Pooch Perfect is a new dog grooming reality competition show on BBC One where professional dog stylists compete in themed challenges. It has come under fire recently for “degrading” the dogs by painting their claws and giving them a ‘pawdicure’ with red nail polish and glitter and dyeing their fur into bright colours.
Dogs are not toys or accessories to be dressed up and degraded on the whims of their stupid vacuous cunt owners. The contestants and judges seemed to be made up of trendy beard, tattooed , pierced mincing hipsters and the sort of mental bints obsessed by social media and who gives the dogs their own Twitter accounts and Instagram their every arse sniff.
I would invite them to try and give my German Shepherd a makeover and guarantee she would be shitting out top knots and nose rings the next day.
Release the Hounds!
Nominated by: Liberal Liquidator
The BBC-one can imagine that over the years, many executives have, resplendent in a collar and leash, been lead around the office, prior to being “pegged”☹️
This is just a natural progression.
What next? Pro-celebrity female genital mutilation?
The ghost of Jimmy Savile will be putting the willies up those poor pooches.
The filthy cunt.
I think I’ve lost brain cells just hearing about this programme.
I wonder how much it costs to make this garbage ? Next to fuck all, I would imagine.
Plenty left over for champers, caviar and rent boys.
The bent cunts.
Get To Fuck.
I bet Elton would the poodle in the pic. He’d sing to it-‘blue ears…baby’s got blue ears…’
Blue ears, red arse.
Boris would be a big lumbering St Bernard, the sort that slobbers over visitors and tries to dry hump them on the sofa.
Nah-Bojo would be a fat Golden Retriever with no teeth: all bark and no-fucking-bite?
Miles-I think Sir Elton and his good lady wife, David, prefer “sausage” dogs?
Elton John is a definite cunt but is apparently very kind to his animals and even went as far as getting a small treadmill made to help keep his pet rabbit in shape.
It’s a little fit bunny….
Dogs tend to favour their owners, its true.
Jack has a border collie-alert, hardworking, energetic.
LL-german shepherd, alert, smart,
Vernon Fox- ridgebacks.
Sturdy, athletic, capable.
Mnc- akita, big, hairy, stubborn.
I wonder what other cunters have?
I love dogs, but cant abide those little yappy hairless weak ones,
The type that bark at bigger dogs?
Those are a disgrace.
Who will dare do a Fiddler comparison Miserable?
I assume Dicks hounds are like their master,
Like to chase wildlife, canny,
And enjoy letting off meaty farts next to the fire!?
I would imagine his Lordship has a Lurcher, an Irish Wolfhound and a pack of Patterdale terriers?
Staffies. Fearless but gentle and faithful.
The victorians called them nanny dogs because they were good with kids
I’ve got a beautiful little Staffie bitch. She’s a great guard dog.
I’ve got a 4 stone muscle bound cunt of a husky/border collie, and hates yappy little dogs and just wants to chew the fuck out of them!… that’s what i like about him.
I will “obviously” be searching for a Mexican Hairless bitch and shall call her “Salma Hyak ???”
Mis: re comments about yappt hairless breeds that bark at bigger dogs.
All dogs think they gave it in them to “bite”.
Only when faced with overwhelming physical odds, do they realise the error of their ways and run away, tail firmly between their legs, whimpering ?.
Some dogs bark.
Some dogs bite.?
Havent seen this shit but dont like poncy dogs. Anyfucker who dyes a dog is a cunt. And a shirtlifter.
All dogs have personalities, it’s just this shite of glamorizing kardashying of these pet friends is sicko disgusting. I can’t wait for the first transgender operation because some woke cunt thinks it’s right for the dog or is it bitch because the owner knows better
Will the Duke and Duchess of Hewitt be taking part?
I can imagine the Duchess leading her ginger pooch around the floor before the bitch gives him a good hard pegging.
Maybe he’ll cock his leg and piss on her on behalf of the good folk of England.
That Sheridan Smith is a right pooch, she gives me the horn.
If this isn’t worth an increase of the licence fee, I don’t know what is. There’ll be an army of over-75’s that will be so glad of this programme while they’re eating dog-food themselves in a bid to avoid starvation.
I replaced my TV with a fish tank some time ago. Much more interesting than telly programmes, and even more so after I’d put some fish in it.