injustice that kweer should get his teeth into is the complete cunting of every thing that made the U.K. Great. Not much chance of that!

  14. I wonder in what part of London this entitled bint lives? Not Islington per chance? How about she moves to colourful and fully diverse Tower Hamlets? Preferably on the 42nd floor in a rundown tower lock that David Lammy knows a friend of!

    I suppose she will also expect ordinary people (Anglo-Saxon residents) to cough up more council tax for the benefit of seeing their city turn rainbow, while at the same time accusing those very same people of bigotry, racism, privilege and transphobia!

  15. I’m not sure if trannies even want to be inclusive.
    They chose to live on the margins of society and seem to have the ‘look at me, see how different I am’ mentality.
    Women certainly don’t want them to be inclusive if Mrs. Cunter is anything to go by.
    Just because a man decides to put on a wig and some lipstick they are not accepted into the sisterhood.
    It really doesn’t matter how much a tranny has paid for his frock or how good he is at putting on his makeup, women do not want them using their bogs or dressing rooms.
    Mrs. Cunter tells me that if she were to find one of these freeks in a ladies toilet she would embed one of her stiletto heels in its head.

    • Well now I’m imagining a changing room full of women in nothing but stilettoes.

      I’ve got the orn now.

  16. She gives me the horn.

    When did the greens morph into the reds? Environmentalism is communism now. The greens can fuck off.

    • As my long deceased uncle Bob used to say back in the 1980’s:

      “Scratch a Green and you’ll find a Red underneath.”

      Or more recently Greens described as watermelons: green on the outside, red on the inside.

  17. Tell this tree hugging minge munching hag to go and sprout her shit in Saudi Arabia and see how she/it/they whatever the fuck it is and see how far it gets, a visit to chop chop square on a Friday afternoon methinks

  18. Her co-leader of the Greens – Caroline Lucas – has a lovely pair of tits.

    Otherwise there is nothing good about the Greens – or should we call it as it is – the Watermelon Party.

    Morning fellow cunters

    • Caroline Lucas is a three-bag bitch: one to cover her head, one to cover your head, and one to throw up in.

      I bet her tits are as saggy as shit.

  19. The Green Party are pretty much irrelevant – the main parties have all bought into this eco bollocks and have it hidden away in the small print in their manifestos. The Tories planning to foist £1trillion worth of pointless, painful, “green” changes on us. But they don’t talk about it much. The Greens are a useful smokescreen for them. Maybe cunts like this are sponsored by the Tories to keep the heat off the subject?

    Apologies for the BBC link BTW (couldn’t find it elsewhere – I think they only published this due to a bit of Brexit bashing):

    • The green policies will be harmful to the economy for nowt; it’s now all too late to reverse the trajectory of atmospheric and oceanic warming (and expansion) in any meaningful way. Every year that passes means more severe action would been required to mitigate warming but
      is now locked in for decades even if human civilisation stopped emitting C02 tomorrow.
      Much more sane policies shouldve been introduced 30-40 years ago.

      10 years to save the planet? No.
      The planet will carry on quite happily. Humans and other animals will have to adapt or die.

  20. Let’s just see how many votes she gets in the forthcoming ( if they ever happen ) Mayoral Elections. I predict a landslide for Citizen Khan, a win by over 44 million postal votes.

  21. Let’s look at this another way. For London to be trans friendly, they would have to get rid of all the cunts whose backwards culture or religion completely oppose these people.
    Contrary to what the agenda of the day would have you believe, the indigenous people of Great Britain are probably the most tolerant people on earth, and it is only the intolerance shown by people who have made Britain their home in recent years that makes this even an issue.
    I could put up with the odd drag queen tottering about to be rid of those who’s morals and values are at odds with our own.

  22. I much preferred Sian ore-op: when “she” was a “he” called Nick?
    Lovable cocker-knee with a smile and a wink for all the laydees of Albert square, as The lovable rogue “Wicksy”. Even better in Heartbeat?

    “Every Loser wins” Berry, old son, er gal?

  23. I love a good tranny. They never, ever fail to make me laugh. They’re reliable like that. Weirdos.

  24. Well cunted.

    The Greens are copying the mistakes of Labour and the Lib dems by trying to make a a rare disorder into a social jystice issue and changing the English language around gender. Do these thick cunts not get it? Are they content to be also-rans for eternity?

    Nobody outside North London or Brighton is buying into it, especially now they’ve alienated otherwise liberal women by calling them menstruators and using ‘chestfeeding’.

    What makes the greens any different to the pathetic corporations peddling woke bullshit?

    Nobody with natural hair colour would vote for such cunts.

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