Sexually Lazy Women

A sexually lazy woman is a cunt,

Yes women who lie there and ‘ooh and aaaah’ whilst you plough away are cunts.
I thought we lived in an equality mad world these days? I know most women have a man who pays the bills, puts food on the table and puts up with their whinging, criticism and fat arse but c’mon.

The least a woman can do is get a bit lively in between the sheets…I’ve learned through my vast experience of the fairer sex that if you get a say 21 year old they are full of energy and enthusiasm when it comes to sex.

Older women say 40+ don’t have as much energy and to some degree it’s understandable as in most cases they have been doing what they should be doing, which is washing, cleaning, cooking and ironing most of the day. After a putting a shift in keeping the house clean for their man, and making sure they look decent when he returns home it’s not too much to ask for a bit of sexual liveliness is it?

What I will not tolerate is my now ex girlfriend who at the age of 34 has turned into a lie on your back shag. Now don’t get me wrong it’s not all doom and gloom as she still sucked me off and took it up the arse once a fortnight but what the hell makes her think she’s can lie there and not put in any effort.

As I have said cunters she is now my ex and I am available so to all the females cunters aaaht there who have been wondering abaaaaaht my dashing looks, big cock, intelligence and proper manliness this eligible bachelor is available.

Go fuck yourselves.

Nominated by: Black and White Cunt

69 thoughts on “Sexually Lazy Women

  1. I’m beginning to think B&W stands for Bullshitter and Wanker. I don’t know where I got that idea from.

    • I think he needs a new, up to date toupee and a fresh pair of tracky bottoms from sports direct. Then he might pull a better class if slag

      • Bullshitting go fuck yourselves…
        I’ve been aaaht for a drive in my run down Mondeo, I actually wear shoes with my shell suit and my Mrs is whichever phone card I find in a London phone box. ?

      • Can’t get a bus to it Sir Mali Pirate, it’s in the middle of a field in Kent. You can’t miss it, load of kids doing wheelies on noisy motorbikes, fires everywhere, and my Mrs has 14 fingers.
        We’re going out in the woods to catch something for dinner, you want some?

      • Sounds just like where I used to live in Harlow. Save some BBQ squirrel for me and I will bring the white lightning and thunderbird ?

  2. My youmg lady companion Miss busty showed me a well turned ankle recently, I was so overcome I had to adjust my cravat!
    I am a beast..

      • I am not into drugging my female conquests like some of the shocking revelations I have read on here today. I more of a take them aaaht and have drinks and go home and fuck them kind of guy.

    • “Youmg”? – I am clearly dyslexic as well as degenerate! ?
      It’s finally stopped pissing down – time for a bike ride.

  3. Have you considered using a smaller dose of Rohypnol on your “conquests’…I bet that they’d be a hell of a lot more animated if they were actually aware of what was going on.

    • Its alright sowing your wild oats BWC, but comes a time you need to settle down,
      Looks fade , he was a good looking bloke who never settled down,
      That Cliff Richard.
      Dont want to spend your middle age playing tennis.

    • Morning Mr F…how’s yourself?
      After over-application of the chloroform and ketamine, my ‘dates’ are usually comatose (or dying) and so I have installed a couple of block and tackles onto the garage cross beams.
      Then, using various light cords I can puppeteer my conquests into sexual animation and they don’t even cry or complain, the dirty, silent minxes!
      It is a tad inconvenient though…it means I have to park my classic car out in the rain whilst I’m hammering away at their flesh.
      The poor car might get rusty. Although it does have a large trunk where a dead body or four can be stored if I accidentally get little “over enthusiastic”..

      • It’s good that you have a hobby you enjoy so enthusiastically in these difficult times,Mr.Cunt-Engine….some people may call you a fiend and a disgrace but the Greta Thundercunts can Fuck Off as far as I’m concerned….if you want an old gas-guzzling car,you go for it.
        PS..Remember though…”Keep Britain Tidy” when disposing of old tyres,worn seats,dead prostitutes,blown exhausts etc…No fly-tipping (unless you’re a wagon-driver of course…it is accepted that they will leave a trail of dead sex-workers in their wake wherever they go)

        Morning All.

      • Ho ho, well I’ll try not to leave a mess but it’s a nightmare having to buy lots of carpet to wrap up the dead ladies. And you can’t then squeeze more than two in my neighbour’s wheelie bin.
        ISAC joking aside, I do have this exact car:
        A 1964 ford galaxie. No MOT, no tax required. Although at 11 mpg, it does cost quite a bit to drive the fucker 80 mile round trip to work occasionally.
        Driving it through town is pretty sweet, the iron v8’s resonance (and loud exhausts) setting off car alarms.
        You’re right…fuck the eco loons. That car causes less enviromental damage than it takes to build a new Tesla.

