Another week, yet another apology to James Hewitt’s brave little soldier, or the threat of another prosecution. Jim’s boy, the Prince of Snowflakes, is forever having his delicate little feelings hurt and his wife deeply upset over some piece of tittle tattle over the little prats life.
It’s the Mail Online this week:
Nearly every day, it seems, somebody upsets the little bastard, but as he no longer lives in Britain why does he worry so much. We all have our own opinion of the little shitstain, no matter how many newspapers write cheques for him. He is a greedy grasping little cunt, no better than a ponce in a Parisian pissoir.
It is a pity any newspaper continues to give the little wanker the oxygen of publicity – for no marks like him there is only one thing worse than be written about, and that is not being written about. Let him sink to the obscurity he so richly deserves.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
Stupid Daily Mail; they should have done an opinion piece and questioned how Harry is supporting anyone other than himself, Megain and Archie living in California and getting money off Netflix and Spotify for woke guff.
But with his woke wife prodding the MSM there’s no chance of obscurity ever blighting their pathetic lives.
Another swift GMTV cunting for Kate Goaway (garraway) horse faced harridan and publicity seeking trumpet. Another day goes by and there she is complaining she hasn’t been able to see hubby in hospy.
But she’s on TV so she cannair her views. Unlike the untold thousands who’s relatives are in care homes and can’t get to see them / say arriverderci as they pass away.
My heart literally does not bleed for you Kate
Ginger cunt-nugget has the Intelligence of an empty crisp packet.
Gold digger Sparkle tits is using this dumb fuck but he’s that thick he can’t see it. He’s proper cunt-struck with Meghan Sparkle. A classic tale of her fanny dictating his life……..
Thing is, Sparkle tits needs to be careful. Stupid as carrot knackers is, he belongs to a sinister family with a 1000 year history of murder and underhandness that would frighten even the Scilian mafia.
The spooks at M16 (dressed as paparazzi) are most likely on standby to terminate the little gold digging slag should be seen driving through an underpass in the Los Angeles area……..
Josef: I’m picking myself off the kitchen floor laughing at “Ginger Cunt-Nugget”. One of the best cunted-bestowed names ever!!
I aim to please Mr Cuntbuster. I too love reading other cunters cuntings.
Puts a smile on my face even during these dark Covid times.
All the best to you Sir!
A nonentity.
A person with no skills of any kind.
A person whose ‘military service’ was a joke. Allegedly.
A person whose highest academic achievement is an A Level in Art.
A person who, to use an irritating modern phrase, is blind to his own immense privilege. He would never have got into officer training without his family background. I’m sure even an application for the cannon fodder regiment (retard company) would probably have binned if he was from a council estate.
The only reason this pointless oxygen thief gets any publicity is because he slithered out from between the legs of the person who happened to be married to Liz the Last’s eldest son at the time.
Poor old Phil must be fucking furious .
He looks like james o Brian’s brother or dad , we all know James o Brian is adopted, could diana have been james o Brian mum? Well , one thing is for sure, james Hewitt’s jizz Carrys the ginger gene,
And the wokedom gene too, can anyone arrange a night time drive in paris for o Brian and harry Hewitt?
Another wannabe Nazi!
Photographic evidence available on request.
He is probably an anti-semite, RTC!
I highly doubt it.
Rumour has it that Her Maj is going to strip gingerbollocks of his honorary military titles. Rumour also has it that he is coming over next month (without his his slag wife) to beg Her Maj not to deprive him of his unearned and undeserved military status. Hopefully she will call him a cunt and tell him to fuck off back to Hollywoke where he belongs. Fucking no balls pussy whipped wanker.
I hope Old Liz and The Firm gives him hell, the illegitimate little fuckface.
And if his self serving praying mantis slag of a wife ever sets foot in Blighty again, with any luck she’ll get hers. Accidentally on purpose, of course.