      • Thanks MNC…I’ll drive it to the ISAC summer jamboree. As long as it’s no further than 50 miles!

      • Thomas-a classic car is like being married to a high maintenance bitch-plenty of tears, frustration and expense for the occasional enjoyable ride?

        Nice car though?
        I would have a Vincent or vintage Indian motorcycle as a summer classic toy. Car wise, an original Mustang fastback or a vintage Chevy pick up truck.

      • Must admit that I’ve never been a car buff…. although I do like to see the old car clubs who sometimes have a drive out in the summer up here. For me a vehicle is just a tool…I’d drive around in a Reliant Robin if I thought it would do the job.

      • Nice choice of classic, Mr TTCE; you can’t beat the magical song of a V8.

        I have a somewhat more modest 1973 Rover P6 V8. A bit of a flying machine in its day, but can still outgun many bits of modern tin.

    • Dick, I assume your chat up lines revolve around your vast landholdings and the fact that you can trace your lineage back to the man in charge of the Harrying of the North?

      • I’ve surprisingly found that the less I say,the better…woman seem to prefer the silent types judging by my experiences…of course that leaves the difficult problem of attracting their attention in the first place but I have found that my distinct “musky” odour,alarming appearance and “wandering hands” do seem to’s then just a matter of telling B+WC which one of his “harem” has caught my attention and paying him his money.

        Sorry to hear that it’s too hot with you at the moment,Mike…my heart bleeds.

    • No need for any of that with me DF, I often catch my conquests staring at me such is my aura and magnetism. ?

      • I have no doubts that they stare at you,B+WC….they probably think that you are Roland Gift playing the part of “Huggy Bear” in some remake of Starsky and Hutch….and I bet you tell them that you are.
        🙂 .

  4. All that sex sounds like a lot of hard work.

    A nice sit down, cup of tea, slice of cake, much better. Less stressful. 🙂

    • And a few grammes of magic mushrooms. Well, they’re called “magic truffles” now to get around the ban. They’re veeeeery relaxing…

  5. A different nom B&WC. Mrs Mitten is 13 years younger and though having certainly put on some weight during lockdown, it’s spread fairly evenly, so just looks curvier. Being stuck indoors and the only woman I get to see I find I’m perving at her ass in particular for great parts of the day thinking what I’m going to do to her.
    Problem is kids are at home all the time, by the time they have gone to bed and I’ve had a couple of pints of stout, I shuffle off to bed and all the enthusiasm has gone.
    Can I be bothered with all the pumping and grinding when I’m shattered? I long for the days when we could just do it when you fancied it. The thrill of undressing them.
    Now it’s a half hearted effort as it gets close to midnight and Mrs Mittens cock sucking efforts have gone from one a week to once every couple of months.

    • I get what you’re saying FM.
      My Ex used to send me pictures etc when I was away and I would think to myself ‘I’m going to fuck you all night’ anyways after having a wank I used to make my excuses and not bother having her round.

      • I’m know feeling somewhat apologetic B&WC as having moaned the Mrs rested her bum on my groin this morning and I had the pleasure or one in the tradesmen’s entrance.
        Perhaps she visits this site and saw me complaining!

      • Sad but true Coolforcunts, although not getting married but being with them for over two years usually has the same result.

  6. You can buy a Chinese sex doll off Feebay that looks just like a part worn prostitute.
    One thousand pounds plus VAT.

    It does not cook breakfast.

    So I’ve been told.

    • Not yet anyway. Can’t wait until the Stepford Wives become reality. I’d be ordering 5 mutes who are Michelin standard cooks who look like top glamour models, thank you very much.

  7. I had an Italian girlfriend who loved sex, was up for it anytime but she hated touching cocks and although she thoroughly enjoyed what you did her participation in the event was minimal. Didn’t last long.

    • Moggie: she nota lika da salami☹️
      Mamma Mia.
      Bullett dodged-probably 30 stone with a moustache now ?

  8. Poor old B&W?

    He is learning that most women are performers: they play the part of sex kitten to seduce a mate, then their diet changes and they eat something that piles on the weight and reduces the sex drive:
    Wedding Cake☹️?.

    In all truth, most couples labido’s are miss-matched, that’s why there is so much infidelity.
    Also women have weaponised sex-the cunts?

    I remember when a good mate of mine split up with his wife, I was surprised because they seemed well matched. I asked him straight out, why?
    He told me that he could remember the exact day they last had sex-take his youngest child’s birth date and subtract just under nine months. This kid was now 6 years old. My mate was only 38 years old?

    Conversely, as an enthusiastic lad of 20, I shagged a recently separated women in her late 30’s, who had been with the same bloke since she was 17. I literally “smashed the granny out of her”.
    Afterwards she told me that her ex had never gone down on her-she came 3 or 4 times during the foreplay.

    There must be literally millions of frustrated men & women out there?

    B&W- I have advised you before to look east young man-a nice, slim Polish or Ukrainian, or a Filipino or Korean, maybe a nice Japanese woman-they all seem to keep themselves in “better shape”?

    Finally, I would need a four poster bed, similar to one of the no doubt vast pieces in Castle Fiddler, to fit the notches from my activities ?
    I married er indoors because “we fit” in many ways. Also lots of if anger and passion still, after all these years.
    If it was too “perfect” it would be too fucking boring.

    I did however “road test” a shit load of other women between first meeting her, then getting it together permanently ??.

    You need to keep looking for the “one” young Jedi
    Either that or consider the possibility that “you is a batty boy??”

    • I am looking for the one CG, I would love it to be a British bird (culturally, language etc) but London is so international it’s usually easier to find some foreigner. I had an Estonian bird once but she was a bit too old school for me…used to take her to a restaurant and she wanted me to put her coat on and shit as we left…the cheeky cow. ?

  9. This rings true. After our youngest was born my Mrs ended up doing that starfish thing.

    It turned my stomach and then she acted all surprised when the inevitable happened.

    And if you can find a woman in her 40s who’s being ignored by her husband you will not have a better time.

  10. As long as I get mine, I couldn’t care less if she’s swinging from the lampshades or not. As long as she’s still alive, that’ll do me

    Only hippies and closet gays care if the woman enjoys herself. It’s in the karma sutra and everything.

    Page 1 – It’s a race and I’ve never lost.

    • I agree Fuglyucker,
      The only good thing abaaaaaht it is you can tell them how shit in bed they were when you dump them. ?

  11. Part (not so) humble brag this one eh B&W??

    Anyway B&WC I thought you enjoyed doing the starfish thing. Oh sorry wrong type of starfish. ?

    • Harold-wasn’t it you who referred to the “Rusty Sherriff’s Badge” as “Balloon knot” some time back?
      That had me laughing out load so much that I almost choked ??

      • CG more than likely. ?

        That’s one of many names I’ve heard it called over the years.

  12. Took me three marriages to find the right wife.
    Never had a BJ like it. Eye poppingly amazing!

  13. Indeed-wives/girlfriends are like vacuum cleaners:

    When they no longer suck efficiently, bin em and get a newer model ?

  14. There’s not many submissive women around who go beyond the call of duty. It’s been conditioned out thanks to cultural marxism. ‘Men are pigs’ and sex is now a weapon to get what they want. It always was a trade, but where we were friends we are now enemies.

    You think I want to go down on that clam trap disaster area? No. But I’ll do it, put in the effort, if that’s what she wants. I expect the same in return.

    The instant they start playing up is the instant I start looking elsewhere. Life is too short to put up with that bullshit. Unless you have a medical condition, put out or make room for someone who will, biatch!

    Too many thirsty men have enabled this bullshit behaviour in women and let them get away with it.

  15. Wait to you encounter the menopausal woman BW&C, you’ll think you’ve met that cunt from the alien films without a libido.

    I don’t mean weaver!

    • The best strategy is to catch them in the last gash saloon, in the 30-40 age range. There’s a race against the baby clock, beauty clock, and hormones clock. Plus they’ve usually let go of hangups and prudish attitude. All in all very willing!

      • You’re not wrong Chunky. Men need to understand this and take full advantage of the window of opportunity.

        Trouble is we can see the women getting older but don’t see it in ourselves. There comes a time when chasing the ladies just makes you look like a sad old cunt.

  16. Ex used to fall asleep on the couch after supper, then read in bed until about 2 in the morning.
    A double bed can be a bloody lonely place, even when fully occupied (2 people…).
    She never initiated anything, situation just got too tedious…

  17. Sirs:

    In the olden days when I was approaching age 50 I had a girlfriend who was 17 years younger. She was an athlete in every way. Plumb wore me out.

    So much so that I actually called into work one day and told the boss I couldn’t make it because I was wiped out from all the strenuous sex.

    Boss laughed so hard he needed his inhaler, and gave me the day off.

  18. You’re right about lazy women B&W, most of them just lie on their backs and leave everything to the fella. You’d think some of them would get on their knees and say ‘take me this way’. Just once, a girl took over and got on top of me but it didn’t do much for me and didn’t appear to do all that much for her either.
    Nice to note you only have anal sex once a fortnight and give her bumhole time to recover. You’re such a gentleman.

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