Bloody shame Trump never managed to hang on as POTUS to kick Megain’s sidekick’s arse out of the country if you ask me. On second thoughts we’d have him back here then, so maybe not.
Back in 1997, I got fed up of seeing Princess Di and her “companion” Dodo Fayed in the media every bleeding day. I wished that the wall-to-wall news coverage of her would stop. Then her car driven by a drunk was followed by a white Fiat Uno and a few weeks later the news moved onto other stories.
Should I be feeling the same way about the Duke and Duchess of Hewitt?
Indubitably, my dear HBC. Fingers crossed your wishes will come true. Care of punts (apologies to Mrs Spooner).
Shaun should be… Please, Shaun!!
Why can’t he just fuck off and stay put in woke California. Never darken our shores again you pointless waste of space.
Careful Uttercunt. You might start another war between the UK and US fighting over who has to take the cunt. We don’t want him either. But you do make a good point that he is in wokecunt Calif. (which some would argue shouldn’t even be in the USA.)
I’ll risk it BC. Maybe the USA could kick California out of the union thus saving both countries the pain of having to put up with the insufferable little twat .
If only someone somewhere could expose, beyond doubt, this retards true parentage, it would finally put an end to all his bollocks. After the initial surge of sympathy he’d be completely washed up. Charles would be seen as honourable for bringing him up as his own and Diana’s true colours exposed for all to see. It’s a win win for the royals so why they keep up the pretence is a mystery. Strip him of his unearned medals by all means but it’s his fake parentage that’s the real scandal.
Diana Sloaney was an undisputed dyed in the wool 42 karat copper bottomed authentic deluxe slag. She saw off more blokes than both World Wars and went down more times than Manchester City did in the 80s and 90s.
Oddly, that header photo of him is exactly the same pose as one of his stepfather, who manages to look an equally and thoroughly gormless turd.
Is this not the ‘win’ where he won about 2.5k damages but had to pay 30k in costs?
Whoopee fucking doo, a mahoosive 2.5k for the charidee he has no time for now he’s a sleb in Commiwood.
In best Derek and Clive voice; “Wotta cunt.”
I wonder if his owner, with the oh so woke credentials has ever realised that the one sector of British society that actually did profit from slavery was this cunt’s supposed family?
Not for them toiling in the pits and ironworks or sweatshops or fields.
Oh, it’s him again ?
Please excuse this slight diversion but just pissed myself laughing at hearing that the previous Health Secretary, Hunt the Cunt has just broken his arm.
How did he do it?
Out running in icy weather!! You just couldn’t fuckin’ make it up!
Didn’t he also say, while Government advice is not to book holidays, that he’s going to Cornwall on holiday this year? Or was it one of the other fuckwits?
That was Hancock.
A simply beautifully worded nom, WC.
I’ve nothing to add. Perfect.
Meghan: ‘Oh Harry, you know the only reason i forced you to leave your family, country, military, friends and to give up drinking, smoking, laughing and making you drink wheatgrass and kale smoothies is only because i love you so much don’t you’?
Harry: ‘Ofcourse i do munchkins, yah, and i just know we’ll be together for ever, darling’.
Re Hewitt:
America’s loss is most certainly our gain ?
Get a proper job and stop being a whinging snowflake ginger cunt, you cunt.
Call me a pervert but I’d still shag his missus.
The sooner the useless royal bastich and his slut of a wife are in a Paris tunnel, the fucking better.
What was Princess Di’s favorite drink?…..a dody wallbanger
Whining whelp – sat in his 16 million Dollar mansion surrounded by servants with fat Reg’s private jet permanently parked on the croquet lawn outside.
Cuck, plastic soldier, educationally sub normal and married to Wokis Simpson.
Permanent victim, piss wet snivelling little rich kid bitch.
And we, the UK taxpayer, still pay a huge amount to keep this cunt.
Well, if he wants to live his life as “just one of the ordinary little nobody people” that’s fine – strip him of rank, Royal Status and our money.
Try that one, cunt.